Pass the page number to a server side datatable - laravel

I am using datatable with Laravel to order a response that i receive from an API
I connect to the API with this code:
$ch = curl_init('$page');
How you can see i just need to add the $page and it starts to take me all the products from their page, if i add page=1 it takes all the values of the API from the page 1, etc etc
The thing is that I am using datatable server side because i want to use all the functionalities that it offers me BUT I do not know how can i pass the number page with the datatable, I mean if I push the number 2 in the button how can i get that value?
I mean in the paginator says 1 .. 2 .. 3 etc, if i push 2 how can i know that i pushed in the button 2?

It would be good to know more about your code. That said, from what I can understand, when you pass the page number to the url - you receive the next page with data from the endpoint. If you are using the Laravel paginator and not something custom, the usual way it works is that it appends a query parameter to the current url:
Imagine you have a controller HomeController with a method index:
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
public function index(Request $request) {
dd($request->get('page')); // this will return your current page
// Make sure you check the page query parameter first before using it like this.
$ch = curl_init(''.$request->get('page'));
return view('home');
For more information you can read the Laravel docs:
By default, the current page is detected by the value of the page query string argument on the HTTP request. This value is automatically detected by Laravel, and is also automatically inserted into links generated by the paginator.


Laravel resource collection paginate override

I'm working on a Laravel app and I use Resource collection with pagination to return responses for my apis calls. I want to be able to set the number of results returned per page from the URL. For example, if the url is like:
I know I can simply pass this number to ->paginate(10) but I want this to be dynamic for all my APIs. I think I have to override paginate() or maybe another method but I'm not sure. So instead of calling ->paginate(10) I would call ->paginate($request). My question is what methodI should override that can keep the original behavior of paginate and I would add this functionality to it?
You can pass perpage in the first argument of paginate function and have a default value if not provided.
User::paginate((int)$request->input('perpage', 15));

Whats the difference between redirect and this in Codeigniter?

I am new in Codeigniter and it's one of the good frameworks of php. But on some conditions I'm confused. Like this one. If any of you have any clarification about my dough, it's a great help for me.
Offcouse redirects refresh the page and $this not but apart from this I want to know - anyhow both of them used to go to somewhere else on view pages or like in other controller or in same controller to other methods.
But we don't use these side by side because when getting any of them it will go to that page or method without checking the next lines.
In case of a normal difference then have lot's of but I just want to know about the condition of going to next page or method when we use redirect or $this like this -
$this->Function($value); //It's method of same controller.
redirect('Controller/function'); //It's also doing same with page reload.
Thank for looking my problem.
When you will call any function of helper in codeigniter then you can call function directly without using any object. Helper in Codeigniter is collection of functions.
Redirect() method is a part of URL helper in Codeigniter.
For your ref.
So, just load helper using $this->load->helper('url'); or you can also mention in autoload.php file.
$this->Function(); used to call a function from same controller
$this->Function(); used to call a function from same controller
While building a web application, we often need to redirect the user from one page to another page. CodeIgniter makes this job easy for us. The redirect() function is used for this purpose.
redirect($uri = '', $method = 'auto', $code = NULL)
The first argument can have two types of URI. We can pass full site URL or URI segments to the controller you want to direct.
The second optional parameter can have any of the three values from auto, location or refresh. The default is auto.
The third optional parameter is only available with location redirects and it allows you to send specific HTTP response code.
Redirect means jumping to another function mentioned in the redirect method.
$this->Function($value); => jumping to another function and you can execute the code of the same function as well as pass the value back by returning value.
When you send request to codeigniter generally CI controller gets called and then function which is mentioned in uri segment. like below... So this will be another request.
redirect('Controller/function'); //It's also doing same with page reload.
But when you have to call another function within the same request then you can use below approach
$this->Function($value); //It's method of same controller.
This will execute the given function and return the value within same request.

