How to Enable Scroll Bar of QBasic Output Window? - scroll

I'm trying to display a statement 1000 times in QBASIC (using for statement). I think the program works properly, but I cannot see the 1000 statements because I cannot scroll up and down in the output window of QBASIC. I can see only the last part of the 1000 statements.
FOR x = 1 TO 1000
PRINT "maydie";

That will be very hard. For QBasic you have to know how PRINT works. Than with look you could write an TSR program that does what you want in some other language. Alternative is store everything in array and create you own display routine with scrolling. But with 1000 lines will run into memory restrictions

In short, unless you're using a modern take on QBasic, you can't.
What you can do is print the output to a text file:
OPEN "C:\somefile.txt" FOR OUTPUT AS #1
FOR x = 1 TO 1000
PRINT #1, "maydie":
This will write "maydie" to C:\somefile.txt 1000 times. Then use some text editor to view the output. You could even use a program to count the lines of text, something like OPEN "C:|somefile.txt" FOR INPUT AS #1: WHILE NOT EOF(1): INPUT #1, junk$: i = i + 1: WEND: PRINT "There were " + STR$(i) + " lines."

Though the other answerers are correct in saying that it is not inbuilt and hence not possible, I agree that this is very desirable! Consequently, I have time and time again devised scripts based on the following:
DIM text(1 to 1000) AS STRING
'Define text below: Here I've just defined it as every line being
'"maydie" with the value of the line number, but it could be whatever.
FOR i = 1 TO 1000
text(i) = STR$(i) + "maydie"
position% = 0
FOR i = 1 to 25
LOCATE i, 1: PRINT text(i); SPACE$(80 - LEN(text(i)));
IF x$ <> "" THEN
CASE CHR$(0) + CHR$(72) 'Up arrow
position% = position% - 1
IF position% < 0 THEN position% = 0
CASE CHR$(0) + CHR$(80) 'Down arrow
position% = position% + 1
IF position% > 975 THEN position% = 975
CASE CHR$(0) + "I" 'Page Up
position% = position% - 24
IF position% < 0 THEN position% = 0
CASE CHR$(0) + "Q" 'Page Down
position% = position% + 24
IF position% > 975 THEN position% = 975
CASE CHR$(27) 'ENDS the Program on ESC key.
FOR i = 1 to 25
LOCATE i, 1: PRINT text(i + position%); SPACE$(80 - LEN(text(i + position%)));
Tested and works! If you want to use it multiple times in your program for multiple different text blocks, you can just turn it into a function and pass it the variables you want.


