Querying a Prolog knowledge base - prolog

% A quiz team structure takes the form:
% team(Captain, Vice_captain, Regular_team_members).
% Captain and Vice_captain are player structures;
% Regular_team_members is a list of player structures.
% player structures take the form:
% player(First_name, Surname, details(Speciality,Recent_score)).
I've been given the following Prolog database:
What would be the code needed to get the firstname and the recent score of all players whose recent score is above 15?
I've tried using exists but it keeps giving me errors.
Second question:
I need to get the surname of any vice-captain whose team includes a captain or a regular team member whose speciality is science.
I can get the surname of the vice-captains by using the first line below, but the second part is more tricky.
Regular_player = team(_,_,player(_,_,details(science,_))),
Captain = team(player(_,_,details(science,_),_,_)).

A more detailed description of what you tried and how it didn't work would be better because (a) some people are reluctant to do your homework for you, and (b) we can better clear up your misunderstandings if we know what those misunderstandings are.
Anyway, Prolog programming is all about decomposing problems.
The first problem is to find out which players exist at all. A player is a team captain or a team vice captain or a regular team member. This definition has three parts separated by "or", which suggests that we need a predicate composed of three clauses:
player(Captain) :-
team(Captain, _, _).
player(Vice_captain) :-
team(_, Vice_captain, _).
player(Regular_player) :-
team(_, _, Regular_members),
member(Regular_player, Regular_members).
We can test this:
?- player(P).
P = player(niall, elliott, details(history, 11)) ;
P = player(michelle, cartwright, details(fashion, 19)) ;
P = player(peter, lawlor, details(science, 12)) ;
P = player(louise, boyle, details(current_affairs, 17)).
Now we want to identify "good players". You wrote that you have "tried using exists". There is no exists in Prolog, and it isn't needed. In order to express something like "there exists a player P such that ...", we just define a predicate containing the goal player(P) and some other goals expressing the property we are interested in. This leads to a definition like this:
good_player(First_name, Recent_score) :-
P = player(First_name, _, details(_, Recent_score)),
Recent_score > 15.
You can read this as "there is a player P with first name First_name and recent score Recent_score such that the recent score is greater than 15".
?- good_player(F, S).
F = michelle,
S = 19 ;
F = louise,
S = 17.


