How to retrieve details of second level tables in laravel relationships - laravel

I have 3 tables
bank(id, title),
employee(id, name, bank_id),
payroll(id, employee_id, salary).
Now I want to retrieve bank title of employee_id in payroll table.
I have set model relationships
class Bank extends Model
public function employees()
return $this->hasMany('App\Employee');
class Employee extends Model
public function bank()
return $this->belongsTo('App\Bank');
public function payrolls()
return $this->hasMany('App\Payroll');
class Payroll extends Model
public function employee()
return $this->belongsTo('App\Employee');
I have tried to retrieve using $payroll->employee->bank->title. But it did not help me

Sorry it was my mistake. some employee ids are not referencing bank. That was why I got error.
I resolved the issue by using isset method to verify reference value set or not.

try to change your code a little bit and try again:
public function bank()
return $this->hasOne('App\Bank');
Read Laravel Official Documentation
/** We can define the inverse of a hasOne relationship using the belongsTo method: **/


Laravel many to many relationship with pivot

I'm using Laravel Filament.
I got a projects and responsibles tables in a many-to-many relationship. But also another table of responsabilityTypes
And here are my relationships setup:
public function projects() {
return $this->belongsToMany(Project::class,'rel_project_responsible','responsible_id','project_id')
public function responsibles() {
return $this->belongsToMany(Responsible::class,'rel_project_responsible','project_id','responsible_id')
I have set up a class for the pivot table like so:
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\Pivot;
class AcademicoProyecto extends Pivot
//Don't know how to set up
My question is, when the user is in a Project Edit page and clicks on the "attach" button, in order to add a Responsible record, a Modal pops up to select a Responsible, but I also implemented a Select list to display the different types of responsibilities.
What am I missing to set up in order to access and display the types of responsibilities in the select list and attach it to the pivot table?
Your question asks about "access and display" but you have no controller or view code. But for the model, it's just a simple relationship between two tables, so define it as such:
class AcademicoProyecto extends Pivot
use SoftDeletes;
public function responsibilityType() {
return $this->belongsTo(ResponsibilityType::class);
class ResponsibilityType extends Model
protected $fillable = ["name"];
Now you simply update the other models to access the relationship in the withPivot() call.
class Responsible extends Model {
public function projects() {
return $this->belongsToMany(Project::class,'rel_project_responsible','responsible_id','project_id')
class Project extends Model {
public function responsibles() {
return $this->belongsToMany(Responsible::class,'rel_project_responsible','project_id','responsible_id')
->withPivot('responsibilityType', 'sort')
Now you should be able to do, for example:
$foo = Responsible::with("projects")->first();
foreach ($foo->projects as $project) {
echo $project->pivot->responsibilityType?->name;

Laravel MongoDB 1:n relations

What is the correct way of defining 1:n relations in Laravel using MongoDB between two models Author and Book where one author can have several books while one book has exactly one authors?
class Author extends Model
public function books()
// what to place here?
return $this->...
class Book extends Model
public function author()
// what to place here?
return $this->...
class BookController extends Controller
public function store (Author $author, Request $request)
$book1 Book::create();
$book2 Book::create();
// connect $book1 <-> $author and $book2 <-> $author
// what to place here?
After calling store() I want to be able to do the following request
dump ($book1->author); // return $author
dump ($author->books); // return Collection of $book1 and $book2
assume you have the foreign key author_id in books table
class Author extends Model
public function books()
return $this->hasMany(Book::class, 'author_id');
class Book extends Model
public function author()
return $this->belongsTo(Author::class, 'author_id');
class BookController extends Controller
public function store (Author $author, Request $request)
$book1 = new Book();
$book2 = new Book();
$author->books()->saveMany([$book1, $book2]);
Suppose you have the ff:
users = model a
posts = model b
Case 1: vice versa of Case 2:
Case 2:
// on posts table/document you should have a user_id (as foreign key)
// and on post model you need define the belongsTo relationship
// on the User model you have to define hasOne or hasMany
$this->hasOne(Post::class) or $this->hasMany(Post::class)
Case 3:
On case 3, I'm not sure if adding a reference to each other is necessary because creating a single reference that links them can provide the data you require regardless of whether the request comes from model a or model b.
It is possible that it will not solve your problem. However, hopefully it will be of some assistance to you.
For case 1 ( in model_a ):
public function model_b_many()
return $this->hasMany( Model_b::class, 'id' );
For case 2 ( in model_b ):
public function model_a_many()
return $this->hasMany( Model_a::class, 'id' );
This will also work for case 3 :)

