How to fix string conversion to date? - informatica-powercenter

my requirement is to convert a string field to date in filter transformation so that i could further compare it with another date but unable to fix the conversion.
Below is the code which i tried .In which i am firstly checking whether it's the correct date format or not using "IS_DATE". This expression is not giving error and being parsed successfully but when i try to convert it to date, it's giving Error "assignment error, Incompatible data types. Field is integer expression is date/time". Not sure what's wrong if "IS_DATE" function is working fine.

Change the port type to date. Currently it would be int.


I can't add a data date value to firebird when the day portion is greater than 12

I have an odd problem about VB6.0 programming when I add a value to database firebird from DtPicker or Calendar. When I add a date where the day is 1 to 12 it can add it into the database, but when I try to add a date where the day is the 13th or above it shows error message
Run-time error '-2147467259'(80004005)':
[ODBC Firebird Driver][Firebird]conversion error from string "13/08/2017"
The type in database is "DATE", but when I turn the type in database into "VARCHAR" everything is fine, but "VARCHAR" cannot do the function Date.
If you pass date value as a string or in context of a concatenated statement, make sure you set the value in 'YYYY-MM-DD' format (ISO_8601).
If you have prepared statements with parameters, then driver itself will handle safely data type conversions automagically. At least it should.
Last option is recommended.

Oracle to_timestamp produces error

I am trying to get a value of time-stamp column using jdbc driver. The following query works like a charm :
to_char(update_date,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF9 TZR') update_date
However, instead of to_char, I need timestamp values and if I use the following query in my select statemnt, it gives
OTA-01821-Date format not recognized
error. please can someone help?
to_timestamp(update_date,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF9 TZR') update_date
The immediate cause of the error is the TZR part of the format mask, which isn't valid for a plain timestamp. You could either convert to a timestamp with time zone with a different function:
to_timestamp_tz(update_date,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF9 TZR')
or omit the time zone:
to_timestamp(update_date,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF9')
But as uodate_date is already a timestamp (with [local] time zone), you are implicitly converting it to a string using your session's NLS_TIMESTAMP_TZ_FORMAT setting, before explicitly converting that string back to a timestamp (with or without time zone).
At best this is pointless, but if your NLS setting doesn't match the explicit format you use then it will give a different error or incorrect results.
If you want a timestamp value from Java then don't do any conversion - just select the original update_date column, and use the JDBC getTimestamp() to retrieve it.

date format with inconsistant data Oracle SQL

I am have a freetext column which a date is input to.
is there a way i can force the output to display the same?
for example some people are entering '2/12/15' others are entering '02/12/2015'
how i can i get the output to pick up the dates and change them to a consistant format?
no idea where to start. I have tried "To_char" but it says 'invalid number'
Actually I believe you want to_date( ):
select to_date('2/12/15', 'mm/dd/rrrr')
from dual;
The 'rrrr' for year will format the year correctly. See date formats here:
Your best approach here may be to use a PL/SQL function that accepts the string and then attempts a series of date conversions on it with different date format pictures ('DD/MM/YY', 'DD/MM/YYYY' etc) until it finds one that does not raise an exception.
This won't work if some people enter DD/MM/YYYY and others enter MM/DD/YYYY, but will appear to in some cases.

Matching date format in Teradata YYYY-MM-DD

I am fairly new to Teradata. I have a transaction date column in the source which has some valid and invalid values. What I need to do is fetch the valid values which are in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.SSSSSS and pass a null to target for all the invalid values
The transformation rule is : If format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.SSSSSS then move source to target else move null to target.
Just left join your column with the Sys_Calendar tables, and using COALESCE in the SEL part should get it to work.
If you still have issues, cast your date into a format that matches sys calendar.
Invalid dates will be returned as NULL.

How to use the "to_date" function in Oracle with a variable as parameter?

I have a stored procedure that contains the following:
V_DATACONVERTIDA varchar2(100) := TO_DATE('27/10/1994 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS.SSSSS');
It works fine, but the problem is I gotta make that date a variable. So I created
V_DATAEXPIRACAO VARCHAR2(100) := p__formdata;
being p__formdata (varchar2) a parameter from the SP.
When I made that change, though, I got the following error:
ORA-01858: a non-numeric character was found where a numeric was expected
" I don't understand why it says it expects a numeric value when
everything is supposed to be string (or varchar)"
Well clearly everything isn't a string. Oracle hurls the ORA-01858 error we attempt to cast a string to a date but with wrong format mask; for instance this example passes a character month but specifies a numeric month in the mask: to_date('08-APR-2013', 'DD-MM-YYYY') .
So, if you're getting that error your program isn't doing what you think it is. But only you can see the whole source, so only you can figure out where the bug lies.
