Laravel check if user belongs to certain company before login - laravel

I'm developing an application to help companies manage its products.
First, the company should register itself to the app with an active admin user. The new registered company is not active by default.
I want to check if the user company active before logging in.
For example:
I want to register Nike to the app . the registered user is
if I want to login with "", it should not be possible till Nike company become active.
Database structure is like this:
Any suggestions how to fix it?

Probably you have relation in your User model. Something like
public function company()
return $this->belongsTo(Company::class);
In your LoginController (if you want it only there) or in some middleware you can check request()->user()->company()->is_active and do whatever you need. RedirectIfAuthenticated middleware is a variant if you don't want to make new middleware

1.First add column to the company table called isActive and adminEmail
2.Make a new Validation Rule called CheckCompanyStatus by this command
php artisan make:rule CheckCompanyStatus
3.Inside this rule put the following logic inside passes()
$data = \Company::where('adminEmail',$value)->first();
if($data->isActive == true) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
Go to LoginController and override the function validateLogin() and put this logic
protected function validateLogin(Request $request)
$this->validate(['email'=>new \CheckCompany, 'password'=>
Make sure to add adminEmail and isActive in your company registration form as well
and use all the classes at the top
Let me know if u have any errors


How to restrict users to use application

I am using laravel framework to develop api’s ,it’s an existing application .there is a requirement if more than 5users registered from 6th user onwards i have to restrict them to use application until they approved by manager or they paid for registration fee then only the user will allow to use the application.
Can anyone give me the idea how to acheive this scenario or suggest me any package in laravel
You can add 'status' field in your table. Now when your api is registering a user, you can check the No. of users in the database. If more than or equals to 5, you can set the status to 0. Now show the manager list of user with status 0 and when the status changes you can use the application.
Make sure to add condition where status = 1 when user is getting logged in.
I hope it helps!
Well, you can just put a isApproved column to indicate if the user is already approved or just like the email_verified_at that accepts timestamp as a value then create a middleware where you can check if the user is approved or not. then add a method to the user model to check if the user is approve :
User model
class User extends Authenticatable
public function isApproved()
// check if the account_approved_at column is not null.
return ! is_null($this->account_approved_at);
class EnsureUserIsApproved
public function handle(Request $request, Closure $next)
if(! $request->user()->isApproved()) {
// can also use abort(403) instead of redirect
return redirect('route-where-you-want-the-user-to-redirect')
return $next($request);
You can check this for more information about middleware

How to Hide Required Parameters Laravel Route

So I have a booking system. Basically it has this route
Where $bookingId = is the id in the booking_table.
My question, is there a way to hide the $bookingId from my routes from the the user? I don't want other users to be able to access to other booking transaction just by changing the $bookingId in the URL.
The easiest way to achieve this is by submiting your post request via AJAX. But if you are not comfortable using ajax request. You can create a policy that allows only the owner of those booking to make change: see code below.
php artisan make:policy BookingPolicy --model=Booking
Register the policy in your AuthServiceProvider: use App\Policies\BookingPolicy;
protected $policies = [
Booking::class => BookingPolicy::class,
Now inside your BookingPolicy then define policy for any method that you want to restrict users from. For example let make sure onl the authenticated user(owner) can update his booking. In this scenario we are assuming that you have user_id column in your Booking table and you have relationship between these 2 tables
public function update(?User $user, Booking $booking)
return $user->id === $booking->user_id;
Now in your BookingController you can call implement the authorizing actions(can or cant)
public function update(Request $request, $id) {
if ($user->can('update', $booking)) {
// Executes the "create" method on the relevant policy...
Hopefully this will help :)
have you considered using $table->uuid('id'); for PK? So that the users are not going to guess other bookings easily.
Add a check in your route if the booking ID is one that belongs to the user trying to access the ID. If not, redirect.
Otherwise, provide a dashboard like route showing the user bookings. then make an asynchronous call on the click using your userID/bookingID send that data to a template with a route that is something like your booking/details
Please Check Laravel Policy and define rules to check if the booking id is associated with the current user or not and . which can help you to secure the booking detail from unauthorized user.

how to restrict user from accessing another user's pages by inputing id in url laravel

