Additional Shipping Fee on COD for Specific Country Magento 2 - magento

I've a store setup on Magento 2.2.3
I use two payment methods: COD, Credit Card Payment
There are 2 allowed countries (for example A and B)
For Country:A shipping is flat (i.e. 10 USD)
For Country:B shipping is calculated according to weight table
What I want: For Country:A when user selects COD as payment method, additional shipping charges (5 USD) should be charged (i.e. 10 USD + 5 USD = 15 USD)
How do I achieve this in Magento 2.2.3 so that I could set additional shipping charges from admin and User is shown additional charges at front?
Kindly tell me if there's any free existing module/extension available for this.


Magento 2.2 and multiple currencies with fixed prices

Site requirement is that all products are available to purchase in either GBP, USD or EUR. However, pricing is fixed for each product - client does not want pricing based on current exchange rates. If they did it'd be easy!
We have customers assigned to groups (price bands) and for each product we set the price for each price band. GBP has 5 price bands, USD has 2 and EUR has 1.
This is where it gets tricky. With the main site base currency set to GBP, in order to set USD & EUR in advanced pricing (i.e. fixed by customer group), we have to create a US and EU website. It's the only way to select a different currency in Advanced Pricing. Fine, but we don't want different domain/URLs for the three sites. That would in effect duplicate the same site three times with the only difference being the currency symbol. That would play havoc with search engine ranking. So I've set all three sites with the same domain but it doesn't work.
The only way to select the website when creating a customer is to have Account Sharing Options set to "per website"; otherwise the option to select website is disabled. I create a customer in admin, assigned to say the US site. Customer get's a mail to set password. Follow the link and try to set the password and it comes up with an error "Something went wrong while saving the new password." I'm guessing this is because it's trying to set the account password on the main site when the customer is associated with the US site. I've tried this multiple times and it's always the same error.
Anyone have any idea how to configure Magento 2.2 to support multiple currencies where pricing is fixed in Advanced Pricing by Customer Group and without having three duplicate public sites?

Magento - tax rate based on selected currency

Have a Magento site ver.
We have one store set up for, primary is UK, but also want to offer global sales (without multiple stores setup).
So we offer 3 selectable currencies on the site: UK - GBP (main), EU - Euro, US - USD
All prices are excluding vat/tax with a vat breakdown displayed at the cart and checkout.
For UK there is 20% VAT
For EU there is also 20% with a option to add valid EU vat number (which removes the VAT)
This all works fine.
However if you select the USD currency and add a item to the cart it gives a vat breakdown (20%), even though we dont want to add tax when USD is selected.
I should note that once you do checkout and have told the site you are in the US then is correctly removes the vat/tax.
So to clarify, we want it so that if the USD currency is selected on the site no tax/vat is added to the product price in the cart.
Is this possible?
I would suggest setting up multi-store configuration, using a store front for each location (UK/US/EU)
This will allow you to set the default country for each sub-store and then you can make the USA the default shipping destination / country for the US store, this will immediately apply the tax rules for this country when purchasing items from the US Store Front.
You said there's no multi-store, setup, but do you have a good reason why you don't want to use this kind of setup? it will allow you to do what you need.
The issue with your setup is that there's no way for the store to know where the customer is before they either login or select during the checkout, this is because you will only have one default location for all currencies.
There may well be a way of doing it like this, but not that I know of. This is what the store front and/or multistore is meant for and good at.

Magento table rate shipping method only for price

I am curently using Magento 1.9.1 and i want to set up a table rate for shipping.
In the shipping methods i can see only 3 conditions:
Weight vs. Destination
Price vs Destination
and # of Items vs. Destination
My questions is - How i make it count only the price. They are delivered all from england but there is only change of the shipping price on different purchase price.
For example, for purchases:
for store purchases for or less 25 pounds the Shipping fee is 3 pounds.
for store purchases for 50 pounds the Shipping fee is 5 pounds.
for store purchases for 75 pounds the Shipping fee is 7 pounds.
for store purchases for 100 pounds the Shipping fee is 9 pounds.
for store purchases for 150 pounds the Shipping fee is 12 pounds.
Thanks in advance!
Just do it Price vs Destination and only use table rates as you normally would. If necessary restrict countries that can be shipped to in your configuration.
Use Amasty Table Rate Shipping extension.

Magento Fedex currency

We need the default display currency in our Magento site be USD, and the Paypal (base currency) also needed to be USD (because we need customers to pay in USD).
Our Fedex a/c is opened in Singapore it turns out that the shipping amount is billed in Singapore Dollar.
Here is the problem:
If the product is sold at USD 200 and actual Fedex shipping amount is (Singapore Dollar)SGD 100, Magento will treat this shipping amount as USD 100 making the final total amount to USD 300 while it should be acutally around USD 278.
I tried to change the base currency in Magento to SGD and everything were calculated correctly (into USD). But the problem is this makes our customers make all payments in SGD by Paypal/credit card. We want our customers to pay USD.
Magento ver.
Below module can solve your problem.
Use SGD as base currency and USD as Default Display Currency on store. This module enable charge user with the currency shown in the cart i.e USD.

Flat price for each currency in Virtuemart

Currently Virtuemart uses a converter module: convertECB.php.
Such module fetches exchange rates from a server and convert one currency into another.
Is it possible to set a fixed prices for each product and currency?
ie we have USD, EUR and GBP and we'd like prices as follows:
Product 1: 15 USD
Product 1: 10 GBP
Product 1: 12 EUR
Product 2: 29 USD
Product 2: 20 GBP
Product 2: 23 EUR
You will have to hack the VM core to achieve what you want to do. The converter is used so that the price can be calculated from a single price field in the VM product info database table. If you are not going to calculate the price based on exchange rates, then you have to have additional price fields where you can enter the price of each currency you want to accept.
If you just want to have even number prices, then you can hack convertECB.php to round the price before dispalying it.
