I am fairly new to Teradata. I have a transaction date column in the source which has some valid and invalid values. What I need to do is fetch the valid values which are in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.SSSSSS and pass a null to target for all the invalid values
The transformation rule is : If format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.SSSSSS then move source to target else move null to target.
Just left join your column with the Sys_Calendar tables, and using COALESCE in the SEL part should get it to work.
If you still have issues, cast your date into a format that matches sys calendar.
Invalid dates will be returned as NULL.
say my usual Date format is '14-jan-2019' and i want my date to only be accepted as 'YYYY-MM-DD' how do i do that? and can i change jan to an actual number?
In my opinion, the right / correct way to do that is to declare your date column (or variable or whatever it is) as DATE, e.g.
create table test (date_column date);
l_date_variable date;
Doing so, you'd let the database take care about valid values.
You'd then be able to enter data any way you want, using any valid date format mask, e.g.
to_date('06.01.2020', 'dd.mm.yyyy')
date '2020-01-06'
to_date('2020-06-01', 'yyyy-dd-mm')
etc. - all those values would be valid.
A DATE data type has no format - it is stored internally as 7-bytes representing year (2 bytes) and month, day, hour, minute and second (1 byte each).
'14-JAN-2019' is not a date - it is a text literal.
If you want to store date values then use a DATE data type.
If you want to only accept strings of a specific format as input then in whatever user interface you use to talk to the database then accept only that format. If you are converting strings to DATEs and wanting an exact format then you can use:
TO_DATE( '2019-01-14', 'fxYYYY-MM-DD' )
Note: the fx format model will mean that the exact format is expected and the typical string-to-date conversion rules will not be applied.
I am using SQL*Loader to import data from CSV to an Oracle table. My data has multiple date fields and i need to replace null values with '0001-01-01-00-00-00' and other values need to follow date format.
I used decode option like
which is not working when null values occur.
SQL*Loader error:
Record 2: Rejected - Error on table EX_QUOTE_MO_SAMPLE, column QUOTE_CREATE_DT.
ORA-01847: day of month must be between 1 and last day of month
Your version is relying on implicit conversion using the SQL*Loader session's NLS settings.
You could use decode or coalesce or nvl to provide a date string in the format you're converting, but inside the to_date() call:
I'm using Pentaho to datamask some of the information on the oracle DB
I have several transformations of the form:
SELECT -> data mask -> UPDATE rows based on primary key
I have tables where a timestamp is part of the primary key in the update step. Even though I am not masking or updating this field in any way, I get the error ORA-01843: not a valid month when performing the update.
I believe this is because when Pentaho takes in the timestamp from Step 1 it doesn’t actually keep it as a timestamp until I try the update and hence the primary key check. Outputting to excel, I see pentaho giving timestamps in the format
2014-07-30 15:44:31.869033 Europe/London (Pentaho)
But in DB the format is
I have tried to convert the pentaho field to a Timestamp (format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSSSS) before the update step but receive errors if I try and use milliseconds.
2017/03/14 13:19:25 - Select values.0 - AUDIT_CREATE_TS Timestamp : couldn't convert string [2015-01-30 09:21:38.109145 Europe/London] to a timestamp, expecting format [yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.ffffff]
2017/03/14 13:19:25 - Select values.0 - Timestamp format must be yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss[.fffffffff]
If I replace my formatting to the one suggested by Pentaho I get "Illegal character 'f'" and then I am stuck in a loop.
Ignoring milliseconds seems to succeed but won’t give me any matches because it isn’t precise enough and returns no results from db..
Any help would be appreciated!
Not sure about Pentaho, but if you're looking for a conversion from this string:
'2015-01-30 09:21:38.109145 Europe/London'
to a timestamp with timezone in Oracle, it would be:
select to_timestamp_tz('2015-01-30 09:21:38.109145 Europe/London', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF6 TZR') from dual;
See Oracle Datetime Format Models document for more.
I need your assistance with converting Oracle dates.
