I am using the LinearMobility module of Inet in a compound module, I need to read the position of the node to use in the .cc code. I have looked for the answers and I came across this code:
cModule *host = getContainingNode(this);
IMobility *mobility = check_and_cast<IMobility *>(host->getSubmodule("mobility"));
... = mobility->getCurrentPosition();
But unfortunately this code throws a run time error, probably there is something wrong with the check_and_cast because the getCurrentPosition() method for the mobility does not work. (I have also tried dynamic_cast instead of check_and_cast bust still the code throws an error ).
The error I receive is :
20:11:54 **** Build of configuration release for project copytic ****
make MODE=release all copytic.cc In file included from copytic.cc:5:
In file included from
warning: 'inet::Coord::str' redeclared inline; 'dllimport' attribute
ignored [-Wignored-attributes] inline std::string Coord::str() const
^ In file included from copytic.cc:5: In file included from
warning: 'inet::EulerAngles::str' redeclared inline; 'dllimport'
attribute ignored [-Wignored-attributes] inline std::string
EulerAngles::str() const
^ 2 warnings generated. token_m.cc Creating executable: out/clang-release//copytic.exe
undefined reference to __imp__ZTIN4inet9IMobilityE'
undefined reference totypeinfo for inet::IMobility' clang++.exe:
error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see
invocation) make: *** [Makefile:102: out/clang-release//copytic.exe]
Error 1
20:12:13 Build Finished (took 18s.781ms)
I also took a shot from the block of code in my source file :
screenshot of the above-mentioned 3 lines of code
As you can see the getCurrentPosition() method does not work, and when I comment 2nd and 3rd lines of the above-mentioned 3 lines of code, simulation runs without any problems.
This is the copytic.cc ( copytic.cc is only used to test the 3 line code in order to get the position of nodes and does not have any other purposes ) :
#include <string.h>
#include <omnetpp.h>
#include "token_m.h"
#include "inet/mobility/contract/IMobility.h"
using namespace omnetpp;
using namespace std;
using namespace inet;
class Txc1 : public cSimpleModule
public :
simtime_t delay = 0.5 ;
simtime_t delay2 = 0.5 ;
simtime_t duration = 0.25 ;
int maxnodes = 10 ;
string x[10] = {"tic", "toc", "tic"} ;
int numnodes = 2;
int freenodeflag = 1;
string successor ;
string predecessor ;
int inring = 0 ;
string posx ;
// The following redefined virtual function holds the algorithm.
virtual void initialize() override;
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override;
// The module class needs to be registered with OMNeT++
void Txc1::initialize()
Token *msgt = new Token("tok");
msgt->setRingorder(0, "tic");
cModule *target = getModuleByPath("Tictoc1.toc");
sendDirect(msgt, delay , duration , target , "radioIn");
inring = 1 ;
void Txc1::handleMessage(cMessage *msg)
cModule *host = getParentModule()->getSubmodule("tec")->getSubmodule("mobility");
IMobility *mmobility = check_and_cast<IMobility *>(host);
Coord pos = mmobility->getCurrentPosition();
if (strcmp("tok", msg->getName()) == 0 ) {
Token *inv1 = new Token("tok");
Token *inv2 = new Token("tok");
Token *inv3 = new Token("tok");
cModule *targetinv1 = getModuleByPath("Tictoc1.tic");
cModule *targetinv2 = getModuleByPath("Tictoc1.toc");
cModule *targetinv3 = getModuleByPath("Tictoc1.tec");
sendDirect(inv1, delay , duration , targetinv1 , "radioIn");
sendDirect(inv2, delay , duration , targetinv2 , "radioIn");
sendDirect(inv3, delay , duration , targetinv3 , "radioIn");
I am trying to get a value (iatDistribution) from the .ini file to run in the simulation but it will not work.
I have tried hard-coding a value in and it works. But using the variable it won't work.
