I'm running python3.6 with openCV on the Raspberry pi(OS is Raspbian)
The approximate structure of the code is as follows.
The image is captured at time interval(3~5 min).
Captured image is processed in functions and returns measure(kind of accuracy)
Iterate 1.~2. until end_check() returns True
Problem is that the most recent taken image is out of date. It looks it was taken almost 10 minutes ago. All images recently taken are late. But the images taken at the beginning seem to be timed. And the time recorded in all .jpg files entered correctly
+It looks this problem is occured after more than a hour. (20~22 iterates)
Images are captured with cam0.read() in the cv2 package. Below is main part of the code. It is quite long to upload full code. It someone request, I will update.
def run(interval,model_list):
cam0 = cv2.VideoCapture(0) #Only cam0 is used. cam2 is just to record.
camdir = "/home/pi/capstone/cam0/"
cam2 = cv2.VideoCapture(1)
cam2dir = "/home/pi/capstone/cam2/"
runNo = 0
acc_list = list()
error_list = list()
end = False
while(end == False):
print(runNo,"th run")
img_name = "%s.jpg" %runNo
frame, res = cam0.read() #`res` is the image which will be processed
_ , cam2pic = cam2.read()
temp = Real(res)
mat = temp.match(model_list)
print("Accuracy=", mat)
except ValueError:
except AttributeError:
acc_list.append(["AttributeError", runNo])
except SmallObjectError:
acc_list.append(["SmallObjectError", runNo])
runNo = runNo+1
endNo = 40
if(runNo/2 > endNo):
end_check(res, end)
elif(runNo > endNo):
end = True
with open("acc_list.txt", "w") as output: #records for tracking errors
with open("err_list.txt", "w") as output:
(+) Some newly found things and guess
The images time gap is getting bigger with code running
Code finally showed OpenCV Error
It looks kind of Video signal is stored in RAM on R-pi and .read() returning out-dated image in RAM
Stored Video signal in RAM araise resource problem
Below is the OpenCV Error
OpenCV Error: Assertion failed (dsize.area() > 0 || (inv_scale_x > 0 && inv_scale_y > 0)) in resize, file /home/pi/opencv/opencv-3.4.0/modules/imgproc/src/resize.cpp, line 4045
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "runpi.py", line 264, in <module>
File "runpi.py", line 234, in run
mat = temp.match(model_list)
File "runpi.py", line 184, in match
File "runpi.py", line 147, in __resize
self.mask = cv2.resize(self.mask, None, fx=reratio, fy=reratio, interpolation = inter_method)
cv2.error: /home/pi/opencv/opencv-3.4.0/modules/imgproc/src/resize.cpp:4045: error: (-215) dsize.area() > 0 || (inv_scale_x > 0 && inv_scale_y > 0) in function resize
(+) Some part of code araising Error
This is __.resize() method. When I process the image that occured OpenCV Error manually, it works well even if OpenCV Error pointing out kind of image size matter. So I thought it is not matter of image itself or size got from md_inf(). Anyway Here is code.
def __resize(self, md_inf):
#md_inf = [219, 122, 132, 171, 262] <-sample
reratio = md_inf[0]/self.y
inter_method = cv2.INTER_LINEAR
inter_method = cv2.INTER_AREA
###below is line 147###
self.mask = cv2.resize(self.mask, None, fx=reratio, fy=reratio, interpolation = inter_method)
temp = np.zeros((md_inf[3], md_inf[4]), np.uint8)
m_cx, m_cy = md_inf[1:3]
_, contour, _ = cv2.findContours(self.mask, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
total_contour = contour[0]
for ctr in contour[1:]:
total_contour = np.concatenate((total_contour, ctr), axis =0)
mmt = cv2.moments(total_contour)
if(mmt['m00'] < 7500):
raise SmallObjectError
self.cy = int(mmt['m10']/mmt['m00']) #y is horrizon axis
self.cx = int(mmt['m01']/mmt['m00']) #x is vertical axis
x, y = self.mask.shape
adjust = m_cx - self.cx + x - temp.shape[0]
if(adjust > 0):
m_cx = m_cx - adjust
temp[(m_cx-self.cx):(m_cx-self.cx) +x, (m_cy-self.cy):(m_cy-self.cy) +y] = self.mask
self.mask = temp
I agree with Mark Serchell's comment. The way I am using is to set variable to time + x seconds and check. OpenCV have useful feature for skiping frames like cam.grab(). It will just read that frame from buffer but will not do anything with it. In that way you can avoid "suffering from buffering". Simple code would be:
import cv2
import time
cam = cv2.VideoCapture(url)
ret,frame = cam.read()
timeCheck = time.time()
future = 10*60 # delay
while ret:
if time.time() >= timeCheck:
ret,frame = cam.read()
# Do your staff here
timeCheck = time.time()+future
# Read from buffer, but skip it
ret = cam.grab() # note that grab() function returnt only status code,not the frame
Currently making an application which allows me to make a lightshow with some custom build LED-Controllers and for that i need to draw the waveform of the song on a widget.
