import cucumber.api.DataTable; cannot be resolved - maven

I am trying to automate DataTables in Cucumber where i have written the appropriate feature and step definition for the same.
Eclipse is suggesting to import io.cucumber.datatable.DataTable; and when I use the raw() method, eclipse throws an error saying "The method raw() is undefined for the type DataTable"
Feature : Then user enters username and password
| mngr193115 | edytadA |
Step Definition :
#Then("^user enters username and password$")
public void user_enters_username_and_password(DataTable credentials) {
List<List<String>> data = credentials.raw();
Below is my POM.xml file
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expected - to resolve the import issues and import cucumber.api.DataTable;
Actual - Eclipse is suggesting to import import io.cucumber.datatable.DataTable; for DataTable and when I import the same, i am not able to use raw() method.

Main Point: People have been facing few errors (mentioned below) as they mix direct & transitive dependencies. So we shall not mix direct & transitive dependencies specially their versions! Doing so can cause unpredictable outcome.
The import cucumber.api.junit cannot be resolved
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: gherkin/IGherkinDialectProvider
import cucumber.api.DataTable; cannot be resolved
Solution: Please remove cucumber-java, cucumber-core, cucumber-jvm-deps, gherkin & junit. They're transitive dependencies and will be provided by your dependencies. You can add below set of minimal cucumber dependencies.

If you are using io.cucumber instead of cucumber.api import then use cells() method which is an alternative of the raw() method in io.cucumber package.
List<List<String>> testData = data.cells();
System.out.println(testData.get(0).get(0)); //displays the first element of dataTable //of 0th row and 0th column

I. option
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II. option
Try out to update cucumber-core and cucumber java dependencies up to latest versions:
<!-- -->
And after that- do maven reimport.
Hope this helps

I also had an issue while using raw() so instead I changed it to cells() which worked fine
#And("^I enter following for login$")
public void iEnterFollowingForLogin(DataTable table) throws Throwable{
List<List<String>> data = table.cells();
System.out.println("Username: "+data.get(1).get(0));
System.out.println("Password: "+data.get(1).get(1));

Feature : Then user enters username and password
| mngr193115 | edytadA |
From your question what is notice was above was the feature file you used.
I agree that you have to do import for datatable and before that can you please change the feature file to below if not
Feature : To check the UN and Pwd
Scenario : ScenarioName
Then user enters username and password
| mngr193115 | edytadA |


Eclipse unable to find raw()method while using Cucumber datatable

In my feature file i am using datatable
Feature File
And verify for incorrect or incomplete Address
|/api/ |
|/api/20200404 |
|/api/abcfghj |
I am using eclipse and In step definition file, when I am trying to add raw() method for datatable its unable to populate the method. While mouse hovering DataTable it imported package as import io.cucumber.datatable.DataTable;
#And("^verify for incorrect or incomplete Address$")
public void verify_for_incorrect_or_incomplete_url(DataTable address) throws Throwable {
List<List> data = address.
I am not sure what is missing in my dependency file, please guide.
the raw() method is outdated.
So you can instead do something like this:
List<List<String>> data = address.asLists(String.class);
The Result will be:
[[/api/], [/api/2020-05-30], [/api/20200404], [/api/abcfghj]]

Extentreport support for Cucumber-JVM 4.0 (io.cucumber)

I am trying to migrate my Cucumber automation project from cucumber (info.cukes ) to cucumber (io.cucumber)
During this process, i having trouble with migrating extend reports. Could you please help me with what I am missing?
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Runner class:
package CucumberWithAfterStep.AfterStepPOC;
import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import com.cucumber.listener.Reporter;
import cucumber.api.CucumberOptions;
import cucumber.api.junit.Cucumber;
#CucumberOptions(features = "src/test/resources/features", glue = { "testSteps" }, plugin = { "pretty",
"html:target/cucumber", "json:target/cucumber.json" , "com.cucumber.listener.ExtentCucumberFormatter:target/cucumber-reports/report.html" },
monochrome = true,
tags = {"#WAC003 "}, dryRun = false)
public class MainRunnerTest {
public static void writeExtentReport() {
Reporter.loadXMLConfig(new File(FileReaderManager.getInstance().getConfigReader().getReportConfigPath()));
cucumber.runtime.CucumberException: Couldn't load plugin class: com.cucumber.listener.ExtentCucumberFormatter. It does not implement
at cucumber.runtime.formatter.PluginFactory.loadClass(
at cucumber.runtime.formatter.PluginFactory.pluginClass(
at cucumber.runtime.formatter.PluginFactory.getPluginClass(
at cucumber.runtime.formatter.PluginFactory.isStepDefinitionReporterName(
at cucumber.runtime.RuntimeOptions$ParsedPluginData.addPluginName(
at cucumber.runtime.RuntimeOptions.parse(
at cucumber.runtime.RuntimeOptions.(
There are 2 ways of implementing extent report in Cucumber
1. Using Cucumber-JVM 4 adapter for Extent Framework(extentreports-cucumber4-adapter) & below are the steps to implement -
Add adapter dependency under POM.XML
Add the com.aventstack.extentreports.cucumber.adapter.ExtentCucumberAdapter plugin to the runner.
#CucumberOptions(plugin = {"com.aventstack.extentreports.cucumber.adapter.ExtentCucumberAdapter:"})
public class RunCukesTest {
// ..
Report Output Directory - ../Project Directory/test-output/HtmlReport
2. Adding aventstack dependency under POM.XML
In this workflow, Do not Add the com.aventstack.extentreports.cucumber.adapter.ExtentCucumberAdapter plugin to the runner.
I had the same issue. you can use the following combination of dependencies,
Cucumber-core 4.2.0
Cucumber-java 4.2.0
Cucumber-junit 4.2.0
extentreports-cucumber4-adapter 1.0.7
Please note Cucumber-extntsreport which is developed by vimalselvam is not supporting cucumber version 4. Because cucumber 4 is using event based reporting, not the formatter.
so remove this dependency.
cucumber-extentsreport 3.0.2