Get number first and second and third from text line

I have the following format in my txt file:
1 1,30705856804525E-7 2,64163961816166E-8
1,12201845645905 1,24157281788939E-7 2,45690063849224E-8
1,25892543792725 1,18248813407718E-7 2,29960868125545E-8
1,41253757476807 1,13006606738963E-7 2,16654658657944E-8
1,58489322662354 1,0842624220686E-7 2,05472137082552E-8
1,77827942371368 1,04479198625995E-7 1,96135836461053E-8
1,99526226520538 1,01119816520168E-7 1,8839035220708E-8
2,23872113227844 9,82917924829962E-8 1,82003176973922E-8
2,51188635826111 9,59338279926669E-8 1,76765304615856E-8
2,81838297843933 9,39840489877497E-8 1,72491425587395E-8
3,16227769851685 9,23831819932275E-8 1,69019571671924E-8
3,54813385009766 9,10766573269939E-8 1,66210121221866E-8
3,98107171058655 9,00157104410937E-8 1,63944182673958E-8
4,46683597564697 8,91577514039454E-8 1,62121711611007E-8
5,01187229156494 8,8466336478632E-8 1,60659361370108E-8
5,6234130859375 8,7910699164695E-8 1,59488209305891E-8
6,30957365036011 8,74651959748007E-8 1,58551749507296E-8
7,07945775985718 8,71086527354237E-8 1,57803938805046E-8
7,94328212738037 8,68237393092386E-8 1,57207402651238E-8
8,91250896453857 8,65963372120859E-8 1,56731942979604E-8
10 8,64150138113473E-8 1,56353241465013E-8
11,2201843261719 8,62705391568852E-8 1,5605175818223E-8
I need to get only value for integers on left and right value so in this example I need to get:
This is what I've tried:
' Check Noise Spectral Density.txt exists
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If (fso.FileExists(fso.GetParentFolderName(WScript.ScriptFullName) + "\Projects\Noise Spectral Density.txt")) Then
' Open the file for input.
Set NoiseSpectralDensity = fso.OpenTextFile(fso.GetParentFolderName(WScript.ScriptFullName) + "\Projects\Noise Spectral Density.txt", 1)
' Noise Variables
Dim Noise
' Read from the file and display the results.
Do While NoiseSpectralDensity.AtEndOfStream <> True
' Read Line By Line
TextLine = NoiseSpectralDensity.ReadLine
' Check If Number
'If (IsNumeric(Left(TextLine, 5))) Then
' Get Noise
' Noise # 1kHz
Noise = Right(TextLine, InStr(Mid(TextLine, 2), InStr(TextLine, " ")-1))
x = MsgBox("SNR: " & Split(Left(TextLine, 5), " ")(0) & " NOISE: " & Noise & "",0, "Noise Spectral Density")
'End If
' Close the file for input.
x = MsgBox("Noise Spectral Density.txt NOT Found!" & vbCrLf & "Wave->Save As Text...", 0, "Noise Spectral Density")
End If
But I could not get left and right numbers in VBScript using Split(TextLine, " ")(0).
Your data seems to be tab-separated, so you could do something like this:
arr = Split(TextLine, vbTab)
If Not (InStr(arr(0), ",") > 0) Then
'first number doesn't have decimals
snr = arr(0)
noise = arr(2)
End If
Though the solution provided by #AnsgarWiechers should work but in case, if it doesn't, you can make use of regular expressions(Replace the whole Do-while loop with the following):
Set objReg = New RegExp
objReg.Pattern = "^(\d+)(?=\s).*\s+([\d,Ee-]+)$" 'See the explanation below
Do While NoiseSpectralDensity.AtEndOfStream <> True
'Read Line By Line
TextLine = NoiseSpectralDensity.ReadLine
' Check If Number
Set objMatches = objReg.Execute(TextLine)
For Each objMatch In objMatches
SNR = objMatch.submatches.item(0)
Noise = objMatch.submatches.item(1)
MsgBox "SNR: "&SNR&"; Noise: "&Noise
Click for Regex Demo
Regex Explanation:
^ - asserts the start of the string
(\d+) - matches 1+ occurrences of a digit and captures it in Group 1
(?=\s) - positive lookahead to find the position immediately preceded by a white-space. So the digits in the step 2 will be matched until a whitespace(spaces,tabs etc.) is encountered
.* - matches 0+ occurrences of any character except a newline
\s+ - matches 1+ occurrences of a whitespace
([\d,Ee-]+) - matches 1+ occurrences of a digit or , or - or the letter E or e and capture it in group 2
$ - asserts the end of the string

Real time process list

I'm trying to make a real time process list at python. I want that every 5 seconds the list i made will be updated. Moreover I want to get cpu time usage for each process but the output is 0 for some reason....
This is a part from the code:
def start(self):
while True:
processes = []
for process in self.wmi_object.Win32_Process ():
size = int(process.WorkingSetSize) / 1024
p = psutil.Process(process.ProcessId)
cpu_percent = 0# p.cpu_percent(interval=1)
processes.append( process.Name + " " + str(process.ProcessId) + " " + str(size) + "kb" + " " + str(cpu_percent) )
except : pass
self.clientNetwork.send ( pickle.dumps(processes) )
I don't know how to make this a right. Every 5 second the processes just added to the list the previous stay instead of being deleted.
Appriciate help :)

