DataTables - Specify page size on server side - laravel

When using DataTables, how can I control page size on the server-side? I want to take advantage of bult-in navigation buttons (prev, next etc.), but don't want clients to be able to dictate page size.
The only option I see is pageLength which controls page size from client's end, which defeats the purpose in my case.
This is Laravel application and I'm using Yajra package (DataTables as a Service) implementation. Note that I can't use Eloquent's built-in pagination because then I'll have to manage navigation myself and will also need to disable DataTable's own navigation because that one depends on pageLength.

A good way is to remove the present page size in the datatable by adding paging to false on data table options.
Then u can do pagination by simply add laravel pagination class when dragging data from your models. E.g
$all_items = user model::paginate($page_size,['*'],'page_no');
The last variable of the paginate method is just indicating the parameter name of the page no. Useful when you have more than pagination in a page. It can be changed to whatever unique value u like.


Recommendations for developing Laravel User account pages as SPA?

Looking to rebuild account pages for users of a Laravel 8 based application using something like Inertia/Livewire, Vue/React to make just the account area an SPA. User accounts currently have many pages in which to manage their items and have a dashboard that summarises item data that link to item listing pages for managing.
Ideally the new dashboard will have component based widgets which would load the HTML with temporary place holders for the items whilst the data is being requested. Not sure what would make a better user experience, having the whole page show temporary place holders for dynamic data and then all populate at the same time or populate each component as and when the data is ready.
Would it be more efficient to have each component request its own data individually or should each component specify what data it needs to the parent component (dashboard) which then does one request for all widgets?
The widgets would link to item listing pages where users can manage items. The way the listing pages should work is very similar to that of Asana, when an item is selected it opens a panel to the right of the list which loads the data related to that item. Again, when the panel opens it has place holders until the data requested has been fetched.
With Inertia the data can be queried in the controller and then passed as props to the view that Inertia renders. Items would be passed in this way and then listed on a listing page component. The URL should update from /items to /item/123 when clicking an item so it would have its own dynamic route that passes the item id to the relevant action.
Would this have its own action separate from the one that gets the initial list of items?
The list still needs to be there and used to click between items so was thinking it could actually use the same action?
Items could be in the thousands and will have filtering options so pagination and throttling will be necessary.
Been looking at Inertia with Vue so far and it looks to meet requirements, can’t change from using Laravel 8, just wondering what approach would be most suitable or if there is another approach that should be considered. Interested to hear how others might go about it.

Django one page website with lateral navbar

My current setup looks like this(from here, mostly):
This is the result of my home view. What I intend on doing is keep those 2 sidebars in place and refresh only the content part.
My question: What is the obvious solution to this in django?
From what I read so far it seems to be using Ajax to see what exactly the user clicks on the sidebars and return only a part of the HTML which would be the div where all the content is. (or return a JSON and refresh that div depending on the JSON values?)
I need to avoid refreshing the entire page, it seems useless. I could forget about Ajax and just run on separate views but I would have to pass every time a context variable to populate the sidebars depending on the user and this seems to be an overkill.
Even more specific: On the push of a button on the navbar now that is a href- links to another page. In order to make it refresh only part of the page what should the button trigger? Should it trigger a jquery function or is there a better option?
If your concern is only about left sidebar calculations, then you can go with caching
Django allows to cache part of page - sidebar is ideal item for caching. If sidebar is different for users (I see at least playlists menu item), then it's also possible to implement fragment caching per user, check Vary on headers part of documentation.
Using ajax will complicate your development process - generate html/json encode/render it on user side, etc, etc. And now almost no one uses django in this way. If you want pure single page application, then I suggest you to take a look at some javascript framework like Angular, Vue or React + Django API backend.

ServiceNow Add a Form Section to multiple Configuration Items

I am currently working on a project in ServiceNow that requires me to configure around 500 descendants of the Configuration Item table by adding multiple form sections to the CI's with around 10-20 fields in each of these form sections. I currently am doing this by going into the Form Design for each CI, and manually adding these form section and fields for every CI individually, which takes far to long to do for 500 CI's.
Is there a way to add a form section to multiple CI's without having to go into the form design on every CI you want to change and adding it manually?
Technical answer: yes, because all of that form layout data is stored in tables (sys_ui_form_section, sys_ui_section, sys_ui_element, etc) that you could script to insert relevant records. However, due to the complexity (form sections, form elements, ordering) and the potential to run into conflicts (forms differ between tables), I would recommend this only as a last resort.
I think the real question is why is it required to have all of those fields displayed on the forms? If you're populating data from Discovery or a large import, can those fields just be visible by a list page, or just be available to use in filters? Will users actually be clicking to view a CI record and need to see that data on the form? The other part to consider is which view you are adding all of these form sections and fields to. As an example, a user won't see the data on a reference field hover if you're only making changes to the Default view, and won't see any of the fields on a mobile device if you don't add to the Mobile view.

How to add pagination based on amount of data

I have had 2 different display from a website that is shaped like a tab menu. For the first tab menu, data displayed does not require pagination, however for the second tab menu, data displayed requires pagination because the amount of data a lot.
How to display both of the data if the first tab menu did not need the presence of pagination and the second tab menu need pagination ??
Give me any suggestions step to resolve this.....
Either build pagination the normal way (with page refreshes, see the links in the comments to your question) and save a parameter to know that you're busy in the 2nd tab, or use ajax to load the paginated data in the 2nd tab. This requires you to build an api like functionality to obtain this paginated data as json and build the page with javascript. From the api you would call a method on your model that uses LIMIT and OFFSET to get the right data section.

Drupal Views Ajax refresh rows

I have some view (Views 2 - list of invitations, table style) which uses embedded forms to edit records directly in view rows.
I am using ahah to change values in records. What I need is to refresh all records dynamically (some calculations) after I change some checkboxes.
Is there any way to refresh view using Ajax?
To trigger reload table rows only form the code?
I suspect it must be some way (some command) as there is a Use Ajax option in views for sorting tables, etc...
Any hints would be much appreciated
In basic settings there is the 'use ajax' option which :
If set, this view will use an AJAX mechanism for paging, table sorting and exposed filters. This means the entire page will not refresh. It is not recommended that you use this if this view is the main content of the page as it will prevent deep linking to specific pages, but it is very useful for side content.
you may find the module Ajax Views Refresh useful