Finding most occurrences in set of prolog rules

I can't seem to wrap my head around how Prolog actually works. I'm very used to other programming languages like Java and Python but Prolog seems to be very different since it is based on a set of logical statements.
If someone can explain to me how I would approach a situation where I am given a set of rules such as
and I want to find out how to see who is the most liked person (in this case adam = 3), how would I do this?
Maybe it's easier if you think of Prolog as a special database retrieval language that can morph into functional programming in the same line.
Here we we have a relation likes/2 over which we want to run statistics.
One could use predicates from library(aggregate) or similar, but let's not
Suggestion is to chain three operations:
Create a nicer structure to run stats
Run stats over nicer structure
Find the best
Create nicer structure to run stats
the vector (in the form or a Prolog list) of persons that occur as second argument in predicate likes/2 (so that we have something to count), and
the set of persons (also in the form of a Prolog list) so that we can iterate over something.
The key are the collection predicates findall/3 and setof/3
findall/3 is used to collect all the Person that appear on second argument position of likes/2,
setof/3 is used to collect the set of all Person that appear on first or second argument position of likes/2.
To make that work, setof/3 needs to be told that the argument on the other position is unimportant by
"existentially quantifying" it with X^.
person_occurrences(PersonVec) :-
person_set(PersonSet) :-
Alternativey for person_set/2, more comprehensible:
person(Person) :- likes(Person,_).
person(Person) :- likes(X,Person).
person_set(PersonSet) :- setof(Person,person(Person),PersonSet).
Trying this on the "Prolog Toplevel" shows we are on the right track:
?- person_occurrences(PersonSet).
PersonSet = [mary, adam, mary, destiny, adam, adam].
?- person_set(PersonSet).
PersonSet = [adam, brianna, destiny, jack, john, mary].
We can easily count how often a person occurs in the vector of persons,
by using findall/3 to create an arbitrary list of x (for example),
one x for each occurrence, then determining the length of that list:
count(Person,PersonVec,Count) :-
Trying this on the "Prolog Toplevel" shows we are on the right track:
?- person_occurrences(PersonVec),count(mary,PersonVec,Count).
PersonVec = [mary, adam, mary, destiny, adam, adam],
Count = 2.
We now have the "nicer structure" that we can use to do stats, namely the
"vector of persons" and the "set of persons".
Run stats over nicer structure
The result here, called Stats shall be a list (it's always lists) of
pairs -(NumberOfOccurrencesOfPersonInPersonVector,Person),
which can be more easily written "infix": Count-Person, for example 2-mary.
This is a recursive definition (or an inductive definition) whereby we "count"
for each person element in PersonSet until the PersonSet is the empty set
(or rather, the empty list), upon which we are done and succeed. The result
is constructed in the third argument:
% stats(PersonVec,PersonSet,Stats)
stats(PersonVec,[Person|MorePersons],[Count-Person|MoreStats]) :-
count(Person,PersonVec,Count), % count them
stats(PersonVec,MorePersons,MoreStats). % recursion
Trying this on the "Prolog Toplevel" shows we are on the right track:
?- person_occurrences(PersonVec),stats(PersonVec,[mary],Stats).
PersonVec = [mary, adam, mary, destiny, adam, adam],
Stats = [2-mary] ; % Maybe more solutions?
false. % Nope.
New we can build the whole of the stats list:
stats(Stats) :-
Trying this on the "Prolog Toplevel" shows we are on the right track:
?- stats(Stats).
Stats = [3-adam, 0-brianna, 1-destiny, 0-jack, 0-john, 2-mary] ;
Find the best
Given Stats, we can find a BestPerson by maximizing over the list of pairs.
This can be done directly by selecting the pair which is "largest"
according to "the standard order of term": the numeric count comes first
so a term with a larger numeric count is "larger" than one with a
smaller numeric count, which is what we want. The predicate
does what we want:
best(Stats,BestPerson,BestCount) :-
Alternatively, we can program-out the max_member/2 (and keep
it to numeric comparison of the first argument, AND get several
answers in case there are several persons with the same "likes"
count), like so:
% start the maximization over Stats with a dummy "(-1)-nobody"
best(Stats,BestPerson,BestCount) :-
best2(Stats, (-1)-nobody, BestCount-BestPerson).
% best2(Stats,BestCountSoFar-BestPersonSoFar,Result).
best2([Count-_|MoreStats],BestCountSoFar-BestPersonSoFar,Result) :-
Count < BestCountSoFar,
best2(MoreStats,BestCountSoFar-BestPersonSoFar,Result). % keep best
best2([Count-_|MoreStats],BestCountSoFar-BestPersonSoFar,Result) :-
Count == BestCountSoFar,
best2(MoreStats,BestCountSoFar-BestPersonSoFar,Result). % keep best (2nd possibility below)
best2([Count-Person|MoreStats],BestCountSoFar-_,Result) :-
Count >= BestCountSoFar,
best2(MoreStats,Count-Person,Result). % take new, better, pair
We run it together:
?- stats(Stats),best(Stats,BestPerson,BestCount).
Stats = [3-adam, 0-brianna, 1-destiny, 0-jack, 0-john, 2-mary],
BestPerson = adam, BestCount = 3 ; % maybe more solutions?
false. % no
Complete code
person_occurrences(PersonVec) :-
person_set(PersonSet) :-
count(Person,PersonVec,Count) :-
% stats(PersonVec,PersonSet,Stats)
stats(PersonVec,[Person|MorePersons],[Count-Person|MoreStats]) :-
count(Person,PersonVec,Count), % count them
stats(PersonVec,MorePersons,MoreStats). % recursion
stats(Stats) :-
% start the maximization over Stats with a dummy "(-1)-nobody"
best(Stats,BestPerson,BestCount) :-
best2(Stats, (-1)-nobody, BestCount-BestPerson).
% best2(Stats,BestCountSoFar-BestPersonSoFar,Result).
best2([Count-_|MoreStats],BestCountSoFar-BestPersonSoFar,Result) :-
Count < BestCountSoFar,
best2(MoreStats,BestCountSoFar-BestPersonSoFar,Result). % keep best
best2([Count-_|MoreStats],BestCountSoFar-BestPersonSoFar,Result) :-
Count == BestCountSoFar,
best2(MoreStats,BestCountSoFar-BestPersonSoFar,Result). % keep best (2nd possibility below)
best2([Count-Person|MoreStats],BestCountSoFar-_,Result) :-
Count >= BestCountSoFar,
best2(MoreStats,Count-Person,Result). % take new, better, pair
Consider the set of facts:
Another possible solution is as follows:
You can use setof/3 to get the list of persons that like someone:
?- setof(Person, likes(Person,Someone), ListOfPersons).
Someone = adam,
ListOfPersons = [brianna, destiny, mary] ;
Someone = destiny,
ListOfPersons = [jack] ;
Someone = mary,
ListOfPersons = [adam, john].
Then, you can combine setof/3 with findall/3 to get a list of pairs of the form Someone-ListOfPersons:
?- findall(Someone-ListOfPersons, setof(Person, likes(Person,Someone), ListOfPersons), Pairs).
Pairs = [adam-[brianna, destiny, mary], destiny-[jack], mary-[adam, john]].
After that, you can use maplist/3 to map pairs of the form Someone-ListOfPersons into corresponding pairs of the form Someone-NumberOfPersons:
?- findall(Someone-ListOfPersons, setof(Person, likes(Person,Someone), ListOfPersons), Pairs),
maplist([Someone-ListOfPersons, Someone-NumberOfPersons]>>length(ListOfPersons,NumberOfPersons), Pairs, NewPairs).
Pairs = [adam-[brianna, destiny, mary], destiny-[jack], mary-[adam, john]],
NewPairs = [adam-3, destiny-1, mary-2].
Finally, you can use sort/4 to get the most liked person:
?- findall(Someone-ListOfPersons, setof(Person, likes(Person,Someone), ListOfPersons), Pairs),
maplist([Someone-ListOfPersons, Someone-NumberOfPersons]>>length(ListOfPersons,NumberOfPersons), Pairs, NewPairs),
sort(2,>=,NewPairs, SortedPairs).
Pairs = [adam-[brianna, destiny, mary], destiny-[jack], mary-[adam, john]],
NewPairs = [adam-3, destiny-1, mary-2],
SortedPairs = [adam-3, mary-2, destiny-1].
Thus, the final solution is:
most_liked(Person) :-
setof(Person, likes(Person,Someone), ListOfPersons),
maplist([Someone-ListOfPersons, Someone-NumberOfPersons]>>length(ListOfPersons, NumberOfPersons),
sort(2, >=, NewPairs, [Person-_|_]).
Running example:
?- most_liked(Person).
Person = adam.
Another solution where we don't care about the admonition to "do things only once" and "let Prolog work for us" instead is simply this:
Determine how much an arbitrary person is "liked"
person_liked_count(Person,Count) :-
likes(_,Person), % Grab a Person
findall(x, % Create a list of 'x'
likes(_,Person), % one 'x' for each like of the Person
Xs), % and this will be list 'Xs'.
length(Xs,Count). % The number of likes is the length of the list
We now get multiple solutions for any person, but we don't care:
?- person_liked_count(Person,Count).
Person = mary, Count = 2 ;
Person = adam, Count = 3 ;
Person = mary, Count = 2 ;
Person = destiny, Count = 1 ;
Person = adam, Count = 3 ;
Person = adam, Count = 3.
Maximize by doing exactly what is demanded
Person with "likes count" Count is what we want if we have person_liked_count(Person,Count) and there is no other person that has higher count (there is no need to even check that _PersonOther is different from Person inside the negation-as-failure-marked-subgoal, although we can):
most_liked(Person,Count) :-
person_liked_count(Person,Count), % grab a Person and a Count
\+ (person_liked_count(_P,CountOther), % "where not exists" a person _P
CountOther > Count). % with a higher count
We now get several answers, but that is not a problem as they are all the same:
?- most_liked(Person,Count).
Person = adam, Count = 3 ;
Person = adam, Count = 3 ;
Person = adam, Count = 3.
We can always force determinism with once/1
?- once(most_liked(Person,Count)).
Person = adam, Count = 3.
Everything in one block
person_liked_count(Person,Count) :-
likes(_,Person), % Grab a Person
findall(x, % Create a list of 'x'
likes(_,Person), % one 'x' for each like of the Person
Xs), % and this will be list 'Xs'.
length(Xs,Count). % The number of likes is the length of the list
most_liked(Person,Count) :-
person_liked_count(Person,Count), % grab a Person and a Count
\+ (person_liked_count(_P,CountOther), % "where not exists" a person _P
CountOther > Count). % with a higher count
solution(Person,Count) :- once(most_liked(Person,Count)).

