S4 SDK call takes long time and stopped without error - s4sdk

I encountered a strange issue. The execute call to get S/4 Business role authorization details, made by using S/4 SDK takes long time, then stopped without throwing an exception. the code used is shown below. The url is https://my300470-api.s4hana.ondemand.com/sap/opu/odata/SAP/APS_IAM_SIAG_BROLE_SRV/getAuthDetails?ID=%27SAP_BR_INVOICING_SPEC_CINV%27&$format=json&sap-client=100&saml2=disabled
The call works for some roles, but for some other roles, it takes long time, then stopped without throwing exception.
List<IagprivilegeauthDetails> authDataList = new

After some investigation and other reports of issues like this we found the problem:
A library that we use did not close all HTTP resources properly.
After upgrading the library this should be fixed with version 2.19.0.


Quickblox.sdk GetBaseSession() method throws "nonce is required" error

I have used quickblox chat sdk in my old xamarin.forms project. I know that quickblox is not supporting xamarin now, but old sdk was working fine till now, but from last week I am getting this error.
var baseSesionResult = await Provider.QbProvider.GetBaseSession();
When I am calling QbProvider.GetBaseSession() it throws below error:
CONTENT: {"errors":{"base":["nonce is required"]}}
I have tried different methods available in sdk but none is working. Any one know how to fix this error?
This is Nikolay from QuickBlox support.
Please add "" symbols around nonce and timestamp values and check if the issue is resolved.
The same information is mentioned in our documentation: https://docs.quickblox.com/reference/authentication#create-session
We released a patch for authentication that improves validation according to our documentation.
Hence, the issue is caused by incorrect implementation in the application that is why the server has started showing errors for submitted requests.

Dialogflow CX - Form Parameter FINAL and UPDATED Event Not working

The DialogFlow CX with Page Form Parameters was working well in the test simulator and recently, my chat bots are not responding after user inputs.
When i tried to troubleshoot the issue i realized that the $page.params.status='FINAL' or the $page.params.someparameter.status='UPDATED' events are not firing properly. Due to this the routes are getting failed.
Initially i thought the issue is in my Project. Then i tried the prebuilt agent (travel-baggage claim) in another project. Even that behaves the same without any response after the user inputs are collected.
I also reported this issue to the Developer Advocates in Twitter and updating here as well to get some response from the community.
I’ve tried to replicate your use case but I was able to successfully trigger the condition routes $page.params.status = "FINAL" and $page.params.parameter-name.status = "UPDATED" as expected and transition to the defined page from my end.
See the following for reference:
$page.params.status = "FINAL"
$page.params.parameter-name.status = "UPDATED"
To troubleshoot the issue, you may check if all the conditions defined in your condition route are fulfilled. Also, you may need to check if the condition rules applied is OR or AND. If AND, make sure that all conditions are fulfilled in order to transition to the defined page or flow.
As for the prebuilt agent Travel: baggage claim, I was also able to replicate the same behavior. However, I noticed that this is a different issue since the issue is caused by the webhook being unable to provide a response and not caused by triggering the condition route. I was able to verify this by adding a static response on the condition route and by checking the logs from the simulator. See screenshots below for more information.
Static response
Log snippet from simulator
I tried creating a new flow and migrated all the pages and it works well. I suspect the flow got corrupted when i programmatically tried to update via API.

GraphQL Elixir/Phoenix API: Socket hang up with large json response

New to Elixir/Phoenix and GraphQL. I have created a simple API that retrieves "drawings" from a PostgreSQL database. The table consists of an "id" (uuid) and "drawing_json" (text). In the table is one row with a json string of about 77Kb. My schema and queries are defined using Absinthe. I have 1 query called "all_drawings" which resolves and reaches out to the Repo and pulls in all drawings. When using postman to call this API, the following query works fine:
However, when I try to return the json field as well the postman request times out and I get a "socket hang up" error.
Looking at the Debug Console in Visual Studio Code, I can see the query gets the data from the db just fine and almost immediately. Something seems to be happening though in returning it to the client that I can't detect. No errors are thrown. Any ideas? Not sure what information will help but happy to provide more.
A colleague helped me find the fix. Not sure why this is (maybe someone can elaborate), but the issue was with trying to run it in Visual Studio Code. Previously, I set up the run task in launch.json and would click the run button to start debugging my application. This would cause the aforementioned crash every time. When I went to the terminal and ran the "mix phx.server" command, everything worked fine. Not sure if the hang up is with Visual Studio Code or the ElixirLS extension when using the IDE to debug. But starting the application through the command line allowed me to use postman to hit the api and retrieve the data just fine. I'm very new to the Elixir/Phoenix world so I'm unable to draw a more intelligent conclusion as to why this happens.

