Ionic command not found, but Ionic installed successfully - macos

I am attempting to use Ionic but I am getting the following issues when running the ionic start myApp tabs command:
bash: ionic: command not found
I attempted to use sudo and it shows the issue:
sudo: ionic: command not found
I have tried using the ~/.profile file to avoid permission issues and within that file I Have:
export PATH=$PATH:/Users/[USER HERE]/.npm-packages/bin
I also have tried to uninstall and reinstall node.js and then reinstall Cordova and Ionic but this did not work.
I have also tried:
sudo ln -s /home/[USER HERE]/npm/bin/ionic /usr/bin/ionic
but I get back the error:
ln: /usr/bin/ionic: Operation not permitted
Anyone have any other suggestions as to what I could do to resolve this? I am using a Mac.Im using npm 6.7.0 and node 11.12.0

Have you tried this :
npm install -g ionic


zsh: command not found: UI5 vs code

I just installed vs code on MacOs 10.
After installing npm and nodejs I expected that the ui5 command would work seamlessly, unfortunately it was not the case.
I get the following error when I execute the "ui5 serve" command:
mbm#Ms-MacBook-Pro ui5demo % ui5 serve
zsh: command not found: ui5
mbm#Ms-MacBook-Pro ui5demo %
Does anyone have an idea what step I missed here?
Thank you!
I solved it by opening the terminal then execute:
sudo npm install --global #ui5/cli

react-native init AwesomeProject gives an error EPERM: operation not permitted, chmod '/node_modules/#react-native-com...'

After installing brew, watchman and node. I tried to initiate my first react-native application from the terminal on a Mac machine.
When I run the command like it says on React Native Development site - React Native CLI Quickstart for macOS and iOS target.
npx react-native init AwesomeProject
I get the following error
EPERM: operation not permitted, chmod '/usr/local/lib/node_modules/react-native/node_modules/#react-native-community/cli/build/commands/server/external/xsel'
I am logged in as an admin, so that is not an issue, and I have even tried "sudo", but with no success.
Has anybody faced a similar issue?
Thanks in advance.
It seems that you are having a permission problem try to change the permissions to react-native's folder with your username.
sudo chown userName -R [PATH]
to know your username run this command in the terminal
or just do the following
close all VS Code instances.
clean cache with
npm cache clean --force
install the latest version of npm globally as admin:
npm install -g npm#latest --force
clean cache with
npm cache clean --force
Try to install your component once again.
you may want temporarily disable your antivirus program and try again.

nodemon : command not found

On Mac, Homebrew to install node
Installed nodemon with the following command : npm i -g nodemon
But whenever I tried using nodemon it told me : command not found
I then tried adding to the $PATH in my ~/.zprofile (I'm using zsh) the following : /Users/me/npm/lib/node_modules
which I got from using the command npm root -g
Got the following error : zsh: permission denied: nodemon
All the other "solutions" involves using SUDO to install a package, which I would like to avoid.
Fixed by making sure the folder npm was mine with sudo chown -R ``whoami`` npm
The correct way was to add /npm/binand not /npm/lib/node_modulesto the $PATH

"exp: command not found" How do I add expo cli to path?

I installed the expo cli with
npm i -g exp
then I run
and I get
-bash: exp: command not found
I'm guessing I didn't add exp to path. So how do I do this properly? Nothing I've tried so far works.
This suggested 3 steps solution worked for me:
First check if ~/.npm-global/bin is in your path: echo $PATH. If it isn’t there, you will need to add it to the path.
Open up ~/.bash_profile then add the following line to the bottom: export PATH=$PATH:~/.npm-global/bin
Finally, back in the shell, type: source ~/.bash_profile
Hopefully that will have fixed your problem.
1. Find the path where expo is globally installed by npm:
npm bin -g
2. Add path from Step 1 to paths file:
sudo vi /etc/paths
3. Restart the Terminal
You should try npx expo init <your_app_name> to test.
It worked for me.
I also had a hard time getting expo command to work on Mac. Here are the steps I took to get it working.
npm root -g shows the directory the global modules are installed in:
That directory might be different for you. After confirming expo is in there, edit ~/.bash_profile and add the line:
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/Cellar/node/11.7.0/bin
Save & exit, then run source ~/.bash_profile
Now the expo command should function as intended.
try sudo npm install --global expo-cli
this worked for me.
➜ MobileDev git:(campaigns-responsive) ✗ expo whoami
› Not logged in, run expo login to authenticate
➜ MobileDev git:(campaigns-responsive) ✗ expo init App
✔ Choose a template: › blank a minimal app as clean as an empty canvas
✔ Downloaded and extracted project files.
📦 Using npm to install packages.
✔ Installed JavaScript dependencies.
✅ Your project is ready!
To run your project, navigate to the directory and run one of the following npm commands.
- cd App
- npm start # you can open iOS, Android, or web from here, or run them directly with the commands below.
- npm run android
- npm run ios
- npm run web
exp was replaced with expo
To install Expo CLI, just run npm install -g expo-cli (or yarn global add expo-cli, whichever you prefer).
Following on this issue, I found I had multiple global folders so I started using a .npm-global folder as shown here:
And now it's all clean and in control.
I had a similar issue.
-bash: expo: command not found
It turns out the command to install expo
npm install -g expo-cli was referencing an older version of node on my machine; when checked using npm root -g.
So I had to uninstall nvm/node, deleted any remnant folders & files of .nvm and shortcuts for nvm in /usr/local. Then reinstalled node and ran npm install -g expo-cli again.
That fixed my issue.
sudo npm install --unsafe-perm -g expo-cli
If you're using git bash on windows, add npm path to your system path variables. Generally located on this location:
Then open the bash and command npm start. Hope this will help.
I solved it by putting this in my PATH environment variable / user variable:
yarn expo start
Worked for me.
npx create-expo-app project-name

Cordova command not found - can not be used globally

so I have installed cordova using the following command to use it globally
sudo npm install -g cordova
and I get the following message
/Users/safwany/.node/bin/cordova -> /Users/safwany/.node/lib/node_modules/cordova/bin/cordova
cordova#5.1.1 /Users/safwany/.node/lib/node_modules/cordova
I keep typing cordova in the terminal but I am getting command not found. The only I can get it working is by typing the following:
Any idea how can I change that so I can use it globally by just typing cordova ?!
This seems to be a problem with the CHMOD rights of your folders. Try to own the folders like this:
sudo chown -R $USER /usr/local
sudo chmod -R 0775 /usr/local
after that, clear the npm cache with
sudo npm cache clear
finished? Go on by installing cordova again ->
sudo npm install -g cordova
type cordova into your terminal and everything should work like a charme.
