How can I redirect to step2 page after verify the email based on their role? - laravel

How can I redirect to a step2 page after verifying the email based on their role?
Because I have two user types, both after register their email and pass, they will get a verification email, after that clicking button it redirects to home instead it will go to /signup/employee/step2 or /signup/user/step2.
Can I ask some tips on how to redirect the user based on their role with their step2 to complete registration?

Well, its obvious you'll need some type of ACL (access-control). If your app, need just that specific part, you can add a new column in your user table, is_employee and make it bool.
After that just implement a new middleware.
However, I would personally go with it is way easier :)

Laravel exposes an Event when user verify his account, you can add a custom listener to it and redirect user where you want.
You need to do something like this:
// app/Providers/EventServiceProvider.php
protected $listen = [
'Illuminate\Auth\Events\Verified' => [ // Laravel event
'App\Listeners\RedirectUsers', // Your custom listener
run # php artisan make:listener RedirectUsers -e Illuminate\Auth\Events\Verified
// app/Listeners/RedirectUsers.php
public function handle(OrderShipped $event)
if(Auth::user()->hasRole('admin')) {
return redirect('/admin');
// ...


Laravel check if user belongs to certain company before login

I'm developing an application to help companies manage its products.
First, the company should register itself to the app with an active admin user. The new registered company is not active by default.
I want to check if the user company active before logging in.
For example:
I want to register Nike to the app . the registered user is
if I want to login with "", it should not be possible till Nike company become active.
Database structure is like this:
Any suggestions how to fix it?
Probably you have relation in your User model. Something like
public function company()
return $this->belongsTo(Company::class);
In your LoginController (if you want it only there) or in some middleware you can check request()->user()->company()->is_active and do whatever you need. RedirectIfAuthenticated middleware is a variant if you don't want to make new middleware
1.First add column to the company table called isActive and adminEmail
2.Make a new Validation Rule called CheckCompanyStatus by this command
php artisan make:rule CheckCompanyStatus
3.Inside this rule put the following logic inside passes()
$data = \Company::where('adminEmail',$value)->first();
if($data->isActive == true) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
Go to LoginController and override the function validateLogin() and put this logic
protected function validateLogin(Request $request)
$this->validate(['email'=>new \CheckCompany, 'password'=>
Make sure to add adminEmail and isActive in your company registration form as well
and use all the classes at the top
Let me know if u have any errors

How to Hide Required Parameters Laravel Route

So I have a booking system. Basically it has this route
Where $bookingId = is the id in the booking_table.
My question, is there a way to hide the $bookingId from my routes from the the user? I don't want other users to be able to access to other booking transaction just by changing the $bookingId in the URL.
The easiest way to achieve this is by submiting your post request via AJAX. But if you are not comfortable using ajax request. You can create a policy that allows only the owner of those booking to make change: see code below.
php artisan make:policy BookingPolicy --model=Booking
Register the policy in your AuthServiceProvider: use App\Policies\BookingPolicy;
protected $policies = [
Booking::class => BookingPolicy::class,
Now inside your BookingPolicy then define policy for any method that you want to restrict users from. For example let make sure onl the authenticated user(owner) can update his booking. In this scenario we are assuming that you have user_id column in your Booking table and you have relationship between these 2 tables
public function update(?User $user, Booking $booking)
return $user->id === $booking->user_id;
Now in your BookingController you can call implement the authorizing actions(can or cant)
public function update(Request $request, $id) {
if ($user->can('update', $booking)) {
// Executes the "create" method on the relevant policy...
Hopefully this will help :)
have you considered using $table->uuid('id'); for PK? So that the users are not going to guess other bookings easily.
Add a check in your route if the booking ID is one that belongs to the user trying to access the ID. If not, redirect.
Otherwise, provide a dashboard like route showing the user bookings. then make an asynchronous call on the click using your userID/bookingID send that data to a template with a route that is something like your booking/details
Please Check Laravel Policy and define rules to check if the booking id is associated with the current user or not and . which can help you to secure the booking detail from unauthorized user.

php laravel preventing multiple logins of a user from different devices/browser tabs at a given time