I have a web app i'm working on.Users can create patients, which have a unique id. Problem I have is that when another user logs in, he can easily access patients not assigned to him by simply inputing their id in the url. Please how do i solve this? Heres a sample of my route for the
user to view his patient:
Route::get('patients/{patient}/view', 'Portal\PatientController#viewPatient');
and in the Patientcontroller:
public function viewPatient($patient){
$patient = Patient::where('id', $patient)->first();
return view ('portal.patient',compact('patient'));
Please what am I doing wrong?
You can use policies for that:
Policies are classes that organize authorization logic around a particular model or resource. For example, if your application is a blog, you may have a Post model and a corresponding PostPolicy to authorize user actions such as creating or updating posts.
Or gates:
Gates are Closures that determine if a user is authorized to perform a given action
I'd use policies, but you also can manually check if a user can view a page with something like:
if (auth()->id() !== $patient) {
return redirect('/')->with('message', 'You can not view this page');
You could also keep GET to access to this page without inputing the id. For example, if you want to obtain patients only from the current user logged in :
web.php :
Route::get('patients/view', 'Portal\PatientController#viewPatient');
Patientcontroller :
public function viewPatient(){
$id = auth()->id();
$patient = Patient::where('id', $id)->first();
return view ('portal.patient',compact('patient'));
Keep in mind that this will work only with an authenticated user.
If your database table structure is like this
id //Unique ID of Patient
user_id //User that created
Then you can do the check in controller like.
public function viewPatient($patient)
$patient_check = Patient::where('id', $patient)->where('user_id','=',Auth::user()->id)->first();
if($patient_check == null || count($patient_check) == 0)
return "You cannot view this patient";
return view ('portal.patient',compact('patient'));
This is simple and yet does the work.

How to give access to views to specific user in laravel?

I have a Category Controller which checks if user is logged in
class CategoryController extends Controller
public function __construct() {
My category routes are :
//Category Controller
Route::get('admin/category/{category}/edit', ['uses'=>'categoryController#edit','as'=>'admin.category.edit']);
Route::put('admin/category/{category}', ['uses'=>'categoryController#update','as'=>'admin.category.update']);
Route::get('admin/category/{category}', ['uses'=>'categoryController#show','as'=>'']);
Route::delete('admin/category/{category}', ['uses'=>'categoryController#destroy','as'=>'admin.category.destroy']);
Route::get('admin/category/create', ['uses'=>'categoryController#create','as'=>'admin.category.create']);
Route::get('admin/category', ['uses'=>'categoryController#index','as'=>'admin.category.index']);
Route::post('admin/category', ['uses'=>'categoryController#store','as'=>'']);
Is there a way to give access to these views to only specific user?
For example if user email is then he is allowed to go to those view.
I know I can check like this
if(Auth::user()->email == '')
dd('admin Logged in');
But this is possible if i go to individual view and put all my content in the if statement.
Is there way to handle this in controller.
You can use the middlewares for these kinds of work.
From the docs
Middleware provide a convenient mechanism for filtering HTTP requests entering your application. For example, Laravel includes a middleware that verifies the user of your application is authenticated. If the user is not authenticated, the middleware will redirect the user to the login screen. However, if the user is authenticated, the middleware will allow the request to proceed further into the application.
You should restrict users by route groups. Use middleware for that.
However, if you have complicated logic, sometimes you may want to check if user is admin in controller, model and other classes. In this case you can create global helper isAdmin() and use it for simple checks. Examples:
if (isAdmin()) {
// Do something
{{ isAdmin() ? 'active' : '' }}
A better way to define user role is like 0 for admin, 1 for user, 2 for member.
Then you can check the user role like:
if(Auth::User()->user_type == 0)
return view('admin_dashboard');
else if(Auth::User()->user_type == 1)
return view('user_dashboard');
else if(Auth::User()->user_type == 2)
return view('member_dashboard');

Laravel 5 route protection

Assume we´ve got a User and Conversation model with a many-to-many relation.
class User extends Model ... {
public function conversations()
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Conversation');
class Conversation extends Model {
public function users()
return $this->belongsToMany('App\User');
Besides authentication (logging in) which comes out of the box with laravel: How can I protect a specific conversation route for it´s related users?
Which would be the most maintainable way to achieve this? Middleware? Guard? Route model binding? ... right now I´m a bit lost ...
Good question. In this case you'd be best off using Laravel's authorization features. Here are the differences:
Middleware: used to run logic based on either routes or logged in / logged out state. So, if you want to block the conversations entirely from non-logged in users, use a middleware.
Authorization (policies): not to be confused with authentication, is intended for cases where the rules to block someone is not based on route but on some other, more specific reason. These reasons can be anything from roles, to teams, entity ownership, and so on. If you wanted to hide a conversation to only those in the conversation, you can create a policy that kicks the user back to their previous page if they were not in the conversation.
Here's a quick policy you might create:
class ConversationPolicy {
public function view(User $user, Conversation $conv) {
return in_array($user->id, $conv->users->pluck('id'));
You could check your policy in a controller like the following:
if($request->user()->can('view', $conversation))
return view('conversation', ['conversation' => $conversation]);
return back()->withError('You are not authorized to view this conversation');
Just be aware you'll have to bind this policy in the AuthServiceProvider before it can be used.