.cc File
void PacketGen::initialize()
int seqno = 0;
int txId = getParentModule()->par("nodeId");
int messageSize = par("messageSize");
double distro = par("iatDistribution");
scheduleAt(simTime(), new cMessage); //sends the initial message!
void PacketGen::handleMessage(cMessage *msg)
appMessage* message = createMessage();
send(message, "out0");
scheduleAt((distro + simTime()), msg);
.ini File
#Gen & Sink
simulation.TXNode[*].packGen.messageSize = 64
simulation.TXNode[*].packGen.iatDistribution = 0.1
packGen.ned file
simple PacketGen
int messageSize;
double iatDistribution;
output out0;
When a value like 0.1 replaces distro in the scheduleAt((distro + simTime()), msg); line, the simulation time increases but when trying to use the distro variable it does not.
In initialize() you assigned the value of parameter iatDistribution into local variable distro. And probably you have declared variable distro as a member of PacketGen class.
Therefore change the line:
double distro = par("iatDistribution");
distro = par("iatDistribution");
I want to securely send data to my InfluxDB over the Internet using a NodeMCU MCU and a self signed cert.
I found this library that seems to accomplish exactly this but get compile errors, more below -> https://medium.com/#teebr/iot-with-an-esp32-influxdb-and-grafana-54abc9575fb2
This library seems to only use HTTP -> Am i mistaken?
Using the example from the 1st library above from TEEBR, i get this error compiling - Any suggestions on how to fix? Will this run on my NodeMCU?
C:\Users\Jason\Documents\Arduino\libraries\Influx-Arduino-master\InfluxArduino.cpp:1:24: fatal error: HTTPClient.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
exit status 1
Error compiling for board NodeMCU 1.0 (ESP-12E Module).
My code
#include <WiFi.h>
#include "InfluxArduino.hpp"
#include "InfluxCert.hpp"
InfluxArduino influx;
//connection/ database stuff that needs configuring
char WIFI_NAME[] = "ssid";
const char WIFI_PASS[] = "password!";
const char INFLUX_DATABASE[] = "db_name";
const char INFLUX_IP[] = "";
const char INFLUX_USER[] = "db_name"; //username if authorization is enabled.
const char INFLUX_PASS[] = "Password"; //password for if authorization is enabled.
const char INFLUX_MEASUREMENT[] = "FromESP8266"; //measurement name for the database. (in practice, you can use several, this example just uses the one)
unsigned long DELAY_TIME_US = 5 * 1000 * 1000; //how frequently to send data, in microseconds
unsigned long count = 0; //a variable that we gradually increase in the loop
void setup()
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
Serial.println("WiFi connected!");
influx.configure(INFLUX_DATABASE,INFLUX_IP); //third argument (port number) defaults to 8086
influx.authorize(INFLUX_USER,INFLUX_PASS); //if you have set the Influxdb .conf variable auth-enabled to true, uncomment this
influx.addCertificate(ROOT_CERT); //uncomment if you have generated a CA cert and copied it into InfluxCert.hpp
Serial.print("Using HTTPS: ");
Serial.println(influx.isSecure()); //will be true if you've added the InfluxCert.hpp file.
void loop()
unsigned long startTime = micros(); //used for timing when to send data next.
//update our field variables
float dummy = ((float)random(0, 1000)) / 1000.0;
//write our variables.
char tags[32];
char fields[32];
sprintf(tags,"new_tag=Yes"); //write a tag called new_tag
sprintf(fields,"count=%d,random_var=%0.3f",count,dummy); //write two fields: count and random_var
bool writeSuccessful = influx.write(INFLUX_MEASUREMENT,tags,fields);
Serial.print("error: ");
while ((micros() - startTime) < DELAY_TIME_US)
//wait until it's time for next reading. Consider using a low power mode if this will be a while.
Long time reader, first time poster - Thanks for all the help in the past!
I am trying since a few days to set up c++ boost to log different data in 2 different files .
