zsh: command not found: UI5 vs code - macos

I just installed vs code on MacOs 10.
After installing npm and nodejs I expected that the ui5 command would work seamlessly, unfortunately it was not the case.
I get the following error when I execute the "ui5 serve" command:
mbm#Ms-MacBook-Pro ui5demo % ui5 serve
zsh: command not found: ui5
mbm#Ms-MacBook-Pro ui5demo %
Does anyone have an idea what step I missed here?
Thank you!

I solved it by opening the terminal then execute:
sudo npm install --global #ui5/cli


Ionic command not found, but Ionic installed successfully

I am attempting to use Ionic but I am getting the following issues when running the ionic start myApp tabs command:
bash: ionic: command not found
I attempted to use sudo and it shows the issue:
sudo: ionic: command not found
I have tried using the ~/.profile file to avoid permission issues and within that file I Have:
export PATH=$PATH:/Users/[USER HERE]/.npm-packages/bin
I also have tried to uninstall and reinstall node.js and then reinstall Cordova and Ionic but this did not work.
I have also tried:
sudo ln -s /home/[USER HERE]/npm/bin/ionic /usr/bin/ionic
but I get back the error:
ln: /usr/bin/ionic: Operation not permitted
Anyone have any other suggestions as to what I could do to resolve this? I am using a Mac.Im using npm 6.7.0 and node 11.12.0
Have you tried this :
npm install -g ionic

"exp: command not found" How do I add expo cli to path?

I installed the expo cli with
npm i -g exp
then I run
and I get
-bash: exp: command not found
I'm guessing I didn't add exp to path. So how do I do this properly? Nothing I've tried so far works.
This suggested 3 steps solution worked for me:
First check if ~/.npm-global/bin is in your path: echo $PATH. If it isn’t there, you will need to add it to the path.
Open up ~/.bash_profile then add the following line to the bottom: export PATH=$PATH:~/.npm-global/bin
Finally, back in the shell, type: source ~/.bash_profile
Hopefully that will have fixed your problem.
1. Find the path where expo is globally installed by npm:
npm bin -g
2. Add path from Step 1 to paths file:
sudo vi /etc/paths
3. Restart the Terminal
You should try npx expo init <your_app_name> to test.
It worked for me.
I also had a hard time getting expo command to work on Mac. Here are the steps I took to get it working.
npm root -g shows the directory the global modules are installed in:
That directory might be different for you. After confirming expo is in there, edit ~/.bash_profile and add the line:
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/Cellar/node/11.7.0/bin
Save & exit, then run source ~/.bash_profile
Now the expo command should function as intended.
try sudo npm install --global expo-cli
this worked for me.
➜ MobileDev git:(campaigns-responsive) ✗ expo whoami
› Not logged in, run expo login to authenticate
➜ MobileDev git:(campaigns-responsive) ✗ expo init App
✔ Choose a template: › blank a minimal app as clean as an empty canvas
✔ Downloaded and extracted project files.
📦 Using npm to install packages.
✔ Installed JavaScript dependencies.
✅ Your project is ready!
To run your project, navigate to the directory and run one of the following npm commands.
- cd App
- npm start # you can open iOS, Android, or web from here, or run them directly with the commands below.
- npm run android
- npm run ios
- npm run web
exp was replaced with expo
To install Expo CLI, just run npm install -g expo-cli (or yarn global add expo-cli, whichever you prefer).
Following on this issue, I found I had multiple global folders so I started using a .npm-global folder as shown here: https://docs.npmjs.com/getting-started/fixing-npm-permissions
And now it's all clean and in control.
I had a similar issue.
-bash: expo: command not found
It turns out the command to install expo
npm install -g expo-cli was referencing an older version of node on my machine; when checked using npm root -g.
So I had to uninstall nvm/node, deleted any remnant folders & files of .nvm and shortcuts for nvm in /usr/local. Then reinstalled node and ran npm install -g expo-cli again.
That fixed my issue.
sudo npm install --unsafe-perm -g expo-cli
If you're using git bash on windows, add npm path to your system path variables. Generally located on this location:
Then open the bash and command npm start. Hope this will help.
I solved it by putting this in my PATH environment variable / user variable:
yarn expo start
Worked for me.
npx create-expo-app project-name

ionic 2 start fails with error with the spawned command

have installed ionic 2 beta on windows 7
npm install -g ionic#beta
seems to install ok. it's 2.0.0-beta.25
when I try to create a project
ionic start test tabs --v2 --ts
it fails on the Installing npm packages ... bit with
Error with start undefined
Error Initializing app: There was an error with the spawned command: npminstall
There was an error with the spawned command: npminstall
would appreciate any help...
I too faced the similar problem. Revert to 2.0.0-beta.22 by running the following command:
npm install -g ionic#2.0.0-beta.22
Many people reporting this issue with 2.0.0-beta.25
For me the problem was in npm... After updating npm install -g npm it to v3.10 everything worked fine.
Updating NPM a Node.js worked for me on Windows:
Win 7, Prof
NPM version: 3.10.2
Node.js version: 4.4.6
Command ionic start test sidemenu --2 --ts worked like charm.
try this, it works for me
ionic start test tabs --v2 --skip-npm
cd test
npm install
it seems to be a bug of ionic or something else.
Recreating new app on same directory and with same name by overwriting the older works for me!

