Telerik MVC Grid Delete operation -

i would like to ask how i can intercept the ajax delete functionality of a grid using ajax binding? specifically, up to the point wherein, after i click on delete, as the confirm prompt pops up, i would like to do something based on the user's choice,
basically, if OK, do this, if CANCEL do that..

You need to use the OnRowDataBound and attach a click handler to the delete button. Then you can display custom confirmation and decide what to do. If you want' to prevent the grid deletion code - call e.stopPropagation(). Here is a quick sample:
<%: Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
// Prevent the grid from displaying the default delete confirmation
.Editable(editing => editing.DisplayDeleteConfirmation(false))
// Subscribe to the OnRowDataBound event
.ClientEvents(e => e.OnRowDataBound("onRowDataBound"))
function onRowDataBound(e) {
$(e.row) // get the current table row (TR) as a jQuery object
.find(".t-grid-delete") // find the delete button in that row
.click(function(e) { // handle its "click" event
if (confirm("Do you want to delete this record?")) {
// User clicked "OK"
} else {
// User clicked "Cancel"
e.stopPropagation(); // prevent the grid deletion code from executing.

The demo page seems to contain an example of what you are looking for.


Ajaxinate Endless scolling has stopped product Quick View from working

I am using Shopify "Streamline Theme" with quick product view and I recently added infinite scroll to products on each collection using Ajaxinate.js.
When I open a collection page it loads with some products which is supposed to do, The products already there work fine with quick view and quick add to cart and also.
The Infinite scroll works fine and it loads new product fine but the problem is raised when the new products loaded through AJAX call doesn't have work with the quick view function.
I have tried to create a callback function to activate the quick view with no success, using the theme initialisation code with no success.
function callBack(){
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
var endlessClick = new Ajaxinate({
method: "scroll",
loadingText: 'Loading...',
callback: callBack
Edit -------
My problem, is that when the page is loaded only the initial loaded products quickview elements are loaded in the DOM. When the scroll more button is clicked, the newly loaded products are loaded without their respective quickview elements. Hence why the quickview does't work for them. The theme.js file comes with this initialisation code:
theme.reinitProductGridItem = function($scope) {
if (AOS) {
if (theme.settings.currenciesEnabled) {
// Reload quick shop buttons
// Refresh reviews app
if (window.SPR) {
// Re-register product templates in quick view modals.
// Will not double-register.
sections.register('product-template', theme.Product, $scope);
// Re-hook up collapsible box triggers
I have tried to integrate this into a callback but no success, the quickview modal doesn't seem to load for the newly loaded products:
function callBack(){
var $container = $('#CollectionSection');
// I have tried the following init qith no success:
// theme.init();
// theme.initQuickShop(true);
// theme.initQuickShop();
// sections.register('product-template', theme.Product, $container);
// AOS.refreshHard();
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
var endlessClick = new Ajaxinate({
method: "click",
loadingText: 'Loading...',
offset: 0,
callback: callBack
I am missing something but what? :/
Note for other things like loading products images with the callback and the wishlist app, it works as intended...
When you load elements via AJAX and if the events are not attached to a parent element that is not removed from the DOM, those elements will not have an attached event to them.
The term used here is event delegation.
Here is an example of non-delegated event:
document.querySelectorAll('a').addEventListener('click', function(){
// Do something
Since you are attaching the event to the existing "a" elements if you add new 'a' via AJAX those elements will not have the event since Javascript already attached all the events and it will not reattach them if you don't specifically recall them again.
Here is an example of a delegated event:
document.querySelector('body').addEventListener('click', function(target){
let target =;
if (target.tagName === 'A'){
// Do something here
Where we attach the event to the body tag ( where it's a better idea to attach it to a closer none-modified parent element of the ajax items ) and once we click we check if our target tag is an "a" and do something then.
So long story short, you will need to delegate the quick cart link so that it works after you load the items via AJAX.
Drip is correct you need to delegate your event, but for people like me it's hard to completely understand how to do that.
I'm not sure how your quickview is structured, but if you open it with a .click function and can use jquery use the [.on() function][1].
For example: I use a quickview that opens on a button click. My button is attached to my product-grid-item.liquid with this bit of code:
<div class="quick-view-button">
<a class="quick-view" data-handle="{{ product.handle }}" href="javascript:void(0);">Quick View</a>
My quickview function originally looked like this:
function quickView() {
$(".quick-view").click(function () {
//all of the quickview code
What happens is exactly like you described. The event listeners only loaded on the first product load but nothing after an AJAX load.
Using jquery's .on() binds the event listener to the element meaning when it's loaded in later it'll still have the event. Here's an example of what my code looks like after using .on()
function quickView() {
I really hope this helps you or someone else with this problem.

Prevent the delete key from working on Kendo ListBox

I'm using Kendo on Razor pages using MVVM. On a particular page I have a pair of ListBoxes. I want to stop users from deleting items from the boxes with the delete key.
If I trap and prevent the remove event from working, that solves the problem, except you can't then use the toolbox or drag and drop to transfer items from one box to the other (edit: because move is a combination of change & remove events).
This is how I was stopping the remove event...
<select style="min-width: 600px" id="listboxImports" data-role="listbox"
data-toolbar='{tools: ["transferTo", "transferFrom"]}'
data-bind="source: imports, events: {remove:}"></select>
var viewmodel = new kendo.observable({
events: {
remove: function(e) {
I've also tried to trap the delete key's keydown event, but I cannot identify which of the many elements rendered when the ListBox is rendered is actually handling the event.
Can anyone tell me how I can have my cake and eat it please?
Took ma a while, inspired by the same question for kendo's Multiselect:
$("#listBoxA").parent().get(0).addEventListener('keydown', function(e) {
if (e.keyCode == kendo.keys.DELETE) {
}, true)
Full dojo:
The _keyDown handler is attached to the <ul> element. My solution attaches a new handler to its parent, using event capturing, so that handler will be executed before Kendo's, and thus stopping the event's propagation if the pressed key was delete.
Alternatively, a possible workaround is to set navigatable to false, but you obviously lose all keyboard functionality. Example:

How Do I Reselect A KendoUI TabStrip After AJAX Postback in UpdatePanel

I've got a Telerik Kendo UI TabStrip with multiple tabs inside of an UpdatePanel...
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="DataDetails_Panel" UpdateMode="Conditional" runat="server">
<div id="ABIOptions_TabContainer">
<li>Parent Data Changing</li>
...which I then wire up in javascript later...
var optionTabContainer = $("#ABIOptions_TabContainer").kendoTabStrip({
animation: {
open: {
effects: "fadeIn"
select: onMainTabSelect
The users will click on the various tabs and inside of each tab are settings for our portal. When they are in a tab and they make a change to a setting, the expectation is that they'll click on the 'Save' button, which will perform a postback to the server via ajax, because it is in the update panel.
Current Behavior
After the post back happens and the ul content comes back, I reapply the kendoTabStrip setup function call, which makes none of the tabs selected. This appears to the user like the page is now empty, when it just had content.
Desired Result
What I want to do, is after the partial postback happens and the UpdatePanel sends back the ul, I want to reselect the tab that the user previously selected.
What Already Works
I already have a way to preserve the tab that the user clicked on:
var onMainTabSelect = function (e) {
tabToSelect = e.item;
console.log("onTabSelect --> ", e.item.textContent);
and a function to reset the selected tab whenever it is called:
function setMainTab() {
if (!jQuery.isEmptyObject(tabToSelect)) {
var tabStrip = $('#ABIOptions_TabContainer').data("kendoTabStrip");
console.log("Attempt to set tab to ", tabToSelect.textContent);;
} else {
console.log("tabToSelect was empty");
What Doesn't Work
My hypothesis is that the Kendo TabStrip says, "Hey, that tab is already selected" when I call the setMainTab after my postback:
var prm = Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.getInstance();
prm.add_endRequest(function () {
...and therefore, doesn't set my tab back. If I click on the tab, then Poof, all my content is there just like I expect.
Any ideas what I may be doing wrong?
I ended up changing the onMainTabSelect method to:
var onMainTabSelect = function (e) {
tabToSelect = $(e.item).data("tabindex");
which gets me the data-tabindex value for each li in my ul. I couldn't get the tab index from kendo, so I had to role my own. Once I got that value, then I was able to set the selected tab via an index rather than the tab object reference itself.

YUI DataTable Button events lost after filtering

I'm using a YUI2 DataTable.
Some of the rows of the tables have an icon button that when clicked on will popup additional details for the row.
I'm doing the following to define the panel which gets displayed with the additional information:
MyContainer.panel2 = new YAHOO.widget.Panel("popupPanel2",
{ width:"650px", visible:false, constraintoviewport:true, overflow:"auto" } );
YAHOO.util.Event.addListener("showButton2", "click",, MyContainer.panel2, true);
So, everything works well with that. Then I added a button that when clicked on filters out some of the rows.
MyContainer.oPushButton1.onclick = function onButtonClickp(p_oEvent)
var filter_val = "xxx";
{success: myDataTable.onDataReturnInitializeTable},myDataTable);
This filters and redraws the table. But after doing that, the buttons on the remaining rows that should popup a panel no longer work.
Nothing happens when I click on the buttons.
I'm sure I've done something wrong, but I don't know what. The buttons and panels with the correct id's still seem to be available on the page.
Do I somehow have to re-enable the listener for the click event after the datatable redraw? I'm not sure where to look for trying to debug the failed listener.
I got this working by making a call to addListener again after resetting the data for the Datasource.
MyContainer.oPushButton1.onclick = function onButtonClickp(p_oEvent)
var filter_val = "xxx";
{success: myDataTable.onDataReturnInitializeTable},myDataTable);
YAHOO.util.Event.addListener("showButton2", "click",, MyContainer.panel2, true);

Update using AJAX and JQuery

I'm trying to do a simple update, but can't figure out somthing.
I have a table that i get from a DB with an Edit button that when i press change to a Save button so i can save with Ajax the record that the user just edit.
I'm doing the first part just fine, have one function that do all the jquery stuff on the page (that is working just fine).
Now I want to change the $('#a'+productID) line to save insted of edit. i am changing the link attribute also, so when the user presses save it will send him to a function that will make the Ajax request and update the record.
But i dont have a clue how to start that....I don't think it has any thing to do with any bind function becouse i am allready binded by calling the save function (or am i wrong and need to bind antway???) can any one help me out here?
P.S. the save function recives the productID do i have the right product when i will need it.
Don't have a code to send for the save function becouse i don't know how to start it and every thing i tried doesn't work....sorry :-(
It might be easier if you simply had both buttons on the page and toggled between them depending on the page state.
<a id="editButton" href="">Edit</a>
<a id="saveButton" href="" style="display: none;">Save</a>
$('#editButton').click( function() {
// set up the form as edit...
return false;
$('#saveButton').click( function() {
var button = $(this);
var href = button.attr('href');
$.post(href,$('form').serialize(), function() {
// change form back to readonly...
