Magento - Displaying custom attribute in accounts area (front-end) - magento

I have used this module creator to get an custom attribute (which takes the type 'file').
This works and can be seen in the admin area. I also have other custom attributes for customers which I have used this tutorial to create:
This also works. The reason I used the module creator was because I was unsure of how to make the input type as 'file'.
The attributes created through the fontis tutorial can be displayed as needed on the front end (which was only needed in the registration form).
The problem I'm having is in the custom area in the logged in accounts area on the front end. What I need is to retrieve the value of the 'file' attributes which was created in the module creator. Could anyone point me in the right direction of how to display these please? I have tried getAttributeName but this is not working.
Thank you.

If you post the code from your custom module we could help you more.
Meanwhile, here is some info that could help you:
Whenever you store something in the DB using a module, there is a Model class (that allows you to access the necessary data)
You can find the class name by looking in your modules etc/config.xml file
In the file look for section named <models>
The sub nodes of <models> is the name of the namespace (see below)
The sub node of your 'namespace' called <class> contains the rest of the info you will need
Next you need to call the Model with Mage::getModel('namespace/class_name')->load($id); to get a collection of all the custom attribute records that are in the system
To break this down in to manageable pieces:
Let's assume this is what your config.xml contains:
<customattribute> // this is your namespace
<class>Mycompany_Customattribute_Model</class> //this tells you wher to find your model files
This means that your 'namespace' is 'customattribute'.
Next you need to find the file that contains your Model.
In this case we look at the <class> node to give us the file location (in this case app/code/local/Mycompany/Customattrbute/Model), now we need to go there and see the file that is there (let's say it's called 'File.php')
To get all the data we call the follwoing function:
This will give us all the data.
If we want to narrow it down we can use the following function:
Mage::getResourceModel('customattribute/file')->addFieldToFilter('name_of_filed_in_db', 'value_we_want');


Magento Onepage Success Conversion Tracking Design Pattern

My intent is to track conversions through multiple channels by inserting third party javascript (for example google analytics, optimizely, pricegrabber etc.) into the footer of onepage success .
I've accomplished this by adding a block to the footer reference inside of the checkout success node within local.xml and everything works appropriately.
My questions are more about efficiency and extensibility.
It occurred to me that it would be better to combine all of the blocks into a single block reference and then use a various methods acting on a single call to the various related models to provide the data needed for insertion into the javascript for each of the conversion tracking scripts.
Some examples of the common data that conversion tracking may rely on(pseudo):
Order ID , Order Total, Order.LineItem.Name(foreach) and so on
Currently for each of the scripts I've made a call to the appropriate model passing the customers last order id as the load value and the calling a get() assigning the return value to a variable and then iterating through the data to match the values with the expectations of the given third party service.
All of the data should be pulled once when checkout is complete
each third party services may expect different data in different formats
Here is an example of one of the conversion tracking template files which loads at the footer of checkout success.
$order = Mage::getModel('sales/order')->loadByIncrementId(Mage::getSingleton('checkout/session')->getLastRealOrderId());
$amount = number_format($order->getGrandTotal(),2);
$customer = Mage::helper('customer')->getCustomer()->getData();
<script type="text/javascript">
popup_email = '<?php echo($customer['email']);?>';
popup_order_number = '<?php echo $this->getOrderId() ?>';
<!-- PriceGrabber Merchant Evaluation Code -->
<script type="text/javascript" charset="UTF-8" src="<something>"></script>
<noscript><a href="<something>" target=_blank>
<img src="" border="0" width="272" height="238" alt="Merchant Evaluation"></a></noscript>
<!-- End PriceGrabber Code -->
Having just a single piece of code like this is not that big of a deal, but we are doing similar things with a number of different third party services.
Pricegrabber is one of the simpler examples.
A more sophisticated tracking service expects a comma separated list of all of the product names, ids, prices, categories , order id etc.
I would like to make it all more manageable so my idea to do the following:
combine all of the template files into a single file
Develop a helper class or library to deliver the data to the conversion template
Goals Include
Minimal Model Calls
Minimal Method Calls
The Questions
1. Is a Mage helper the best route to take?
2. Is there any design pattern you may recommend for the "helper" class?
3. Why would this the design pattern you've chosen be best for this instance?
You could create a custom module that extend Google Analytics
In /app/code/local/MageIgniter/SiteTracker/etc/config.xml
Then modify this method as needed from see app/code/core/Mage/GoogleAnalytics/Block/Ga.php
In /app/code/local/MageIgniter/SiteTracker/Block/CustomTracking.php
class MageIgniter_SiteTracker_Block_CustomTracking extends Mage_GoogleAnalytics_Block_Ga
protected function _getOrdersTrackingCode(){
sounds like a lot of fun by getting to know Magento I'd suggest you to start from Alan Storm's blog and magento knowledge base
The reality is that you don't need another pattern on top of already designed framework and easiest way and maintainable way is to follow existing patterns and in your case it would be:
make your extension
make your templates by service provider
make your layout descriptors by provider
tie them together with one block or use multiple blocks (to be more manageable)
no matter what you do the most gain in performance in case of Magento comes from caching your block output and layout descriptors and handlers are cached by default for you
so think through what you can cache
* css, js can be minified and compressed
* templates that you need most probably contain new information cause each order is different so you can't cache those and you need new data to send to service provider
if you don't add new business logic then i'd suggest to code your output methods in blocks as most of the time you are just filling javascript variables with data here and don't need to calculate anything new

