QB64 unable to load image, saying "illegal function call" - image

im trying to load an image for my game title instead of ASCII, but when i try to load the image, it says that _PUTIMAGE, i&. 0 is an illegal function call.
Does _PUTIMAGE,i& not work for certain file types?
I've tried all the ways the built-in help suggest i load an image, but none of them work.
i& = _LOADIMAGE("FOrest.jpg")
PRINT "What Will Your Heros Name be?:";
Name$ = Ask$(5, 1, CSRLIN, POS(0), 11, 0)
check_1% = 0 'placeholder for debugingg
COLOR 15, 0
PRINT Name$ + "How Old will Your Hero be?: ";: age% = VAL(Ask$(3, 0, CSRLIN, POS(0), 15, 0))
'INPUT "", age%
i want this image to be loaded

The sourceHandle& and destHandle& cannot be the same or an Illegal Function Call error will occur
Try specifying an explicit destination handle. You want the screen so select 0.
method 1
i& = _LOADIMAGE("forest.jpg")
_PUTIMAGE , i&, 0
method 2
i& = _LOADIMAGE("forest.jpg")
It would be best if you verified if loading the image was successful. Check if i& is less than -1.
Did you at least setup a graphics screen for your .jpg picture?
i& = _LOADIMAGE("forest.jpg")
_PUTIMAGE , i&, 0

Are you in SCREEN 0 or in a graphics mode?

SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(640, 480, 32)
i = _LOADIMAGE("FOrest.jpg.png") 'this filename was the only one that worked
_PUTIMAGE (0, 0), i
worked but I cant do my other inputs i have at that point where the image loads.
this was in the built in help but previously didnt work. so this is weird, i guess when it works it works

Check if image was loaded correctly:
SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(640, 480, 32)
CLS , _RGB(0, 255, 0)
IF i& = -1 THEN PRINT "invalid image": END
_PUTIMAGE (0, 0), i&, 0


How do I get this XWindows.XGetImage call right?

(update: the XGetPixel problem has been solved thanks to David)
I am practicing some tasks from rosettacode.org for Standard ML, and I am stuck with the XGetImage call from XWindows (PolyML) . I get a badValue error for every attempt in XYPixmap format.
What I did, was
open XWindows ;
val disp = XOpenDisplay "" ;
val win = XCreateSimpleWindow (RootWindow disp) origin (Area {x=0,y=0,w=300,h=100}) 2 0 0xffffff ;
XMapWindow win;
XFlush disp ;
XGetImage win (Area {x=0,y=0,w=100,h=100}) AllPlanes XYPixmap ;
The XGetImage call returns
X Error BadValue in XGetImage
Exception- XWindows "XGetImage failed" raised
The xwindows.cpp source does not make me much wiser:
XImage *image = XGetImage(d,drawable,x,y,w,h,mask,CImageFormat(format));
if (image == 0) RaiseXWindows(taskData, "XGetImage failed");
ZPixmap + XGetPixel work fine in the most recent polyversion, the rest of this post has been solved:
When I try ZPixmap, i get
val im = XGetImage win (Area {x=0,y=0,w=1,h=1}) AllPlanes ZPixmap ;
val im =
{bitmapBitOrder = MSBFirst, bitmapPad = 32, bitmapUnit = 32,
bitsPerPixel = 1, byteOrder = MSBFirst, bytesPerLine = 4, data =
"\^A\^#\^#\^# ... repeat 22 x .... \^A\^#\^#\^#",
depth = 24, format = ZPixmap, size =
Rect {bottom = 1, left = 0, right = 1, top = 0}, ...}
XGetPixel disp im (XPoint {x=0,y=0}) ;
crashes PolyML
The XGetImage example (in C) in the Xlib Programming Manual chapter 6.4.2 does not seem to do anything special, just use the display and a visible window. My window win is visible. I also tried the root window, and that does not work either. I think I have followed the PolyML for X manual correctly.
What is missing here ?
It seems there was a bug in the code that implemented XGetPixel in Poly/ML. There is a fix for that now in the github repository. I'm not familiar enough with X-windows to be able to say whether it should work with XYPixmap.