Although I managed to do this it is still VERY slow (especially with .wav files longer than a few seconds). The thing is I don't know how to optimise this or if my approach is correct since i cant find anything on the web.
So my question is: what is the right way to go about this? How do audio editors display the waveform and are able to zoom in and out without lag?
So my current attempt at this is by using QGraphicsView and a QGraphicsScene, the latter one supposedly being made to represent a lot of custom graphics items.
The main function to look at here is drawWav() in class WavDisplay
from PyQt6 import uic
from PyQt6.QtCore import (
from PyQt6.QtGui import (
from PyQt6.QtWidgets import (
import sys
import wave
import pyaudio
import numpy as np
import threading
import soundfile as sf
import threading
class MainWindow(QMainWindow):
# audio chunk rate
CHUNK = 1024
def __init__(self):
# set window title
self.setWindowTitle("LED Music Show")
# create file button
button_action = QAction("Open .wav file", self)
button_action.setStatusTip("Open a Wave file to the Editor.")
# set status bar
# create menubar
menu = self.menuBar()
# add file button to status bar
file_menu = menu.addMenu("&File")
# create layout
layout = QGridLayout()
# create Wave display object
self.waveformspace = WavDisplay()
# add widget to layout
layout.addWidget(self.waveformspace, 0, 1)
self.centralWidget = QWidget()
def openWav(self):
# file selection window
self.filename, check = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self,"QFileDialog.getOpenFileName()", "","Wave files (*.wav)")
self.file = None
# try to open .wav with two methods
self.file = wave.open(self.filename, "rb")
print("Failed to open with wave")
self.file, samplerate = sf.read(self.filename, dtype='float32')
print("Failed to open with soundfile")
# read file and convert it to array
self.signal = self.file.readframes(-1)
self.signal = np.fromstring(self.signal, dtype = np.int16)
# set file for drawing
# return file cursor to start
# start thread for the player
# self.player = threading.Thread(target = self.playWav)
# try:
# self.player.daemon = True
# except:
# print("Failed to set player to Daemon")
# self.player.start()
print("Err opening File")
def playWav(self):
lastFile = None
lastpos = None
p = pyaudio.PyAudio()
data = None
sampwidth = None
fps = None
chn = None
farmes = None
currentpos = 0
framespersec = None
while True:
if self.file != lastFile:
# get file info
sampwidth = self.file.getsampwidth()
fps = self.file.getframerate()
chn = self.file.getnchannels()
frames = self.file.getnframes()
lastFile = self.file
# open audio stream
stream = p.open(format = p.get_format_from_width(sampwidth), channels = chn, rate = fps, output = True)
# read first frame
data = self.file.readframes(self.CHUNK)
framespersec = sampwidth * chn * fps
print("file changed")
if self.pos != lastpos:
# read file for offset
self.file.readframes(int(self.pos * framespersec))
lastpos = self.pos
frames = self.file.getnframes()
print("pos changed")
while data and self.running:
# writing to the stream
data = self.file.readframes(self.CHUNK)
currentpos = currentpos + self.CHUNK
# cleanup stuff.
class WavDisplay(QGraphicsView):
file = None
maxAmplitude = 0
fileset = False
def __init__(self):
def setWavefile(self, externFile):
self.file = externFile
self.fileset = True
# find the max deviation from 0 db to set draw borders
if max(self.file) > abs(min(self.file)):
self.maxAmplitude = max(self.file) * 2
self.maxAmplitude = abs(min(self.file)) * 2
def drawWav(self):
# only draw when there is a set file
if self.fileset:
width = self.frameGeometry().width()
height = self.frameGeometry().height()
vStep = height / self.maxAmplitude
scene = QGraphicsScene(self)
# to draw on the middle of the widget
h = height / 2
# method 1 of drawing: looks at sections of the file and determines the max and min amplitude that would be visible on a single "column" of pixels and draws a vertical line between them
if width < len(self.file):
hStep = len(self.file) / width
drawArray = np.empty((width, 3))
for i in range(width - 1):
buffer = self.file[int(np.ceil(i * hStep)) : int(np.ceil((i + 1) * hStep))]
drawArray[i][0] = (min(buffer) * vStep) + h
drawArray[i][1] = (max(buffer) * vStep) + h
for i in range(width - 1):
self.line = scene.addLine(i, drawArray[i][0], i, drawArray[i][1])
# method 2 of drawing: this only happens when the amount of samples to draw is less than the windows width (e.g. when zoomed in and you can see the individual samples)
hStep = width / len(self.file)
for i in range(len(self.file) - 1):
self.line = scene.addLine(i * hStep, int(self.file[i] * vStep + h), (i + 1) * hStep, int(self.file[i + 1] * vStep + h))
def resizeEvent(self, event) -> None:
# has to redraw the wave file if the window gets resized
# class not used yet
class effectList(QGraphicsView):
bpm = 130
trackBeats = 0
def __init__(self):
def setBeatsAndBpm(self, trackLenght, Bpm):
self.bpm = Bpm
self.trackBeats = (trackLenght / 60) * self.bpm
from PyQt6 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets
from Showcreator import MainWindow
app = QtWidgets.QApplication([])
window = MainWindow()
In essence: Where do i need to start to make this wave file view like one in for example Audacity? (Aka a fast rendering view which doesnt take ages)
Btw i have looked at seemingly duplicates of this question and as you can see in the code i have an algorythem that is only drawing as many lines as the window is wide and not all the 100000+ lines for each sample so the main problem i have should be the rendering method i guess.
