All my Jenkins jobs and configs have disappeared after restart of my Mac - macos

After updating macOS to Mojave (10.14.4), my Mac was restarted and upon opening Jenkins (at localhost:8080) it appeared that I've lost all my jobs and the entire system configurations.
There was only 1 user (admin) defined in my installation and my usual password was deemed invalid, when I tried to log back in. So, I tried entering another password I normally used and it was accepted. I then found that all my jobs and configs have disappeared. It looked as if I've just started Jenkins for the first time.
Looking through here on StackOverFlow, there were suggestions to check the JENKINS_HOME variable to find out where the jobs are saved on the disk, but when I typed export $JENKINS_HOME I just get an empty response. So, it looks like I've never configured it during set up.
I then dig through the hard drive and found the folders matching the names of the jobs I created under ~/.jenkins/workspace. However, the contents of all the folders are empty. I was expecting to see the usual files, e.g. build.xml, config.xml, etc.
I then did a global search for build.xml and config.xml on Mac Finder it turned up nothing.
Any idea where my jobs went and what could have caused all the contents of the folders of the jobs to be empty?

You can find your Jenkins installation directory in "Manage Jenkins" -> "configure System" --> "Home directory". Find what was the Jenkins home before you restart MAC. It looks like your home directory is either deleted by you or you are pointing to new folder now. Set it to earlier folder.

If can help,
I'm having a similar problem.
The curious part is about the new directory after the service restart ".jenkins" directory inside :
And now, the password that Jenkins request me is not from
'/Users/username/.jenkins/secrets/initialAdministratorPassword' but from the newst one with same path pattern.


kubectl not working on my windows 10 machine

When I try to run any kubectl command including kubectl version, I get a pop-up saying "This app can't run on your PC, To find a version for your PC, check with the software publisher" when this is closed, the terminal shows "access denied"
The weird thing is, when I run the "kubectl version" command in the directory where I have downloaded kubectl.exe, it works fine.
I have even added this path to my PATH variables.
thank you for the answer, #rally
apparently, in my machine, it was an issue of administrative rights during installation. My workplace's IT added the permission and it worked for me.
Adding this answer here so that if anyone else comes across this problem they can try this solution as well.
Not knowing what exactly you downloaded, i would suggest you to delete everying in the folder and follow the instructions for installing kubectl for Windows from here:
Note: downloading the .exe is not enough. You need a kubeconfig file "config", which contains the configuration to access your cluster.
kubectl looks for this file in a hidden folder under your user profile directory. c:\users<me>.kube.
Just to let you try, i would suggest you to activate Kubernetes in your Docker-Desktop installation. I guess you have this installed. If not install it from the Dockersite.
Activating Kubernetes inside Docker-desktop, will install also kubectl and save the config in the .kube folder.
After the installation finished, in a new terminal:
kubectl get node
You should see the 1 node in the kubernetes-docker-desktop cluster.
Now if you want to access another cluster, you need the kubeconfig-file for that cluster. If you have it, just rename the config in the .kube folder (to not loose it) and put the other config inside.
If the new config file is correct you should be able to access that cluster.
The config file can be structured to hold more than one cluster configuration and you can switch between them using a so called context.
Here you can get the information how to do that, according to your needs:
Hope this can help you, starting with KUbernetes.

Unable to save output from Rscripts in system directory using Devops Pipeline

I am running Rscripts on a self hosted Devops agent. My Windows agent is able to access the system's directory where its hosted. Below is the directory structure for my code
Agent loc. : F:/agent
Source Code : F:/agent/deployment/projects/project1/sourcecode
DWH _dump : F:/agent/deployment/DWH_dump/2021/
Output loca. : F:/agent/deployment/projects/project1/output_data/2021
The agent is using CMD in the devops pipeline to trigger R from the system and use the libraries from the system directory.
Problem statement: I am unable to save the output from my Rscript in to the Output Loca. directory. It give an error as Probable reason: permission denied error by pointing to that directory.
Output File Format: file_name.rds but same issue happens even for a csv file.
Command leading to failure: saverds(paste0(Output loca.,"/",file_name.rds))
Workaround : However I found a workaround, tried to save the scripts at the Source Code directory and then save the same files at the Output Loca. directory. This works perfectly fine but costs me 2 extra hours of run time because I have to save all intermediatory files and delete them in the end. Keeping the intermediatory files in memory eats up my RAM.
I have not opened that directory anywhere in the machine. Only open application in my explorer is my browser where the pipeline is running. I spent hours to figure out the reason but no success. Even I checked the system Path to see whether I have mentioned that directory over there and its not present.
When I run the same script directly, on the machine using Rstudio, I do not have any issues with saving the file at any directory.
Spent 2 full days already. Any pointers to figure out the root cause can save me few hours of runtime.
Solution was to set the Azure Pipeline Agent services in Windows to run with Admin Credentials. The agent was not configured as an admin during creation and so after enabling it with my userid which has admin access on the VM, the pipelines were able to save files without any troubles.
Feels great, saved few hours of run time!
I was able to achieve this by following this post.

