How to remove search icon in SearchBar for android and ios in nativescript angular? - nativescript

I am developing android and ios application using nativescript angular. I want to remove the search icon inside SearchBar for both android and ios platform.In android I have done something like this:
let searchbar=<SearchBar>event.object;
var androidSearchBar=searchbar.nativeView;
let searchIcon androidSearchBar.findViewById(;;
But it was not worked.Can you help me how to remove the search icon inside searchbar?


How to add Label ( ex: 1,2,3..) to marker icon in mapbox in android

How to add label into mapbox marker icon (not the infoWindow) in android studio.
here is the Example of the marker
You need to use Mapbox IconGenerator.
See how to use it in :
mapbox-gl issue
And see this sample :
Mapbox Android Utils

Is there any teritory chart control available on xamarin forms / xamarin android

We are trying to present territory map view with different controls in android and iOS platform using xamarin.forms or Xamarin Native. Is there any map control avaialble to present territory map view in xamarin forms?
It looks like Syncfusion has something similar to what you want in their Maps

Android Activity or iOS ViewController inside of Xamarin Forms ContentPage

I have a Xamarin Forms ContentPage with StackLayout. I also have a Native Android Activity, and a Native iOS ViewController. I want to display the Android Activity or iOS ViewController inside of my StackLayout (below my other content) depending on the OS. Is this possible, if yes how can i do it?
At this time Xamarin.Forms only allows you to insert Native Views (UIView, and Android.Widget.View), take a look at those examples of add native controls to Xamarin Forms:

Xamarin Forms: ToolBarItem on left for both iOS and Android

I'm trying to find a way to put a close ToolBarItem on the left of my ToolBar.
To be more explicit, here are some screenshots:
For Android:
For iOS:
The problem is not about to display icon istead of text, I'm using Iconize for that. The problem is about to put ToolBarItem to the left for both iOS and Android.
I've found this renderer for iOS (not tried yet):
You need to write Custom renderer to implement left side tool bar items. Detailed implementation for this is explained here

Workaround scrollview zoom for android #appcelerator

Hi I am building a magazine viewer and I need to zoom and drag the content pages. I am using scrollview but I guess the zoom works only for ios. Is there any workaround for this? I am using Titanium 5 sdk, and don't found modules that support it.
On Android you might be able to use!/api/Titanium.UI.ImageView-property-enableZoomControls
