How do I rename file in Heroku running on Spring batch? - spring

I have a Java codebase which is being executed on a heroku dyno. The command has executed and the log after that confirms the file is changed but actually it doesn't seem to work.
Here is my code:
File file =null;
String fileName = System.getProperty("user.dir") + env.getProperty("filePath");
if (jobExecution.getStatus() == BatchStatus.COMPLETED) {
//Get the file and rename the same.
file = new File(fileName);
if (file!=null && file.exists())
String renameFile = System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/wardIssue_"+ new SimpleDateFormat("dd_MM_yyyy_HH_mm_ss").format(new Date().getTime()).toString() +"_completed";"File being renamed to {}", renameFile);
file.renameTo(new File(renameFile));
}"Batch job completed successfully");;
If you see the section actually prints the renamed file but in the server the file name is not changed.
The same code in my local is working fine i.e. file name is changed.
Should I be running the Java command for this spring batch with sudo? Are there any other things that might cause this problem?
I am using a Procfile with following command:
worker: java -Dserver.port=9002 $JAVA_OPTS -jar target/com.cognitive.bbmp.anukula.batch-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

Heroku's filesystem is ephemeral. Any changes you make to it will be lost the next time your dyno restarts, which happens frequently (at least once per day).
Furthermore, each dyno has its own ephemeral filesytem. Operations you perform on one dyno have no effect on other dynos, so you can't even make temporary filesystem changes with a worker and expect it to affect web (or any other) dynos.
You'll have to approach your problem in a way that doesn't require files to be renamed if you want to run your code on Heroku.


Run cmd commands with open source puppet

Can someone please help me with the open source puppet?
I want to provide a jar file to a windows client and execute the .jar file with the command line.
The .jar file is actually an update for an application which is running as a service.
I am poorly familiar with the puppet language but would guess something like this to execute the jar file:
exec { 'jar_execution':
command => 'cmd.exe /c java -jar foo.jar',
Should this be part of the manifest which could look like this?
service { 'fooservice':
name => foo_service,
ensure => running,
enable => true,
file { 'foo.jar':
path => 'C:/foo/temp/foo.jar',
ensure => file,
source => "puppet:///modules/foo/foo.jar",
exec { 'jar_execution':
command => 'cmd.exe /c java -jar C:/foor/temp/foo.jar',
And how does the agent actually run this command?
There are few architectural considerations:
Use archive resource (from archive module) instead of: file with your .jar in your module's .git history.
Have all artifacts (e.g. binary files) served by another service like Apache Archiva, Nexus or Artifactory or even Puppet Server itself. If the .jar is not developed by your company, you may want to use the authoritative source with maybe some internal caching.
Name your resources in a way that are global to your whole infrastructure, otherwise you may have events that notify themselves and produce undesired outcome.
Order of resources in puppet doesn't matter. You want to order the resources the way it makes sense to you and use the before, after, require, notify to ensure dependency.
I would recommend having binaries files outside of a module, as binaries are not supposed to be versioned. You would probably have another service that can serve files, or even your puppet infrastructure can provide those packages, in the similar way it provides the puppet-agent itself, regardless if you use Puppet OSS or Puppet Enterprise.
archive { 'C:/foo/temp/foo.jar':
source => https://location/to/your/.jar,
exec { 'C:/foo/temp/foo.jar': # notice in resource name recommended to use / not \
command => 'cmd.exe /c java -jar C:/foor/temp/foo.jar',
refreshonly => true # this one executes exec only if the file was re-downloaded (maybe it's signature has changed), or the file was removed from disk and was re-downloaded.
onlyif => 'test -f C:\foo\temp\foo.jar' # or some command that guards you to not run this .jar every time you run puppet
subscribe => Archive['C:/foo/temp/foo.jar'],
notify => Service['foo_service'] # most probably you need to restart the service after you ran the .jar, otherwise you wouldn't have added in your question.
service { 'foo_service':
ensure => running,
enable => true,
I notice that in your example you don't need to remove your .jar after being executed. In case you need that, another exec command can remove the file downloaded in the same