VideoCapture.read() returns past image

I'm running python3.6 with openCV on the Raspberry pi(OS is Raspbian)
The approximate structure of the code is as follows.
The image is captured at time interval(3~5 min).
Captured image is processed in functions and returns measure(kind of accuracy)
Iterate 1.~2. until end_check() returns True
Problem is that the most recent taken image is out of date. It looks it was taken almost 10 minutes ago. All images recently taken are late. But the images taken at the beginning seem to be timed. And the time recorded in all .jpg files entered correctly
+It looks this problem is occured after more than a hour. (20~22 iterates)
Images are captured with cam0.read() in the cv2 package. Below is main part of the code. It is quite long to upload full code. It someone request, I will update.
def run(interval,model_list):
cam0 = cv2.VideoCapture(0) #Only cam0 is used. cam2 is just to record.
camdir = "/home/pi/capstone/cam0/"
cam2 = cv2.VideoCapture(1)
cam2dir = "/home/pi/capstone/cam2/"
runNo = 0
acc_list = list()
error_list = list()
end = False
while(end == False):
print(runNo,"th run")
img_name = "%s.jpg" %runNo
frame, res = cam0.read() #`res` is the image which will be processed
_ , cam2pic = cam2.read()
temp = Real(res)
mat = temp.match(model_list)
print("Accuracy=", mat)
except ValueError:
except AttributeError:
acc_list.append(["AttributeError", runNo])
except SmallObjectError:
acc_list.append(["SmallObjectError", runNo])
runNo = runNo+1
endNo = 40
if(runNo/2 > endNo):
end_check(res, end)
elif(runNo > endNo):
end = True
with open("acc_list.txt", "w") as output: #records for tracking errors
with open("err_list.txt", "w") as output:
(+) Some newly found things and guess
The images time gap is getting bigger with code running
Code finally showed OpenCV Error
It looks kind of Video signal is stored in RAM on R-pi and .read() returning out-dated image in RAM
Stored Video signal in RAM araise resource problem
Below is the OpenCV Error
OpenCV Error: Assertion failed (dsize.area() > 0 || (inv_scale_x > 0 && inv_scale_y > 0)) in resize, file /home/pi/opencv/opencv-3.4.0/modules/imgproc/src/resize.cpp, line 4045
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "runpi.py", line 264, in <module>
File "runpi.py", line 234, in run
mat = temp.match(model_list)
File "runpi.py", line 184, in match
File "runpi.py", line 147, in __resize
self.mask = cv2.resize(self.mask, None, fx=reratio, fy=reratio, interpolation = inter_method)
cv2.error: /home/pi/opencv/opencv-3.4.0/modules/imgproc/src/resize.cpp:4045: error: (-215) dsize.area() > 0 || (inv_scale_x > 0 && inv_scale_y > 0) in function resize
(+) Some part of code araising Error
This is __.resize() method. When I process the image that occured OpenCV Error manually, it works well even if OpenCV Error pointing out kind of image size matter. So I thought it is not matter of image itself or size got from md_inf(). Anyway Here is code.
def __resize(self, md_inf):
#md_inf = [219, 122, 132, 171, 262] <-sample
reratio = md_inf[0]/self.y
inter_method = cv2.INTER_LINEAR
inter_method = cv2.INTER_AREA
###below is line 147###
self.mask = cv2.resize(self.mask, None, fx=reratio, fy=reratio, interpolation = inter_method)
temp = np.zeros((md_inf[3], md_inf[4]), np.uint8)
m_cx, m_cy = md_inf[1:3]
_, contour, _ = cv2.findContours(self.mask, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
total_contour = contour[0]
for ctr in contour[1:]:
total_contour = np.concatenate((total_contour, ctr), axis =0)
mmt = cv2.moments(total_contour)
if(mmt['m00'] < 7500):
raise SmallObjectError
self.cy = int(mmt['m10']/mmt['m00']) #y is horrizon axis
self.cx = int(mmt['m01']/mmt['m00']) #x is vertical axis
x, y = self.mask.shape
adjust = m_cx - self.cx + x - temp.shape[0]
if(adjust > 0):
m_cx = m_cx - adjust
temp[(m_cx-self.cx):(m_cx-self.cx) +x, (m_cy-self.cy):(m_cy-self.cy) +y] = self.mask
self.mask = temp
I agree with Mark Serchell's comment. The way I am using is to set variable to time + x seconds and check. OpenCV have useful feature for skiping frames like cam.grab(). It will just read that frame from buffer but will not do anything with it. In that way you can avoid "suffering from buffering". Simple code would be:
import cv2
import time
cam = cv2.VideoCapture(url)
ret,frame = cam.read()
timeCheck = time.time()
future = 10*60 # delay
while ret:
if time.time() >= timeCheck:
ret,frame = cam.read()
# Do your staff here
timeCheck = time.time()+future
# Read from buffer, but skip it
ret = cam.grab() # note that grab() function returnt only status code,not the frame