Magento Access functions from a module directly in another module's phtml file

My setup
I have two modules installed:
one takes an id and builds a product collection from this using the id to lookup an attribute-value pair (mod1)
The other offers a way of narrowing a search down (mod2)
The true url I am on is /mod1/page/view/id/<id#>
Desired outcome
To be able to pass the attribute-value as a hidden field to the second module
How do I access the object and functions from mod1 when I'm in the layout file for mod2?
If more information is required, please let me know.
The way the module needed to be loaded was as follows:
Where in the controller this had been set:
$mod1Type = Mage::getModel('mod1/type')->setStoreId(Mage::app()->getStore()->getId())->load($mod1TypeId);
Mage::register('mod1_type', $mod1Type);
Then I could use the defined methods normally.
This may be an overly specific issue, should I just delete the question?

Extend a Varien Form Element for a Custom Module

Improving on this question:
Is it good practice to add own file in lib/Varien/Data/Form/Element folder
The accepted answer shows how to extend a Varien form element, but this will not work if you want to package it into a custom module.
What would be the proper method of extending the Varien form element in a module? A simple XML setting I'm hoping?
Thanks Vinai for the response. Although that does work, I was hoping to extend the form element somehow. My extension is using the base File form element to allow administrators to upload files to categories. So, I'm not directly adding the form elements to the fieldset myself.
I suppose it's possible to to check for the file input on my category block on the backend: Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Catalog_Category_Tab_Attributes , and then change the form element if it is 'file' to 'mycompany_file' -- but this seems like a workaround.
Is there an easier way? Thanks again Vinai.
On the Varien_Data_Form instance you can specify custom element types like this:
$fieldset->addType('custom', 'Your_Module_Model_Form_Element_Custom');
Then, add your element with
$fieldset->addField('the_name', 'custom', $optionsArray);
If you are using a form without fieldsets you can do the same on the Varien_Data_Forminstance, too.
EDIT: Expand answer because of new additional details in the question.
In the class Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Widget_Form::_setFieldset() there is the following code:
$rendererClass = $attribute->getFrontend()->getInputRendererClass();
if (!empty($rendererClass)) {
$fieldType = $inputType . '_' . $attribute->getAttributeCode();
$fieldset->addType($fieldType, $rendererClass);
Because of this the attribute frontend_input_renderer on the attributes can be used to specify custom element classes.
This property can be found in the table catalog_eav_attribute, and luckily enough it isn't set for any of the category image attributes.
Given this, there are several ways to apply customizaton.
One option is to simply set the element class in the table using an upgrade script.
Another would be using an observer for the eav_entity_attribute_load_after event and setting the input renderer on the fly if the entity_type_id and the input type matches.
So it is a little more involved then just regular class rewrites in Magento, but it is quite possible.
You don't necessarily need to have a file in the lib/Varien/ directory in order to extend it. If you needed to add an element to that collection, you should be able to extend one of the Elements in your app/code/local module. The answer to the question you referenced seems to also indicate this is the case. I would create your custom field, extending its highest-level function set (i.e., lib/Varien/Data/Form/Element/File.php).
If you want to override the Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Catalog_Category_Tab_Attributes block, then you should extend that block in your module and then reference the new one. You may wish to extend the block using an event observer rather than an XML rewrite, for compatibility purposes.