How to read from a list in GNU prolog?

So I have an assignment where I am to produce compatible meeting times between 3 different people. In the prolog file where I define predicates, there is a line given that has the name of the three people I am supposed to compare that reads as follows:
Where we are supposed to match these names from a data file that defines facts, where a fact holds the following format:
My question is, how do I read through 'people' so that I can match names against each other?
My text book doesn't really explain prolog too well, and I am confused on what 'people' actually is (when I say what it actually is, I mean is 'people' a list? an array?) so I am having troubles even searching for a solution as to how to read through each name so I can compare them.
people([ann,bob,carla]). is a fact. The predicate people/1 holds a list of people names. In prolog you have different ways to get elements from a list.
The most "dirtiest" version is just to write the list with a fixed number of elements:
?- people([P1,P2,P3]).
P1 = ann,
P2 = bob,
P3 = carla ;
You should not do this, because it works only for sets of 3 people and you would have to alter your code everytime a person leaves/enters.
Normally you go through a prolog list where you just get the first element Head and the rest of a list Tail:
?- people([Head|Tail]).
Head = ann,
Tail = [bob, carla] ;
By redoing this you can traverse through the whole list until the list has only one element left. To do this you need a help predicate, which I named person. person takes as first element a List and as second a variable (or a name for test). It unificates the variable with one element from the list:
person([H|_], H).
person([_|T], P):-
person(T, P).
?- people(L), person(L,P).
L = [ann, bob, carla],
P = ann ;
L = [ann, bob, carla],
P = bob ;
L = [ann, bob, carla],
P = carla ;
It works as follows: you have a list and imagine you see the first element from it only. You have two choices here: first you are ok with just taking the head element as an output, so the second attribute should be the exact same as the head element: person([H|_], H).
Or second: you ignore the head element and try to find something in the rest of the list by just calling the predicate again with a smaller list: person([_|T], P):- person(T, P).
When a variable starts with an underscore _ you are not interested in its content.
Also worth knowing: there are (most likely) inbuild helper predicates such as member/2 which give you back any member of a list:
?- people(L), member(P,L).
will give you any person in L.
To access a single timeslot for a choosen person you simply ask for the predicate free with your person from the list:
?- people(L), member(P,L), free(P,S).
If you want to find a timeslot where all persons in the list have to participate you need to define a helper predicate. I named it hastime
hastime([H|L], S):-
The output of ?- people(L), free(_,S), hastime(L,S). will give you a timeslot S where everone has time. Before calling hastime/2 you guess a Timeslot S. hastime/2 will look if all of the people have time on S: if there are no people (empty list []) you can accept any timeslot (_). If there are at least one person H in your list: ask if H has time on timeslot S and try if the other people from the list have this timeslot S free as well by calling the predicate for the tail list.
If prolog choose a slot where not all of them have time, it will go back to the point where it choosed the timeslot S and will look for a different value and try again. If there are no such timeslots it will return false.
Also hastime/2 can be used to find a timeslot by itself, but using it as a "generator" and test at the same time is a bit confusing.

How to find someone who only published one book?

