Start Spring Scheduled job from Linux Terminal - spring

I have a case where I want to start Spring Scheduled job from Linux Terminal. Is there some way to trigger it from the terminal?
For example can I use Spring Shell to start the Scheduled job?

can I use Spring Shell to start the Scheduled job?
Yes, theoretically you can (you can see a simple example here), but I am not sure it will fit your usecase if an application server is involved - invoking spring shell commands outside of the running shell process is more complex.
I would look into exposing start/stop functionality to Spring Scheduled Jobs as a REST api. You can still execute it from command line using curl and you can implement some authentication protocol around spring-security (or not if it's not needed).
Just wrap your start/stop methods with controller methods and expose those as REST api.


Best approach to run a Spring Batch job

I have a requirement where I have to call a spring batch job from a rest endpoint. We are using an API which has all the boilerplate code for running a job and it also adds an endpoint to our service and upon calling that endpoint it will run the requested job. I have attached a snip of that endpoint.
Please suggest a best approach to run the job from another rest endpoint within the same service should I call /Jobs endpoint or should I implement the logic of running the required job? TIA.
There is no best approaches, it depends on the use case. I would not make REST endpoints call each others, I think it would be simpler to inject the JobLauncher in your controller and call your job accordingly. You can find more details and a code example in the reference documentation here: Running Jobs from within a Web Container.

Schedule and monitor spring batch using IBM workload scheduler

Is there any way to schedule and monitor spring batch using IBM workload scheduler.
If your application exposes REST APIs, the easiest solution is to use RESTful job type running on dynamic or zcentric agent, the job connects remotely to the REST API, so the agent can run on a separate machine or container.

Spring scheduled task with jms

I'm just starting out with Spring (specifically I'm staring with Spring Boot) and want to create long running program that works on a scheduled task (i.e. #Scheduled), e.g. start processing between 7pm and 11pm. I'm ok with this bit.
The task will take a message from an ActiveMQ queue and process it, sleep a little, then get another and repeat.
Being new to JMS/ActiveMQ also, is it possible to use the Spring #JmsListener in conjunction with the scheduler to achieve this, and if so how?
If not, I take it my scheduled task should simply use point to point access to the queue to pull messages off. If so, does anyone have a simple example as I prefer to use Spring boot but can't find any good examples, they all seem to use listeners.

Spring Boot (Tomcat) based application as daemon - howto stop?

I wrote a Spring Boot webservice that uses an embedded tomcat as container.
In case the system reboots I want to backup some information to a mysql database.
In my webservice I use #Scheduled() and #PreDestroy to run the backup.
This goes well when I stop the server with ^C.
But when I kill the process with an sysV skript (/etc/init.d) and the kill command - even though the daemon has a dependency on mysql, the mysql server is shut down before the backup is finished (resulting in SQL Exceptions in my log).
The reason for this is of course, that kill only sends a signal to stop the process.
How can I (from my sysv skript) synchroneously stop the running spring boot tomcat server?
If you include spring-boot-starter-actuator then that provides a REST endpoint for management. One of the endpoints provided is /shutdown. By hitting that endpoint, you will get a controlled shutdown of all resources, which ensures that #PreDestroy will be called. As this could be dangerous to have enabled by default, to use it you will need to add the following to your file:
Of course, once you have exposed that endpoint you need to ensure that there's a teeny bit of security applied to prevent just anybody shutting down your server.
On a related note, you may find my answer to Spring Boot application as a Service useful, where I provided the code for a full init.d script which makes use of this.
As an alternative to the "/shutdown" endpoint the Actuator also has an ApplicationPidListener (not enabled by default) that you can use to create a pidfile (which is commonly used in "init.d" style scripts to kill a process when you want to stop it). The JVM should respond to a kill (sigint) and Spring will shutdown gracefully.

accessing remote spring batch jobs from spring batch admin

I am new to spring batch. I want to run spring batch jobs on server a and want to launch those jobs from server b using spring batch it possible? I have searched the following two ways:
1.JMX way: i could convert spring batch beans into mbeans but i cant read them from spring batch admin.can you tell how to read mbeans from spring batch admin and launch them?
2.common repository: i think if i use the same db repository for both spring batch and spring batch admin then i can launch remote jobs from spring batch admin (from server b).but in the job xml file in spring batch admin what should be the classpath for tasklet?
can you help in the above or tell me if any new way exists?
we ended up implementing a framework using mq communication to handle this. each 'batch node' registers itself and any 'batch class' parameters such as 'nodeType=A' or 'jobSizeiCanHandle=BIG' (these are fictitious but you get the point). The client console reads this information and queries the nodes via MQ for the job list. It then submits job requests with parameters via a rudimentary text based protocol (property file format).
One of the batch nodes will pick up the message and start the job, it will return success/fail status in the same manner with a message with the same correlation id. so the client can show response to the user.
this allows us to do what you're talking about AND spark the jobs via an external scheduler (Control-M) . The 'nodeType=A' mentioned above allows us to query individual nodes (the nodes listen where 'nodeType=A or nodeType=*'. This allows commands to be 'targeted' to specific nodes if that is necessary.
Keep in mind, this is our own console, not the spring batch admin console. So perhaps that doesn't help you, but building up a simple console doesn't take that long using the spring batch APIs (4 or 5 asps).
The batch nodes could also have started up simple services like HTTP REST services or 'whatever' but we use MQ heavily and i liked the idea of not having to preregister nodes (the framework code doesn't know/care that it's in an HTTP container, so it couldn't register the endpoint easily). With MQ, the channel is preconfigured and all apps just 'use it' so it seemed easier.
Good luck.
I am trying to do the same thing. But it seems that in order to launch job directly from Spring batch admin, all the job resource has to be added to the spring batch web app. May be try restful job submission with spring MVC
One way to use Spring batch admin as is, but "discover" and "invoke" remote jobs is to provide your own implementations for org.springframework.batch.admin.service.JobService and org.springframework.batch.core.launch.JobOperator that can query and invoke jobs from remote job registry/repository.
You can find custom implementation for JobService and JMX enabled Job administrator in : as: org.trpr.platform.batch.impl.spring.admin.SimpleJobService and org.trpr.platform.batch.impl.spring.jmx.JobAdministrator
Spring beans XML that uses these beans are here :