Change jenkins directory path in OSX. Settings JENKINS_HOME did not work

I have an old jenkins installation in an OS X (version 10.11.3). Today I tried to access it and it showed a welcome message without any jobs or plugins installed.
Apparently directory path its pointing to /Users/my_user/.jenkins and after some search for my old jobs they are located at /Users/Shared/Jenkins/Home/jobs.
I tried settings JENKINS_HOME to /Users/Shared/Jenkins/Home and restarting jenkins but without any success. I also search around, but nothing seems to be changing the home directory of jenkins.
Any tip?

TFS Build Error Path already mapped to another workspace Occuring even after deleting cache file

Firstly I read through many existing threads and followed the instructions there
Almost all the above threads asked me to delete the cache file. I went into the machine and deleted the cache file. I even edited the cache file (XML file named version config) but still it gets overwritten
But still even after that I am seeing the same issue.
The build agent has got dynamic $SourceDir as value
What else can I do to fix this? Please Help.
I tried doing tf workspaces but it simply keeps saying that "Unable to determine the source control server"
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\TeamBuild\Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.targets (838): Unable to create the workspace 'NVM1756PDV_105_7' due to a mapping conflict. You may need to manually delete an old workspace. You can get a list of workspaces on a computer with the command 'tf workspaces /computer:%COMPUTERNAME%'.
Details: The path C:\Builds\7\Common_Security\cloud\src is already mapped in workspace NVM1756PDV_104_7.
Run the tf workspace /delete NVM1756PDV_104_7 command to correct this error.
Try using TFS Sidekicks to delete the workspace using the Workspace Sidekick.

How to change Jenkins default folder on Windows?

How to change Jenkins default folder on Windows where Jenkins runs as Windows service.
I want to change C:\Users\Coola\.jenkins folder to d:\Jenkins due to lack of space on C: partition (Every build takes ~10MB of free space). I don't want to reinstall Jenkins as Windows service. I just want to change folder of existing Jenkins instance. In case of lack of global solution I could focus only on relocating jobs folder.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Stop Jenkins service
Move C:\Users\Coola\.jenkins folder to d:\Jenkins
Using regedit, change HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Jenkins\ImagePath to "d:\Jenkins\jenkins.exe"
Start service
Apparently, grams' answer works but is not preferred. In Windows software and data/configuration files are supposed to reside in different places. This should be well known to Unix guys, it is basically like having a home directory. However, the wording with regard to JENKINS_HOME is broken anyways as setting an environment variable does not help despite what is being said in the help text.
I used the procedure that is described here:
Stop Jenkins service
Edit entry <env name="JENKINS_HOME" value="%BASE%"/> in jenkins.xml in the Jenkins installation directory. This will be something like C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins. In your case value has to be set to d:\Jenkins
Move Files from the installation directory to the new destination, d:\Jenkins, all except (some of them may not exist in a fresh installation)
jre folder
Restart the service again.
When you read Administering Jenkins you can read all options how to modify the JENKINS_HOME environment variable.
On this website you can read how to configure you Tomcat container to override the JENKINS_HOME environment variable, they advise to create the file $CATALINA_BASE/conf/localhost/jenkins.xml, with the following content:
<Context docBase="../jenkins.war">
<Environment name="JENKINS_HOME" type="java.lang.String" value="/data/jenkins" override="true"/>
Here is the answer that worked for me: Jenkins: How to change JENKINS_HOME on Windows
And in addition to grams answer, the most important part is creating an environment variable named JENKINS_HOME with value "D:\Jenkins". Without that, on starting Jenkins it would again create the .jenkins folder in your user home folder.
I was able to change the JENKINS_HOME variable following this
Setting JUST %JENKINS_HOME% as windows system wide environment variable didn't have any effect!
We installed by dropping the .war into Tomcat, and could set home by just setting the environment variable JENKINS_HOME (with a service restart).