After upgrade from Dynamics CRM 2011 to CRm 2016 experiencing weird issue with forms and plugins

Client company just upgraded to 2016 from 2011. I've been testing the plugins to make sure they all still function and I've finally (after much frustration) figured out what is happening, but no idea why or how to resolve this.
I have several plugins and they all function exactly as expected - as long as the updates to the data are not run through the forms.
Let me explain:
I have plugins (Synchronous) that trigger on a change to a field. If the field is changed via a workflow, or some other coded process, everything runs just fine.
But when I update the field on the form it's self. It fails with a very generic error (below).
I support a couple of other clients already on 2016, and I'm not experiencing this same problem. So I'm not even sure where to begin. I've been going crazy here the last couple of days to check the code. But it only happens when updating the field on the form. Every other method of updating the data that I have tested works with no errors.
I also have another issue. When the field is updated (through a test workflow), it runs and updates a child record. The child record then has a workflow that runs to deactivate the record. The workflow says it ran and deactivated the record, but it never deactivates).
Anyway. if ANYONE has ANY idea at all about what could be causing this. I would love to hear it. I'm at my wits end on this.
Thank you in advance.
I've tested the code and had it run successfully, as long as I don't update the field through the form. To test this I created some test workflows that update the data, they successfully run and the plugins fire off with no problems.
EntityReference contact =
QueryExpression cn = new QueryExpression("ipmahr_recertification");
cn.ColumnSet = new ColumnSet("ipmahr_contact", "statecode");
cn.Criteria.AddCondition("ipmahr_contact", ConditionOperator.Equal,
cn.Criteria.AddCondition("statecode", ConditionOperator.Equal, 0);
EntityCollection results1 = server.RetrieveMultiple(cn);
if (results1.Entities.Count > 0)
foreach (Entity a in results1.Entities)
a.Attributes["ipmahr_deactivaterecertificationrecord"] = true;
The code is pretty straightforward in most cases, and works fine as long as things aren't updated on the form.
Here is the error: Exception: System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault]: System.ServiceModel.CommunicationObjectFaultedException: #595EB751 (Fault Detail is equal to Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault)., Correlation Id: fd1a79ca-c846-407b-b578-ac9207d6dd0e, Initiating User: 274d55dc-3f4d-e811-b30f-0050569142af Exiting Recertifications.Main.DeactivateUsedRecertificationsonEndDateChange.Execute(), Correlation Id: fd1a79ca-c846-407b-b578-ac9207d6dd0e, Initiating User: 274d55dc-3f4d-e811-b30f-0050569142af
New information. I have found that not all the plugins I've written have an issue on this server. This is good. But I also found that there is a commonality on those plugins that do fail.
Any plugin using a Query Expression fails with the generic error. Adding robust error checking didn't show anything (once error checking was added, it just didn't run anything, and didn't produce any errors in the logs). Trace logs didn't show anything significant either.
So now I'm wondering if there is something in the way the Query Expression is formatted, or if there is an issue with the SQL. I mention SQL because I found this morning that if I create fields too fast, I get a generic SQL error. Wait a minute and I can create new fields without a problem.
I think it likely that this plugin is not actually failing based on the error you are receiving and the fact that it happens conditionally. More likely, your server.Update(a); call is resulting in a failure within a secondary plugin or workflow action triggered by update of the Recertification record.
- Comment out that line and verify that the plugin works
- See if you can reproduce a failure by directly updating that field on the Recertification record
- Review plugin/workflows running against the Recertification entity
Most likely this has one of the following root causes:
- A security issue based on different executing users between the form update or workflow update
- Other tangential fields are being updated by one or the other of those two methods which subsequently cause different behavior in a secondary plugin/workflow

ASP.net web API GET method called twice

I am trying to compile and run ASP.net web api project in mono. On windows this projects works fine but in mono the GET method is called twice. This happens only with GET method. The project has authentication requirement, so if any end point is hit without authentication the returned error response is also twice. What can be the issue?
Finally I was able to narrow down the issue. This was happening because WebApiConfig.cs was getting registered twice