httpbuilder and apache.poi.workbook maven problems

In Maven POM file I have the following:
I want to use Httpbuilder and Workbook in my project to parse Excel files.
def res ="path": "....", "requestContentType": JSON, contentType: ContentType.BINARY)
Workbook book = WorkbookFactory.create(res.responseData)
If I use my Maven dependencies
java.lang.LinkageError: loader constraint violation in interface itable
initialization: when resolving method "org.apache.xerces.dom.NodeImpl
If I add exclusion to stax or to httpbuilder
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory.setFeature(Ljava/lang/String;Z)V
If I delete stax dependency Provider not found
Any ideas on how to use HttpBuilder with Workbook?
Exclude xerces from http-builder dependencies. In my case it solved problem

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class com.datastax.driver.core.Cluster

I have a maven project A
pom.xml for the project A :
pom.xml of the project cassandra-logging:
The cops-logging projecct has the following code :
CassandraCopsComponentLogger.instance = new CassandraCopsComponentLogger();
String hosts = CassandraClientUtil.getHost();
String localDC = CassandraClientUtil.getLocalDC();
Cluster cluster;
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(localDC))
cluster = Cluster.builder().addContactPoints(hosts.split(","))
.withCredentials(CassandraCopsComponentLogger.USER_NAME, CassandraCopsComponentLogger.AUTH_CODE)
.withQueryOptions(new QueryOptions().setConsistencyLevel(ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_ONE))
.withLoadBalancingPolicy(new TokenAwarePolicy(DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy.builder().withLocalDc(localDC).build())).build();
cluster = Cluster.builder().addContactPoints(hosts.split(","))
.withCredentials(CassandraCopsComponentLogger.USER_NAME, CassandraCopsComponentLogger.AUTH_CODE)
.withQueryOptions(new QueryOptions().setConsistencyLevel(ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_ONE)).build();
Session session = cluster.connect();
CassandraCopsComponentLogger.mappingManager = new MappingManager(session);
I keep on getting exception on the following line :
cluster = Cluster.builder().addContactPoints(hosts.split(","))
I have a unit test in cassandra-logging project which works fine with this code. But when I call the same code from project A I get the
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class com.datastax.driver.core.Cluster
I was able to resolve this by downgrading the cassandra dependency version to <version>2.1.9</version>. Not sure how that helped but I was able to move forward.
Update the version of cassandra-driver-core and cassandra-driver-mapping to 3.3.0 - this worked for me:
I ran into similar issue. The error i got was :
Factory method 'sqlSession' threw exception;
nested exception is java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/datastax/oss/protocol/internal/SegmentCodec
relevant pom.xml segment:
Solution that worked for me : I have to explicitly declare dependency on native-protocol to override the version of native-protocol.
Reference :

arquillian #Drone injections always returning "about:blank" page

I am having this problem for 2 days now, and I am tending to think that something in my configuration is off. I'll post first my code and then explain:
public class MyTest extends Arquillian {
#Deployment(name = "MyPlatform", testable = false)
public static WebArchive createDeployment() {
WebArchive war;
war = ShrinkWrap
.create (WebArchive.class, "MyPlatform.war")
.merge (Maven
return war;
private PhantomJSDriver browser;
private URL deploymentUrl;
#Test(dataProvider = Arquillian.ARQUILLIAN_DATA_PROVIDER)
public void should_login_successfully(#InitialPage LoginPage loginPage) {
System.out.println ("ACTUAL: " + browser.getCurrentUrl ());
System.out.println ("DEPLOYMENT URL: " + deploymentUrl.toExternalForm ());
loginPage.login ("demo", "demo");
Assert.assertEquals (deploymentUrl.toExternalForm () + "", "");
The #ArquillianResource injection works fine, and shows the correct URL. However the #Drone injection shows "about:blank". after some testing i found something weird:
if my war file is called something like MyPlatform.blabla.war, then the Drone trancates after the first "dot" and i get "" which is not what i for some reason the #Drone is always trancating my deployment URL and cant seem to find the root of it.
here is my POM just in case
I would be greatful if someone can help me in solving this pickle..!
Typical, After I posted the question i found the problem, and it was simply that my applicaiton is running over SSL and phantomjs is not redirecting from 8080 -> 8443...
Now to figure out how to do this ...