Magento backend_model - do I need to specify for each config field?

If I want to do something extra when a particular configuration field for my custom module is saved (over and above saving to the Magento core config table), I can just specify a backend_model for that field in my system.xml, and have that backend model class extend Mage_Core_Model_Config_Data, override _afterSave, and put my extra stuff in that method.
But what if I have several fields I want to do this for. I don't want the behaviour to be to save field1 and call my afterSave for that field, save field2 and call my afterSave for that field, etc. I'd rather that all the fields were saved to the Magento core config table, and then I do my extra stuff.
Is that possible? I thought I might be able to achieve that using event/observer. So in my config.xml, <adminhtml> section, I added an observer as follows:
but my observer method is not called when the config is saved. Maybe I have the wrong event name? The "mysection" bit on the end of the event name I was guessing had to match the section from system.xml:
<mysection translate="label" module="mymodule">
The event you're trying to listen for doesn't exist. Here's what you want to do, and some tips for picking the right event in the future.
First, every event is fired in Magento by the Mage::dispatchEvent method. Search the core code for these calls and you'll always know the name of the event you want to listen for.
$ ack 'admin_system_config_changed_'
136: Mage::dispatchEvent("admin_system_config_changed_section_{$section}",
From the above, you can see the name of the event vs. what you thought it was
So, it looks like you're missing the section before your own section name.
Second, while working on a development box, the best way to find the event you're looking for is to log things at the source. Temporarily add some debugging code to the dispatchEvent function.
#File: app/Mage.php
public static function dispatchEvent($name, array $data = array())
//either one of the lines below should do it. One uses Magento's
//built in logging, the other uses something more crude
Varien_Profiler::start('DISPATCH EVENT:'.$name);
$result = self::app()->dispatchEvent($name, $data);
#$result = self::registry('events')->dispatch($name, $data);
Varien_Profiler::stop('DISPATCH EVENT:'.$name);
return $result;
This will dump a huge list of event names out to your log. I typically use OS X's to view the log file during the request, copy the lines out, sort and remove duplicates, and then end up with a list like this
You still need to use some intelligence guessing to figure out which event you want, but they're named intuitively enough that you can usually find what you're looking for.
You need to tie your observer method to a specific Magento event (you can add your own, but need to find when you want it to be fired and add your own dispatchEvent call). If Magento has an event built in, use that event name in the config.
There's a pdf of the built in event lists on the web - google for it & you'll find it.

get magento module config data in Observer

I created a module with an observer for the sales module with event hook ‘sales_order_shipment_save_after’ ,
My module has the following files
there are four fields in the modules admin configuration fields
I want to get those saved data in the Observer class.
using $this->getConfigData(’password’); gives a
Call to undefined method
Any suggestions?
Magento uses a static method on the global Mage application object to get configuration values
$config = Mage::getStoreConfig('section_name/group/field'); //value
$config = Mage::getStoreConfig('section_name/group'); //array
An amendment to Alan's completely correct answer.
Along with path as first parameter, getStoreConfig also accepts storeid as second parameter(optional).
Well, this is useful when you want to retrieve store-wise values.
Alan has mentioned this point in his own tutorial. I guess, he has not mentioned here just because OP has not mentioned this requirement in his question.
Please refer this
In a shipment module I can use $this->getConfigData for fields in system.xml, but in another kind of modules sometimes not, e.g. extends Mage_Core_Model_Abstract, than I must use getStoreConfig. So the answer is you don't have to use always getStoreConfig. But I don't know why ...
Answer: getConfigData is just defined in a shipment class and uses getStoreConfig too. A little confusing that some functions are extra defined and unneeded in fact ...
