Spring scheduled task with jms - spring

I'm just starting out with Spring (specifically I'm staring with Spring Boot) and want to create long running program that works on a scheduled task (i.e. #Scheduled), e.g. start processing between 7pm and 11pm. I'm ok with this bit.
The task will take a message from an ActiveMQ queue and process it, sleep a little, then get another and repeat.
Being new to JMS/ActiveMQ also, is it possible to use the Spring #JmsListener in conjunction with the scheduler to achieve this, and if so how?
If not, I take it my scheduled task should simply use point to point access to the queue to pull messages off. If so, does anyone have a simple example as I prefer to use Spring boot but can't find any good examples, they all seem to use listeners.


Is there a good practice to have cron jobs in a spring webflux app?

For a while now, our team started to work on a reactive new micro-service. The service is mainly using spring-webFlux and other cool reactive futures.
At this point there should be created a cron-job triggered every 10 secs(that has to verify some transactions state), but I'm afraid that this will affect the load of the app and also is not compatible with the reactive concurrency model since the #Scheduled job when will be triggered it's going to consume one thread until it ends.
At this point I'm more in favor of an aws-lambda that it's going to call an endpoint of our app.
Do you have any better suggestions or advices ?
You can't schedule an AWS Lambda to run more often than once a minute. If you need an event to occur every 10 seconds in Spring I think using #Scheduled is your best option.

Spring Batch remote partitioning how to shutdown slaves

I want to use Spring Batch remote partitioning to handle large workloads on the cloud, and spin up/shutdown VMs on demand.
However, when configuring the slave steps, I'm using the StepExecutionRequestHandler to handle the step requests from a JMS queue. Right now the application just hangs. How can I shut down the application after the queue is depleted?
How can I shut down the application after the queue is depleted?
In a remote partitioning setup, workers are listeners on a queue on which StepExecutionRequests are coming. The question is how to know, from the listener point of view, that the queue is depleted? This is a tricky design problem. There are some known solutions like the "End-Of-Stream" message or "Poison" record but those are tricky too since you have to make sure all listeners get one such message.
If you are using Spring Cloud Task to launch your workers, you can use the DeployerPartitionHandler which provides an elegant way to dynamically create workers on demand up to a maximum configurable number. You can find more details about it here: https://docs.spring.io/spring-cloud-task/docs/2.0.0.RELEASE/reference/htmlsingle/#batch-partitioning and an example in this github repo: https://github.com/mminella/scaling-demos/blob/master/partitioned-demo/src/main/java/io/spring/batch/partitiondemo/configuration/BatchConfiguration.java#L75
The ice on the cake is that this is based on Spring Cloud Deployer which means you can use it on any cloud provider that implements the SCD SPI. Here is how to do it for:
Kubernetes: https://docs.spring.io/spring-cloud-task/docs/2.0.0.RELEASE/reference/htmlsingle/#_notes_on_developing_a_batch_partitioned_application_for_the_kubernetes_platform
cloud foundry: https://docs.spring.io/spring-cloud-task/docs/2.0.0.RELEASE/reference/htmlsingle/#_notes_on_developing_a_batch_partitioned_application_for_the_cloud_foundry_platform

Deferred consumption of message queue

Sorry this might sound naive to JMS gurus, but still.
I have a requirement where a Spring based application is not able to connect synchronously to a SAP back-end (via their web-service interface) because the response from SAP is way too slow. We are thinking of a solution where the updates from GUI would be saved by the Spring middle-ware in a local database, simultaneously sending a message to a JMS queue. We want that after (say) every few hours (or may be nightly) a batch job runs to consume the message from the JMS queue, and based on the message contents, queries on the local database and sends the result to the SAP web-service.
Is this approach correct? Would I need a batch to trigger the JMS message consumption (because I don't want to consume the message immediately but in a deferred manner and at a pre-decided time)? Is there any way in Spring to implement this gracefully (like Camel)? Appreciate your help.
Spring Batch has a JmsItemReader that can be used in a batch program; an empty queue signals the end of the batch. Spring Cloud Task is built on top of batch and can be used for cloud deployments.

Spring #scheduler vs. Quartz Scheduler which one is best

I got in to a task where we have to publish Metadata of one table to another application via REST web services.
Basically need is
It has to be weekly scheduler and every week we push the data to
Synchronous way.
Job scheduler will kick up the job and call REST client.
I am thinking using spring batch scheduler as it is simple and not with Quartz scheduler. Let me know you view and perspectives.

How to launch a long running Java EE job?

I need to fire off a long running batch type job, and by long we are talking about a job that can take a couple of hours. The ejb that has the logic to run this long running job will communicate to a NoSQL store and load data etc.
So, I am using JMS MDBs to do this asynchronously. However, as each job can potentially take up to an hour or more (lets assume 4 hours max), I dont want the onMessage() method in the MDB to be waiting for so long. So I was thinking of firing off an asynchronous ejb within the onMessage() MDB method so that the MDB can be returned to the pool right after the call to the batch ejb runner.
Does it make sense to combine an asynchrous ejb method call withing an MDB? Most samples suggest using 1 or the other to achieve the same thing.
If the ejb to be invoked from the MDB is not asynchrous then the MDB will be waiting for potentially long time.
Please advise.
I would simplify things: use #Schedule to invoke #Asynchronous and forget about JMS. One less thing that can go wrong.
Whilst not yet ready for prime time, JSR 352: Batch Applications looks very promising for this sort of stuff.
It's a matter of taste I guess.
If you have a thread from the JMS pool running your job or if you have an async ejb do it, the end result will be the same - a thread will be blocked from some pool.
It is nothing wrong with spawning an async bean from a MDB, since you might want to have the jobs triggered by a messaging interface, but you might not want to block the thread pool. Also, consider that a transaction often time out by default way before an hour, so if you do MDB transactional by some reason, you might want to consider fire of that async ejb inside the onMessage.
I think Petter answers most of the question. If you are only using mdb to get asynch behaviour, you could just fire the #Asynchronous asap.
But if you are interested in any of the other features your JMS implementation might offer in terms reliability, persistent queues, slow consumer policies, priority on jobs you should stick to mdb:s
One of the reasons behind introducing #Asynchronous in ejb 3.1 is to provide a more lightweight way to do asynchronous processing when the other JMS/MDB features are not needed.