Edit: I have all the data preloaded as im loading a wave file and convert it into a numpy array. And i need to display the file as a whole but be able to zoom in dynamically-
I've been trying to save images from my webcam in different folders but it doesnt work. what im trying to achieve is im trying to save 5 images per folder from my webcam but it doesnot work. Can somebody please help? Thanks
P.S here is my code
def createFolder(directory):
if not os.path.exists(directory):
except OSError:
print ('Error: Creating directory. ' + directory)
import os
import cv2
import time
video_capture = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
counter = 0
location = f'D:/DATA_SCIENCE/anand_fabrics/{counter}'
ret, frame = video_capture.read()
cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(location , f"frame{counter}.jpg"), frame)
if counter % 5 == 0:
counter = counter + 1
You are saying you switch folder every 5 images, yet you change the path every single image:
location = f'D:/DATA_SCIENCE/anand_fabrics/{counter}'
counter = counter + 1
So basically you are trying to write to a non-existing path.
Try this:
video_capture = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
counter = 0
if counter % 5 == 0:
location = f'D:/DATA_SCIENCE/anand_fabrics/{counter}'
ret, frame = video_capture.read()
cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(location , f"frame{counter}.jpg"), frame)
counter = counter + 1
Ok, so I've been tasked with creating a VERY simple GUI at work (I'm an intern). The task is to eventually connect to a machine and process real data, but right now I'm working on randomly generated sine data with noise. I've chose to work in Python 3.0, and use wxpython to create my GUI components.
As I want everything to appear on the same window, I'm using panels (hence wx.lib.plot.PlotCanvas rather than something like matplotlib.pyplot)
The problem that I have is that over time, the plot seems to 'expand' off of the panel. This is temporarily solved when I manually resize the window, but resumes again immediately after (you need to run the code to see what I mean).
Expansion over time in panel
Another problem (that has bugged me since I have started writing the code) is that sometimes when I resize the window (manually) or minimize it and then maximize it again, the timer randomly starts and stops.
I have tried all sorts of things (changing padding in sizers, extra arguments, changing time between refreshes GetBestSize()) but I believe that I simply don't understand wxpython well enough to identify where the problem is
I would really appreciate any help you can shed on either of these problems (I don't know, they might even be linked to each other).
FYI: I am not an experienced coder, and my code is not finished (I have more functions to code, but I feel like I should resolve this first). I have constructed this code by looking at different techniques from various tutorials and websites like stackoverflow, so I know it's not formatted well and could definitely be made more efficient. Also, I have removed some parts just to be safe about confidentiality - nothing important, just strings in messages.
PS: If you do have an easier way to do the whole plot/update thing that doesn't have this problem (preferably still in wx) I would be thrilled to hear that as well
And here's my code:
EDIT: Solved the expanding problem by using self.p2.SetSize((W+0,L+0)) instead of (self.p2.GetBestSize())
EDIT: Made transitions much smoother by just regenerating data and redrawing it on existing canvas in the evt_timer function (instead of recreating the whole canvas, which gave a blink-y appearance if you know what I mean)
import wx
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import leastsq
import wx.lib.plot as plot
import time
import os
wildcard = "Text File (*.txt)|*.txt|"\
"Picture (*.png)|*.png|"\
"All files (*.*)|*.*"#This wildcard shows the options for file endings in the "SAVE" tab - see OnSave(self,event)
wildcard2 = "Picture (*.png)|*.png|"\
"Text File (*.txt)|*.txt|"\
"All files (*.*)|*.*"
class PlotCanvas(plot.PlotCanvas):
def __init__(self,parent,id,size,accepted):
This randomly generates sine data (with noise) and plots it to a panel.
