Magento 2.2 and multiple currencies with fixed prices - magento

Site requirement is that all products are available to purchase in either GBP, USD or EUR. However, pricing is fixed for each product - client does not want pricing based on current exchange rates. If they did it'd be easy!
We have customers assigned to groups (price bands) and for each product we set the price for each price band. GBP has 5 price bands, USD has 2 and EUR has 1.
This is where it gets tricky. With the main site base currency set to GBP, in order to set USD & EUR in advanced pricing (i.e. fixed by customer group), we have to create a US and EU website. It's the only way to select a different currency in Advanced Pricing. Fine, but we don't want different domain/URLs for the three sites. That would in effect duplicate the same site three times with the only difference being the currency symbol. That would play havoc with search engine ranking. So I've set all three sites with the same domain but it doesn't work.
The only way to select the website when creating a customer is to have Account Sharing Options set to "per website"; otherwise the option to select website is disabled. I create a customer in admin, assigned to say the US site. Customer get's a mail to set password. Follow the link and try to set the password and it comes up with an error "Something went wrong while saving the new password." I'm guessing this is because it's trying to set the account password on the main site when the customer is associated with the US site. I've tried this multiple times and it's always the same error.
Anyone have any idea how to configure Magento 2.2 to support multiple currencies where pricing is fixed in Advanced Pricing by Customer Group and without having three duplicate public sites?


Magento - tax rate based on selected currency

Have a Magento site ver.
We have one store set up for, primary is UK, but also want to offer global sales (without multiple stores setup).
So we offer 3 selectable currencies on the site: UK - GBP (main), EU - Euro, US - USD
All prices are excluding vat/tax with a vat breakdown displayed at the cart and checkout.
For UK there is 20% VAT
For EU there is also 20% with a option to add valid EU vat number (which removes the VAT)
This all works fine.
However if you select the USD currency and add a item to the cart it gives a vat breakdown (20%), even though we dont want to add tax when USD is selected.
I should note that once you do checkout and have told the site you are in the US then is correctly removes the vat/tax.
So to clarify, we want it so that if the USD currency is selected on the site no tax/vat is added to the product price in the cart.
Is this possible?
I would suggest setting up multi-store configuration, using a store front for each location (UK/US/EU)
This will allow you to set the default country for each sub-store and then you can make the USA the default shipping destination / country for the US store, this will immediately apply the tax rules for this country when purchasing items from the US Store Front.
You said there's no multi-store, setup, but do you have a good reason why you don't want to use this kind of setup? it will allow you to do what you need.
The issue with your setup is that there's no way for the store to know where the customer is before they either login or select during the checkout, this is because you will only have one default location for all currencies.
There may well be a way of doing it like this, but not that I know of. This is what the store front and/or multistore is meant for and good at.

Display ONLY Tier Price based on Customer Group in Magento

I'm building a B2B site and I need to display the tier price matched to each customer's customer group rather than the default price of a product. I need this tier price to be displayed as the primary price of the product for the customer. Many of the customer groups' tier prices are higher than the default price.
Each Customer has a Customer Group to match. Customer Groups have different prices for each product.
Does anyone have a suggestion on how to pull this off?
We're on Magento 1.9 CE
Magento will always show the user the loswest price by default, so I would suggest setting the 'standard' price to the product RRP, which (I imagine) will be higher than all tier prices and encourage the b2b customers to login to see their price.
Tier prices can set assigned by customer group. Take a look at Magmi for importing and managing the values really quickly from a csv. Note the column header should be the name of your group rather than its group ID.

Complex Magento Multi-Site & Multi-Currency Solution Required

I have a complex online store, meaning that we sell direct to retail customers and we wholesale to stores different countries, and I am very confused as to how you set this up with multi-site and multi-currency.
The Products
Wholesalers can order products before retail customers can, so there are products that wholesale shopper groups can ONLY see, on their wholesale site and in their currency, and then some time later that product is also available on the retail store too.
Wholesale Challenge
The wholesalers need to be charged in their currency and the price needs to be set manually for that currency. It's very important.
So for example, if you are a wholesale customer in Australia, you need to see the AUD price when browsing, and be charged AUD on your invoice. This AUD price needs to be set manually by us. Because of market restrictions, the AUD wholesale price cannot just be the currency converted from NZ (my base currency).
And this needs to be done for a number of currencies - NZD, AUD, GBP, EUR etc. We also have some user-group pricing too for wholesale customers - so a particular customer who shops in GBP might have a different price to all other GBP wholesale customers. This seems easy enough to just set a new price for different groups.
Retail Challenge
For the time being, it's fine for retail customers to be seeing a converted price on the daily conversion rate, and then be paying in the base currency at the checkout, and charged a conversion fee from their bank. But in the future we would want to change to them actually paying in their local currency.
Any ideas on how this can be set up properly, as it is very confusing. We are already running the retail store on Magento and it's going great.
We are using Community Edition 1.7
Do you understand German?
Have a look at my tutorial.

Magento: Adding a Product: Tier Price

I was wondering whether anyone could guide me on the purpose
of the Tier Price section when adding a product to the catalog.
What is a tier price and how does this section of the page work
in terms of what can be accomplished with this field?
Magento documentation is a bit limited, not sure where to find
this information, and would like to have a grasp on the genric
concept as well as the details.
Tier prices are remarkably easy - once you understand them. Getting your head around all fo the things Magento throws at you at first can be overwhelming and make you overthink some things. So, hopefully I can explain tier prices in Magento a bit for you.
Tiered prices allow you to have multiple prices based on the quantity that the user wants to purchase (and the customer group). For example:
Qty | Price
1 | $10
5 | $12
10 | $13
Customer groups (if you don't know what they are) allow you to group various customers together and set up different rules and settings for each group - like separate price tiers. For example, my company is a B2B supply-level company, and in order to have an account on our site, you have to be a verified distributor of ours, or member of a sales organization that does business in our industry. Our customers would get mad if their customers were able to logon to our site and see what they (as our distributors) are paying. To remedy the situation, we have one price tier we show for the "Not Logged In" customer group that contains MSRP. We also don't want to have to make the customer work too hard in figuring out what they will actually be paying, so we then have a "Logged In" price tier that displays the actual distributor prices.
We also have a third price tier for some of our "Rewards" program customers that do a certain dollar amount of business with us in a specific time period - but that is just another example of how it can be used.
Hopefully this helps. Let me know if you have other questions.

Magento multi store multi currency

i have 2 store, 1 for USD 2 for CAD
my first store working fine, my 2nd store shows product value CAD when i send in paypal that time CAD value convert in USD, can you suggest me how to slove it i need when paypal goes its show CAD.
The solution to this problem lies in this Magento thread; here’s a summary for anyone struggling with this:
You need to set-up multiple websites, one for each currency (not just store views, complete websites)
Set ‘Catalog Price Scope’ to ‘Website’ in System > Configuration > Catalog
Set the Base Currency of each website to its respective currency in System > Configuration > Currency Setup
Set all your currency rates to ‘1.0’ in System > Manage Currency Rates
Now you can set your product prices per store when editing a product, voila!