Updating Tomcat WAR file on Windows

I have inherited a Maven/Tomcat(8.5) web application that is locally hosted on different machines. I am trying to get the application to update from a war file that is either stored locally (on a USB drive) or downloaded from AWS on Windows more reliably. On the Linux version, the software is able to upload the new war file via curl using the manager-script by doing the following:
String url = "http://admin:secret#localhost:8080/manager/text/deploy?path=/foo&update=true";
CommandRunner.executeCommand(new String[] { "curl", "--upload-file", war, url });
For Windows, the current current method tries to copy over the war file in the /webapps directory and has tomcat auto deploy the new war file after restarting either tomcat or the host machine. The problem is that the copied war file ends up being 0kb and there is nothing to deploy. This appears to happen outside of my install function because the file size after FileUtils.copyFile() for the /webapps/foo.war is the correct size.
I have tried to implement a PUT request for the manager-script roll from reading the Tomcat manager docs and another post:
File warfile = new File(request.getWar());
String warpath = warfile.getAbsolutePath().replace("\\", "/");
//closes other threads
String url = "http://admin:secret#localhost:8080/manager/text/deploy?path=/foo&war=file:" + warpath + "&update=true";
HttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();
HttpPut request;
try {
request = new HttpPut(url);
HttpResponse response = client.execute(request);
BufferedReader rd = new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader(response.getEntity().getContent()));
StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
String line = "";
while ((line = rd.readLine()) != null) {
} catch (Exception e){"war install failed");
throw new ServiceException("Unable to upload war file.", e);
However, the process still ends up with a 0kb war file to /webapps. The only error in my log is when tomcat tries to deploy the empty war. I have tried relaxing file read/write permissions in my tomcat installation and it doesn't seem to help. I also don't know if I can guarantee that all Windows installations will have access to curl if I try that implementation. Has anyone ran into similar issues?Thank you for the help!
Will, you are openning the file for sure but you are not writing anything to it, the result string is wrote to the stdout, so you got to replace System.err.println(result.toString()); with fr = new FileWriter(file); br = new BufferedWriter(fr); br.write(result);
and don't forget to close your resources at the end (br.close(); fr.close(); ) :)
PS: check if there are some informations to be filtered (headers or staff like that)

Executing shell command after Webpack post build

I have a Laravel project and as you know when you deploy your app everything in your public directory should be copied over to your htdocs or public_html directory to hide your application's code.
I am using webpack to build my react code and everything else and each time I change my javascript webpack does what I want, it sees I make a change and then it builds it.
However I want to add one additional command after it builds and that is to copy everything from the public directory into the correct directory in htdocs/public_html.
So far I read up on this question here Run command after webpack build
It works and I can get the echo to work but I'm not sure why cp isn't working. Echo works but how do I know what shell commands I can use?
I tried 'cp' and even 'copy-item' which is powershell, but none are working.
This is my plugin so far, I figured I needed to change the directory to be safe
before copying anything over but again, nothing is working.
mix.webpackConfig(webpack => {
return {
plugins: [
new WebpackShellPlugin({
onBuildStart: ['echo "Starting Build ..."'],
onBuildEnd: ["cd 'E:\\xammp\\apps\\FactorioCalculator'",
"cp '.\\public\\*' '..\\..\\htdocs\\FactorioCalculator\\' -f -r"]
You could always use the copyDirectory mix method. Just put something like the following at the bottom of your webpack.mix.js file:
mix.copyDirectory('public', '../../htdocs/FactorioCalculator/')
You might have to change your path to ..\\..\\htdocs\\FactorioCalculator\\ as per the path in your question (I only have my mac with me so I'm unable to test on my other machine).
To answer you original question, if you want to execute a command each time webpack finishes building you can use the mix.then() which takes a closure.

Ruby, random failures with

I have a script that works great, except that it randomly fails generating new files...
this is the code:
file_log_path = File.join(Rails.root, 'log', "xls_import_#{}.log")
#log =, 'w+')
and this is the error inside delayed_job.log
2012-12-21T18:18:41+0100: [Worker(delayed_job pid:24482)] LoadDataFromCsv failed with Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory - /var/www/rails/myapp/releases/20121210093945/log/xls_import_1356110321.log - 0 failed attempts
2012-12-21T18:18:41+0100: [Worker(delayed_job pid:24482)] PERMANENTLY removing LoadDataFromCsv because of 1 consecutive failures.
Other times, it works! Someone can help me?
-- edit:
Well... it seems that Rails.root uses a wrong deploy path... in fact /var/www/rails/myapp/releases/20121210093945 doesn't exists.
But, as I said, the script sometimes works, sometimes not... If I reload delayed_job, my script works a few, and then start failing.
If you're using Capistrano to manage your releases, which I'm guessing is the case based on the path structure, then you'll need to be careful about referencing paths which can be removed after a deployment has occurred. DelayedJob needs to be restarted each time you deploy or it might be working in an orphaned directory.
If possible, you might want to use the shared/log path instead since that persists between deployments.
I found several delayed_job processes (zombies), still running... killed them all (not metallica's song) and now it works!

Weblogic caching problems

I'm writing a WLST script to deploy an application with WebLogic 11g. The problem is that when I deploy an application (version A), undeploy it, then deploy version B, it deploys version A.
If I try to solve this by deleting the tmp/_WL_user/appname/ folder, it then won't deploy A or B because it looks in the tmp folder for the application (and fails because I cleared it out). I'm using the nostage option, so I don't understand why it's caching anything.
Any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Probably the undeploy of Version A was not successful and Version B was never deployed.
Not sure what you have in the WLST script, could you try with the following:
# let's say the appName is testApp
# can move all of these properties to a props file
# start deploy/undeploy code
connect (username, password, adminURL)
for app in cmo.getAppDeployments():
currAppName = app.getName()
if currAppName == appName :
print('Application' + appName + ' already exists, undeploying...')
# sleep is just to make sure that we don't attempt deploy immediately i.e before server is finished with undeploying
# more like a safe side one, may not be required also
print('Now deploying ' + appName)
deploy(appName, appPath, appTarget)