Does laravel provide a way to prevent multiple logins of a user from different devices / browsers at a given time? If yes then how can i force a user to logged in from a single device at a single time. I am developing a online quiz app using laravel 5.6 where users can logged in from a single place and take test.
laravel provide this method to invalidating and "logging out" a user's sessions that are active on other devices logoutOtherDevices()
to work with this method you need also to make sure that the
middleware is present and un-commented in your app/Http/Kernel.php class' web middleware group:
'web' => [
// ...
// ...
then you can use it like this
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth;
Perhaps this should get you started:
Add a column in users_table.php
When a user logs in: LoginController.php
public function postLogin()
// your validation
// authentication check
// if authenticated, update the is_logged_in attribute to true in users table
auth()->user()->update(['is_logged_in' => true]);
// redirect...
Now, whenever a user tries to login from another browser or device, it should check if that user is already logged in. So, again in LoginController.php
public function index()
if (auth()->check() && auth()->user()->is_logged_in == true) {
// your error logic or redirect
return view('');
When a user logs out: LogoutController.php
public function logout()
auth()->user()->update(['is_logged_in' => false]);
// redirect to login page...

Pass variable from middleware to view via controller in Laravel 5.2

Hi I am trying to do the following in Laravel 5.2.
Summary: Pass some variables from middleware to view, via controller
Detailed: When a client is logged in, no matter what route they want, we need to check if they have completed all "setup steps" (each step refers to a different route, e.g. one could be company info, another could be product settings, etc). If they have completed all setup steps, then let them proceed to their chosen route, otherwise we redirect to the appropriate "setup steps" route, whichever one they haven't completed yet.
All client controllers run the same middleware, called NonSuperAdmin. I would like to put the checking of "setup steps" in this middleware, and redirect from there as appropriate. If client is redirected to a setup route by this middleware, we need the "incompleteSetupTasks" collection to be passed on to the relevant view, via the appropriate setup steps controller method.
Is this possible? Any help is much appreciated.
In the middleware use session handler
if($condition === true){
$data = [ //your content ];
Session::flash('your_key', $data);
This data will also be available in your controller and in view
This is how you can access data in controller
public function yourControllerAction($request)
$somevariable = Session::get('your_key');
$viewdata = [
'content' => $somevariable
return view('yourview', $viewdata);
Or directly access the session data in view
Your html content
#foreach(Session::get('your_key' as $data)
//your stuff
May be use Laravel Session to store and read values?
You can pass your setup steps to get or post parameters and check in routes with middleware if these parameters are empty:
Route::get('post/{setup1?}/{setup2?}', ['middleware' => 'role:admin', function ($setup1, $setup2) {
if(empty($setup1) and empty($setup2)){
// do smth
} else {
// redirect
Question marks mean, that they are optional parameters. Hope it was helpful.

How to forward argument for redirect::route->with when hitting an auth filter using Laravel?

I have the following problem:
After a user is created and the user has confirmed her email.
I would like the user to login,
I use the following code to do that:
Redirect::route('login-forward')->with('alert_message', ...)
the alert messages simply states that everything went well, and I would like her to login.
login-forward is protected with an before filter, that runs the actual login form,
When the user then logs in sucesfully, she is brought back to login-forward, whic then puts the user at her personal landing page.
the code for the route 'login-forward is:
Route::get('my-login', array(
'as' => 'login-forward',
'before' => 'auth',
function ()
$user = Auth::user();
switch ($user->role)
case 'Administrator':
return Redirect::route('admin_dashboard');
case 'FreeUser':
return Redirect::route('cs-dashboard');
return Redirect::route('/');
the problem is, the ->with('alert_message',...) is not seen by the real login route called by the before filter.
How do I solve this?
The best approach is to let the user logs in automatically when the email is confirmed, if the user confirms the account creation then when you find that user is valid then you may log in that user using something like:
// $user = Get the user object
Also you may use:
Session::put('alert_message', ...);
Then when the user logs in for the first time, just get the message from Session using:
// Get and show the alert_message
// from session and forget it
#if (Session::has('alert_message'))
{{ Session::pull('alert_message') }}
So, when you pull the message from the Session to show it, the message will no longer be available in the Session or you may use Session::reflash() to flash the flashed session data for another subsequent request until you get in the page where you want to show the message.
The best choice is - you can make forward to login form without redirect from method of controller for url of personal page.
return Route::dispatch(Request::create('login'))->getOriginalContent();
