Yammer API call is returning only 50 groups - yammer

We are using Yammer API Call: https://www.yammer.com/api/v1/groups.json to get the yammer groups for our organization. But we are getting only 50 groups for this call. However we are having more than 50. Any thoughts on this issue?

To get groups beyond the first batch you have to pass a page parameter like this https://www.yammer.com/api/v1/groups.json?page=5. Continue paging until you run out of results. Getting only the groups.csv model using the Yammer Data Export is often a faster method, but places additional constraints on the API caller.


How to get historical Slack call id's?

Is there a way to get historical call ID's from the Slack API?
I would like to use the slack calls.info API (https://api.slack.com/methods/calls.info) to get information on past Slack calls. But I cannot find a way to get the ID's of the calls. (The only way per the documentation is the data returned by the calls.add API
I can see evidence in Slack of my past calls with other users, but when I call conversations.history, I do not see any data for calls...just messages.
Unfortunately, there is no method that will return call ids retroactively.Something like calls.list would be helpful. Right now, I think your only option would be to store the ids when you call calls.addmoving forward so that you can then use them in future calls.info calls.

What is the default value of maxResults in contacts API call?

I've read the official document of Google Contacts API version 3.0.
On the part of 'Retrieving all contacts' there is a note saying below:
The feed may not contain all of the user's contacts, because there's a default limit on the number of results returned. For more information, see the max-results query parameter in Retrieving contacts using query parameters.
I wonder that 'default limit' because I would like to refer to Google's standard for developing.
Is there anyone who knows the number of default limit?
The default max depends upon the API and the method itself. Some of the Youtube methods only return 50 for a max others return 500.
Unfortunately the Google contacts API is a very old API and not well documented. If you dont send a max-results with your request then you will get the default.
You can also send something really big like 100000 if it refuses it it should return an error stating its max.

Google Places webservice returns nextpage token as 0x0 after two requests

I have written a d code to retrieve the available places (like hospitals in US) from google places web service. I am able to retrieve place details only continuously for 2 requests only. afterwards the pagination token is set as 0x0 in the json response.
But if i manually do the search in the google then it keep on moving more than that. What is wrong am i doing here. Google says that it allows 1000 request per day limit for free. But it doesn't serve more than 2 requests. I have used d lang "requests" module for making the http request.
You only get 60 results across three pages, because that's the maximum provided by the API.
Nearby Search and Text Search requests in the Google Places API web service return a maximum of 60 results. See the Accessing Additional Results section of the documentation, which says:
each search can return as many as 60 results, split across three pages.
(Emphasis mine.)
dlang-requests can display (to stdout) detailed info on request and response if you use verbosity=3.
Also you can compile sources it with -debug=requests and set globalLogLevel(LogLevel.trace) to produce even more detailed log information. If this doesn't help, then please give me detailed info on failed API call so that I can reproduce problem.

Yammer API - how to get full list of likes using messages endpoint?

I've noticed that the messages.json endpoint doesn't seem to return all the data needed to show the likes per message.
Specifically, two things seem to be happening:
List of likers only has info on 3 users.
The avatar images for the likers is not always available when looking up through the "references" array.
We're using the JS SDK for our integration.
https://api.yammer.com/api/v1/users/liked_message/:Message_id.json should return user properties of LIKERS, a count of all LIKERS should give you the total LIKES per message.
In practice, you'd need to call the messages endpoint, get the message id, then pass it into users/liked_message/:Message_id.json programatically.
See here for further details - https://developer.yammer.com/docs/usersliked_messagemessage_idjson

google places api more than 60 results

I'm using places text search api to locate the stores of a brand in a city. But there are more than 60 stores for those brands in a city. But through google places api I'm getting only 60 results, which I can get using pagination method(page_token) .
Is it possible to access more than 60 results using google places api.
First request :https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/textsearch/json?query=pizza+hut+in+bangalore&sensor=true&key=
There is no way to get more than 60 results in Places API. Some people tried to file a feature request in Google issue tracker, but Google rejected it with the following comment
Unfortunately Places API is not in a position to return more than 60 results.
Besides technical reasons (latency, among others) returning more than 60 results would make the API be more like a database or general-purpose search engine. We'd rather improve search quality so that users don't need to go so far down a long list of results.
It is not possible to access more than 60 results. If you think this would be a useful feature, please submit a Places API - Feature Request.
