How can I load a module by name instead of id in JSE? - joomla

I wants to load a module by name like {loadmodule mod_custom, module_name} instead of id like {loadmoduleid 96}.
Can you please suggest where I will get these settings in the JCE Editor so that JCE editor can load modules by name?

You can use {loadmodule your_module_name} instead of {loadposition}. IF you are using a single module you can just put the name there or else if you have many types of same module with different names you can try a different variation of loadmodule like
{loadmodule mod_modulename title}
mod_modulename = your module Type like for joomla login we have mod_login
title = Your module name that you have given for module.


When is module rendered in drupal?

I am a newcomer in Drupal, and I want to make a custom module in Drupal8.
I have developed the module, but there are some problems to solve.
The module displays GET parameter value when a page containing the module is shown to users.
For example, I connect with http://localhost/drupal/?keyword=banana and the module displays "banana".
But after the above, when I connect with http://localhost/drupal/?keyword=apple again, then the module displays "banana" too.
In other words, the module works well when the page containing the module is shown firstly and works wrong when I connect secondly, thirdly and so on.
I have tested some and build() method in the module is called only once.
So, I think that the module is rendered only once when I connect to the page and can't be rendered after the first.
Also, I think that it can be the problem related to cache, but I set admin/configuration/performance/cache to "no-cache".
I am not sure that it is possible to display "apple" after "banana" is displayed by the module.
Please help me and let me know more details...
There are a couple of possible solutions depending on your constraints: disable the cache for this particular page, or use routing wildcards.
You can disable the cache on a particular page by using the page cache kill switch service, which you trigger like this in your controller:
This will disable the cache just for this particular request, so you won't get the effect of seeing stale content.
A better solution, if possible, is to use routing parameters instead of your GET parameters. This will allow your separate URLs (for example page/banana, page/apple etc.) to be cached and still show the contents you'd like them to. For example, in your module.routing.yml file:
path: '/path/{parameter}'
_controller: '\Drupal\mymodule\Controller\MyModuleController::page'
_title: 'My Module Page'
_permission: 'access content'
The {parameter} parameter can then be accessed in your controller like so:
public function page($parameter) {
return ['#markup' => $parameter];
More information:

Creating custom module: yo meanjs:crud-module with a custom schema/model?

yo meanjs:crud-module
generates a module similar to 'articles' modules.
Is there a way to generate module from a custom model/schema ?
The generator is only a starting point for your module.
When creating the module, start from the back and edit your way to the front:
change the schema to fit your requirements. The controllers and routes on the server side don't need any changing. Then you move to:
Here you add new inputs that matches your schema. After that you should be done with your 'custom model/schema'. Hope this helps.

Django autocomplete Light in list filters for admin

I have successfully setup the Autocomplete Registry and have my django admin forms where if you go to the form, the auto completes works. I would like to be able to extend the autocompletes to work on the list_filter view as well. So when you are looking at the view generated by -- that the list_filter inputs that are generated would also use the autocomplete jquery + service URL.
I didn't see anything listed in the documentation, anyone have any pointers?
If you are using Django version greater then 2.0, you can try using the built-in autocomplete fields for this purpose.
By default, the admin uses a select-box interface () for those fields. Sometimes you don’t want to incur the overhead of selecting all the related instances to display in the dropdown.
The Select2 input looks similar to the default input but comes with a search feature that loads the options asynchronously
There is a simple app which does this:
To install use: pip install django-admin-autocomplete-filter
Then add admin_auto_filters to your INSTALLED_APPS inside of your project.
Let's say we have following models:
class Artist(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=128)
class Album(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=64)
artist = models.ForeignKey(Artist, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
cover = models.CharField(max_length=256, null=True, default=None)
And you would like to filter results in Album Admin on the basis of artist, then you can define search fields in Artist and then define filter as:
from admin_auto_filters.filters import AutocompleteFilter
class ArtistFilter(AutocompleteFilter):
title = 'Artist' # display title
field_name = 'artist' # name of the foreign key field
class ArtistAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
search_fields = ['name'] # this is required for django's autocomplete functionality
class AlbumAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
list_filter = [ArtistFilter]
defining this class is required for AutocompleteFilter
it's a bug and I am working on it.
class Media:
After following these steps you may see the filter as:
You should define your own admin filter that inherits from django.contrib.admin.SimpleListFilter. Then should provide your own HTML template for this filter which will use one of django-autocomplete-light widgets. As a parameter for widget you should define required autocomplete URL. And do not forget to include proper JS and CSS for it.
All of this is done in special app for this: dal-admin-filters