Read and write tab-delimited text data

I have an excel output in the tab-delimited format:
temperature H2O CO2 N2 NH3
10 2.71539E+12 44374931376 7410673406 2570.560804
20 2.34216E+12 38494172272 6429230649 3148.699673
30 2.04242E+12 33759520581 5639029060 3856.866413
40 1.75491E+12 29172949817 4882467457 4724.305292
I need to convert these numbers to FORMAT(1X,F7.0,2X,1P4E11.3) readable for another code.
This is what I've come up with:
program fixformat
real temp, neuts(4)
integer i,j
character header
read(11,*) header
write(12,*) header
do i = 1, 200
read(11,*) temp, (neuts(j),j=1,4)
write(12,23) temp, (neuts(j),j=1,4)
end do
23 FORMAT(1X,F7.0,2X,1P4E11.3)
I keep getting this error:
Fortran runtime error: Bad real number in item 1 of list input
Is there any other way to convert the data to that format?
You need a character string, not a single character for the header
character(80) header
other than that you program works for me. Make sure you have the right number of lines in your loop
Do i=1,200
Adjust 200 to the real number of your data lines.
If for some reason you still cannot read even a single line, you can also use the format:
read(11,'(f2.0,4(1x,f11.0))') temp, (neuts(j),j=1,4)
because the tab is just a character you can easily skip.
Unformatted and formatted means something completely different in Fortran. Unformatted is what you may know as "binary".
Use some indentation and blank lines for your programs to make them readable.
There is no reason to explicitly use status=unknown. Just don't put anything there. In your case status=replace may be more appropriate.
The FORMAT statement is quite obsolete, in modern Fortran we use format strings:
write(12,'(1X,F7.0,2X,1P4E11.3)') temp, (neuts(j),j=1,4)
There is absolutely no reason for your return before the end. Returns is for early return from a procedure. Some put stop before the end program, but it is superfluous.
To read tab delimited data, I'd use a simple algorithm like the one below. NOTE: This is assuming that there is no tab character in any of your fields.
integer :: error_code, delim_index, line_index
character*500 :: data_line, field_data_string
double precision :: dp_value
Read(UNIT=1001,End=106, FMT='(A)' ) data_line
line_length = LEN(TRIM(data_line))
delim_index = SCAN(data_line, achar(9) )
line_index = 0
DO WHILE ( delim_index .NE. 0 )
line_index = line_index + delim_index
IF (delim_index .EQ. 1 ) THEN ! found a NULL (no value), so skip
GOTO 101
field_data_string = data_line( (line_index-delim_index+1) : line_index )
READ( field_data_string, FMT=*, ERR=100) dp_value
PRINT *, "Is a double precision ", dp_value
GOTO 101
100 Continue
PRINT *, "Not a double precision"
101 Continue
IF ( (line_index+1) .GT. line_length ) THEN
GOTO 104 ! found end of line prematurely
delim_index = SCAN( data_line( line_index + 1 : ), achar(9) )
field_data_string = data_line( line_index + 1 : )
READ( field_data_string, FMT=*, ERR=102) dp_value
PRINT *, "Is a double precision ", dp_value
GOTO 103
102 Continue
PRINT *, "Not a double precision"
103 Continue
PRINT *, "Is a double precision ", dp_value
104 Continue
104 Continue
PRINT *, "Error opening file"
105 Continue

It's Making A Continuous Loop!!! What Is Wrong?

Ok, so I have been given the task to create a script that can increase or decrease the volume. My problem is when I run it, and type in "Decrease" then type in "29" it goes down to 0 then starts to loop. Can you please tell me where the loop is and how to fix it?
set Keys = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") 'So The Script Can Simulate Key Presses
set oShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") 'So The Script Can Control The Master Volume
'Asks The User If They Wish To Increase Or Decrease The Volume
Answer = InputBox("Increase Or Decrease Volume?", "Increase/Decrease Volume:")
If Answer = "Increase" Then 'If The User Types In Increase The Following Happens
'Runs The Master Volume App."%SystemRoot%\System32\SndVol.exe"
'Stops The Program For # Milliseconds
WScript.Sleep 1500
'Asks How Much To Increase The Volume By
Amount = InputBox("How Much Do You Want To Turn The Volume Up?", "Increment:")
'Pushes the Up Arrow Key The Amount Of Which The User Entered
For X = 0 To Amount Step 1
'Simulates The Pushing Of The Up Arrow
X =+ 1 'Counter Increment
ElseIf Answer = "Decrease" Then 'If The User Types In Decrease The Following Happens
'Runs The Master Volume App."%SystemRoot%\System32\SndVol.exe"
'Stops The Program For # Milliseconds
WScript.Sleep 1500
'Asks How Much To Decrease The Volume By
Amount = InputBox("How Much Do You Want To Turn The Volume Down?", "Decrement:")
'Pushes the Down Arrow Key The Amount Of Which The User Entered
For X = 0 To Amount Step 1
'Simulates The Pushing Of The Down Arrow
X =+ 1 'Counter Increment
ElseIf Answer = "" Then 'If The User Pushes Cancel The Following Happens
Question = MsgBox("Do You Wish To Quit?",vbYesNo,"Quit:")
'If The User Pushes Yes Then The Script Will End
If Question = vbYes Then
WScript.Quit 0 'Stops The Script
End if
MsgBox("The Values Allowed Are:" & vbNewLine & "Increase" & vbNewLine & "Decrease")
End If
Does VBScript have Increment Operators
X = X + 1 is the proper way of achieving what you're trying to do with X =+ 1 (which may just be setting X to 1 over and over again). In your usage however, you can take those lines out completely since the For X = 0 To Amount Step 1 should already be handling the increment for you.
There is no =+ (add and assign) operator in VBScript. Your
X =+ 1 'Counter Increment
is seen as
X = +1 ' assign +1 to X
>> X = 10
>> X =+ 1
>> WScript.Echo X
You should delete those lines as the loop variable in a For To statement updates automagically.