What I managed to get is different files , who all share the same content
The code bellow creates in the log folder , 2 files file.txt and file2.txt with the same content:
0: [2019-Feb-14 19:39:01.997479] - thread 2
1: [2019-Feb-14 19:39:02.035582] - thread 1
0: [2019-Feb-14 19:39:01.997479] - thread 2
1: [2019-Feb-14 19:39:02.035582] - thread 1
class logger
src::logger_mt lg;
logger(std::string filename)
// Create a text file sink
typedef sinks::synchronous_sink< sinks::text_multifile_backend > file_sink;
shared_ptr< file_sink > sink(new file_sink);
// Set up how the file names will be generated
expr::stream << "logs/" << filename));
// Set the log record formatter
expr::format("%1%: [%2%] - %3%")
% expr::attr< unsigned int >("RecordID")
% expr::attr< boost::posix_time::ptime >("TimeStamp")
% expr::smessage
// Add it to the core
// Add some attributes too
logging::core::get()->add_global_attribute("TimeStamp", attrs::local_clock());
logging::core::get()->add_global_attribute("RecordID", attrs::counter< unsigned int >());
void log(std::string message)
BOOST_LOG(lg) << message;
logger logger1("file2.txt");
logger logger2("file.txt");
// This function is executed in a separate thread
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
logger2.log("thread 2");
logger1.log("thread 1");
return 0;
I know is a basic question , but i read all the examples from the boost distribution libs\log\example and i couldnt find anything similar.
The help is appreciated.
See this answer, in particular its first half about channels and filters.
I am trying to simulate a sensor array in Castalia capable of using more than one sensor per node but when I run the simulation it takes the names of the sensors as one item and ends up displaying the sensor index and value of the sensor mentioned first. Please help!! how can I get it to detect more than one sensor per node
omnetpp.ini (valueReporting)
# ==========================================================
# Always include the main Castalia.ini file
# ==========================================================
include ../Parameters/Castalia.ini
sim-time-limit = 600s
SN.field_x = 100 # meters
SN.field_y = 100 # meters
SN.numNodes = 36
SN.deployment = "6x6"
SN.node[*].Communication.Radio.RadioParametersFile = "../Parameters/Radio/CC2420.txt"
SN.node[*].Communication.MACProtocolName = "TMAC"
SN.node[*].Communication.RoutingProtocolName = "MultipathRingsRouting"
#SN.node[*].Communication.Routing.collectTraceInfo = true
SN.node[*].ApplicationName = "ValueReporting"
SN.node[3].Application.isSink = true
# test 2 physical processes
SN.numPhysicalProcesses = 2
SN.physicalProcess[0].printDebugInfo = true
SN.physicalProcess[1].printDebugInfo = true
SN.physicalProcess[0].description = "Degrees Celsius"
SN.physicalProcess[1].description = "Blood Glucose"
SN.physicalProcess[0].inputType = 1
SN.physicalProcess[1].inputType = 1
#SN.physicalProcess[0].directNodeValueAssignment = "(0) 0:25 1:23 2:21 3:24 4:26"
#SN.physicalProcess[1].directNodeValueAssignment = "(0) 0:360 1:380 2:375 3:390 4:390"
SN.node[*].SensorManager.numSensingDevices = 2
SN.node[*].SensorManager.sensorTypes = "Temperature Bloodglucose"
SN.node[*].SensorManager.corrPhyProcess = "0 1"
In the SensorManager.ned file, I changed these lines as for the rest of the file everything is left as is
string sensorTypes = default ("Temperature,Bloodglucose");
// string array of comma-separated Names for the sensing devices
string corrPhyProcess = default ("0,1");
Now the temperature physical process files
package physicalProcess.temperaturePhysicalProcess;
simple TemperaturePhysicalProcess like physicalProcess.iPhysicalProcess {
bool collectTraceInfo = default (true);
double temperature = default (37); //normal body temperature is 37 degrees celcius
string description = default ("Degrees Celsius");
output toNode[];
input fromNode[];
#define SIMTIME_STEP 0.01
#include "CastaliaModule.h"
#include "PhysicalProcessMessage_m.h"
using namespace std;
typedef struct {
simtime_t time;
double x;
double y;
} sourceSnapshot;
class TemperaturePhysicalProcess: public CastaliaModule {
bool printDebugInfo;
int temperature;
const char *description;
virtual void initialize();
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage * msg);
virtual void finishSpecific();