AutoIt Wait until browser window is visible not working as expected

Consider that I have the handle ($browser_handle) of a web browser window ('firefox') available in my AutoIt script.
I would like perform some keystrokes after I know that the firefox browser window is open and visible on my display so that I can bring it to focus using -
To make sure that the window is visible before I try to bring it into focus I have a while loop which waits till the state of the window handle is visible (2).
While (Not BitAND(WinGetState($browser_handle), 2)) WEnd //until window visible
If I use a Sleep(5000) function before the while loop then I do not face any issues.
If I do not use an arbitrary Sleep function in my script, the Whileloop condition never becomes true and turns into an infinite loop.
When I tried to check what the return value of WinGetState($browser_handle) is when there is no Sleep function,
It remains 5 even if the browser is visible and becomes 0 after the browser window is closed.
I'm unable to understand why the WinGetStatereturn value never becomes 2(visible) even if the browser is visible when there is no Sleep function.
This is a test code which can reproduce the issue -
#include <Constants.au3>
Local $browser_name = 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe'
Local $browsers = ProcessList('iexplore.exe')
Local $pid = $browsers[1][1];
Local $sText = WinGetTitle("[ACTIVE]")
; Display the window title.
MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", $sText)
Func _WinActiveByPID($pid) ;False to WinActivate, True to just see if it's active
Local $aWL = WinList()
For $iCC = 1 To $aWL[0][0]
If ($aWL[$iCC][0] <> '') And _
(WinGetProcess($aWL[$iCC][1]) = $pid) Then
While (Not BitAND(WinGetState($aWL[$iCC][1]), 2))
MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", WinGetState($aWL[$iCC][1]))
Return 1
Return SetError(2, 0, 0)
WinWait does not work in this situation, If you see the example in the link there is a Sleep after WinWait, this function returns even if the window is hidden.
The browser window in my original script is not launched using Run, it is a Java program which opens the browser. I know that the Run method returns the PID of the browser which I can use to resolve this issue but since it starts from Java I have to use ProcessList to obtain the PID of the browser.
Please let me know how I can get this to work.
You got thing too complicated for no reason there. Let me show you.
Local $browser_name = 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe'
Sleep(500) ; because ProcessWait will exit when the process is created not when the window is visible. If your computer is slow you will have an problem
Local $BrowsersHWND = WinList()
Local $hBrowserHandle[2]
For $i = 0 To $BrowsersHWND[0][0] -1
If StringInStr($BrowsersHWND[$i][0], "Internet Explorer") Then
$hBrowserHandle[0] = $BrowsersHWND[$i][0] ;title
$hBrowserHandle[1] = $BrowsersHWND[$i][1] ;handle
If $hBrowserHandle[0] = "" Or $hBrowserHandle[1] = "" Then Exit MsgBox(0, 0, "Internet Explorer not found")
Local $hState = WinGetState($hBrowserHandle[0])
Local $sVisibleStates[24] = [2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 34, 35, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47] ;visible states
Local $hCheck = False
For $j = 0 To UBound($sVisibleStates) -1
If $hState = $sVisibleStates[$j] Then
ConsoleWrite("Window state(visisble): " & $hState & #LF)
$hCheck = True
If $hCheck = False Then
ConsoleWrite("Activating: " & $hBrowserHandle[0] & #LF)
I have added all the cases of states where your window would be visible.
WinWait will not activate any window and I recommend you never use it. It could freeze a script for ever without reason. I will not explain why because it would take pages but avoid it. Also avoid using WinWaitActive. For similar reasons.
You have too many issues in your code that's why I completely changed it. Not worth explaining it.
I think the problem is not necessarily with the code, but possibly with the logic. I could be way off base here, but maybe we should not be looking for a state of 2, but something closer to 15.
A sample with notepad:
$WIN_STATE_EXISTS (1) = Window exists
$WIN_STATE_VISIBLE (2) = Window is visible
$WIN_STATE_ENABLED (4) = Window is enabled
$WIN_STATE_ACTIVE (8) = Window is active
A window that is active (8), enabled (4), visible(2), and exists(1) will have a windows state of 15.
; Look for notepad and display WindowState number
if WinExists("[Class:Notepad]") Then
MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", "Found")
$WinState = WinGetState("[Class:Notepad]")
MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", $WinState)

