Checking if a child has at least 3 parents in Prolog - prolog

I attempted to solve a problem where you are given a list of facts like:
where b is the parent of a,
and I needed to write a clause that determines if someone has at least 3 parents.
Here's my attempt
has3Parent(A) :- parent(A,B), parent(A,C), parent(A,D).
With my attempt,
if A has 1 parent, it will return true once,
if A has 2 parents, it will return true 8 times,
and if A has 3 parents, it will return true 27 times.
I'm rather new to Prolog and I cannot wrap my head around as to why this could be, so any help would be much appreciated.

Because you never assured that B, C and D were different people, you will always get true as long as A has even a single parent.
So the situation with 1 parent is simple; with 2, you have these eight combinations:
A = jane, B = jane, C = jane
A = jane, B = jane, C = john
A = jane, B = john, C = jane
A = jane, B = john, C = john
A = john, B = jane, C = jane
A = john, B = jane, C = john
A = john, B = john, C = jane
A = john, B = john, C = john
Even if you just say they're not equal, you'll get false for less than 3 and true for 3 or more; but you'll still be getting multiple solutions, because order will matter.
Ideally you'd use findall/3 to get the set of parents and count it, which will give you a singular solution. Something like:
has3Parent(A) :- findall(P, parent(A, P), Ps), length(Ps, 3).
(Also note that unlike the previous, this tests whether A has exactly 3 parents, not at least 3 parents. In order to get the previous idea to test for exactly 3 parents, you would have to say that besides B, C and D being different, there also does not exist E different from all of them that is also a parent. The findall solution though is easy to adapt for different kinds of comparison, since you are dealing with a number, not a bunch of unruly variables.)

First a minor remark: You are using a relation parent/2 with arguments like parent(Child, Parent). There are many who use this name with exchanged arguments, thus parent(Parent, Child). For this reason it is much safer to clarify which order you want directly in the name. Thus child_parent(Child, Parent) is a better name, or for short child_of(Child, Parent).
Whenever you are attempting to define a predicate, first consider how this predicate will behave when definitions it depends upon change. In your case, what happens if further facts are added to child_of/2?
You originally asked for having at least 3 parents, let's call this relation has3parentsminimum/1. Then a definition with exactly 3 parents has3parents/1 and then #Amadan's definition has3parentsA/1.
Lets compare the set of solutions before and after adding facts to child_of/2.
has3parentsminimum/1: the set of solutions increases or stays the same. It increases should a further child now have 3 or more parents.
has3parents/1: the set of solutions may increase or decrease or both (thus just change). Since some children may now have four or more parents and others have now three.
has3parentsA/1: like has3parents/1 but additionally, the set of solutions may also change if a redundant fact is added.
So has3parentsminimum/1 is quite stable when adding further facts. This is known as monotonicity: When adding new clauses, everything you knew was true before stays true. Staying in the monotonic subset of Prolog as long as possible is a very good idea, since it is in this part where you can learn a lot about relations. (And that is probably the reason why you got this exercise.)
The most natural definition for has3parentsminimum/1 is to use dif/2:
has3parentsminimum(Ch) :-
dif(P1,P2), dif(P1,P3), dif(P2, P3), % all parents are different
child_of(Ch, P1),
child_of(Ch, P2),
child_of(Ch, P3).
That's probably as far as you need to go. Yes, you will get 3! = 6 redundant solutions for each child with exactly three parents, and even more so for children with more than 3 parents, but the set of solutions is fine.
But there are further improvements possible (that come at a certain price). Provided that child_of/2 contains ground facts only, you can write:
has3parentsminimum(Ch) :-
setof(P, child_of(Ch, P), [_,_,_|_]).


How to read from a list in GNU prolog?

