Issue with pandoc versions - anaconda

I am trying to run pandoc and am getting the Unknown writer: gfm issue, which seems to be fixed in the latest release of pandoc. However, I am unsure how to fix the versioning issue.
When I do pandoc -v I get:
Compiled with pandoc-types, texmath 0.9, skylighting
Default user data directory: /Users/MYSELF/.pandoc
Copyright (C) 2006-2016 John MacFarlane
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.
There is no warranty, not even for merchantability or fitness
for a particular purpose.
Don't ask me why, but I had ran brew uninstall pandoc and pip uninstall pandoc, so both now say there is no current installed pandoc. However, when I do type pandoc I get
pandoc is hashed (/anaconda3/bin/pandoc)
Meaning it depends on the anaconda installation. To remove it (or update it) I tried using conda update pandoc. I never went on with the removal since conda remove pandoc asks to remove many other things that I need (e.g. jupyter, nbconvert, jupyterlab, anaconda-2018).
How do I solve the issue of pandoc? Thanks in advance


'fop is missing' while installing Erlang using asdf in Mac

I'm getting the below error while trying to install Erlang using ASDF.
fop is missing
using fakefop to generate placeholder pdf file.
What can I do to fix it?
fop is used to generate documentation in PDF format. You probably won't need it, as most of the time it's easier to look up things in the documentation online, either on the official site,, or using the alternative interface at
So you can safely ignore this error message.
Install fop:
I've never bothered, though.
I have this error when trying to install Erlang 24.0.5. So, I installed the fop dependency:
brew install libxslt fop
But as mentioned this was not the root cause of my installation issue.
So, I run:
export KERL_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS="--without-wx --without-javac"
asdf install erlang <version>
and I was able to finish the erlang install.

Easiest way to install latest Pandoc and LaTeX on Heroku

I want to build a Markdown to PDF converter running on Heroku using Pandoc and LaTeX that I can send markdown to and it will return a PDF. On my local machine this worked fine without any problem. I am using Pandoc 2.7.3 and pdfTeX 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.20 (TeX Live 2019).
Now I wanted to host this on heroku, but I just get errors for missing files when I run the pandoc command because the versions are old or don't match.
What is the easiest way to get this to run?
Heroku obviously has some limitations on the slug size (500mb), so a full tex install is not possible. It would need to be a smaller subset.
There are Buildpacks for pandoc and TeX Live, but espacially the TeX Live buildpacks seem to be outdated and is not compatible with the pandoc one if you try to run the latest version. The Apt package seems also to maintain only an older version. Is a docker image maybe the answer?
I am not necessarily searching for installation instructions, but rather in which way you would handle that. I am a web developer, not a dev ops, so i am really lost in this LaTeX install mess.

Updating GNU make on macOS

I downloaded GNU make 4.2.1 from here (make-4.2.1.tar.gz) and installed it following the instruction found in the INSTALL file that is present in the expanded folder.
Now I run make -v in the shell and I still get that the system sees the old version:
GNU Make 3.81
Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.
There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
This program built for i386-apple-darwin11.3.0
Any suggestion?
I'm working on a macOS 10.12.3 machine.
Thanks in advance.
It is bad practice to alter the contents of /usr/bin. The best way is to have /usr/local/bin before /usr/bin in your PATH. Add the following to your ~/.bashrc :
[[ "$PATH" = */usr/local/bin* ]] || PATH="/usr/local/bin:$PATH"
Type command which make. If nothing unexpected happens, the shell will print out /usr/bin/make, which is the path of default make.
In INSTALL file:
By default, make install will install the package's files in
/usr/local/bin, /usr/local/man, etc. You can specify an
installation prefix other than /usr/local by giving configure the
option --prefix=PATH.
So maybe you can try make --prefix=/usr/bin. Or remove the default make create soft link for make in /usr/local/bin.

How do I completely remove (all versions of) pdftk server from Mac OS X?

I am having trouble with pdftk on my Mac OS X 10.11 and want to remove all traces of it from my system before attempting to make a new install with the newest package 2.02 (available here on StackOverflow) which I already installed.
I suspect there might be more than one version in my system.
When I try
pdftk --version
the system gives an error:
dyld: Symbol not found: __ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEED1Ev
Referenced from: /usr/local/bin/pdftk
Expected in: /usr/local/bin/../lib/libstdc++.6.dylib
in /usr/local/bin/pdftk
Trace/BPT trap: 5
and when I run
export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/pdflabs/pdftk/lib:$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH
and check for the version I get
pdftk 2.02 a Handy Tool for Manipulating PDF Documents
Copyright (c) 2003-13 Steward and Lee, LLC - Please Visit:
This is free software; see the source code for copying conditions. There is
How do I remove them from the system?
EDIT: I actually tried the "version" option on both places,
by going to each folder and typing
pdftk --version
I got the problem on the /usr/local folder, but the /opt folder printed the version. It seems I really do have two versions of pdftk on my computer and the default is the problematic one.
I do not know how to uninstall the default pdftk, but the pdftk binary in /opt/pdflabs/pdftk/bin/pdftk seems to use by default the correct libraries. So in the meantime you could just change your PATH (in .bashrc / .bash_profile) so that the pdftk you use by default if the good one with something like
export PATH=/opt/pdflabs/pdftk/bin:$PATH
In the /opt/pdflabs/pdftk/bin there is also a that will uninstall the /opt/pdflabs when necessary. I guess that will be when pdflabs releases an official updated pdftk that installs the good version in the default directories.
I found script on /opt/pdflabs/pdftk/bin/ directory.
I copy-past script with -f flag for rm command
rm -f /usr/share/man/man1/pdftk.1;rm -f "/opt/pdflabs/pdftk/man/pdftk"*;rm -f /usr/local/bin/pdftk;rm -f "/opt/pdflabs/pdftk/bin/pdftk"*;rm -f "/opt/pdflabs/pdftk/license_gpl_pdftk/reference/"*;rmdir "/opt/pdflabs/pdftk/license_gpl_pdftk/reference";rm -f "/opt/pdflabs/pdftk/license_gpl_pdftk/third_party/"*;rmdir "/opt/pdflabs/pdftk/license_gpl_pdftk/third_party";rm -f "/opt/pdflabs/pdftk/license_gpl_pdftk/"*;rmdir "/opt/pdflabs/pdftk/license_gpl_pdftk";rm -f "/opt/pdflabs/pdftk/changelog.html" "/opt/pdflabs/pdftk/changelog.txt"
This help for me 🎉

biblio2yaml is not being installed with pandoc-citeproc. How to install it?

Despite of being able to install from pandoc-citeproc from pacman on a Manjaro system, there is not biblio2yaml binary packaged with it. I have tried also from caball and nix package manager and I get the same result. I'm using pandoc-citeproc There is any new way to get biblio2yaml that I'm unaware of?
The release notes of pandoc-citeproc 0.3 say:
Note that the biblio2yaml utility has been removed from pandoc-citeproc.
One can now use pandoc-citeproc itself, with the --bib2yaml or --bib2csl
option, to convert a bibliography to pandoc YAML metadata or CSL JSON
