'fop is missing' while installing Erlang using asdf in Mac - macos

I'm getting the below error while trying to install Erlang using ASDF.
fop is missing
using fakefop to generate placeholder pdf file.
What can I do to fix it?

fop is used to generate documentation in PDF format. You probably won't need it, as most of the time it's easier to look up things in the documentation online, either on the official site, http://erlang.org/doc/, or using the alternative interface at https://erldocs.com/.
So you can safely ignore this error message.

Install fop:
I've never bothered, though.

I have this error when trying to install Erlang 24.0.5. So, I installed the fop dependency:
brew install libxslt fop
But as mentioned this was not the root cause of my installation issue.
So, I run:
export KERL_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS="--without-wx --without-javac"
asdf install erlang <version>
and I was able to finish the erlang install.


How to specify external library file locations when installing CPAN modules

I'm trying to get Perl's Finance::Quote module working after MacOS upgrade to 11.4. One of the dependencies is B::Keywords. B::Keywords installation fails a test with this error:
> sudo cpan B::Keywords
Can't open /System/Library/Perl/5.30/darwin-thread-multi-2level/CORE/keywords.h: No such file or directory at t/11keywords.t line 25
Digging around, I see that keywords.h exists on my system in this location:
Is there a way to tell cpan (or cpanm, or some other installation tool) where to look for these headers? Or, any other approach to get this working would be welcome.
It seems like they removed the keywords.h from the CORE directory (relative to the path given from $Config{archlibexp}) for the system perl on macOS 10.14, see this bug report.
The reason you are not able to install B::Keywords is due to a failed test 11keywords.t see line 24. Some possible solutions:
Install the module without running the tests (sudo cpan -T B::Keywords)
Submit an issue at the GitHub issue tracker so the author of the module can fix the problem.
Install the module with perlbrew instead of using the system perl (I tested this and it worked fine here).

Installing V8 required by rstan on gentoo

is there a way to install rstan on a Gentoo amd64 system? rstan depends on v8-r (https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/V8/index.html), which depends on a v8 installation. I haven't found a working v8 ebuild, v8 failed to compile with didactic-duck ebuilds. I also tried nodejs, without success. Compiling v8 from source failed with "unsupported linux distro".
Thanks, Sven
UPDATE: as of the latest version of V8 you can use:
# For Linux: download libv8 during installation
This way, you can install the V8 package on any x64 Linux system, without separate system requirements. See also this post: https://ropensci.org/technotes/2020/11/12/installing-v8/
Original answer
The R package V8 simply needs libv8 headers and shared library. The best solution is to use the V8 engine from NodeJS, but this can only be done if NodeJS itself was built with the --shared option. I don't use Gentoo myself, but from the above I guess this is currently not the case.
You have to talk to the maintainer of the nodejs package in Gentoo, and ask them to enable shared libnode. Below some references about this from Fedora and Debian, that might get you started:
Fedora: https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/nodejs/pull-request/4 and https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/R-V8
Debian: https://packages.debian.org/bullseye/libnode-dev and https://packages.debian.org/bullseye/r-cran-v8
If you can't get this to work, you could also build libv8 yourself, but I have to warn you this is pretty painful because upstream changes their API and build system every few weeks.
Some working examples are:
Homebrew: https://github.com/homebrew/homebrew-core/blob/master/Formula/v8.rb
Arch: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/v8-r/
Same problem here.
I am afraid I don't have an answer myself. If it helps, the furthest that I have gone is to install "nodejs" and then manually try to install V8 from source:
R CMD INSTALL --configure-vars='INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/include/node/deps/v8/include LIB_DIR=/usr/include/node/libplatform' V8_3.2.0.tar.gz
But CRAN complains about "cannot find -lv8_libplatform", and with other combinations of INCLUDE_DIR and LIB_DIR I have not succeeded.
I have also tried several ebuilds from didactic-duck and even one from petkovich.
Also, installing from source seems to be impossible.
What "nodejs" install is the following, in case someone else has an idea about how to combine INCLUDE_DIR and LIB_DIR, or at least to enlight whether with nodejs is enough, or a full v8 installation is needed:
Thank you very much.

Installation of asciidoctor on osx 10.11.5 for newbie?

I tried to follow the installation process defined at: http://asciidoctor.org/docs/install-asciidoctor-macosx/#rvm-procedure-recommended but it failed with the error message
Error running 'requirements_osx_brew_update_system ruby-2.3.0',
showing last 15 lines of
Because I am a newbie, but want to use asciidoc format, I need an updated and detailed installation process to install asciidoctor.
Best regards
Install Homebrew
brew install ruby
Open new terminal tab/window
which gem, it should print /usr/local/bin/gem
gem install asciidoctor
We should probably create a Homebrew package for Asciidoctor, it's unnecessary complicated now.
I am aware this does not exactly answer your question...
An alternative to this installation approach is to use an Application like AsciidoctorFX:
Or even simpler the preview extension for chrome:
If you are a developer, there is a good integration with several build system (maven, gradle, rake, gulp, grunt...). In that case the package manager will download Asciidoctor and the dependencies for you.

Unable to execute 'thrift' command after 'gem install thrift'

I'm trying to try some thrift development on the Mac but after 'gem install thrift' is successfully run and thrift is listed in 'gem list', executing 'thrift' gives me a command not found error. I'm running rvm and have tried several versions of ruby from ruby-1.8.7-p358 to ruby-2.0.0-p195. I'm looking for troubleshooting tips or any other suggestions. Thanks.
The documentation at http://rubydoc.info/gems/thrift/0.9.0/frames includes the caveat
This library provides the client and server implementations of thrift. It does not provide the compiler for the .thrift files. To compile .thrift files into language-specific implementations, please download the full thrift software package.
This would indicate to me that there might not be any command line feature installed as part of this gem. Have you tried to invoke the library from Ruby?

Including date and time in Tex File

The latex file is giving the following error:
! LaTeX Error: File `datetime.sty' not found.
Here is the Latex code: \usepackage{datetime}
Am I missing something?
I am using Debian 3.1 Linux Machine.
I don't use Debian myself, but if I look it up, Debian contains it in the package 'texlive-latex-extra'. If you installed LaTeX via the packet-manager of debian (I think so) the command 'apt-get install texlive-latex-extra' executed as root should install you the needed file. Alternatively you can use a graphical package-manager to install the package.
If your LaTeX Distribution does not load the package automatically, you can try to install it manually according to the readme file here: http://www.ctan.org/pub/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/datetime/ Edit: http://www.ctan.org/pkg/datetime
Yes, you are missing the datetime.sty file; you are probably missing the whole package too. What system are you using for managing your (La)TeX installation ? If you tell us you may get more specific advice than I can give.
You need to get the datetime package from CTAN or one of its mirrors and install it into your local texmf tree. Your LaTeX manager will do this for you. You may also be able to configure your LaTeX manager to automatically download and install packages the first time they are requested.