Pagination in Gmail API (Previous Token)

I have implemented GMail API which gets Emails for me. Now I am trying to add pagination to it I have succeed in getting next records but now I also want to have Previous option(which required previous token).
I am unable to get into it below is what I tried so far.
public function paginate(Request $request){
$label = $request->input("label");
$nextToken = $request->input("next");
$prevToken = $request->input("prev");
$messages = LaravelGmail::message();
$msg = $messages->take(3)->in($label)->all($nextToken);
$nextToken_New = $messages->pageToken;
return view('gmail.load_mails', ['messages' => $msg, 'nextPageToken' => $nextToken_New,
'prevPageToken' => $nextToken]);
Now In the above function nextPageToken is passed in view as $nextToken_New
and for prevPageToken I am unable to set previous page token.(In code I have set last nextPageToken to prevPageToken which is not working)
Remember prevPageToken will be used to set on back key.
The Gmail api does not support prevous page token. Its not going to return the value to you.
Your first option would be to save these tokens on your server and then when ever you want to go back a page simply supply the token you want to the page token field
The second option and the one that i personally feel would be the most logical. Would be to cache the data returned by these requests on your server so that
you dont have to make extra http calls to the server.
you are not eating addictal quota making a call you have already made before.
APIs were not meant for you to use to implement pagination in your application. You should only be requesting data once its your job to then cache that data so that you wont need to make the same request twice.

How to custom API URL on codeigniter

I have a PHP CodeIgniter Controller with name index and have a method that get details of id kode ($kode) using API get method.
Now when i need to show kode data for example for id AALI
I call this URL
My target
How to make user data accessible by next URLs
I've try using function _remap on code Igniter, but it still wont work.
Have a look at Codeigniter URLs
As per your statement, your controller name is index and there would be an index function in your controller which renders the default view. it means you have changed default_controller to index in your Config.php
Now if you read the link above about Codeigniter URLs, there is a way to get data which passed in the URL after "/" You have to load url helper you can either autoload(recommended) it or load it in your constructor or Controller as per your convenience
Then you can just type
$param=$this->uri->segment(2); // in case your URL is
The first segment is controller itself, The second is the function if your url is complete and the third is the parameter in CI URL structure but if you are not providing function name the first segment will always be your controller . So the second is your parameter. Just save it in a variable and do what you like.

How can I get HTML element value inside Angular JS conroller while the page is getting loaded

Let me tel the scenario where I am stuck, I will try to explain simply rather than telling the actual.
1st : I am on page 1. Where few subjects are there with unique names.
2nd : I will click on one subject, which will call an struts2 action (lets call it ActionA)at back end with the unique subject name as a request parameter(Request type = GET).
3rd : Action A will only redirect to "Tutorial page".
4th : While loading it will make an AJAX call to another Struts2 action (lets call it ActionB), which will return JSON containing tutorials for that Subject.
Problem: As I am calling ActionA first and passing the subject name which is just redirecting the page to some other page. On page load I am calling another action to get the JSON. I am not able to get the request parameter value at ActionB that is the one which is returning JSON.
Note: I am using Struts2-JSON plugin thats why not need two actions, one for redirecting the page another for getting the JSON at page load.
Solution tried: I have tried to get the request parameter value that is the Subject name, putting a hidden field in the Tutorial page. But unable to get the value from inside the Angular JS controller.
Here is the example for a shared Service:
But you are right if you reload the page this doesn't work. I think your scenario needs tweaking if you want to use angular or any other single page framework for that matter. One purpose of single page applications is to minimize reloads, preferable none. If your action A only returns a template where you then want to input the result of action B, I recommend looking at ngRoute or uiRouter, where you define a template (result of action A) and a controller for that view. This template than replaces a section of your page (ng-view) with the new template. If both are new to you I would recommend looking at uiRouter, it is similar but it gives you a lot more possibilities. Both provide a "resolve" function where you can load your action B before the page is rendered.
Code from plunker
angular.module("app", [])
.controller("MainController", ['SharedService', function(SharedService) {
var vm = this;
//bind to service
vm.service = SharedService;
.factory("SharedService", [function() {
var service = {
id: "test"
return service;