Ruby data extraction from a text file

I have a relatively big text file with blocks of data layered like this:
TUNE X = 0.2561890123390808
Line Frequency Amplitude Phase Error mx my ms p
1 0.2561890123391E+00 0.204316425208E-01 0.164145385871E+03 0.00000000000E+00 1 0 0 0
2 0.2562865535359E+00 0.288712798671E-01 -.161563284233E+03 0.97541196785E-04 1 0 0 0
(they contain more lines and then are repeated)
I would like first to extract the numerical value after TUNE X = and output these in a text file. Then I would like to extract the numerical value of LINE FREQUENCY and AMPLITUDE as a pair of values and output to a file.
My question is the following: altough I could make something moreorless working using a simple REGEXP I'm not convinced that it's the right way to do it and I would like some advices or examples of code showing how I can do that efficiently with Ruby.
Generally, (not tested)
toggle=0"file").each do |line|
if line[/TUNE/]
puts line.split("=",2)[-1].strip
if line[/Line Frequency/]
if toggle
a = line.split
puts "#{a[1]} #{a[2]}"
go through the file line by line, check for /TUNE/, then split on "=" to get last item.
Do the same for lines containing /Line Frequency/ and set the toggle flag to 1. This signify that the rest of line contains the data you want to get. Since the freq and amplitude are at fields 2 and 3, then split on the lines and get the respective positions. Generally, this is the idea. As for toggling, you might want to set toggle flag to 0 at the next block using a pattern (eg SIGNAL CASE or ANALYSIS)
file ="data.dat")
#tune_x = #frequency = #amplitude = []
file.each_line do |line|
tune_x_scan = line.scan /TUNE X = (\d*\.\d*)/
data_scan = line.scan /(\d*\.\d*E[-|+]\d*)/
#tune_x << tune_x_scan[0] if tune_x_scan
#frequency << data_scan[0] if data_scan
#amplitude << data_scan[0] if data_scan
There are lots of ways to do it. This is a simple first pass at it:
TUNE X = 0.2561890123390808
Line Frequency Amplitude Phase Error mx my ms p
1 0.2561890123391E+00 0.204316425208E-01 0.164145385871E+03 0.00000000000E+00 1 0 0 0
2 0.2562865535359E+00 0.288712798671E-01 -.161563284233E+03 0.97541196785E-04 1 0 0 0
TUNE X = 1.2561890123390808
Line Frequency Amplitude Phase Error mx my ms p
1 1.2561890123391E+00 0.204316425208E-01 0.164145385871E+03 0.00000000000E+00 1 0 0 0
2 1.2562865535359E+00 0.288712798671E-01 -.161563284233E+03 0.97541196785E-04 1 0 0 0
TUNE X = 2.2561890123390808
Line Frequency Amplitude Phase Error mx my ms p
1 2.2561890123391E+00 0.204316425208E-01 0.164145385871E+03 0.00000000000E+00 1 0 0 0
2 2.2562865535359E+00 0.288712798671E-01 -.161563284233E+03 0.97541196785E-04 1 0 0 0
require 'stringio'
pretend_file =, 'r')
That gives us a StringIO object we can pretend is a file. We can read from it by lines.
I changed the numbers a bit just to make it easier to see that they are being captured in the output.
pretend_file.each_line do |li|
when li =~ /^TUNE.+?=\s+(.+)/
print $1.strip, "\n"
when li =~ /^\d+\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/
print $1, ' ', $2, "\n"
For real use you'd want to change the print statements to a file handle: fileh.print
The output looks like:
# >> 0.2561890123390808
# >> 0.2561890123391E+00 0.204316425208E-01
# >> 0.2562865535359E+00 0.288712798671E-01
# >> 1.2561890123390808
# >> 1.2561890123391E+00 0.204316425208E-01
# >> 1.2562865535359E+00 0.288712798671E-01
# >> 2.2561890123390808
# >> 2.2561890123391E+00 0.204316425208E-01
# >> 2.2562865535359E+00 0.288712798671E-01
You can read your file line by line and cut each by number of symbol, for example:
to extract tune x get symbols from
10 till 27 on line 2
to extract LINE FREQUENCY get
symbols from 3 till 22 on line 6+n
