Heroku - Login not working on site with an auth loop - heroku

I have tried a few things such as resetting my password, entering everything in manually, trying all my accounts, clearing my cookies and even trying a fresh browser. However, I sadly cannot login to heroku.com
The page either refreshes itself when I press login or (rarely) gives me an error saying there was a problem with your login. Everything is indeed correct.
Any fixes would help me a ton!
Sadly, it will not let me contact support as I have to login.
Also, Heroku: Login system - authentication loop failure hasn't worked for me.

try heroku login -i then enter your credentials


Heroku CLI Login - Error Code: mfa_required

I’ve been trying to login to HEROKU CLI on a headless Ubuntu. So, I don’t have a chance to open a browser. That’s why, I need to login with credential or any other method but there are only two login options which are browser, credentials.
Is there anybody face with the same problem?
heroku login -i
Error Message:
› Error: Your account has MFA enabled; API requests using basic authentication with email and password are not supported. Please generate an authorization token
› for API access.
› Error ID: mfa_required
PS: The Heroku doesn’t allow me to disable MFA.
Shanshan Chen is basically right, but given the specifics of your issue you're still going to need the -i flag. I have had the same issue and was able to log in successfully using these steps:
Run heroku login -i
Enter your email address as normally
For the password, use your Heroku account API Key (see below)
Try heroku login and use API key as the password. Feel free to refer to
Not able login to Heroku account from command line

Heroku account failed to login from browser, no error only refresh

I have a heroku account. when i tried to login from browser it fails to login, only refresh the page and no error message. i try to change password but still get the same issue. login via CLI also failed with no error message but only open browser and refresh it.
update information.
I tried to login using another account and it works. but my account still failed to login.

Laravel login stuck in loop

I'm having an issue when deploying. When logging into Laravel Nova it just refreshes the login screen over and over again and seems stuck in a loop. whether you enter the wrong or right credentials makes no difference. There are no error messages and reloads the login page.
All working on localhost, and the wrong credentials error message does show up on local if incorrect details entered. Strange issue just generated a server on Forge + DigitalOcean. I don't see what could be the issue.
It's the post form trying to post to http instead of https... if anyone has that issue hope it helped

Facebook Socialite, Login not working as expected (redirect to website fails) - Laravel 5.6

Facebook Registration works fine and users are redirected to the website but when users try to log-in using their FB account then it does not seem to work, that is, users are not redirected to the website instead loads facebook.com .
I checked the url before facebook asks user to enter fb password and it seems like permission denied is shown as below, but not sure what does that mean?:
I have added https which I thought could be the cause of error but then so many websites still use fb login successfully even when they don't have SSL (https). Also, SSL (https) does not seem to resolve the issue.
I am not sure how to debug this issue because not sure what is causing this, Laravel Socialite is straight-forward. Other Socialite Login I tried for example: Google+ seems to work just fine.
Any help is appreciated.
If You would like to see any part of the code, let me know in the comment.

Magento redirect to login page after successful login

I have made a copy of a website on my local machine so I can work on an offline version.
After logging in, I am redirected back to the login page. I know I have logged in as if I type in a wrong password I get "Invalid User Name or Password." message.
I have double checked the cookies path in the database, this is empty.
I have also tried adding a . in the config file but I'm not able to connect when I update the url to
Is there anything I can check/try?
I am using mamp...
Many thanks.
Try changing address from http://localhost to something with more than one domain component. Sometimes there are issues with logging in using domain without single dot. http://magento.localhost may work in this case.