So I have an assignment where I am to produce compatible meeting times between 3 different people. In the prolog file where I define predicates, there is a line given that has the name of the three people I am supposed to compare that reads as follows:
Where we are supposed to match these names from a data file that defines facts, where a fact holds the following format:
My question is, how do I read through 'people' so that I can match names against each other?
My text book doesn't really explain prolog too well, and I am confused on what 'people' actually is (when I say what it actually is, I mean is 'people' a list? an array?) so I am having troubles even searching for a solution as to how to read through each name so I can compare them.
people([ann,bob,carla]). is a fact. The predicate people/1 holds a list of people names. In prolog you have different ways to get elements from a list.
The most "dirtiest" version is just to write the list with a fixed number of elements:
?- people([P1,P2,P3]).
P1 = ann,
P2 = bob,
P3 = carla ;
You should not do this, because it works only for sets of 3 people and you would have to alter your code everytime a person leaves/enters.
Normally you go through a prolog list where you just get the first element Head and the rest of a list Tail:
?- people([Head|Tail]).
Head = ann,
Tail = [bob, carla] ;
By redoing this you can traverse through the whole list until the list has only one element left. To do this you need a help predicate, which I named person. person takes as first element a List and as second a variable (or a name for test). It unificates the variable with one element from the list:
person([H|_], H).
person([_|T], P):-
person(T, P).
?- people(L), person(L,P).
L = [ann, bob, carla],
P = ann ;
L = [ann, bob, carla],
P = bob ;
L = [ann, bob, carla],
P = carla ;
It works as follows: you have a list and imagine you see the first element from it only. You have two choices here: first you are ok with just taking the head element as an output, so the second attribute should be the exact same as the head element: person([H|_], H).
Or second: you ignore the head element and try to find something in the rest of the list by just calling the predicate again with a smaller list: person([_|T], P):- person(T, P).
When a variable starts with an underscore _ you are not interested in its content.
Also worth knowing: there are (most likely) inbuild helper predicates such as member/2 which give you back any member of a list:
?- people(L), member(P,L).
will give you any person in L.
To access a single timeslot for a choosen person you simply ask for the predicate free with your person from the list:
?- people(L), member(P,L), free(P,S).
If you want to find a timeslot where all persons in the list have to participate you need to define a helper predicate. I named it hastime
hastime([H|L], S):-
The output of ?- people(L), free(_,S), hastime(L,S). will give you a timeslot S where everone has time. Before calling hastime/2 you guess a Timeslot S. hastime/2 will look if all of the people have time on S: if there are no people (empty list []) you can accept any timeslot (_). If there are at least one person H in your list: ask if H has time on timeslot S and try if the other people from the list have this timeslot S free as well by calling the predicate for the tail list.
If prolog choose a slot where not all of them have time, it will go back to the point where it choosed the timeslot S and will look for a different value and try again. If there are no such timeslots it will return false.
Also hastime/2 can be used to find a timeslot by itself, but using it as a "generator" and test at the same time is a bit confusing.

How to attach properties to terms?