Hello I am using ECliPSe Prolog to do some homework and was have a problem with one of my questions. I want to find people that have only published one book using the below Prolog program that I have created.
hasBook(markham_library,dave,"Artifical Intelligence: A Modern Approach",1).
hasBook(indigo,levesque,"the two",2).
hasBook(union_library,dave,"the three",3).
hasBook(somewhere_library,bob,"Thinking as Computation",4).
hasBook(amazon,robert,"the five",5).
hasBook(ajax_library,daniel ,"the six",6).
hasBook(markham_library,evan,"Computational Intelligence",7).
hasBook(stouffvile_library,john ,"the eight",8).
hasBook(ajax_library,sam,"the nine",9).
hasBook(kitchner_library,david,"the ten",10).
hasBook(amazon,chad,"the eleven",105).
hasBook(amazon,chad, "the twelve", 107).
hasBook(amazon,chad, "the thirteen",10).
hasBook(amazon,chad, "the fourteen", 20).
shipping(markham_library, union, 1).
shipping(stouffville_library, toronto, 2).
shipping(markham_library, stouffville, 3).
shipping(stouffville_library, stouffville, 4).
shipping(markham_library, markham, 5).
shipping(stouffville_library, ajax, 6).
shipping(markham_library, kitchner, 7).
shipping(stouffville_library, kitchner, 11).
shipping(union_library, markham, 9).
shipping(union_library, stouffville, 2).
shipping(amazon, stouffville, 5).
shipping(amazon, markham, 17).
shipping(amazon, toronto, 20).
shipping(markham_library, toronto, 5).
I do not understand why the query hasBook(V,W,X,Y), not hasBook(L,W,N,M). does not return a result. Instead it returns false. Can someone please explain.
Not sure if this is the solution you are supposed to come up with but you can use the setof/3 predicate to group all solutions by author and pick only those where the result list has one element:
?- Xs = [_], setof(Book, Lib^N^hasBook(Lib,Name,Book,N), Xs).
Xs = ["Thinking as Computation"],
Name = bob ;
Xs = ["the six"],
Name = daniel ;
Xs = ["the ten"],
Name = david ;
Xs = ["Computational Intelligence"],
Name = evan ;
Xs = ["the eight"],
Name = john ;
Xs = ["the two"],
Name = levesque ;
Xs = ["the five"],
Name = robert ;
Xs = ["the nine"],
Name = sam.
The pattern Lib^N^ binds the two variables in hasBook(Lib,Name,Book,N) such that if the same book appears in different libraries, it will not give a separate result. Using setof/3 instead of bagof/3 makes sure that only one result per Name/Book pair is returned.
Edit: sorry, I forgot to explain why your solution does not work. Let me rewrite the old style not to \+ and hide all the singleton variables in your query:
?- hasBook(_,W,B1,_), \+ hasBook(_,W,B2,_).
You're looking for an assignment that finds a book B1 by W but then you assert that W has not written any books which can not be true because we have already found B1. As #Ruzihm pointed out, you are missing the information that the second query is not about B1. Their solution uses \= but this only works after the second query has sufficiently instantiated B2 to compare it to B1. An alternative is to use dif/2:
?- dif(B1,B2), hasBook(_,W,B1,_), \+ hasBook(_,W,B2,_).
The difference is that dif/2 introduces a constraint that B1 and B2 are different. As long as one of them is still a variable, this can not be decided yet. Your database has only ground facts where the problem does not arise. In general, using dif/2 is less problematic though.
You need to indicate that the books, N and X need to be different in order to be thrown out.
hasBook(_,X,A,_), not(( hasBook(_,X,B,_), B\=A) ) will throw away any results with the same author and a different book, and not care about the 1st or the 4th arguments.
Confirm at https://swish.swi-prolog.org/p/fkukVFSw.swinb

Seating chart starts to output wrong permutations in Prolog

I have a homework assignment where I must write a predicate seatingChart(X):- which will have 8 seats. The rules are:
Adjacent seating partners must be of the opposite gender.
Adjacent seating partners must share at least one of the same hobby.
I thought I wrote the code below to create the correct case.
% Database of hobbies
% hobbies(name,hobby). -> People can have multiple hobbies)
hobbies(jim, sup).
hobbies(jim, fish).
hobbies(jim, kayak).
hobbies(tom, hike).
hobbies(tom, fish).
hobbies(tom, ski).
hobbies(joe, gamer).
hobbies(joe, chess).
hobbies(joe, climb).
hobbies(bob, paint).
hobbies(bob, yoga).
hobbies(bob, run).
hobbies(fay, sup).
hobbies(fay, dance).
hobbies(fay, run).
hobbies(beth, climb).
hobbies(beth, cycle).
hobbies(beth, fish).
hobbies(sue, yoga).
hobbies(sue, skate).
hobbies(sue, ski).
hobbies(cami, run).
hobbies(cami, kayak).
hobbies(cami, gamer).
%% ANSWER %%
% return a pair of opposite gender people
gender(PersonX, PersonY):-
GenderX \= GenderY.
% return the pair of similar interests.
similarHobbies(PersonX, PersonY):-
hobbies(PersonX, HobbyX),
hobbies(PersonY, HobbyY),
HobbyX == HobbyY.
% Create the rules for our seating chart list
% Have each adjacent person be of the opposite gender
% Have each adjacent person have at least one of the same hobby
% Generate a list of all the names from person(...)
findall(X, person(X,_), P).
% Generate a list of permutations of people
When I run this using seatingChart(X). in SWI-Prolog I get the following answer first:
X = [jim, fay, tom, beth, joe, cami, bob, sue] ;
However, my subsequent permutations seem to be flat out wrong.. after hitting ; a few more times this says it's a valid answer:
X = [jim, beth, sue, tom, joe, cami, bob, fay] .
What am I doing wrong? Or what is causing my permutations to start not following the seating chart rules?
Shouldn't the seating rule predicate contain all pairs?
% Create the rules for our seating chart list
% Have each adjacent person be of the opposite gender
% Have each adjacent person have at least one of the same hobby