#include "TemperaturePhysicalProcess.h"
void TemperaturePhysicalProcess::initialize()
//Search for snapshots in castalia manual
void TemperaturePhysicalProcess::handleMessage(cMessage * msg)
if (msg->getKind() != PHYSICAL_PROCESS_SAMPLING)
opp_error("Physical Process received message other than PHYSICAL_PROCESS_SAMPLING");
PhysicalProcessMessage *receivedMsg = check_and_cast < PhysicalProcessMessage * >(msg);
int nodeIndex = receivedMsg->getSrcID();
// Send reply back to the node who made the request
send(receivedMsg, "toNode", nodeIndex);
void TemperaturePhysicalProcess::finishSpecific() {}
Now we'll go to the Blood Glucose physical process
package physicalProcess.bloodGlucoseLevelPhysicalProcess;
simple BloodGlucoseLevelPhysicalProcess like physicalProcess.iPhysicalProcess {
bool collectTraceInfo = default (false);
int averagebloodglucose = default (100); // the amount is in mg per dL
int age = default (20);
string description = default ("Blood Glucose");
output toNode[];
input fromNode[];
#define SIMTIME_STEP 0.01
#include "CastaliaModule.h"
#include "PhysicalProcessMessage_m.h"
using namespace std;
typedef struct {
simtime_t time;
double x;
double y;
} sourceSnapshot;
class BloodGlucoseLevelPhysicalProcess: public CastaliaModule {
bool printDebugInfo;
int averagebloodglucose;
double A1c;
const char *description;
virtual void initialize();
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage * msg);
virtual void finishSpecific();
#include "BloodGlucoseLevelPhysicalProcess.h"
void BloodGlucoseLevelPhysicalProcess::initialize()
averagebloodglucose = par("averagebloodglucose");
description = par("description").stringValue();
A1c = (46.7 + averagebloodglucose) / 28.7;
//Search for snapshots in castalia manual
void BloodGlucoseLevelPhysicalProcess::handleMessage(cMessage * msg)
if (msg->getKind() != PHYSICAL_PROCESS_SAMPLING)
opp_error("Physical Process received message other than PHYSICAL_PROCESS_SAMPLING");
PhysicalProcessMessage *receivedMsg = check_and_cast < PhysicalProcessMessage * >(msg);
int nodeIndex = receivedMsg->getSrcID();
//int sensorIndex = receivedMsg->getSensorIndex();
double returnValue;
// Send reply back to the node who made the request
send(receivedMsg, "toNode", nodeIndex);
void BloodGlucoseLevelPhysicalProcess::finishSpecific() {
Since I'm running the simulation using the ValueReporting application
#include "VirtualApplication.h"
#include "ValueReportingPacket_m.h"
using namespace std;
enum ValueReportingTimers {
class ValueReporting: public VirtualApplication {
double maxSampleInterval;
double minSampleInterval;
int routingLevel;
double lastSensedValue;
int currSentSampleSN;
double randomBackoffIntervalFraction;
bool sentOnce;
int recipientId;
string recipientAddress;
void startup();
void fromNetworkLayer(ApplicationPacket *, const char *, double, double);
void handleSensorReading(SensorReadingMessage *);
void timerFiredCallback(int);
void requestSensorReading(const char *);
#include "ValueReporting.h"
#include <iostream> // std::cout
#include <iomanip>
#include <string> // std::string, std::to_string
#include <stdlib.h> /* atof */
#include <math.h>
#include <cstring>
#include <vector>
#include <array>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
void ValueReporting::startup()
maxSampleInterval = ((double)par("maxSampleInterval")) / 1000.0;
minSampleInterval = ((double)par("minSampleInterval")) / 1000.0;
currSentSampleSN = 0;
randomBackoffIntervalFraction = genk_dblrand(0);
sentOnce = false;
setTimer(REQUEST_SAMPLE, maxSampleInterval * randomBackoffIntervalFraction);
void ValueReporting::timerFiredCallback(int index)
switch (index) {
setTimer(REQUEST_SAMPLE, maxSampleInterval);
void ValueReporting::fromNetworkLayer(ApplicationPacket * genericPacket,
const char *source, double rssi, double lqi)
ValueReportingDataPacket *rcvPacket = check_and_cast<ValueReportingDataPacket*>(genericPacket);
ValueReportData theData = rcvPacket->getExtraData();
trace() << "Sink received from: " << theData.nodeID << " \tvalue=" << rcvPacket->getData();
void ValueReporting::handleSensorReading(SensorReadingMessage * rcvReading)
int sensIndex = rcvReading->getSensorIndex();
string sensType(rcvReading->getSensorType());
double sensValue = rcvReading->getSensedValue();
double x_coor = mobilityModule->getLocation().x;
