how to use a sent variable from php into vue.js - laravel

i am already sending a variable from laravel to my vuejs like below : but when i want to use it in a component as an string it gives not defined error my vue component code is like below
export default {
props: ['reserve_end'],
return {
date: '',
// the component part
import VuePersianDatetimePicker from 'vue-persian-datetime-picker'
Vue.use(VuePersianDatetimePicker, {
name: 'custom-date-picker',
min: //i want to use the reserve_end here as an string
and finally the html markup
<custom-date-picker v-model="date"></custom-date-picker>
but in the end it wont load and gives error that reserve_end is not defined i want to know how can i pass this reserve_end to the datepicker as an string
here is the devtoll picture of tracing

// First component (getting value from Laravel):
export default {
props: ['reserve_end']
Now, in the first component, you should have an access to this.reserve_end.
// template of first component
<second-component :date="reserve_end"></second-component>
Let's pass the value to another component, using same technique - props.
// Second component (getting value from first component
export default {
props: ['date']
Now, in the second, component we can:
{{ date }}, to get the date :)
However, don't forget to inspect each component Vue devtools.


In vue 3, can I use both v-model:custom-property and #update:custom-property?

I want to update a custom property value inside a child component,
and also want to get event whenever the value is changed.
So, I tried both v-model: and #update:, like this.
<CustomName v-model:custom-name="name"
// CustomName.vue
export default {
name: 'CustomName',
props: {
customName: String
emits: ['update:customName'],
setup(_, {emit}) {
const customNameChanged = (event) => {
return {
<input :value="customName" #change="customNameChanged"/>
I expected that name is changed and nameChanged is called,
but name is not changed.
I tried some cases at the vue sfc playground.
The result is,
(1) When I use camelCase, value is updated and method is called.
<CustomName v-model:customName="name4"
(2) But when I use kebab-case, value is NOT changed and method is called.
<CustomName v-model:custom-name="name3"
(3) Without #update:, camelCase and kebab-case are worked well.
<CustomName v-model:custom-name="name1"/>
<CustomName v-model:customName="name2"/>
Is this right? Is it illegal to use v-model with #update? Or should I use camelCase?

how to access data ($count) from laravel controller to vue component

I want to access a variable $count from my controller and access it to a vue component (frontend). currently have this code on my controller:
public function index()
$count = User::where('created_at', Carbon::today())->count();
return view('user.index', compact('count'));
i am quite new to laravel and vuejs so please help me out. thank you!
Send count as a prop from blade to component
<your-component-name :count="{{ $count }}"></your-component-name>
And from your component, receive that prop
Count is {{ count }}
export default {
props: {
count: {
type: Number
To pass down data to your components you can use props. Find more info
about props over here. This is also a good source for defining those
You can do something like:
<example :userId="{{ Auth::user()->id }}"></example>
<example v-bind:userId="{{ Auth::user()->id }}"></example>
And then in your Example.vue file you have to define your prop. Then
you can access it by this.userId.
Like :
export default {
props: ['userId'],
mounted () {
// Do something useful with the data in the template
the above question was answered in below question
Pass data from blade to vue component

Vue2 + laravel6 - Component implementation

I just started using Vue2 with Laravel6 and got stuck when trying to understand how to use component method.
As I am totally new for Vue, I am using the official tutorial of Vue as a reference. What I learned from here( about Vue component instantiation is we give options to a component.(e.g. we give 'template:' options for HTML part.)
When I look at laravel6 codes of resouces/js/app.js, it looks something like this:
Vue.component('example-component', require('./components/ExampleComponent.vue').default);
I looked at js/components/ExampleComponent.vue expecting to see some options declared there. However, there's no option in the ExampleComponent.vue file. Instead, I see <template></template> tag. Apparently, the <template></template> tag seems to work as 'template:' option.
I have two questions regarding above:
Does <template></template> tag have the same meaning as 'template:' option?
If question 1 is yes, are other options also replacable with corresponding tags? (e.g. Can I use <props></props> tag for 'props:' option? or <data></data> tag for 'data:' option?
Thanks in advance!
In Vue world, there are two popular types of defining a component
First Type
in this type, you add all of your HTML inside the template property
and the props add as attribute inside the component object to
Vue.component('button-counter', {
data: function () {
return {
count: 0
template: '<button v-on:click="count++">You clicked me {{ count }} times.</button>'
Second Type
in this type you add your component logic in a separate file ends with .vue
for example in laravel there is an ExampleComponent.vue file you will find on
it just template tag just as a wrapper for your component content and your logic you can write it as it mentions below.
// some content here
export default {
props: [],
methods: {
return {
there is no tag called props or data
for more info read this article

Custom Component in Laravel Spark

I try to add my custom component to my Laravel Spark instance and always get the error:
Property or method "obj" is not defined on the instance but referenced during render..
It all works fine if i only bind a data value (ex. "testkey") without a loop...but if i add the for loop i receive this my code:
app.js (spark)
//my new Component
import OmcListObjects from './components/modules/omc/objectlist.vue';
Vue.component('omc-objectlist', OmcListObjects);
var app = new Vue({
mixins: [require('spark')]
my Component (objectlist.vue)
<div :for="(obj in objlist)" class="property-entry card col- col-md-4 shadow-sm">
export default {
data () {
return {
objlist: [{title: 'test1'}, {title: 'test2'}],
testkey: 'testval'
I think you mean by :for the v-for directive, directives are always prefixed by v- like v-for one in which the compiler can recognize the obj variable as an temporary element used in the loop, but if you set :for which is recognized as a prop bound to a data or another property.

How to pass an object from Laravel to Vue without using props

I'm setting up some Vue Components in my Laravel 5.8 application, that require user information available through Auth::user(), most importantly, the api_token that I must use in my axios requests. I want to pass the Auth::user() object from Laravel to Vue in a secure and private method.
I initially passed the object as props, but I don't want private information on the object to be easily exposed using browser extensions such as Vue DevTools. Now, I've been searching for a way to define global variables inside the Blade Template and access them in Vue:
Pass data from blade to vue component
Based on those links above, it seems like what I need to do is set the variables to the window object, but I'm unsure on what I'm doing something wrong to achieve this. When I define the variable in the Blade Template, I can see the variable is assigning properly by doing console.log() but the problem comes when I try to use it in Vue.
window.User = {!! json_encode(Auth::user()) !!}
export default {
data: function() {
return {
user: window.User
I've tried setting the data as window.User, this.User, and simply just User but it always comes up as undefined. What am I missing? Or is there any other/better way to do this?
Try the following Vue Component:
export default {
data: function() {
return {
user: window.User
I could see the user data from the console.log in Vue component.
