Laravel login stuck in loop - laravel

I'm having an issue when deploying. When logging into Laravel Nova it just refreshes the login screen over and over again and seems stuck in a loop. whether you enter the wrong or right credentials makes no difference. There are no error messages and reloads the login page.
All working on localhost, and the wrong credentials error message does show up on local if incorrect details entered. Strange issue just generated a server on Forge + DigitalOcean. I don't see what could be the issue.

It's the post form trying to post to http instead of https... if anyone has that issue hope it helped


laravel breeze doesn't work in production?

I made my first laravel project using Breeze authentification (laravel 9.2).
Everything is ok in local, I can register and login users.
But unfortunately in production on my server, login form and register form don't work so well !
I made a second laravel project, with only authentification functionnality to check if the problem come from part of my app. But the problem repeats : nice in local, does'nt work in production... I don't understand why.
When I submit my new created user or login with an existing user, the form reloads without performing the action...
I have this 404 error in my network console :
POST [HTTP/2 404 Not Found 411ms]
My route login or register exists of course, created automatically with breeze installation.
I read in some forum that Breeze doesn't support https, but i can't believe it.
Anyone has the same problem or know hot to resolve it ?

Getting 419 page expired error while logging in laravel app

I am trying to login in my laravel app on live server on local it works fine. but on live server it give 419 page expired error. I tried previouse questions answer on Stackoverflow but nothing working.
I tried to find if there is any file which is not starting from <?php
Also I made sure that #csrf token is passed from login form.
It was working fine suddenly start giving this error
this is because you use "HTTP" protocol.use "HTTPS" instead it it should be fine.

Heroku - Login not working on site with an auth loop

I have tried a few things such as resetting my password, entering everything in manually, trying all my accounts, clearing my cookies and even trying a fresh browser. However, I sadly cannot login to
The page either refreshes itself when I press login or (rarely) gives me an error saying there was a problem with your login. Everything is indeed correct.
Any fixes would help me a ton!
Sadly, it will not let me contact support as I have to login.
Also, Heroku: Login system - authentication loop failure hasn't worked for me.
try heroku login -i then enter your credentials

Unable to get laravel to work with aws application load balancer

I have set up an application load balancer on AWS. I am able to access my site but when I try to log in, I was redirected to a page with the message "The page has expired due to inactivity. Please refresh and try again I try taking out the ALB and the site work normally but when put on ALB then I keep getting the inactivity page.
I am using Laravel 5.5, hosted on ubuntu 16.04
I set my session and cache on database hope it will solve the issues but I still got the same problem.
I tried to turn off VerifyCsrfToken middleware, I wasn't redirected to the inactivity page but it keeps redirecting me back to the login page.
I managed to find a solution to my problem. My APP_KEY was different for all 3 servers, therefore, causing the problem. After changing it to the same APP_KEY in the .env then everything is working fine.
Hope this will help anyone who encounters a similar problem.

Fail to confirm user. 400 Bad Request - Invalid app key

im am experiencing problems with the email validation in the appcelerator platform. I have everything configured right and the email arrive in my inbox when a new user is created, but, for some reason, the link to activate the account returns: Fail to confirm user. 400 Bad Request - Invalid app key
I checked in the tiapp.xml and checked if the api keys are properly configured and everything is alright. I have no idea of how appcelerator generate this link to verify what happen. In my template uses the link below:{{key}}&confirmation_token={{confirmation_token}}
What im doing wrong? =[
Seems that the documentation is wrong. Only works if the link in the template is{{key}}/{{confirmation_token}}
I just encountered the same issue and can confirm the bug in the documentation. The correct url is indeed{{key}}/{{confirmation_token}}
I'd like to add that there is probably a similar defect in the following documentation for password reset url:!/api/Users-method-request_reset_password
The documentation says the password reset url (if using Appcelerator instead of custom website) should be{{key}}/{{confirmation_token}}
It seems wrong (copy-paste from email confirmation url perhaps).
