I am trying to enroll a fleet of Android 5.1 devices which did never receive a newer version of Android and are not working with any third party ROM. So we're stuck on 5.1.
As the Google Play Services in the ROM was so old, that I couldn't even install the Android Device Policy DPC, I updated the Play Services in the ROM using an update.zip, wiped the device and then enrolled the device using a NFC tag.
Unfortunately, enrollment is not working, and I'm not even getting an error message. The DPC seems to set itself as the device owner, but no enrollment is taking place - the device does not show up on the API, and upon launching the DPC from the application drawer and clicking on the "Get started"-button, we always are presented with "Your system cannot be managed by this app. Please contact your administrator".
Well, I am the administrator and I have no clue, why this is failing.
Has anyone an idea, what the DPC is looking for before deciding that the device cannot be managed? Or how to get a more meaningful message out of the DPC?
The Android Management API doesn't support NFC provisioning on Android 5.1. It is only supported on Android 6.0 and above.
The documentation previously mentioned that 5.1 is supported, that was an error and we have now updated it.
I have released an application as an internal test. I have seen that one device (about 14.28% of all devices) has an old release installed. Now I would like to find out the device. Is it possible to get more information about the devices which installed an app release? (e.g. device name or something like that)? And how often are the release details for internal tests updated in the Google developer console?
My team and I are developping an Android Auto enabled app. And it appears to me this app is only available in my car unit, when I enable unknown sources in the Android Auto app.
However I'm wondering what defines an unknown source and how do I make sure my app is not an unknown source. Does Android Auto communicate with the Google Play Services for this or do i need to sign the APK with specific data?
How are you deploying your app? If you are deploying with Android Studio: as I recall you won't see it on your real automotive head unit, just the emulator. To show on the head unit it needs to be deployed in the Play Store, at least in developer and pre-release mode while under development.
First of all: Android Auto runs on your own device, meaning it adapts the same permissions you granted to particular apps. If your app doesn't have an app in the normal UI or you didn't open it on your phone once, then it would usually prompt you to grant permissions the first time you open it.
An unknown source is pretty much any way of getting your app outside of the Google Play Store (and OEM-specific app stores like Samsung App Store for Samsung devices etc.).
That is especially common if you e.g. download an .apk from the internet and want to install it, but your phone thinks their own file manager is an unknown source (because it is not intended to download apps).
I have an app that uses the altbeacon Android Beacon Library to do iBeacon monitoring and ranging, and I'm trying to handle the "Bluetooth share has stopped" crash.
I've followed the instructions to copy in the BluetoothCrashResolver class seen here (https://github.com/RadiusNetworks/bluetooth-crash-resolver) and initialize it in the class that does the ranging. My question is, how do I expose the proper BluetoothDevice and BluetoothAdapter.LeScanCallback parameters in order to call notifyScannedDevice upon discovery of an iBeacon?
Thanks in advance!
Recent versions of the Android Beacon Library (dating back 18 months) already have integration with the Bluetooth Crash Resolver out-of-the box. There is no need to do any configuration as it is enabled automatically.
It is important to note, however, that the Bluetooth Crash Resolver is not a panacea for preventing crashes on Android 4.3 and 4.4. It works well on Nexus and other devices with close to stock Android. It works less well with some heavily modified Samsung ROMs.
I followed the documentation(https://parse.com/docs/dotnet/guide#push-notifications-setting-up-push) by Parse for sending Push to Windows 8.1 device. But, I am not able to get through the first step ie. "Installation". As per the documentation I followed , the channel should get registered instantly. I have enabled "Toast capable" within the Package.appxmanifest file in my Windows 8.1 Universal App(C#).
I have also authenticated the App by adding the Package Security Identifier and the Client Secret to the Parse.com Windows Push Credentials settings. But still no success. Can anyone tell me if I am missing anything or if Parse SDK is supported for Universal Windows 8.1 C# App.
I previously had Parse working for WP8 as per instructions here. So this is to say it is definitely doable, follow those steps there to see if you missed any steps.
We are using Cordova, but I had to end up doing this part natively. It was working in December 2015 but mysteriously this year we had issues with Parse on all 3 device platforms (iOS, Android, WP8). I'm still spending time trying to figure out why WP8 just doesn't work now, can't even get the device to register to a channel anymore...
I don't have the Apple 79€/year account. In iOS 5.0 and Xcode 4.2.1 I changed SDKSettings.plist ecc... And it works. In iOS 5.1.1 and Xcode 4.3.2 no, I already changed settings ecc but don't work, the app installs on device but crash on launch... How can I run my app on device without crashes? Thanks, and sorry for my english.
I have had this issue before on a jailbroken device. You have a few solutions depending on the exact issue. First you can install app sync in order to allow unsigned code to work on your device if you are not using a valid code signing identity. The second option is to actually get a valid code signing identity along with the provision profile so you can run the application correctly. This involves paying for the developer program so this may not be the best option.
Last is a very common issue with jailbroken devices. Which is that you will receive an error such as "failed to get the task for process xxxxx". This tends to happen a lot with jailbroken devices. This is because Xcode notices you are not using a provision profile that is required to report error logs. All you have to do is launch the application again on the device and everything should work.
This is just Xcode not being able to fully launch your application because of the missing provision profile so it results in a crash. If none of these solutions solve your problem please post a more detailed explanation of the issue you are having.