Randomised ramp-up time in JMETER? - jmeter

Is there anyway to randomised ramp-up in JMeter? I want to randomized ramp-up time for my JMX script.

You can use __Random function in Ramp Up Period field (seconds)
For example to random between 1-100 seconds:
The random function returns a random number that lies between the given min and max values.
You can also get dynamic value from property using __P function
Define the property value:
jmeter -Jgroup1.threads=7 -Jhostname1=www.realhost.edu
Fetch the values:
${__P(group1.threads)} -
return the value of group1.threads


How is throughput value is calculating in summary report when we have samples more than 1?

I have create a test plan setting no. of threads= 1 ramp-up period= 1 and loop count = 1
If i want to verify throughput value of 2nd label i am using this formula 2/5 means (no.of samples / average time) which results in 0.4 ms but the value in jmeter is showing as 4.9/min. And how are the last two rows of summary report are calculating which include labels of Test(it is my transaction controller) and Total. Please explain with formula. The image of my summary report is in the given link.
summary report
You're using the wrong formula, according to JMeter Glossary
Throughput is calculated as requests/unit of time. The time is calculated from the start of the first sample to the end of the last sample. This includes any intervals between samples, as it is supposed to represent the load on the server.
The formula is: Throughput = (number of requests) / (total time).
So you should be dividing the number of requests not by average response time, but by the whole duration of the test.
If you want to exclude some Samplers which are "not interesting" using Filter Results Tool where you can specify the label(s) of the sampler(s) you would like to get metrics for.
Filter Results Tool can be installed using JMeter Plugins Manager

how to calculate Average time, standard deviation, Throughput to measure Performance

Summary Report
I have set a thread of 1500 with a ramp up period of 100, Could any one please tell me how should i verify the report generated by Jmeter.
Calculation of Average, Standard deviation and throughput.
If you want the formulas - they're all available in the Calculator class.
Average response time: is basically a sum of all Sample Results elapsed time divided by their number, in other words arithmetic mean
Standard Deviation: is normal statistical measurement of result set values distribution
Throughput: is number of requests divided by total test duration
It is not clear what you mean by "verify", if you want to fail certain samplers if their response time exceeds certain threshold values you can use Duration Assertion or define reasonable timeouts using HTTP Request Defaults
If you want to process calculated values like mark test as failed if average response time is greater than X milliseconds or throughput is lower than Y requests for the specified duration or standard deviation for full response time is greater than Z milliseconds unfortunately as of JMeter 5.1.1 it is not possible out of the box, however you can consider using Taurus tool as a wrapper for your JMeter test, Taurus is capable of "understanding" JMeter tests and you can add custom pass/fail criteria including but not limited to the metrics you listed.

Jmeter: Random number of labels everyday

I am executing same test plan for two consecutive days:
First day no of Label (column A) are more than 1400
Second day no of Label are only 968 only
First day:
Second day:
I see that first day has samples 12, throughput almost zero and KB/sec 0.1
Second has better performance. Please help me understand:
What is difference between Label/Samples/Requests?
Do Number of labels depends on Throughput and Kb/sec i.e. Column K and L?
Label is basically the name of the thread group in your case. it is basically the request name that you are hitting from JMeter.
Samples are the number of times that particular request was executed.
e.g. If you have some request called login and number of samples for login are 5 it means that the login request was executed 5 times during the test.
The number of samples would vary based on the Test settings like number of users, iterations or duration of the test specified.
The number of labels = number of samples and throughput is related to each other.
Throughput = Number of Requests per second or minute and
Kb/Second = (Throughput* Average Bytes) / 1024
So the two are correlated.
I hope this helps.

How to make JMeter output graphs from log-file?

I need to generate the same graphs as JMeter but from my app (C, VB, etc):
Response Times Over Time
Response Times Distribution
Response Times Percentile
How can I do this? I need a calculation algorithm.
I have a CSV log-file from JMeter with following columns:
timeStamp, elapsed, label, responseCode, responseMessage, threadName, dataType, success, bytes, grpThreads, allThreads, Latency
Response Times Over Time
Divide all rows to groups by one minute. Use timeStamp for this.
Get average of elapsed from each group. It will be Y value.
Y value is a time with one minute step for each average value.
Response Times Distribution
Sort all rows by elapsed field.
Count rows with value of elapsed field between 0 and 100. The count will be value of first column of chart.
A count of rows with value of elapsed field between 100 and 200 will be a value of chart's second column, etc.
Response Times Percentile
X - numbers from 0 to 100.
Y - according percentile value for elapsed fields.
I believe you can specify a file from which to read inside the Response Times Over Time Listener (and the others as well). Copy your results to another file and try a test with only listeners, pulling from that file.

Relation between throughput and threads in Jmeter

I am novice to Jmeter, and I have certain queries which I am not able to get from the Jmeter home site.
What does throughput value exactly mean - does it mean it is no of requests per second for each thread or it is no of requests cumulatively across threads ?
I want to run a test for 5 minutes evenly spread across 125k requests, how do I specify throughput and delay values assuming no of threads is 60?
The values starttime , endtime, duration, delay, rampup period, etc given in Jmeter file are of seconds/milliseconds ? How can I configure them ?
How can I find the transactions per second value during or after the test ?
As per JMeter Glossary
Throughput is calculated as requests/unit of time. The time is calculated from the start of the first sample to the end of the last sample. This includes any intervals between samples, as it is supposed to represent the load on the server.
The formula is: Throughput = (number of requests) / (total time).
You can set test execution time either using "Scheduler" section of Thread Group where you can set Duration (seconds) for the test. By default JMeter executes samplers as fast as it can however you can use Timers to simulate user think time or add pauses between requests for any other reason. Desired execution rate in "requests per minute" can be set via Constant Throughput Timer
The values are in seconds. Configure them according to your load scenario. As per thread group documentation:
Ramp-up needs to be long enough to avoid too large a work-load at the start of a test, and short enough that the last threads start running before the first ones finish (unless one wants that to happen).
Start with Ramp-up = number of threads and adjust up or down as needed.
The easiest option is using Transactions per Second listener available through JMeter Plugins