I want to attach properties to my terms, from a set of about 50 different properties. Usually only a small subset of them are used for a given term. There are many ways to represent these properties, but I am not satisfied with any of them.
For the sake of discussion, here is a set of properties and their possible values:
hair: bald, blonde, brune, red
eyes: blue, green, brown
first_name: John, Dick, Harry
There are many ways to represent these properties, for example with a list of pairs:
[eyes-blue, hair-blonde]
The only representation that seems to work is to use a very long list, where each index is used for a specific property:
?- T1=[blonde,_,_], T2=[_,blue,_], T1=T2.
T1 = T2, T2 = [blonde, blue, _1266]
?- T1=[X,_,_], X=blue.
T1 = [blue, _1230, _1236],
X = blue
But it's unreadable with 50 properties, and very bugprone (in my case, a whole set of predicates is dedicated to each property, and sometimes to each value of a property).
The way I would use such a feature would be by having conditions like "Terms T1 and T2 have the same value for property X", or "Terms T1 and T2 are the same", where T1 and T2 have attributes which can be set elsewhere, or can be left unset.
Using dicts desn't work, because unset keys are considered non-existent:
?- T1 = _{eyes:blue, hair:blonde}, T2 = _{eyes:blue}, T1 = T2.
For this to work, I would need to initialize each term with the 50 (mostly irrelevant) properties with free variables, on the off-chance that some of them will be used.
What other options do I have? I am open to using a different logic programming language if there is something closer to my needs than prolog.
With the "very long list", you have indeed found one possible representation that lets you directly use Prolog's built-in unification to perform the task for you.
As you note, this comes at a price though: It's unreadable, error-prone, wasteful etc.
There are many possible ways to solve the task, and I would like to give you two pointers that I hope you find relevant for your task.
Option 1: Use lists of pairs
This is in fact already mentioned in your post. Pairs of the form hair-blonde etc. are a natural way to represent the available data. By convention, (-)/2 is frequently used to denote pairs in Prolog.
All that is missing is precisely describing what "merging" such pairs means. You call it "unification", so let us use this terminology although it is of course different from syntactic unification that is available with (=)/2. One way to define the relation we want is:
unify_pairs([], APs, APs).
unify_pairs([A1-P1|APs1], APs2, APs) :-
if_(selectd_t(A1-P1, APs2, APs2Rest),
if_(attr_exists_t(A1, APs2),
APs = [A1-P1|Rest])),
unify_pairs(APs1, APs2Rest, Rest).
attr_exists_t(A, APs, T) :-
pairs_keys(APs, As),
memberd_t(A, As, T).
selectd_t(E, Xs0, Xs, T) :-
i_selectd_t(Xs0, Xs, E, T).
i_selectd_t([], [], _, false).
i_selectd_t([X|Xs], Rest, E, T) :-
if_(X=E, (T=true,Rest=Xs), (Rest = [X|Rs],i_selectd_t(Xs, Rs, E, T))).
This uses library(reif) and two auxiliary predicates to distinguish the different cases.
Your test cases work as required. For example:
?- unify_pairs([hair-blonde], [eyes-blue], Ps).
Ps = [hair-blonde, eyes-blue].
?- unify_pairs([eyes-blue], [eyes-brown], Ps).
Importantly, we can use it in all directions, and so we can also post significantly more general queries. For example:
?- unify_pairs([T1-P1], [T2-P2], TPs).
T1 = T2,
P1 = P2,
TPs = [T2-P2] ;
TPs = [T1-P1, T2-P2],
dif(T2, T1),
dif(f(T2, P2), f(T1, P1)).
Such answers help us to obtain a better understanding of the relation, and to test it more exhaustively.
Option 2: Use lists of pairs again
The second pointer I would like to include is found in library(ordsets) and similar libraries that ship with several Prolog systems.
This again lets you use lists, even lists of pairs. Importantly, lists are available in all Prolog systems. Various operations are quite efficient due to the way these libraries represent sets as ordered lists.
However, the price you may pay in such cases is the generality explained in the first approach. I suggest you first try the more general approach (i.e., Option 1), and then, only if necessary, resort to lower-level approaches that are more error-prone and less general.
You maybe say "unification" but you mean something different from what unification normally means in Prolog which is why your question might be mistaken for a different question. You could do some things with SWI-Prolog dicts:
?- _{hair:blonde, eyes:blue} >:< _{eyes:blue}.
?- _{hair:blonde, eyes:blue} >:< _{eyes:blue, hair:Color}.
Color = blonde.
?- _{hair:blonde, eyes:blue} >:< _{eyes:blue, hair:bald}.
but you cannot directly do what you need, because if you "put" into a dict you add or replace which is not what you want.
?- R =_{eyes:blue}.put(_{hair:blonde}).
R = _7436{eyes:blue, hair:blonde}.
(this one was OK)
?- R =_{eyes:blue}.put(_{eyes:brown}).
R = _7436{eyes:brown}.
(this is not what you want, is it?)
what you want I don't know what to call in words but it is some form of finding union on keys in key-value pairs. But you can just do it with dicts I think if you first do P1 >:< P2 and then put_dict(P1, P2, Result)?
?- P1 = _{eyes:blue},
P2 = _{hair:blonde,eyes:brown},
P1 >:< P2, put_dict(P1, P2, Result).
?- P1 = _{eyes:blue},
P2 = _{hair:blonde},
P1 >:< P2, put_dict(P1, P2, Result).
Result = _10044{eyes:blue, hair:blonde}.
?- P1 = _{eyes:blue},
P2 = _{hair:blonde,eyes:blue},
P1 >:< P2, put_dict(P1, P2, Result).
Result = _10046{eyes:blue, hair:blonde}.
Please respond if this is what you were asking because I am really not sure? But what is even more important actually is that you think a bit more carefully about the real problem you are trying to model because maybe? (just maybe?) you are thinking of it in terms of solution that is not as good as another solution that will make the problem be a lesser problem or a problem with already existing better solutions. Maybe it will help if you provide even more context about your problem in your question, because now there is enough context about how you tried to solve it but I don't know what you are really solving.
You could make the attributes one-arity terms, like this:
That would rule out unifications like
hair(blonde) = hair(red)
and you could quite easily write your own predicate for combining two lists, which could also block/filter out multiple instances of the same attribute.
In languages with strong typing this is a nice representation, but I'm not sure it's so useful in Prolog. Anyway it is a possibility.
I think I understand your question but I don't think I understand your difficulty. You could achieve what you want with dicts, with assocs, with lists of pairs.... You say:
Terms T1 and T2 have the same value for property X
Here it is with dicts, like the answer by #User9213:
?- _{a:1, foo:2, bar:3}.a = _{a:2, foo:22, baz:33}.a.
?- _{a:1, foo:2, bar:3}.a = _{a:1, foo:22, baz:33}.a.
In other words, to compare a "property" of two dicts, you just say Dict1.X = Dict2.X. Note that this also works with X a variable:
?- X = a, _{a:1, b:2}.X = _{a:1, b:432432}.X.
X = a.
The same would work with any other option already mentioned: with library(assoc) (just get the values for that key and compare), or even for lists of pairs (just do member(Key-Value, List) and compare values).
Then, you also say,
Terms T1 and T2 are the same
Now you really can just compare dicts. For assocs, I am not certain if two assocs are always the same if they have the same contents, but you can make lists and compare those. And if you keep your lists of pairs sorted on keys, you can just compare, as with dicts.
Finally, you say:
where T1 and T2 have attributes which can be set elsewhere, or can be left unset.
This is ambiguous. If an attribute is unset, just leave it out of the dict/assoc/list. "Set elsewhere" I really don't get.
You need to write some code down and get a feel for how things could be done. Showing your difficulties with a code example will help you get specific and useful answers.