Incorporated as a separate class instead of instatiating it as a plot.PlotCanvas object
to overcome an issue of the size of the plot in the panel.
plot.PlotCanvas.__init__(self,parent,id,style=wx.BORDER_SUNKEN,size = size)
N = 100 # number of data points
self.t = np.linspace(0, 4*np.pi, N)
f = 1.15247 # Optional!! Advised not to use
self.data = 3.0*np.sin(f*self.t+0.001) + 0.5 + np.random.randn(N) # create artificial data with noise
guess_mean = np.mean(self.data)
guess_phase = 0
guess_freq = 1
guess_amp = 1
optimize_func = lambda x: x[0]*np.sin(x[1]*self.t+x[2]) + x[3] - self.data
est_amp, est_freq, est_phase, est_mean = leastsq(optimize_func, [guess_amp, guess_freq, guess_phase, guess_mean])[0]
fine_t = np.arange(0,max(self.t),0.1)
multiplier = 1
dataset1 = [(x,[d for d in self.data][[td for td in self.t].index(x)])for x in [td for td in self.t]]
fitdata1 = [(x,[df for df in data_fit][[tf for tf in fine_t].index(x)]) for x in [tf for tf in fine_t]]
dataset =[(x,y*multiplier) for (x,y) in dataset1]
fitdata = [(x,y*multiplier) for (x,y) in fitdata1]
self.data = dataset
self.data2 = fitdata
line = plot.PolyLine(self.data,legend = 'random',colour = 'light blue', width =2)
line2 = plot.PolyLine(self.data2,legend = 'sineline',colour ='black',width =2)
a = []
if "D" in accepted:
if "S" in accepted:
if "G" in accepted:
if "L" in accepted:
gc = plot.PlotGraphics(a,'Line Graph','X','Y')
xmin = self.t[0]-0.01*(self.t[-1]-self.t[0])
xmax = self.t[-1]+0.01*(self.t[-1]-self.t[0])
self.Draw(gc,xAxis=(xmin,xmax),yAxis=(min([x[1] for x in dataset])-0.01*(max([x[1] for x in dataset])-min([x[1] for x in dataset])),
max([x[1] for x in dataset])+0.01*(max([x[1] for x in dataset])-min([x[1] for x in dataset]))))
#self.showLegend = True
#self.enableZoom = True
def Dialog(self, parent, message, c):# Will be used to notify the user of errors/processes
if c == "W":
caption = "Warning!"
dlg = wx.MessageDialog(parent, message, caption, wx.OK | wx.ICON_WARNING)
elif c == "I":
caption = "Information"
dlg = wx.MessageDialog(parent, message, caption, wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION)
dlg.Destroy()#Destroys dialog on close
class Frame(wx.Frame):
This is the main class. In it, we declare the separate panels, canvas, menubar, buttons and sizers.
def __init__(self,parent,id,title):
wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, id, title, wx.DefaultPosition)
self.CurrentDirectory = os.getcwd()
self.timer=wx.Timer(self)#Instantiating the timer
self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER,self.evt_timer)#Binding it to itself so that it is always triggered
menubar = wx.MenuBar()
fileMenu = wx.Menu() #Creating the Menubar at the top
#Creating 3 menus: fileMenu,fit,and help
save = wx.Menu()
z = wx.MenuItem(save,wx.ID_ANY,'Save Raw Data\tCtrl+D')
z= wx.MenuItem(save,wx.ID_ANY,'Save Image\tCtrl+I')
z = wx.MenuItem(fileMenu, wx.ID_EXIT, '&Quit\tCtrl+W')
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnQuit, z)
fit = wx.Menu()#Making a check menu
self.gaussian = fit.Append(wx.ID_ANY,'Gaussian',kind = wx.ITEM_CHECK)
self.sine = fit.Append(wx.ID_ANY,'Sine',kind = wx.ITEM_CHECK)
self.linear = fit.Append(wx.ID_ANY,'Linear',kind=wx.ITEM_CHECK)
help = wx.Menu()
z = wx.MenuItem(help,wx.ID_ANY,'&About\tCtrl+H')
menubar.Append(fileMenu, '&File')
menubar.Append(fit, '&Fit')
menubar.Append(help, '&Help')#adding menus to menubar
self.SetMenuBar(menubar)#formatting the frame with menubar
self.sp = wx.SplitterWindow(self)#Splitting the window into 2 panels
self.p1 = wx.Panel(self.sp,style = wx.SUNKEN_BORDER)#For buttons and user events
self.p2 = wx.Panel(self.sp,style = wx.SUNKEN_BORDER)#For display of the plot
sizer = wx.GridBagSizer(3, 3)#Versatile sizer for layout of first panel self.p1
bitmappath = self.CurrentDirectory + "\\BITMAPS"
bmp = wx.Bitmap(bitmappath+"\\SAVE.BMP",wx.BITMAP_TYPE_BMP)
self.saveBtn = wx.BitmapButton(self.p1,wx.ID_ANY,bitmap = bmp,size =(bmp.GetWidth()+10,bmp.GetHeight()+10))
sizer.Add(self.saveBtn, (0, 0), wx.DefaultSpan, wx.ALL,5)
bmp = wx.Bitmap(bitmappath +"\\START.BMP",wx.BITMAP_TYPE_BMP)
self.startBtn = wx.BitmapButton(self.p1,-1,bitmap = bmp,size =(bmp.GetWidth()+10,bmp.GetHeight()+10))# A button that starts and stops the plotting
self.startBtn.startval = "START"
sizer.Add(self.startBtn, (0, 1), wx.DefaultSpan,wx.ALL,5)
sizer1 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
W,L = self.p2.GetSize()
self.p2.canvas = PlotCanvas(self.p2,wx.ID_ANY,(W,L),["D"])
############### event methods ###########
def paint(self,event):
Updates the canvas based on the value of the startbtn(not the image). Bound to self.timer.
