Unable to load the requested file: helpers/common_help_helper.php - codeigniter

it cant seem to load the common helper that i created in the helper folder
to load the admintle for my codeigniter project.
enter code here
function public_url($url){
return base_url('public/'.$url)

You are calling another helper that is being used in your helper.
So you need to load the url helper in your controller before you load yours.
$this->load->helper('url'); // Core URL helper for base_url()
$this->load->helper('common_help'); // This is your common_help_helper.php
And you have a missing ; in your function
function public_url($url) {
return base_url('public/' . $url); // <<< Missing ; in your code


Call fom view to Contoller with a value in CI like requestAction in cakephp

I'm new to codeigniter . Is there any function to call a function from view page to a controllers function with a value just like requestAction in cakephp .
Home Controller:
function getSubmenu($menu_id)
return $data;
index.php (under same controller)
from here I want to call getSubmenu($menu_id) function.
If you want to call the another function in the same class you can do it like this
in your example is like this:
For more informacion, you can read documentation of CI:

joomla controllers how they work?

I am struggling to understand how to call sub controllers from a joomla component. What are to be placed in the controllers folder?
I have the entry point of my component like -
// No direct access to this file
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
// require helper file
JLoader::register('TieraerzteHelper', dirname(__FILE__) . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'my_helper.php');
// import joomla controller library
$controller = JController::getInstance('MyController');
// Get the task
$jinput = JFactory::getApplication()->input;
$task = $jinput->get('task', "", 'STR' );
// Perform the Request task
// Redirect if set by the controller
Then if I want to call a controller, which is placed in the controllers folder, how do I do that?
You do a task=controller.function
As an example: You want to call the MycomponentControllerFoo in /controllers/foo.php and execute the function bar(). You use the following URL to call this:
Or you can use a form where there is a hidden task field.

CodeIgniter - Autoload for views?

is there any way to load a view (for header or footer) on every function (in a controller)? I have a couple of if/else statements there and it would be a pain to change it all when I'll need to.
Yes, you can load the view in the __construct function at the top of your controller. Take
a look at the PHP manual on Constructors
function __construct()
If the header and footer are going to be constant and required components for the visual part of your site, but you may want to load a different content portion between your header and footer, then you can make a function that will take an argument.
private function doViews($argument)
return NULL;
You may want to have an array of available views inside the doViews function in order to do proper validation that the file exists. Then you simply call the function in each method in your controller like this:
You should try using a Template library like this: https://github.com/philsturgeon/codeigniter-template
Then all you need to is put this in the controller (can be in __construct or within a method)
$this->template->set_partial('header', 'layouts/header');
$this->template->set_partial('footer', 'layouts/footer');
$this->template->set_partial('sidebar', 'layouts/sidebar');
Then to send data like you do with a view:
$this->template->build('create', $this->data);
you could create your main_view ... as a master page that already has a structure:
<?php //get content here
If you want to change something in the header or footer (through a statement) you can add content:
function __construct()
$data['footer'] = ($a == 'foo') ? 'footer one' : 'footer two';
$data_to_main = $this->load->view('template/footer', $data, TRUE);
$data_to_main = 'others';
$this->load>-view('main_view', $data_to_main);

how to load view into another view codeigniter 2.1?

Ive been working with CI and I saw on the website of CI you can load a view as a variable part of the data you send to the "main" view, so, according the site (that says a lot of things, and many are not like they say ...ej pagination and others) i did something like this
$data['menu'] = $this->load->view('menu');
$this->load->view ('home',data);
the result of this is that I get an echo of the menu in the top of the site (before starts my body and all) and where should be its nothing, like if were printed before everything... I have no idea honestly of this problem, did anybody had the same problem before?
Two ways of doing this:
Load it in advance (like you're doing) and pass to the other view
// the "TRUE" argument tells it to return the content, rather than display it immediately
$data['menu'] = $this->load->view('menu', NULL, TRUE);
$this->load->view ('home', $data);
Load a view "from within" a view:
// put this in the controller
// put this in /application/views/home.php
echo 'Other home content';
Create a helper function
function loadView($view,$data = null){
$CI = get_instance();
return $CI->load->view($view,$data);
Load the helper in the controller, then use the function in your view to load another one.
echo loadView('secondView',$data); // $data array

How to display view without template?

I have view (frontend) in my own component (view.html.php):
class MevViewMev extends JView{
function display($tpl = null){
And template:
<?php defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access'); ?>
How to display it without joomla template (head section, styles, etc). I want to call this part of jquery onclick method in the window.
To display the component only add "tmpl=component" parameter to url.
If need to display something besides component's view it can be customized - create "component.php" file in template's root folder and include in it whatever you need.
More templates can be done in the same way - create "some_template.php" in template's root folder and add "tmpl=some_template" parameter to url.
Start Edit
OK so the below works, but I found a better way. In your controller do ...
if (JRequest::getVar('format') != 'raw') {
$url = JURI::current() . '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] . '&format=raw';
header('Location: ' . $url);
// or, if you want Content-type of text/html just use ...
// redirect($url);
End Edit
You can set 'tmpl' to 'component', as suggested by Babur Usenakunov, in which case scripts and css may be loaded, like ...
However if you want to create raw output you can add &format=raw or in your component make a view of type 'raw' ...
Unfortunately the only functional way I can find to make a viewType of raw render correctly is to call exit() after the view class calls parent::display() ...
In your controller.php ...
class com_whateverController() extends JController
function __construct()
// the following is not required if you call exit() in your view class (see below) ...
JFactory::$document = null;
// or
//JFactory::$document = JDocument::getInstance('raw');
function display()
$view = $this->getView('whatever', 'raw');
then in views/whatever/view.raw.php ...
class com_whateverViewWhatever extends JView
public function display($tpl = null)
exit; // <- if you dont have this then the output is captured in and output buffer and then lost in the rendering
I know this comes in very late, but for future readers, here's how I did it for my extension, without editing the template, or adding anything in the URL (since I have control over neither of those):
use \Joomla\CMS\Factory;
// Comp stands for the Component's name and NoTmpl stands for the View's name.
class CompViewNoTmpl extends \Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\HtmlView {
// Force this view to be component-only
public function __construct() {
$app = Factory::getApplication();
$app->input->set('tmpl', 'component');