Querying a Prolog knowledge base

% A quiz team structure takes the form:
% team(Captain, Vice_captain, Regular_team_members).
% Captain and Vice_captain are player structures;
% Regular_team_members is a list of player structures.
% player structures take the form:
% player(First_name, Surname, details(Speciality,Recent_score)).
I've been given the following Prolog database:
What would be the code needed to get the firstname and the recent score of all players whose recent score is above 15?
I've tried using exists but it keeps giving me errors.
Second question:
I need to get the surname of any vice-captain whose team includes a captain or a regular team member whose speciality is science.
I can get the surname of the vice-captains by using the first line below, but the second part is more tricky.
Regular_player = team(_,_,player(_,_,details(science,_))),
Captain = team(player(_,_,details(science,_),_,_)).
A more detailed description of what you tried and how it didn't work would be better because (a) some people are reluctant to do your homework for you, and (b) we can better clear up your misunderstandings if we know what those misunderstandings are.
Anyway, Prolog programming is all about decomposing problems.
The first problem is to find out which players exist at all. A player is a team captain or a team vice captain or a regular team member. This definition has three parts separated by "or", which suggests that we need a predicate composed of three clauses:
player(Captain) :-
team(Captain, _, _).
player(Vice_captain) :-
team(_, Vice_captain, _).
player(Regular_player) :-
team(_, _, Regular_members),
member(Regular_player, Regular_members).
We can test this:
?- player(P).
P = player(niall, elliott, details(history, 11)) ;
P = player(michelle, cartwright, details(fashion, 19)) ;
P = player(peter, lawlor, details(science, 12)) ;
P = player(louise, boyle, details(current_affairs, 17)).
Now we want to identify "good players". You wrote that you have "tried using exists". There is no exists in Prolog, and it isn't needed. In order to express something like "there exists a player P such that ...", we just define a predicate containing the goal player(P) and some other goals expressing the property we are interested in. This leads to a definition like this:
good_player(First_name, Recent_score) :-
P = player(First_name, _, details(_, Recent_score)),
Recent_score > 15.
You can read this as "there is a player P with first name First_name and recent score Recent_score such that the recent score is greater than 15".
?- good_player(F, S).
F = michelle,
S = 19 ;
F = louise,
S = 17.