VB6 PictureBox height

I'm trying to export a picture from a PictureBox but the problem is with the height of the exported picture (the width working perfectly).
I also found out that VB6 border have major effect to the size of the exported picture so I set it to 0.
Just open vb6 drop a PictureBox (and rename it to myPic)...
This is my code :
Option Explicit
Private Sub Form_Load()
myPic.AutoRedraw = True
myPic.BorderStyle = 0
myPic.Appearance = 0
myPic.Width = 100 * Screen.TwipsPerPixelX 'WORKING PERFECTLY!!!
myPic.Height = 100 * Screen.TwipsPerPixelY 'NOT RETURN 100px !!! Why ? 93px instead
myPic.ScaleMode = vbPixels
myPic.PaintPicture LoadPicture(App.Path & "\Source.bmp"), 0, 0, 100, 100
myPic.Picture = myPic.Image
SavePicture myPic.Picture, App.Path & "\Exported.bmp"
End Sub
Any Idea ?
Thanks in advance !
I tried your code, and it works as I think you intended: it shows source.bmp in a 100x100 picturebox and exports it into a bmp of 100x100 pixels
The code I uses is:
Option Explicit
Private Sub Form_Load()
With Picture1
.AutoRedraw = True
.ScaleMode = vbPixels
.BorderStyle = 0
.Appearance = 0
.Width = 100 * Screen.TwipsPerPixelX 'WORKING PERFECTLY!!!
.Height = 100 * Screen.TwipsPerPixelY 'NOT RETURN 100px !!! Why ? 93px instead
.PaintPicture LoadPicture("c:\temp\Source.bmp"), 0, 0, 100, 100
.Picture = .Image
SavePicture .Picture, "c:\temp\Exported.bmp"
End With 'Picture1
End Sub
I just put the .Scalemode to the top as I think that is where it belongs, but your code also works with .Scalemode where you had it.
Could you please add the picture you are trying to rescale?
For the source I used the picture below, which is 300x300 pixels:
And the result was:

VB6 Change Background Colour of ListView Item

Refering to Change background color of listview in vb6
I tried this example and does not work as in I see no coloured rows.
I have a command button on my form that loads listview items then once that is finished I call the routine to setup the colour.
I made my picture box visible to see the expected outcome and it is as expected. So effectively setting the ListView's Picture property to the PictureBox's Image property is doing nothing for me.
Anyhow this is my code:
'pbxBG.Visible = True
If lsvPersonalisation.ListItems.Count <> 0 Then
pbxBG.Width = lsvPersonalisation.Width
pbxBG.Height = lsvPersonalisation.ListItems(1).Height * (lsvPersonalisation.ListItems.Count)
pbxBG.ScaleHeight = lsvPersonalisation.ListItems.Count
pbxBG.ScaleWidth = 1
pbxBG.DrawWidth = 1
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To lsvPersonalisation.ListItems.Count
If lsvPersonalisation.ListItems(i).Tag = "1" Then
pbxBG.Line (0, i - 1)-(1, i), &H80FFFF, BF
pbxBG.Line (0, i - 1)-(1, i), &HFFFFFF, BF
End If
Next i
End If
lsvPersonalisation.Picture = pbxBG.Image
'pbxBG.Visible = False