double y_coor = mobilityModule->getLocation().y;
string sensorindex = to_string(sensIndex);
string sensvalue = to_string(sensValue);
string xcoor = to_string(x_coor);
string ycoor = to_string(y_coor);
string sensorinfo= sensorindex + " " + sensvalue + " " + xcoor + " " + ycoor + " " + sensType;
trace() << sensorinfo;
ValueReportData tmpData;
tmpData.nodeID = (unsigned short)self;
tmpData.locX = mobilityModule->getLocation().x;
tmpData.locY = mobilityModule->getLocation().y;
ValueReportingDataPacket *packet2Net =
new ValueReportingDataPacket("Value reporting pck", APPLICATION_PACKET);
toNetworkLayer(packet2Net, SINK_NETWORK_ADDRESS);
//toNetworkLayer(packet2Net, "6");
sentOnce = true;
void ValueReporting::requestSensorReading(const char * type){
SensorReadingMessage *reqMsg =
new SensorReadingMessage("App to Sensor Mgr: sample request", SENSOR_READING_MESSAGE);
if(type == "Temperature"){
if(type =="BloodGlucose"){
send(reqMsg, "toSensorDeviceManager");
Some things I noticed:
There is no printDebugInfo parameter in the PhysicalProcess module. Probably what you are after is collectTraceInfo.
If you just want to update the values some parameters take, it's not a good idea to edit ned files. This is what ini files are for. So instead of changing the default values in ned files, simply assign these values in your ini file. For example, you already assign these parameters in your ini file:
SN.node[*].SensorManager.sensorTypes = "Temperature Bloodglucose"
SN.node[*].SensorManager.corrPhyProcess = "0 1"
You do not need to set them in the ned file as well. Also notice that in the ned file you set the second string as "0,1" not "0 1". The ini file will override the value of the ned file, so what you'll get it "0 1". Fortunately, space separated values is the correct syntax.
You then start defining new .ned .cc and .h files. Why? These do not have any effect. You have not set the variable SN.physicalProcessName in your ini file. This means it takes the default value which is CustomizablePhysicalProcess. You seem to be treating your physical process modules as CustomizablePhysicalProcess because I see you define their parameters inputType and directNodeValueAssignment, which only exist for the CustomizablePhysicalProcess module. So I do not understand what you expect to get by trying to define new physical process modules altogether.
Since you have 2 physical processes, it means that the SensorManager in every node needs to connect to these 2 physical process (the 2 modules that define your physical processes). To do this just set all the parameters of your SensorManager that can be defined as an array (formatted as a space-separated string) as arrays of 2 items.
You can find all relevant parameters in the SensorManager.ned (but do NOT edit the ned file, just set them in your ini file). Here are the parameters just for reference (note that you have already set sensorTypes and corrPhyProcess in your ini file, you just need to also set the rest) :
string pwrConsumptionPerDevice = default ("0.02");
string sensorTypes = default ("Temperature"); // Humidity OR Temperature OR Light
string corrPhyProcess = default ("0"); //holds the indexes of the corresponding phy processes for
//each sensor (usually it should be : "0 1 2 3")
string maxSampleRates = default ("1"); //number of samples per second for each sensor
string devicesBias = default ("0.1"); //If the output signal is not zero when the measured property is zero
string devicesDrift = default (""); //If the output signal slowly changes independent of the
//measured property
string devicesNoise = default ("0.1"); //random deviation of the signal that varies in time
string devicesHysterisis = default (""); //the sensor not instantly follows the change of the property
//being measured and therefore involves the history of the
//measured property
string devicesSensitivity = default ("0"); //holds the minimum value which can be sensed by each sensing device.
string devicesResolution = default ("0.001"); //holds the sensing resolution for each device
I am not sure whether there are other problems with multiple phyProcesses and multiple sensing modalities, because this feature has not been tested in versions after 2.0, so it might not work at all (but hopefully it's a small adjustment to make it work).