Prolog: simulate disjunctive facts

I've got a logic problem that I'd like to solve, so I thought, "I know, I'll try Prolog!"
Unfortunately, I'm running into a brick wall almost immediately. One of the assumptions involved is a disjunctive fact; either A, B or C is true (or more than one), but I do not know which. I've since learned that this is something Prolog does not support.
There's a lot of documentation out there that seems to address the subject, but most of it seems to immediately involve more intricate concepts and solves more advanced problems. What I'm looking for is an isolated way to simulate defining the above fact (as defining it straight away is, by limitations of Prolog, not possible).
How could I address this? Can I wrap it in a rule somehow?
EDIT: I realise I have not been very clear. Given my lack of familiarity with Prolog, I did not want to get caught up in a syntax error when trying to convey the problem, and instead went with natural language. I guess that did not work out, so I'll give it a shot in pseudo-Prolog anyway.
Intuitively, what I would want to do would be something like this, to declare that either foo(a), foo(b) or foo(c) holds, but I do not know which:
foo(a); foo(b); foo(c).
Then I would expect the following result:
?- foo(a); foo(b); foo(c).
Unfortunately, the fact I'm trying to declare (namely foo(x) holds for at least one x \in {a, b, c}) cannot be defined as such. Specifically, it results in No permission to modify static procedure '(;)/2'.
Side-note: after declaring the disjunctive fact, the result of ?- foo(a). would be a bit unclear to me from a logical perspective; it is clearly not true, but false does not cover it either -- Prolog simply does not have sufficient information to answer that query in this case.
EDIT 2: Here's more context to make it more of a real-world scenario, as I might have over-simplified and lost details in translation.
Say there are three people involved. Alice, Bob and Charlie. Bob holds two cards out of the set {1, 2, 3, 4}. Alice asks him questions, in response to which he shows her one card that Charlie does not see, or shows no cards. In case more cards are applicable, Bob shows just one of them. Charlie's task is to learn what cards Bob is holding. As one might expect, Charlie is an automated system.
Alice asks Bob "Do you have a 1 or a 2?", in response to which Bob shows Alice a card. Charlie now learns that Bob owns a 1 or a 2.
Alice then asks "Do you have a 2 or a 3", to which Bob has no cards to show. Clearly, Bob had a 1, which he showed Alice previously. Charlie should now be able to derive this, based on these two facts.
What I'm trying to model is the knowledge that Bob owns a 1 or a 2 (own(Bob, 1) \/ own(Bob, 2)), and that Bob does not own a 2 or a 3 (not (own(Bob, 2) \/ own(Bob, 3))). Querying if Bob owns a 1 should now be true; Charlie can derive this.
The straight-forward answer to your question:
if you can model your problem with constraint logic programming over finite domains, then, an "exclusive or" can be implemented using #\ as follows:
Of the three variables X, Y, Z, exactly one can be in the domain 1..3.
D = 1..3, X in D #\ Y in D #\ Z in D
To generalize this, you can write:
disj(D, V, V in D #\ Rest, Rest).
vars_domain_disj([V|Vs], D, Disj) :-
foldl(disj(D), Vs, Disj, V in D #\ Disj).
and use it as:
?- vars_domain_disj([X,Y,Z], 2 \/ 4 \/ 42, D).
D = (Y in 2\/4\/42#\ (Z in 2\/4\/42#\ (X in 2\/4\/42#\D))).
If you don't use CLP(FD), for example you can't find a nice mapping between your problem and integers, you can do something else. Say your variables are in a list List, and any of them, but exactly one, can be foo, and the rest cannot be foo, you can say:
?- select(foo, [A,B,C], Rest), maplist(dif(foo), Rest).
A = foo,
Rest = [B, C],
dif(B, foo),
dif(C, foo) ;
B = foo,
Rest = [A, C],
dif(A, foo),
dif(C, foo) ;
C = foo,
Rest = [A, B],
dif(A, foo),
dif(B, foo) ;
The query reads: in the list [A,B,C], one of the variables can be foo, then the rest must be different from foo. You can see the three possible solutions to that query.
Original answer
It is, sadly, often claimed that Prolog does not support one thing or another; usually, this is not true.
Your question is not exactly clear at the moment, but say you mean that, with this program:
You get the following answer to the query:
?- foo(X).
X = a ;
X = b ;
X = c.
Which you probably interpreted as:
foo(a) is true, and foo(b) is true, and foo(c) is true.
But, if I understand your question, you want a rule which says, for example:
exactly one of foo(a), foo(b), and foo(c) can be true.
However, depending on the context, that it, the rest of your program and your query, the original solution can mean exactly that!
But you really need to be more specific in your question, because the solution will depend on it.
Edit after edited question
Here is a solution to that particular problem using constraint programming over finite domains with the great library(clpfd) by Markus Triska, available in SWI-Prolog.
Here is the full code:
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
