google places api more than 60 results - google-places-api

I'm using places text search api to locate the stores of a brand in a city. But there are more than 60 stores for those brands in a city. But through google places api I'm getting only 60 results, which I can get using pagination method(page_token) .
Is it possible to access more than 60 results using google places api.
First request :

There is no way to get more than 60 results in Places API. Some people tried to file a feature request in Google issue tracker, but Google rejected it with the following comment
Unfortunately Places API is not in a position to return more than 60 results.
Besides technical reasons (latency, among others) returning more than 60 results would make the API be more like a database or general-purpose search engine. We'd rather improve search quality so that users don't need to go so far down a long list of results.

It is not possible to access more than 60 results. If you think this would be a useful feature, please submit a Places API - Feature Request.


Is there any way to get more than 60 results from Google Places API?

I can't figure out how to get more than 60 results from Google Places API.
Are there any workarounds, or is it actually impossible to get anything more than 60??
According to the documentation the max amount of results you can get is 60, please notice that the API returns a paginated response showing up to 20 results per page. It is impossible to get more than that since there is no option or parameter you can configure to set the amount of results yo want.

Google Places webservice returns nextpage token as 0x0 after two requests

I have written a d code to retrieve the available places (like hospitals in US) from google places web service. I am able to retrieve place details only continuously for 2 requests only. afterwards the pagination token is set as 0x0 in the json response.
But if i manually do the search in the google then it keep on moving more than that. What is wrong am i doing here. Google says that it allows 1000 request per day limit for free. But it doesn't serve more than 2 requests. I have used d lang "requests" module for making the http request.
You only get 60 results across three pages, because that's the maximum provided by the API.
Nearby Search and Text Search requests in the Google Places API web service return a maximum of 60 results. See the Accessing Additional Results section of the documentation, which says:
each search can return as many as 60 results, split across three pages.
(Emphasis mine.)
dlang-requests can display (to stdout) detailed info on request and response if you use verbosity=3.
Also you can compile sources it with -debug=requests and set globalLogLevel(LogLevel.trace) to produce even more detailed log information. If this doesn't help, then please give me detailed info on failed API call so that I can reproduce problem.

Customized Custom Google Search API

We actually just need the number of search results from google.
However, the Custom Search API is an overkill, and we are just limited for 100 searches per day.
We could resort to scraping but are worried that it might ban us...
Is there any way we could get what we need?
Google have a AJAX Search API with this example Number of Search Results

Exhaustive Search on Google Places

I'm trying to use Google Places API for a business locator app, but am having trouble creating an exhaustive database of business.
1.The API call only returns 20 results back.
2.The "type" restriction (e.g. type=restaurant) does not pick up all businesses by type in a given zip. I could use "keyword" but not all restaurants have restaurant in their name, and not all spas have "spa" in their name.
3. Each call produces the same set of results from day to day, and with only 20 returns per call, how am I to get a more exhaustive database of businesses?
I can try to get around the above three constraints by looping through a very well degraded search of businesses: say by zip code, some list of keywords, category type. But I still won't get close to picking up the 50 million or so businesses in google places.
In fact, even when I make a call for restaurants and bars in my own neighborhood, I don't pick up popular places down the block from me.
How is the API usable for an app that locates places then?
Any suggestions on how to create a more exhaustive search?
I'm not able to answer your question regarding Google Places API.
But for your requirements ('business locator app', 'I don't pick up popular places down the block from me') I suggest you try Yelp Search API:
Yelp's API program enables you to access trusted Yelp information in real time, such as business listing info, overall business ratings and review counts, deals and recent review excerpts.
Yelp is a popular review website with a capable API and you may test the quality of database and the devoted user base they have at Yelp homepage.
They keep some data for themselves and do not return everything in response.
The (free) dev account has a limit of 100 calls per 24 hours.
I know I'm late but maybe it helps someone these days.
By default, each Nearby Search or Text Search returns up to 20
establishment results per query; however, each search can return as
many as 60 results, split across three pages.
You need to use the field nextPageToken that you will receive on the first search to get the next page.
An issue in stack overflow says:
There is no way to get more than 60 results in Places API. Some people
tried to file a feature request in Google issue tracker, but Google
rejected it with the following comment Unfortunately Places API is not
in a position to return more than 60 results. Besides technical
reasons (latency, among others) returning more than 60 results would
make the API be more like a database or general-purpose search engine.
We'd rather improve search quality so that users don't need to go so
far down a long list of results.
google places api more than 60 results
I faced the same difficulties that you did and decided to use the Yelp API instead. It is free, very complete and returns up to 1000 results. You should however check the terms of service before doing anything. It does not provide the website of the business (only the Yelp website link).
Other options I investigated at that time:
Foursquare ventures. (It was very expensive, and only returned up to around 100 results)
Here places API
Factual Places (I don't think this one is an API)
Sygic Travel API (Specific for touristical spots)
Planet.osm (OpenStreetMap)

Inadequate Google Places API response?

I'm trying to implement google places functionality in BlackBerry application. The problem is that google places api respond differently on the same request. For example, this request,-80.7339&radius=500&types=food&sensor=false&key=AIzaSyANf2IAm0cdm5FYFo7_uvMRfCNaVjBI5HE
sometimes returns quite big json array with around 20 places, but sometimes just "status" : "ZERO_RESULTS". What's the reason? I tried to send request from pc browser, the same picture.
Reason is very simple, in the above url you are searching for places in a radius of 500m around given location. Try increasing radius parameter(0~50000).
Also try using many place types.
eg:- &types=food|train_station|other_one|yet_another_one