Comparing list element structures to each other in Prolog

I am working through sample questions while studying, using SWI-Prolog. I have reached the last section of this question, where I have to recursively (I hope) compare elements of a list containing 'researcher' structures to determine whether or not the researchers have the same surname, and, if they do, return the Forename and Surname of the group leader for that list.
There is only one list that meets this criteria and it has four members, all with the same surname. However, the correct answer is returned FOUR times. I feel my solution is inelegant and is lacking. Here is the question:
The following Prolog database represents subject teaching teams.
% A research group structure takes the form
% group(Crew, Leader, Assistant_leader).
% Crew is a list of researcher structures,
% but excludes the researcher structures for Leader
% and Assistant_leader.
% researcher structures take the form
% researcher(Surname, First_name, expertise(Level, Area)).
Given this information, write Prolog rules (and any additional predicates required) that can be used to return the following:
the first name and surname of any leader whose crew members number more than one and who all have the same surname. [4 marks]
This is the solution I presently have using recursion, though it's unnecessarily inefficient as for every member of the list, it compares that member to every other member. So, as the correct list is four members long, it returns 'jack maine' four times.
Surname==Surname. % base case
Surname == SameSurname,
Length > 1,
How could I do this without the duplicate results and without redundantly comparing each member to every other member each time? For every approach I've taken I am snagged each time with 'SameSurname' being left as a singleton, hence having to force use of it twice in the q4 predicate.
Current output
13 ?- q4(X,Y).
X = jack,
Y = maine ; x4
A compact and efficient solution:
q4(F, S) :-
group([researcher(First,_,_), researcher(Second,_,_)| Crew], researcher(S, F, _), _),
\+ (member(researcher(Surname, _, _), [researcher(Second,_,_)| Crew]), First \== Surname).
Example call (resulting in a single solution):
?- q4(X,Y).
X = jack,
Y = maine.
You are doing it more complicated than it has to be. Your q4/2 could be even simpler:
q4(First_name, Surname) :-
group(Crew, researcher(Surname, First_name, _E), _A),
length(Crew, Len), Len > 1,
Now you only need to define all_same_surname/1. The idea is simple: take the surname of the first crew member and compare it to the surnames of the rest:
all_same_surname([researcher(Surname, _FN, _E)|Rest]) :-
rest_same_surname(Rest, Surname).
rest_same_surname([], _Surname).
rest_same_surname([researcher(Surname, _FN, _E)|Rest), Surname) :-
rest_same_surname(Rest, Surname).
(Obviously, all_same_surname/1 fails immediately if there are no members of the crew)
This should be it, unless I misunderstood the problem statement.
?- q4(F, S).
F = jack,
S = maine.
How about that?
Note: The solution just takes the most straight-forward approach to answering the question and being easy to write and read. There is a lot of stuff that could be done otherwise. Since there is no reason not to, I used pattern matching and unification in the heads of the predicates, and not comparison in the body or extra predicates for extracting arguments from the compound terms.
P.S. Think about what member/2 does (look up its definition in the library, even), and you will see where all the extra choice points in your solution are coming from.
Boris did answer this question already, but I want to show the most concise solution I could come with. It's just for the educational purposes (promoting findall/3 and maplist/2):
q4(F, S) :-
group(Crew, researcher(S, F, _), _),
findall(Surname, member(researcher(Surname, _, _), Crew), Surnames),
Surnames = [ First, Second | Rest ],
maplist(=(First), [ Second | Rest ]).
