Maven site plugin fails when running on jenkins - maven

I am running maven application "DemoApp" that generates checkstyle static code analysis reports. It works correctly when I run it on eclipse, but when I build it on jenkins it gives the below error
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-site plugin:3.3:site (default-site) on project DemoApp: Execution default-site of goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-site-plugin:3.3:site failed: A required class was missing while executing org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-site-plugin:3
and The following exception :
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/maven/doxia/siterenderer/DocumentContent
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.maven.doxia.siterenderer.DocumentContent
I added the following plugins in pom.xml

I can't tell whether this solves your current issue but generally: Declarations within <pluginManagement> do not actually set anything in the build process but are intended as a centralized place for declarations common to (sub-)projects:
[...] this only configures plugins that are actually referenced within the plugins element in the children or in the current POM.
See the different versions in the error message: maven-site-plugin:3.3 and in the declaration: <version>3.7.1.
To add such a plugin declaration to the build process you have to declare/reference it additionaly in:
The same applies to the maven-checkstyle-plugin:
If you want to report to the console or fail the build, you must add an execution of checkstyle::check to the <build> element and configure any options that you need.


Maven checkstyle use wrong style

I have the following configuration in my pom.xml:
It is set to use the Google coding style, however is use the sun_checks.xml file (which is the default for this plugin):
mvn checkstyle:check | grep sun
[INFO] There are 913 errors reported by Checkstyle 8.19 with sun_checks.xml ruleset.
What is wrong in my POM configuration?
Thank you in advance.
The configuration should be in <build> and not in <reporting>:

Executing JQAssistant with maven in a project with submodules with profiles

As the title shows i am using jqassistant with Maven. So far that worked well for small projects. Now i am using a project with multiple poms. As the guide tells ( i am only having this profile in the root-pom currently:
I also tried using the command useExecutionRootAsProjectRoot
However the build never scans the whole project.
Subpoms have other profiles. Do i need the profile in every pom? Do i need to declare dependencies to jQA? Where - only in the parent pom?

Modifying jar filename using maven

I have a requirement that all the artifacts created by maven bear a build number.
The build number is stored in a properties file. I'm successful with controlling the names of generated EAR and WAR artifacts but not the JAR. Here are the relevant excerpts from pom.xml.
I expected the maven-jar-plugin configuration to work but it does not, I end up with jar always named SelfService-2.jar, whereas when contains buildNumber=40, maven generates SelfService-2.40.war and SelfService-2.40.ear.
How do I get the build number into the jar name?
Thanks in advance.
I got what I was after by using the following configuration of maven-jar-plugin:

Struggling with Maven parent/child plugin configuration inheritance

I'm trying to write a parent pom, and I have a plugin defined, but I need to change the config for all inherited instances. So, I can put some configuration in the <pluginManagement> definition, and I can override it in the <plugin>, but how do I get the children to default back to the <pluginManagement> version?
(used by all children)
(unique to the parent)
So, what happens is the children continue to show the parent's config.
Ok, I think I have it. The answer, in my case, relates to what you specified - I did need the tag. However the solution was in the tag; by binding it to a non-phase, it does execute. This I knew. What I discovered is that the had to match in order for it to override. Thus, the config never gets parsed and doesn't matter.
<!-- Main declaration of the plugin -->
<!--This must be named-->
<!-- Uses the default config -->
<!--This matches and thus overrides-->
You can explicitly specify in your parent pom that the plugin should not be inherited:
(used by all children)
<inherited>false</inherited> <!-- Add this line -->
(unique to the parent)
And in your child pom, you need to specify the plugin (the config will then come from the <pluginManagement> parent element.

Automatically activate parent plugin in Maven

Is it possible to have a plugin defined in the parent POM which is deactivated, and when the child inherits this plugin it gets automatically activated?
I guess you want to configure the plugin in your parent pom, but use it only in the inherited projects. Maven has a section for this - configure your plugins in pluginManagement, but bind them to a phase just when you needed it, e.g. omit the phase tag in pluginManagement, but specify it under in you inherited pom.
So 'siddhadev' is exactly correct. You can define the plugin configuration in the parent pom with a given id:
<!-- 'phase' omitted -->
<echo message="called from child!" />
And, in the child POM, you can explicitly list the phase where this should be called:
I've used this for targeting various JREs. Unfortunately, because you can't use the maven-compiler-plugin with different destination directories (which I consider a bug in the plugin), you must use Ant.
This isn't exactly what you're after, but I think it will work well enough for you.
If you declare the plugin in a pluginManagement tag in the parent, the configuration will be inherited by any child projects that declare that plugin.
For example, in the parent declare that the compile plugin uses Java 5 for test compilation.
Then in a child, you simple declare the compiler plugin and the configuration from the parent will be inherited:
You can declare a plugin at the top level pom and tell it to be skipped and then tell it to not be skipped at the child level. It's not quite automatic, but very minimal in the override verbosity.
Parent Pom, disabling the plugin, but declaring all the config:
...lots more config...
...lots more config...
...lots more config...
Child Pom, enabling the plugin:
I went with the following solution:
Configure the plugin in the parent-pom in the pluginManagement-section. Bind the plugin to an existing phase.
Deactivate the plugin for the parent-pom by binding it to a nonexistent phase: Override the phase in the plugins-section.
Activate the plugin in each child-pom by including the plugin in the plugins section.
Example parent-pom:
<!-- deactivate the plugin for this project, only child-projects do generate ejb-clients -->
Example child-pom:
<!-- Install the generated client-jar. Property 'ejb-client-file' has to be set! Plugin configuration is in the parent pom -->
As far as I know, there is no generic solution for this. At least for the moment...
One idea (I didn't try it, but it may work) is to define, in the parent pom.xml an execution goal that does not exist, for example:
and in every child, you redefine a correct goal.
The problem of this solution (if it works, of course ;) ) is that you must redefine the plugin configuration for every child. Otherwise, it will not be executed.