Magento - Displaying custom attribute in accounts area (front-end)

I have used this module creator to get an custom attribute (which takes the type 'file').
This works and can be seen in the admin area. I also have other custom attributes for customers which I have used this tutorial to create:
This also works. The reason I used the module creator was because I was unsure of how to make the input type as 'file'.
The attributes created through the fontis tutorial can be displayed as needed on the front end (which was only needed in the registration form).
The problem I'm having is in the custom area in the logged in accounts area on the front end. What I need is to retrieve the value of the 'file' attributes which was created in the module creator. Could anyone point me in the right direction of how to display these please? I have tried getAttributeName but this is not working.
Thank you.
If you post the code from your custom module we could help you more.
Meanwhile, here is some info that could help you:
Whenever you store something in the DB using a module, there is a Model class (that allows you to access the necessary data)
You can find the class name by looking in your modules etc/config.xml file
In the file look for section named <models>
The sub nodes of <models> is the name of the namespace (see below)
The sub node of your 'namespace' called <class> contains the rest of the info you will need
Next you need to call the Model with Mage::getModel('namespace/class_name')->load($id); to get a collection of all the custom attribute records that are in the system
To break this down in to manageable pieces:
Let's assume this is what your config.xml contains:
<customattribute> // this is your namespace
<class>Mycompany_Customattribute_Model</class> //this tells you wher to find your model files
This means that your 'namespace' is 'customattribute'.
Next you need to find the file that contains your Model.
In this case we look at the <class> node to give us the file location (in this case app/code/local/Mycompany/Customattrbute/Model), now we need to go there and see the file that is there (let's say it's called 'File.php')
To get all the data we call the follwoing function:
This will give us all the data.
If we want to narrow it down we can use the following function:
Mage::getResourceModel('customattribute/file')->addFieldToFilter('name_of_filed_in_db', 'value_we_want');

how to pass parameters to joomla module loaded from article

I had previously added Joomla modules from within Joomla articles this way : {loadmodule mod_name} but this time I need to pass parameters from it.
How can I pass parameters from within the article to a Joomla module?
You'll need to modify or clone the Joomla plugin loadmodule because it doesn't handle parameters other than just a module name. It's not particularly difficult to do if you're proficient in PHP (assuming you don't mind getting your hands dirty with a little bit of Regex work) but I'd suggest cloning it and using it this way:
Copy folder \plugins\content\loadmodule to \plugins\content\Myloadmodule (and all it's files)
Within the new folder, rename loadmodule.php and loadmodule.xml to myloadmodule.php and myloadmodule.xml. These are the files you'll do all the work on.
In both files, replace occurrences of loadmodule with myloadmodule, (Case sensitive)
In myloadmodule.php, start at around line 36 with the Regex that strips out what is in the {loadposition xxx} being processed. You'll need to tinker with this Regex to get the parameters that you want to supply when using {myloadmoduel blah-blah-blah} in your article.
Find the database entry in your table '_extensions' for loadposition and create and identical record for myloadposition. (Unless you want to write and installer)
Finally, you'll need to render the modules with your new parameters - I can't begin to help there because I don't know what modules, or parameter work you'll be doing, but this renderModule documentation will be of assistance.
I think I've covered it all, but this should be enough to get most of it done for you. When you're done, use {myloadposition ...} instead of {loadposition ...}.
I will give more details about the previous answer, to be able to pass parameters to a module with a tag as {loadmodule mod_name,param}
The solution given by GDP works fine: it's easy and quick to rewrite a content plugin (e.g. myloadmodule), following the steps 1 to 5 in the previous answer.
The problem, for me, comes with the steps 6: how to put parameters into the module, and ohow to retrieve de parameters within the module.
Step 7 : how to give parameters to the "render" of a module
In the plugin created (base on the loadmodule), you have to find the lines with the following code :
echo $renderer->render($module, $params);
Before this line, you can put parameters into the $params parameter, but "render" of the module retrieves only params with the key 'params', using a json format.
So, to pass parameters to the render function, you can do something like that :
$param = array('param_name' => 'value'); // param_name = value
$params = array('params' => json_encode($param)); // 'params' (String) should be decoded by the render of the module
echo $renderer->render($module, $params);
Step 8 : How to retrieve the parameter within the module
In the helper of your module, you can retrieve the parameter with $params variable :
$value = $params->get('param_name');
To understand a helper, read this tutorial :
I googled the same issue and found your question. I know its old but my find may help someone else. There are now plugins that allow embedding modules and allowing you to pass parameters to it. My choice is Module Plant.