bitmappath = self.CurrentDirectory + "\\BITMAPS"
if self.startBtn.startval == "START":
self.timer.Start(1)# increase the value for more time
bmp = wx.Bitmap(bitmappath + "\\STOP.BMP",wx.BITMAP_TYPE_BMP)
self.startBtn.startval = "STOP"
elif self.startBtn.startval == "STOP":
bmp = wx.Bitmap(bitmappath+ "\\START.BMP",wx.BITMAP_TYPE_BMP)
self.startBtn.startval = "START"
def evt_timer(self,event):
self.count +=1
if self.count== 10:# By increasing count (or the number in self.timer.Start()) you can increase the interval between updates
sizer1 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
W,L = self.p2.GetSize()
a = ["D"]
if self.sine.IsChecked():
elif self.linear.IsChecked():
elif self.gaussian.IsChecked():
self.p2.canvas = PlotCanvas(self.p2,wx.ID_ANY,(W,L),a)
self.count=0 # reset the count
def Dialog(self, parent, message, c):# Will be used to notify the user of errors/processes
if c == "W":
caption = "Warning!"
dlg = wx.MessageDialog(parent, message, caption, wx.OK | wx.ICON_WARNING)
elif c == "I":
caption = "Information"
dlg = wx.MessageDialog(parent, message, caption, wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION)
dlg.Destroy()#Destroys dialog on close
def OnSave(self,event):#Triggered by menubar and button
rawdata = self.p2.canvas.data
raw_X =[x[0] for x in rawdata]
raw_Y =[x[1] for x in rawdata]
dlg = wx.FileDialog(#Code for this from http://www.blog.pythonlibrary.org
self, message="Save file as ...",
defaultFile=str(time.ctime()), wildcard=wildcard, style=wx.FD_SAVE
if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
path = dlg.GetPath()
f = open(path+".txt","w+")
for i in range(len(raw_X)):
self.Dialog(None,"File successfully saved","I")
except UnboundLocalError:#Catch error when user closes save window without selecting any directory or filename
def OnSaveImage(self,event):
rawdata = self.p2.canvas.data
raw_X = [x[0] for x in rawdata]
raw_Y = [x[1] for x in rawdata]
dlg = wx.FileDialog(
self, message="Save file as ...",
defaultFile=str(time.ctime()), wildcard=wildcard2, style=wx.FD_SAVE
if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
path = dlg.GetPath()
fig1 = plt.figure()
plt.title("Raw Data")
self.Dialog(None,"File successfully saved","I")
except UnboundLocalError:
def OnMultiply(self,e):
factor = self.x.GetValue()
factor = float(factor)
self.IntegrationTime = factor
except ValueError as e:
def OnQuit(self, e):
def OnHelp(self,e):
def ToggleSine(self,e):
def ToggleLinear(self,e):
self.Dialog(None,"Not added yet","W")
def ToggleGaussian(self,e):
self.Dialog(None,"Not added yet","W")
if __name__ =="__main__":
I have a python script with multiple figures that I would like to update during a loop. Some will be images, and others will be line/scatter plots. I am having trouble getting the image to display on the correct figure. (the line and scatter data are showing up on the right figures, but the image seems to always be going on the figure that was created last, eventually I'll be displaying more than one image figure, so I can't just create the image figure last)
Here is roughly the code I have so far, the 3D scatter plot is showing up on Figure 1, but both the image and the line plots are showing up on Figure 3, with Figure 2 blank:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from collections import deque
class Bla():
def __init__( self ):
self.pc_fig = plt.figure(1)
self.pc_ax = self.pc_fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
self.pc_ax.set_xlim3d([0, 50])
self.pc_ax.set_ylim3d([0, 50])
self.pc_ax.set_zlim3d([0, 20])
self.vts_fig = plt.figure(2)
self.vts_ax = self.vts_fig.add_subplot(111)
self.em_fig = plt.figure(3)
self.em_ax = self.em_fig.add_subplot(111)
self.image_data = deque()
self.motion_data = deque()
def run( self ):
em_prev_xy = ( 0, 0 )
while True:
if len( self.motion_data ) > 0:
data1 = self.motion_data.popleft()
em_xy = data1.get_em()
self.em_ax.plot( [ em_prev_xy[0], em_xy[0] ], [ em_prev_xy[1], em_xy[1] ],'b')
pc = self.get_pc()
pc_index = nonzero(pc>.002)
pc_value = pc[pc_index] * 100
self.pc_ax.set_xlim3d([0, 50])
self.pc_ax.set_ylim3d([0, 50])
self.pc_ax.set_zlim3d([0, 20])
plt.pause( 0.0001 ) # This is needed for the display to update
if len( self.image_data ) > 0:
im = self.image_data.popleft()
plt.imshow( im, cmap=plt.cm.gray, axes=self.vts_ax )
plt.pause( 0.0001 )
def main():
bla = Bla()
if __name__ == "__main__":
Basically I have some queues that get populated in a callback when new data arrives, and I want this data to be displayed as it arrives.