cards(Domain, Holds, QAs) :-
Holds ins Domain,
maplist(qa_constraint(Holds), QAs).
qa_constraint(Vs, D-no) :-
maplist(not_in(D), Vs).
qa_constraint([V|Vs], D-yes) :-
foldl(disj(D), Vs, Disj, V in D #\ Disj).
not_in(D, V) :- #\ V in D.
disj(D, V, V in D #\ Rest, Rest).
And two example queries:
?- cards(1..4, [X,Y], [1 \/ 2 - yes, 2 \/ 3 - no]), X #= 1.
X = 1,
Y = 4 ;
If the set of cards is {1,2,3,4}, and Bob is holding two cards, and when Alice asked "do you have 1 or 2" he said "yes", and when she asked "do you have 2 or 3" he said no, then: can Charlie know if Bob is holding a 1?
To which the answer is:
Yes, and if Bob is holding a 1, the other card is 4; there are no further possible solutions.
?- cards(1..4, [X,Y], [1 \/ 2 - yes, 2 \/ 3 - no]), X #= 3.
Same as above, can Charlie know if Bob is holding a 3?
Charlie knows for sure that Bob is not holding a three!
What does it all mean?
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
Makes the library available.
cards(Domain, Holds, QAs) :-
Holds ins Domain,
maplist(qa_constraint(Holds), QAs).
This defines the rule we can query from the top level. The first argument must be a valid domain: in your case, it will be 1..4 that states that cards are in the set {1,2,3,4}. The second argument is a list of variables, each representing one of the cards that Bob is holding. The last is a list of "questions" and "answers", each in the format Domain-Answer, so that 1\/2-yes means "To the question, do you hold 1 or 2, the answer is 'yes'".
Then, we say that all cards that Bob holds are distinct, and each of them is one of the set, and then we map each of the question-answer pairs to the cards.
qa_constraint(Vs, D-no) :-
maplist(not_in(D), Vs).
qa_constraint([V|Vs], D-yes) :-
foldl(disj(D), Vs, Disj, V in D #\ Disj).
The "no" answer is easy: just say that for each of the cards Bob is holding, it is not in the provided domain: #\ V in D.
not_in(D, V) :- #\ V in D.
The "yes" answer means that we need an exclusive or for all cards Bob is holding; 2\/3-yes should result in "Either the first card is 2 or 3, or the second card is 2 or 3, but not both!"
disj(D, V, V in D #\ Rest, Rest).
To understand the last one, try:
?- foldl(disj(2\/3), [A,B], Rest, C in 2\/3 #\ Rest).
Rest = (A in 2\/3#\ (B in 2\/3#\ (C in 2\/3#\Rest))).
A generate-and-test solution in vanilla Prolog:
card(1). card(2). card(3). card(4).
owns(bob, oneof, [1,2]). % i.e., at least one of
owns(bob, not, 2).
owns(bob, not, 3).
hand(bob, Hand) :-
% bob has two distinct cards:
card(X), card(Y), X < Y, Hand = [X, Y],
% if there is a "oneof" constraint, check it:
(owns(bob, oneof, S) -> (member(A,S), member(A, Hand)) ; true),
% check all the "not" constraints:
((owns(bob, not, Card), member(Card,Hand)) -> false; true).
Transcript using the above:
$ swipl
% compiled 0.00 sec, 9 clauses
?- hand(bob,Hand).
Hand = [1, 4] ;
Note that Prolog is Turing complete, so generally speaking, when someone says "it can't be done in Prolog" they usually mean something like "it involves some extra work".
Just for the sake of it, here is a small program:
card(1). card(2). card(3). card(4). % and so on
holds_some_of([1,2]). % and so on
holds_none_of([2,3]). % and so on
holds_card(C) :-
\+ member(C, Ns).
I have omitted who owns what and such. I have not normalized holds_some_of/1 and holds_none_of/1 on purpose.
This is actually enough for the following queries:
?- holds_card(X).
X = 1 ;
X = 4.
?- holds_card(1).
?- holds_card(2).
?- holds_card(3).
?- holds_card(4).
which comes to show that you don't even need the knowledge that Bob is holding 1 or 2. By the way, while trying to code this, I noticed the following ambiguity, from the original problem statement:
Alice asks Bob "Do you have a 1 or a 2?", in response to which Bob shows Alice a card. Charlie now learns that Bob owns a 1 or a 2.
Does that now mean that Bob has exactly one of 1 and 2, or that he could be holding either one or both of the cards?
The small program above can actually be reduced to the following query:
?- member(C, [1,2,3,4]), \+ member(C, [2,3]).
C = 1 ;
C = 4.
(Eep, I just realized this is 6 years old, but maybe it's interesting to introduce logic-programming languages with probabilistic choices for the next stumbler )
I would say the accepted answer is the most correct, but if one is interested in probabilities, a PLP language such as problog might be interesting:
This example assumes we don't know how many cards bob holds. It can be modified for a fixed number of cards without much difficulty.
card(C):- between(1,5,C). % wlog: A world with 5 cards
% Assumption: We don't know how many cards bob owns. Adapting to a fixed number of cards isn't hard either
0.5::own(bob, C):-
pos :- (own(bob,1); own(bob,2)).
neg :- (own(bob,2); own(bob,3)).
evidence(pos). % tells problog pos is true.
evidence(\+neg). % tells problog neg is not true.
Try it online:
Although the semantics of problog are a bit harder to pick-up than prolog, I find this approach an interesting way of expressing the problem. The computation is also harder, but that's not necessarily something the user has to worry about.