'ionic' is not recognized as an internal or external command

I have successfully installed Ionic. In fact, I have ran it many times already and it worked perfectly fine (on my browser using "ionic serve" command).. But when I have not done "Ionic stuffs" for a few days, and tried doing it this morning, the command is now unrecognized. What is wrong with this?
Running Windows 7 and ran into this issue myself. I ensured that I was running my command line as Administrator, cleaned the cache as suggested but continued to get the error that 'ionic' is not recognized...
After trying several other suggestions, I finally browsed to my nodejs location: C:\Program Files\nodejs
I ran the nodevars.bat to open the nodejs command prompt, ran the ionic command and everything worked as expected. I'm not sure what the issue is but running command from that .bat file appears to fix it.
I added this the path and all worked well.
I already solved it. :) For some unknown reason my ionic installation went MIA. And I didn't solve that directly, it had errors that says "Run as Administrator", etc when in fact I'm running Admin... The trick was to clean the cache before reinstalling Ionic using the npm cache clean command.
It had errors that says:
Run as Administrator
etc, when in fact I'm running as Admin... The trick was to clean the cache before reinstalling Ionic using the command:
npm cache clean
It worked for me. Just run npm command for cache clean and reinstall the ionic as:
npm install -g ionic
and it works perfectly fine.
After a couples days of this exact issue, I found my solution. Remove all of corodva with npm uninstall cordova and ionic with npm uninstall ionic. Then clear the cache with npm cache clear. View this for full removal https://stackoverflow.com/a/29429357/5144902
I then found that there was a couple folders still in my C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\npm. I could not remove this, as the file extension was too long. I opened cmd, and removed it with the DEL command. I then found that a node_modules folder was under my user folder. I removed that.
Then Global install with npm install -g ionic cordova. Works perfectly.
None of the solutions worked as permanent fix for me and it was pretty disgusting to use a fix every time I intended to use ionic. So, while browsing for a solution, I read some solutions that eventually led to this:
Go to your system settings->Advanced system settings->environment path. In my case, while the 'npm' was indeed added to the system path, it was separated by a single comma inspite of a colon (;). So, I replaced it with a colon and bingo! Please do restart your CMs before trying to test it. Hope it helps!
If you are on Windows, use Git Bash shell and have issues calling cordova and ionic,
maybe you'll have to add a path value to
c:\users[your username].bash_profile
this helped comparing windows path (cmd - echo %path%) with git bash shell path:
Git Bash doesn't see my PATH
for me, global paths were there, but user paths not. I had to add:
PATH=$PATH:/c/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft VS Code/bin:/C/Users/[my username]/AppData/Roaming/npm
answer here
İf "ionic" is installed;
1-Download and upgrade nodejs to latest version.
download nodejs
2- run command:
npm uninstall -g ionic
3-Clear these files:
3-run command:
npm install -g #ionic/cli
İt is done:)
Go to nodejs installed directory ( in my case it's C:\Program Files\nodejs), then run the bat script "nodevars.bat" with administator permission. That solves my problem.
In the Windows environment, when we install packages with -g option they are not available sometimes while running the package through the command prompt. Steps below that worked for me —
Create a .npmrc file at C:\Users{username}\
Write below line in the .npmrc file. Write path as per the location of nodejs installed in your machine. Add double back slash wherever you have a back slash in the path.
Run the command to install the package again
npm install -g ionic
Run the new command
ionic serve
Variable Name: Path
Variable value: C:\Program Files\nodejs\bin
Try adding this to your user and environment variables , and then close the command prompt window and open.
The bin folder needs to be given for both user and environment variables
I got my problem resolved :)
You can uninstall as
npm uninstall -g ionic cordova
then clear cache
npm cache clean -f
then re-install as
npm install -g ionic cordova
Just go to your C:/users/(your name)/node_mudules, and uninstall node_mudules folder. Once uninstalled, open up node js command prompt and type
npm install -g ionic cordova
this worked for me

Grunt serve in Windows, how to?

I have to switched on the second computer which is running on Windows XP.
I clonned my project from repository, which have structure containtng bower.jcon, Gruntfile.js and other following files and is running without problems on second computer with MacOS X.
After that I launched NodeJS command promtp, moved into the directory where application was clonned and i launched commmand.
C:\workspace\myproject>grunt serve
And I got following error message:
Loading "Gruntfile.js" tasks...ERROR
>> Error: Cannot find module 'load-grunt-tasks'
Warning: Task "serve" not found. Use --force to continue.
Whhat I'm doing wrong and how can i solve this issue please?
Many thanks for any help.
I solved it using the following commands:
npm update npm -g
npm install
bower install
grunt serve