I am new to matplotlib, so any help with my image display issue or tips for better ways of using matplotlib to display figures in general will be much appreciated
You are mixing the OO and state machine interfaces. See this answer for an explanation of what is going on.
Replace this line:
plt.imshow( im, cmap=plt.cm.gray, axes=self.vts_ax )
which should fix your image issue.
I need to import a mesh animation from Cinema4D into Blender.
I tried to do that using Collada.The Collada 1.3 importer doesn't seem to
do anything, the Collada 1.4 importer seems to work, but the animation didn't get
imported into Blender.
After reading this post:
Problem solved!
In case anyone comes in here looking
for the answer, I spoke to Otomo via
email and he kindly explained that the
problem lies in the .dae file being
exported incorrectly from C4D.
I hope Otomo doesn't mind me quoting
his email, I just don't want other
people to waste the time I did on such
a stupid problem.
Open up the .dae in a text editor and
to this:
The fps must also be the same in both
c4d and blender.
I tried that, but I get an error:
FEEDBACK: Illusoft Collada 1.4 Plugin v0.3.162 started
The minor version of the file you are using is newer then the plug-in, so errors may occur.
image not found: None
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Applications/blender/blender.app/Contents/MacOS/.blender/scripts/bpymodules/colladaImEx/cstartup.py", line 681, in ButtonEvent
onlyMainScene, applyModifiers)
File "/Applications/blender/blender.app/Contents/MacOS/.blender/scripts/bpymodules/colladaImEx/translator.py", line 120, in __init__
File "/Applications/blender/blender.app/Contents/MacOS/.blender/scripts/bpymodules/colladaImEx/translator.py", line 127, in __Import
File "/Applications/blender/blender.app/Contents/MacOS/.blender/scripts/bpymodules/colladaImEx/translator.py", line 333, in Import
self.sceneGraph.LoadFromCollada(self.colladaDocument.visualScenesLibrary.items, self.colladaDocument.scene)
File "/Applications/blender/blender.app/Contents/MacOS/.blender/scripts/bpymodules/colladaImEx/translator.py", line 550, in LoadFromCollada
ob = sceneNode.ObjectFromDae(daeNode)
File "/Applications/blender/blender.app/Contents/MacOS/.blender/scripts/bpymodules/colladaImEx/translator.py", line 2079, in ObjectFromDae
a.LoadFromDae(daeAnimation, daeNode, newObject)
File "/Applications/blender/blender.app/Contents/MacOS/.blender/scripts/bpymodules/colladaImEx/translator.py", line 1254, in LoadFromDae
interpolationsSource = daeAnimation.GetSource(interpolations.source)
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'source'
Has anyone come across this issue ? Where can I find a newer Collada importer ?
Any hints on modifying the importer ?
Blender 2.5a2 imports collada animations, but the coordinate system is different and not all animation makes it through. For example, when I animate a box from 0,0,0 to 100,100,100,
rotate it on x,y,z and scale it on x,y,z, in Blender I get: translation on 1 axis(x which originally is y in cinema 4d), rotation is fine, scale is ignored.
I ended up writing a script.
I barely found usable C.O.F.F.E.E. documentation so went ahead and installed py4D.
The documentation is pretty good and the support on the forum is amazing.