I have a column that stores dates like this 20150731 00:00:34.220. However, I would like to show the column like this 20150731 but when I run a simple select statement to test output I get the following error.
select TO_DATE('20150731 00:00:34.550','YYYYMMDD')
from dual
ORA-01830: date format picture ends before converting entire input string
This query
select TO_DATE('20150731 00:00:34.550','YYYYMMDD')
from dual
leads to error
ORA-01830: date format picture ends before converting entire input string
because you pass string with length 22 characters, but at the same time you pass date format with 8 characters, which obviously doesn't correspond to string. You should write the query as
select to_timestamp('20150731 00:00:34.550','yyyymmdd hh24:mi:ss.ff3')
from dual
As for your table, since you have varchar2 column with dates, you have to take care about table content. Query requires exect matching of the source string and date format.
If you want to show only date without time and you don't need to process this string as date, you can make just
select substr('20150731 00:00:34.550', 1, 8)
from dual
What is the data type of the column? If it is DATE (as it should be) then not it is not stored in the format you say. It is stored in an internal binary format. You would/should use the to_char function to DISPLAY it in whatever format you choose. If you do not use the to_char function, it will be displayed in the format specified by NLS_DATE_FORMAT, which can be specified at several locations.
As for your example, you passed a string format of yyyymmd hh:mi:ss.fff', but you provided a description mask of only YYYYMMDD. It doesn't know what to do with time component. In addition to that when you SELECT TO_DATE, oracle also has to do an implied TO_CHAR to convert it back to a string for display purposes.
In addition, you provided your to_date with a character string that included fractions of seconds. A DATE data type only resolves to seconds. If you need fractional seconds, you need to use TIMESTAMP, not DATE.
If your column is a varchar and you need a date output:
select TO_DATE(substr('20150731 00:00:34.550', 1, 8),'YYYYMMDD') from dual
If it's in a date format and you need a string output:
select to_char(your_column, 'YYYYMMDD') from your_table
Is that being stored in an Oracle datetime column? If not, you may have to do some manipulation to get it into a DD-MON-YYYY format. If it is being stored as a text string you could use SUBSTR( Date_field, Start_Position, Length) to get the first 8 characters. check out this link SUBSTR
Working on the assumption that you're not trying to change the value in the column, and are just trying to show it in the YYYYMMDD format -
As mentioned by a_horse_with_no_name, you'll just need to convert it to a character string. In this example I used systimestamp as my date:
That should give you the YYYYMMDD format you want to display.
1) Why is that this doesn't works
select * from table where trunc(field1)=to_date('25-AUG-15','DD-MON-YY');
select * from table where trunc(field1)=to_date('25/Aug/15','DD/MON/YY');
row is returned in above cases.
So, does this mean that no matter what format the date is there in field1, if it is the valid date and matches with 25th August, it will be returned ( it won't care what format specifier we specify at the right side of the query i.e. DD-MON-YY or DD/MON/YY or anything else) ?
2) but comparsion as string exactly works:
select * from table where to_char(field1)=to_char(to_date
('25/AUG/15','DD/MON/YY'), 'DD/MON/YY');
no row is returned as the comparison is performed exactly.
I have field1 as '25-AUG-15' ( although it can be viewed differently doing alter session NLS_DATE_FORMAT...)
field1 is of DATE type
Any help in understanding this is appreciated specifically with respect to point 1
The DATE data type does not have format -- it's simply a number. So, a DATE 25-Aug-2015 is the same as DATE 25/AUG/15, as well as DATE 2015-08-15, because it's the same DATE.
Strings, on the other hand, are collections of characters, so '25-Aug-2015' is obviously different from '25/AUG/15'.
In the first example you are comparing DATE values. In the second example you are comparing strings.
So you have a field of type DATE with value of The 25th of August 2015,
but it could be visualized in different ways, what in fact is named format.
The DATE has format!
The DATE has implicit format defined by Oracle, in your case it is DD-MON-YY, because you see your field as 25-AUG-15.
You can select your data without TO_DATE conversion, just matching this default format like this:
select * from table where trunc(field1)='25-AUG-15';
In fact, it's not recommended, because if someone will change the default format, Oracle will not be able to understand that you are going to tell him a DATE.
So the to_date conversion in this case:
select * from table where
is used to specify that you wanna tell to Oracle a DATE type with value of 25th of August 2015, using a diffrent format, specified as second parameter. (DD/MM/YY in this case).