I have a C++ code that I am trying to interface with Matlab. My mex file runs fine in the first run but crashes in the second run. However, if I clear all the variables in the Matlab before execution (using clear all) program never crashes. So I have a question in this:
1. Can mex function takes variables from the Matlab workspace without using some special functions? Am I doing it somehow in my code, unintentionally?
I have a posted the mex function that I wrote. It has a one dimensional vector called "block" that is read inside the C++ function called sphere_detector. For the present problem the block size is 1x1920 and it is read in the chunk of 16 elements inside the sphere_detector. Program crashed when I read the SECOND chunk of 16 elements. The first element that I read in the chunk will throw this error:
First-chance exception at 0x000007fefac7206f (sphere_decoder.mexw64) in MATLAB.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0xffffffffffffffff.
MATLAB.exe has triggered a breakpoint
I checked my block vector, it should have all the values initialized and it has that. So, I am little confused as to why I am facing this problem.
I am using Matlab 2010a and Visual Studio 2010 Professional.
Here is the mex function:
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
double *mod_scheme, *Mt, *Mr, *block_length, *SNR;
mod_scheme = mxGetPr(prhs[0]);
Mt = mxGetPr(prhs[1]);
Mr = mxGetPr(prhs[2]);
block_length = mxGetPr(prhs[3]);
SNR = mxGetPr(prhs[4]);
/* Now take the input block. This is an encoded block and sphere detector will do the transmission too -- I can change it later */
double *block = mxGetPr(prhs[5]);
double *LIST_SIZE = mxGetPr(prhs[6]);
double **cand_sym;
int a = *mod_scheme;
int b = *Mt;
int c = *Mr;
int d = *block_length;
int e = *SNR;
int f = *LIST_SIZE;
int bitSize = (int)(log10(1.0*a)/log10(2.0));
for(int i=0; i<(int)*block_length; ++i)
printf("%d\n", (int)block[i]);
printf("Hello world %d %d %d %d %d!\n", (int)*mod_scheme, (int)*Mt, (int)*Mr, (int)*block_length, (int)*SNR);
/* Inputs are read correctly now set the outputs */
double *llr, *cand_dist;
/* for llrs */
plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1, d, mxREAL);
llr = mxGetPr(plhs[0]);
/* for cand_dist */
int no_mimo_sym = d/(b*bitSize);
plhs[1] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1, f*no_mimo_sym, mxREAL);
cand_dist = mxGetPr(plhs[1]);
/* for cand_syms */
plhs[2] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(b*bitSize*no_mimo_sym, f,mxREAL); //transposed version
double *candi;
candi = mxGetPr(plhs[2]);
cand_sym = (double**)mxMalloc(f*sizeof(double*));
if(cand_sym != NULL)
for(int i=0;i<f; ++i)
cand_sym[i] = candi + i*b*bitSize*no_mimo_sym;
// mxFree(cand_sym);
The portion inside the sphere decoder code where I get read exception looks like this:
for(int _block_length=0;_block_length<block_length; _block_length+=Mt*bitSize)
printf("Transmitting MIMO Symbol: %d\n", _block_length/(Mt*bitSize));
for(int _antenna = 0; _antenna < Mt; ++_antenna)
for(int _tx_part=0;_tx_part<bitSize; _tx_part++)
bitstream[_antenna][_tx_part] = (int)block_data[_block_length + _antenna*bitSize + _tx_part];
............................REST OF THE CODE..................
Any help would be appreciated.
With regards,
Well I finally managed to solve the problem. It was a very stupid mistake that I made. I had a pointer to a pointer(double *a;) of data type double and by mistake I assigned it memory of integer (I ran a find and replace command where I changed lots of int to double but this one left). Hence heap was getting corrupted. Also I changed my Mex function where I created dynamic variables using calloc and passed them to the C++ function. Once C++ function returned I copied there values to matlab variables and freed them usind free().