Here's the current script:
import c4d
from c4d import documents,UVWTag
from c4d.utils import Deg
from c4d import symbols as sy, plugins, utils, bitmaps, gui
import math
def BlenderExport():
if not op: return
if op.GetType() != 5100:
print 'Selected Object is not an editable mesh'
unit = 0.001#for scale
foffset = 1#for frames
bd = doc.GetRenderBaseDraw()
scr = bd.GetFrameScreen()
rd = doc.GetActiveRenderData()
sizeX = int(rd[sy.RDATA_XRES_VIRTUAL])
sizeY = int(rd[sy.RDATA_YRES_VIRTUAL])
name = op.GetName()
fps = doc.GetFps()
sFrame= doc.GetMinTime().GetFrame(fps)
eFrame= doc.GetMaxTime().GetFrame(fps)
code = 'import Blender\nfrom Blender import *\nimport bpy\nfrom Blender.Mathutils import *\n\nscn = bpy.data.scenes.active\ncontext=scn.getRenderingContext()\ncontext.fps = '+str(fps)+'\ncontext.sFrame = '+str(sFrame)+'\ncontext.eFrame = '+str(eFrame)+'\ncontext.sizeX = '+str(sizeX)+'\ncontext.sizeY = ' + str(sizeY) + '\n'
def GetMesh(code):
# goto 0
doc.SetTime(c4d.BaseTime(0, fps))
code += 'editmode = Window.EditMode()\nif editmode:\tWindow.EditMode(0)\n'
coords4D = op.GetPointAll()
coords = 'coords = ['
uvw = 0
uvs = 'uvs = ['
for tag in op.GetTags():
if tag.GetName() == "UVW":
uvw = tag
for c in coords4D:
coords += '['+str(c.x*unit)+','+str(c.z*unit)+','+str(c.y*unit)+'],'
coords = coords.rpartition(',')[0] + ']\n'
faces4D = op.GetAllPolygons()
fcount = 0
faces = 'faces = ['
for f in faces4D:
faces += '['+str(f)+'],'
uv = uvw.Get(fcount);
uvs += '[Vector('+str(uv[0].x)+','+str(1.0-uv[0].y)+'),Vector('+str(uv[1].x)+','+str(1.0-uv[1].y)+'),Vector('+str(uv[2].x)+','+str(1.0-uv[2].y)+')],'
fcount += 1
faces = faces.rpartition(',')[0] + ']\n'
uvs = uvs.rpartition(',')[0] + ']\n'
code = code + coords + faces + uvs
code += "c4dmesh = bpy.data.meshes.new('"+name+"_mesh')\nc4dmesh.verts.extend(coords)\nc4dmesh.faces.extend(faces)\n\nob = scn.objects.new(c4dmesh,'"+name+"_obj')\nc4dmesh.flipNormals()\n\nif editmode:\tWindow.EditMode(1)\n\n"
code += "c4dmesh.quadToTriangle()\nc4dmesh.addUVLayer('c4duv')\n"
code += "for f in range(0,"+str(fcount)+"):\n\tc4dmesh.faces[f].uv = uvs[f]\n"
return code
def GetIPOKeys(code):
# store properties for tracks
tracks = op.GetCTracks()
# 0,1,2 = Position, 3,4,5 = Scale, 6,7,8 = Rotation, 9 = PLA
# props = [[lx,f],[ly,f],[lz,f],[sx,f],[sy,f],[sz,f],[rx,f],[ry,f],[rz,f]]
props = []
trackIDs = [3,4,5,6,7,8,0,2,1]
propVals = ['LocX','LocZ','LocY','SizeX','SizeY','SizeZ','RotZ','RotX','RotY']
propIPOs = ['Ipo.OB_LOCX','Ipo.OB_LOCZ','Ipo.OB_LOCY','Ipo.OB_SCALEX','Ipo.OB_SCALEY','Ipo.OB_SCALEY','Ipo.OB_ROTZ','Ipo.OB_ROTX','Ipo.OB_ROTY']
for t in range(0,9):
curve = tracks[t].GetCurve()
keyCount = curve.GetKeyCount()
for k in range(0,keyCount):
key = curve.GetKey(k)
# find the max key
maxProp = max(enumerate(props), key = lambda tup: len(tup[1]))[1][1]
maxKeys = len(maxProp)
# loop through tracks and keys
for key in range(0,maxKeys):
code += "Blender.Set('curframe',"+str(maxProp[key])+")\n"
for track in trackIDs:
if(key < len(props[track][0])):
code += "ob."+propVals[track] + " = " + str(props[track][0][key]) + '\n'
code += 'key = ob.insertIpoKey(' + propIPOs[track] + ')\n'
return code
# mesh/morph animation -> mesh always has the same number of verts
def GetShapeKeys(code):
track = 0;
tracks = op.GetCTracks()
for t in tracks:
if(t.GetName() == 'PLA'): track = t
# track = op.GetCTracks()[9]
if track != 0:
curve = track.GetCurve()
keyCount = curve.GetKeyCount()
verts = []
frames = []
vertsNum = op.GetPointCount()
ctime = doc.GetTime()
for k in range(1,keyCount):
key = curve.GetKey(k)
c4dvecs = op.GetPointAll();
blendvecs = []
for v in c4dvecs:
code += '\n\n# shape keys\nverts = ' + str(verts) + '\n'