Comparing list element structures to each other in Prolog

I am working through sample questions while studying, using SWI-Prolog. I have reached the last section of this question, where I have to recursively (I hope) compare elements of a list containing 'researcher' structures to determine whether or not the researchers have the same surname, and, if they do, return the Forename and Surname of the group leader for that list.
There is only one list that meets this criteria and it has four members, all with the same surname. However, the correct answer is returned FOUR times. I feel my solution is inelegant and is lacking. Here is the question:
The following Prolog database represents subject teaching teams.
% A research group structure takes the form
% group(Crew, Leader, Assistant_leader).
% Crew is a list of researcher structures,
% but excludes the researcher structures for Leader
% and Assistant_leader.
% researcher structures take the form
% researcher(Surname, First_name, expertise(Level, Area)).
Given this information, write Prolog rules (and any additional predicates required) that can be used to return the following:
the first name and surname of any leader whose crew members number more than one and who all have the same surname. [4 marks]
This is the solution I presently have using recursion, though it's unnecessarily inefficient as for every member of the list, it compares that member to every other member. So, as the correct list is four members long, it returns 'jack maine' four times.
Surname==Surname. % base case
Surname == SameSurname,
Length > 1,
How could I do this without the duplicate results and without redundantly comparing each member to every other member each time? For every approach I've taken I am snagged each time with 'SameSurname' being left as a singleton, hence having to force use of it twice in the q4 predicate.
Current output
13 ?- q4(X,Y).
X = jack,
Y = maine ; x4
A compact and efficient solution:
q4(F, S) :-
group([researcher(First,_,_), researcher(Second,_,_)| Crew], researcher(S, F, _), _),
\+ (member(researcher(Surname, _, _), [researcher(Second,_,_)| Crew]), First \== Surname).
Example call (resulting in a single solution):
?- q4(X,Y).
X = jack,
Y = maine.
You are doing it more complicated than it has to be. Your q4/2 could be even simpler:
q4(First_name, Surname) :-
group(Crew, researcher(Surname, First_name, _E), _A),
length(Crew, Len), Len > 1,
Now you only need to define all_same_surname/1. The idea is simple: take the surname of the first crew member and compare it to the surnames of the rest:
all_same_surname([researcher(Surname, _FN, _E)|Rest]) :-
rest_same_surname(Rest, Surname).
rest_same_surname([], _Surname).
rest_same_surname([researcher(Surname, _FN, _E)|Rest), Surname) :-
rest_same_surname(Rest, Surname).
(Obviously, all_same_surname/1 fails immediately if there are no members of the crew)
This should be it, unless I misunderstood the problem statement.
?- q4(F, S).
F = jack,
S = maine.
How about that?
Note: The solution just takes the most straight-forward approach to answering the question and being easy to write and read. There is a lot of stuff that could be done otherwise. Since there is no reason not to, I used pattern matching and unification in the heads of the predicates, and not comparison in the body or extra predicates for extracting arguments from the compound terms.
P.S. Think about what member/2 does (look up its definition in the library, even), and you will see where all the extra choice points in your solution are coming from.
Boris did answer this question already, but I want to show the most concise solution I could come with. It's just for the educational purposes (promoting findall/3 and maplist/2):
q4(F, S) :-
group(Crew, researcher(S, F, _), _),
findall(Surname, member(researcher(Surname, _, _), Crew), Surnames),
Surnames = [ First, Second | Rest ],
maplist(=(First), [ Second | Rest ]).
