Using Carbon I got "textual month could not be found" error - laravel-5

In my Laravel 5.8 application, I to convert date in string format like
02 May, 2019 to date time using Carbon. I try like :
setlocale(LC_TIME, 'en');
$filter_check_in_datepicker_till = Carbon::createFromFormat( 'dd MMMM YYY', $filter_check_in_datepicker_till )->locale('en_EN');;
But got error:
"message": "Unexpected data found.\nA textual month could not be found\nData missing",
Which is right way?

The Carbon docs say:
createFromFormat() is mostly a wrapper for the base php function DateTime::createFromFormat.
It isn't entirely clear from the docs, but that means the $format parameter passed to createFromFormat() is a DateTime format, not a Carbon format. So instead of dd MMMM YYY, you should use d, M Y (check the DateTime format reference):
\Carbon\Carbon::createFromFormat('d, M Y', '02, May 2019');
// returns 2019-05-02 12:48:26
For reference, there are several problems in your Carbon format, so even if createFromFormat took a Carbon format string what you have would not work. Checking the Carbon format reference:
dd is actually "Minified day name (from Su to Sa), transatable". You really want DD for the zero-padded day of month;
The date format you are using includes a comma, but your format string is missing that;
YYY is not actually a valid Carbon format string. You really wanted YYYY for 4-digit year;


How to format date string with date-fns without timezone transformation?

I have really simple date as string as ISO const mytDate = '2021-10-24T16:00:00.000Z' and I want to format it like format(new Date(myDate), 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss') but new Date() cause that it convert it to my local timezone and I do not want it. I would like to take this string date and just format it as it is.
Is there a solution ?

Double time specification in file in laravel api

I am making api's in laravel and getting 2021-01-30T10:30:17.704 05:30 from $request->followup and i have column in database named followup having datetime datatype. But it's giving me following error.
Carbon\Exceptions\InvalidFormatException: Could not parse '2021-01-30T10:30:17.704 05:30': DateTime::__construct(): Failed to parse time string (2021-01-30T10:30:17.704 05:30) at position 24 (0): Double time specification in file D:\xampp2\htdocs\synocrm-baid\rest-apis\vendor\nesbot\carbon\src\Carbon\Traits\Creator.php on line 188
I tried to change format like
$followupDate = date('Y-m-d h:i:s A',strtotime($request->followup));
My modal having
#property Carbon|null $followup
$request->followup is appending datetime with datetime
Original Value: 2021-01-30T10:30:17.704 05:30
Datetime: 2021-01-30T10:30:17.704
Time: 05:30
As we can see, there is two Time (05:30 and 10:30:17), because of which the strtotime() cannot convert the value.
In order to fix the problem,
Send the value as time time only (2021-01-30T10:30:17.704) instead of two times Time attribute
If you have no control over request value, you can retrieve only date value like:
$dateValue = explode(' ', $request->followup)[0];
$followupDate = date('Y-m-d h:i:s A',strtotime($dateValue));
Or Using Carbon
$followupDate = Carbon::parse($dateValue);
I would not recommend option 2 because it creates problems and confusion for other devs.
2021-01-30T10:30:17.704 05:30
It does not seem to valid timestamp. For parsing, it should be the valid timestamp or date.

Laravel Eloquent date_format Validation fails on given format

I want to create validation rule to validate incoming date.
Format I want to validate is Y-m-d H:i:s. Here's my body request which I am validating:
{ "date":"2015.10.5 10:30:10" }
And here's my validation rule:
'date' => 'required|date_format:"Y.m.d H:i:s"',
And it returns:
{"date":["The date does not match the format Y.m.d H:i:s."]}
If you want to be able to pass the day without a leading zero, then for the day part of your datetime you need to use j instead of d.
'date' => 'required|date_format:"Y.m.j H:i:s"',
That will work for the example you have above.
If you are going to always have a leading zero in your day (so, 05 instead of just 5, then the date format you already have will work.

Concatenate DateTimePicker in VS2010

How can I concatenate the values of two datetimepicker?
DateTimePicker1 - this is for the the DATE mm/dd/yyyy
DateTimePicker2 - this is for the the TIME hh:mm:ss
I want a value of ... mm/dd/yyy hh:mm:ss in one variable, how can I do that?
One easy way would be
DateTime dt = new DateTime(dtp1.Year, dtp1.Month, dtp1.Day, dtp2.Hour, dtp2.Minute, dtp2.Second);
Please check the order of the parameters, I am writing from memory.
Here dtp1 is a DateTime object from the first datetime picker.

Pattern to parsing datetime with daylight savings time using Joda time

How to use joda time to parse a date time value like this "2011-03-01T01:00:00-07:00"
Does anyone has any code sample to parse the above datetime pattern?
This is an ISO formatted date string. Jodatime supports it as follows:
DateTimeFormatter psr = ISODateTimeFormat.dateTimeParser()
DateTime date = psr.parseDateTime("2011-03-01T01:00:00-07:00")