code += "if(ob.activeShape == 0):\n\tob.insertShapeKey()\n\n"
for f in range(0,len(frames)):
kNum = str(f+1)
code += "if editmode: Window.EditMode(0)\n"
code += "for v in range(0,"+str(vertsNum)+"):\n\tc4dmesh.verts[v].co.x = verts["+str(f)+"][v][0]\n\tc4dmesh.verts[v].co.y = verts["+str(f)+"][v][1]\n\tc4dmesh.verts[v].co.z = verts["+str(f)+"][v][2]\n"
code += "c4dmesh.calcNormals()\n"
code += "ob.insertShapeKey()\n"
code += "if editmode: Window.EditMode(1)\n"
code += "shapeKey = ob.getData().getKey()\n"
code += "newIpo = Ipo.New('Key','newIpo')\n"
code += "if(shapeKey.ipo == None): shapeKey.ipo = newIpo\n"
code += "if(shapeKey.ipo['Key "+kNum+"'] == None): shapeKey.ipo.addCurve('Key "+kNum+"')\n"
if(f == 0): code += "shapeKey.ipo['Key "+kNum+"'].append(BezTriple.New(1.0,0.0,0.0))\n"
if(f > 0): code += "shapeKey.ipo['Key "+kNum+"'].append(BezTriple.New("+str(float(frames[f-1]))+",0.0,0.0))\n"
code += "shapeKey.ipo['Key "+kNum+"'].append(BezTriple.New("+str(float(frames[f]))+",1.0,0.0))\n"
#no PLA tracks, look for morph tag
vertsNum = op.GetPointCount()
for tag in op.GetTags():
if tag.GetType() == 1019633:
# print tag[sy.MORPHTAG_MORPHS]
work around
1. store first key for each track curve
2. set the first key value to 1 for the 1st track and 0 for the others
3. store the mesh vertices -> track name verts = []
4. after all track verts are stored, restore the original values
5. write the the curve keys for blender shape keys
code += "if(ob.activeShape == 0):\n\tob.insertShapeKey()\n\n"
tc = 0
tcs = str(tc+1)
for track in tag.GetCTracks():
curve = track.GetCurve()
value = curve.GetKey(0).GetValue()
print track.GetName()
doc.SetTime(c4d.BaseTime(0, fps))
c4dvecs = op.GetPointAll();
blendverts = []
for v in c4dvecs:
code += "Key"+tcs+"verts = " + str(blendverts)+"\n"
code += "if editmode: Window.EditMode(0)\n"
code += "for v in range(0,"+str(vertsNum)+"):\n\tc4dmesh.verts[v].co.x = Key"+tcs+"verts[v][0]\n\tc4dmesh.verts[v].co.y = Key"+tcs+"verts[v][1]\n\tc4dmesh.verts[v].co.z = Key"+tcs+"verts[v][2]\n"
code += "c4dmesh.calcNormals()\n"
code += "ob.insertShapeKey()\n"
code += "if editmode: Window.EditMode(1)\n"
code += "shapeKey = ob.getData().getKey()\n"
code += "newIpo = Ipo.New('Key','newIpo')\n"
code += "if(shapeKey.ipo == None): shapeKey.ipo = newIpo\n"
code += "if(shapeKey.ipo['Key "+tcs+"'] == None): shapeKey.ipo.addCurve('Key "+tcs+"')\n"
print op.GetPointAll()
keyCount = curve.GetKeyCount()
for k in range(0,keyCount):
key = curve.GetKey(k)
value = key.GetValue()
frame = key.GetTime().GetFrame(fps)
code += "shapeKey.ipo['Key "+tcs+"'].append(BezTriple.New("+str(float(frame))+","+str(value)+",0.0))\n"
tc += 1
tcs = str(tc+1)
return code
def GetCamera(code):
bd = doc.GetRenderBaseDraw()
cp = bd.GetSceneCamera(doc)
if cp is None: cp = bd.GetEditorCamera()
fov = Deg(cp[sy.CAMERAOBJECT_FOV])
pos = cp.GetPos()
rot = cp.GetRot()
code += "\nc4dCam = Camera.New('persp','c4d_"+cp.GetName()+"')\nc4dCam.drawPassepartout = True\nc4dCam.alpha = 0.5\nc4dCam.drawLimits = 1\nc4dCam.dofDist = 100.0\n"
code += "c4dCam.angle = "+str(fov)+"\nc4dCamLens = c4dCam.lens\nc4dCam.lens = c4dCamLens\nWindow.RedrawAll()\nc4dCamObj = scn.objects.new(c4dCam)\n"
code += "c4dCamObj.setLocation("+str([pos.x,pos.z,pos.y])+")\n"
code += "c4dCamObj.setEuler("+str([rot.x+(math.pi*.5),rot.y,rot.z])+")\n"
code += "scn.setCurrentCamera(c4dCamObj)\n"
return code
code = GetMesh(code)
code = GetIPOKeys(code)
code = GetShapeKeys(code)
code = GetCamera(code)
file = open(doc.GetDocumentPath()+'/'+op.GetName()+'_export.py','w')
It supports ipo keys(position,rotation,scale).
Point Level Animation gets converted to multiple shape keys.
Morph Tag animation preserves nicely.