BelongsToMany with one or vice versa relationship

I'm using Laravel and Eloquent.
I have a courses table and a Pivot table that holds the related courses.
My pivot table named relatedCourses has 2 columns, course1 & course2.
In the above example, Course ID 5 is related with Course ID 7.
$data["course"] = course::where("isActive",1)->with('related')->find(5);
This works and brings ID 7 as related.
If i try
$data["course"] = course::where("isActive",1)->with('related')->find(7) it should bring ID 5 as related, this is what i'm trying to achieve.
My code is like this in the model :
class course extends Model
public function category()
return $this->hasOne('App\courseCategory',"categoryId");
public function related()
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Models\course', 'relatedCourses', 'course1', 'course2');
You can define two relationships for this query.
class course extends Model
public function category()
return $this->hasOne('App\courseCategory',"categoryId");
public function relatedCourses()
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Models\Course', 'relatedCourses', 'course1', 'course2');
public function originalCourses()
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Models\Course', 'relatedCourses', 'course2', 'course1');
Then you can query your relations,
$data["course"] = course::where("isActive",1)->with('relatedCourses')->find(5);
$data["course"] = course::where("isActive",1)->with('originalCourses')->find(7);
To merge both relations you can do like this
$course = course::where("isActive",1)->with('originalCourses', 'relatedCourses')->get();
Hope this will help you.

Laravel query multiple tables using eloquent

hi sorry bit of a newbie here but I am have three tables users, profiles, friends. they all have the user_id fields within them and I want fetch all of the fields in one statement using Eloquent and not DB::statement and doing the table joins.
How can I achieve this?
Try this
use the User class and the with method that laravel has to query model relationships
$user = User::with(['profile', 'friend'])->get();
Ensure your models has the correct relationships as follows:
public function friend () {
return $this->hasMany('Friend');
public function profile () {
return $this->hasOne('Profile');
public function user() {
return $this->belongsTo('User');
public function user() {
return $this->belongsTo('User');
use some thing like this:
You should define relations in your models with hasOne, hasMany.
class Review extends Eloquent {
public function relatedGallery()
$this->hasOne('Gallery', 'foreign_id', 'local_id');
class Gallery extends Eloquent {
public function relatedReviews()
$this->hasMany('Review', 'foreign_id', 'local_id');
$gallery = Gallery::with('relatedReviews')->find($id);
Will bring the object Gallery with
$gallery->relatedReviews // array containing the related Review Objects

Laravel Eloquent Relationship Through Tables

I have the following database tables:
My question is, how would I get which user a team belongs to for a certain fixture? For example I may want to do the following:
$fixture = Fixture::find(1);
echo $fixture->homeTeam->user->name;
My models look like this:
Fixture Model
class Fixture extends Eloquent{
public function season(){
return $this->belongsTo('Season');
public function homeTeam(){
return $this->belongsTo('Team', 'home_team_id');
public function awayTeam(){
return $this->belongsTo('Team', 'away_team_id');
Team Model
class Team extends Eloquent{
public function standings(){
return $this->hasMany('Standing');
public function seasons(){
return $this->belongsToMany('Season', 'Standings');
public function users(){
return $this->belongsToMany('User', 'Standings');
Season Model
class Season extends Eloquent{
public function standings(){
return $this->hasMany('Standing');
public function teams(){
return $this->belongsToMany('Team', 'Standings');
public function users(){
return $this->belongsToMany('User', 'Standings');
public function fixtures(){
return $this->hasMany('Fixture');
I think I need to add a user function to the Team model instead of the current users function that's there, but I can't figure out the correct way to do the relationship. A team will only have one user for any given season. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
I have added the following relationships to the Fixture model, which allows me to get the user and team through the standings table:
public function homeTeamStanding(){
return $this->belongsTo('App\Modules\Leagues\Models\Standing', 'home_team_id', 'team_id')->where('season_id', $this->season_id);
public function awayTeamStanding(){
return $this->belongsTo('App\Modules\Leagues\Models\Standing', 'away_team_id', 'team_id')->where('season_id', $this->season_id);
The problem with this is that I can't use it with eager loading, so there's quite a lot of queries running, as when I try to eager load them $this->season_id is null. Surely there's a better way?
I replaced the above with joins instead so that I can eager load which results in a lot less queries!
public function homeTeamStanding(){
return $this->belongsTo('App\Modules\Leagues\Models\Standing', 'home_team_id', 'team_id')
->join('fixtures', 'fixtures.season_id', '=', 'standings.season_id');
public function awayTeamStanding(){
return $this->belongsTo('App\Modules\Leagues\Models\Standing', 'away_team_id', 'team_id')
->join('fixtures', 'fixtures.season_id', '=', 'standings.season_id');
