Version of Big-O notation that includes parallelism? - algorithm

This question requires some set up.
"Method 1" in this link details a notation for describing the effect of parallelism on algorithmic time complexity. I really like this method of description, but this is the only place I have ever found it.
My question is as follows: why is this notation not used more often?
One explanation is actually given in the method description itself: "To multiply two 100×100 matrices, we would need a machine with a 10,000 processors". This quote seems to suggest that 10,000 processors is totally unreasonable for anyone to expect.
My rebuttal:
The largest super computer in the world right now, Taihu Light, contains a total of 40960*256 = 10485760 cores. We don't all have access to a super computer like Taihu Light, but with cloud computing continuously gaining popularity, I see no reason why 10,000 core processors and beyond won't be widely available for use in the near future. On top of that, the average GPU has 1000s of cores already. They're more specialized than CPU cores, but that's besides the point.
Since there are so few examples of this notation, I'll also provide my own example using an equivalent description, which I call big money notation.
Say we have a perfectly balanced tree with a branching factor of b. All nodes save one contain a boolean value of false, and the last contains a boolean value of true. We want to find and return this true node.
Using a breadth first search, the the Big-O runtime to find the true node would be O(|V|+|E|) == O(b^d), where b is the branching factor and d is the depth of the tree.
However, if we assume that we have infinitely many processing units, each with finite processing capabilities, the big-money notation is as follows: $O(b^d -> d). What this says is that on 1 processor, the algorithm would take O(b^d) time, but as the number of processors increases, the time complexity approaches d, the depth of the tree. This is because at each false node, we can spawn b more processes to search each of that nodes b children. Since we have infinite cores, all of these processes can work in parallel. This is why I call it big money notation. Time complexity decreases with more processing power, processing power increases as you throw more money at Amazon/Microsoft/Google/YourFavoriteCloudProvider.
I'll reiterate my question again. Why is notation similar to this not seeing more widespread use? Thanks!

The complexity class NC deals with problems that can be solved efficiently in a parallel setting. As far as I know, people who work on parallel algorithms do use the traditional O(.) notation and use expressions like "NC algorithms", so when you read their papers and see sentences like:
"We give a O(xxx) NC algorithm for SOMEPROBLEM."
you should interpret this as:
"We give a parallel algorithm for SOMEPROBLEM which solves it in time O(xxx) using O(yyy) processors."
(where xxx and yyy vary of course).
I don't recall seeing something that resembles your notation, but I'm not sure what it would bring to the table. Complexity classes are often partitioned according to some parameter and / or some measure of growth of that parameter (e.g., we have access to O(1) processors, or O(log n) processors, or ...) so as to classify problems with a degree of precision that your notation seems to lack if I interpret it correctly.


Algorithm for finding Time Complexity of Algorithm [duplicate]

I wonder whether there is any automatic way of determining (at least roughly) the Big-O time complexity of a given function?
If I graphed an O(n) function vs. an O(n lg n) function I think I would be able to visually ascertain which is which; I'm thinking there must be some heuristic solution which enables this to be done automatically.
Any ideas?
Edit: I am happy to find a semi-automated solution, just wondering whether there is some way of avoiding doing a fully manual analysis.
It sounds like what you are asking for is an extention of the Halting Problem. I do not believe that such a thing is possible, even in theory.
Just answering the question "Will this line of code ever run?" would be very difficult if not impossible to do in the general case.
Edited to add:
Although the general case is intractable, see here for a partial solution:
Also, some have stated that doing the analysis by hand is the only option, but I don't believe that is really the correct way of looking at it. An intractable problem is still intractable even when a human being is added to the system/machine. Upon further reflection, I suppose that a 99% solution may be doable, and might even work as well as or better than a human.
You can run the algorithm over various size data sets, and you could then use curve fitting to come up with an approximation. (Just looking at the curve you create probably will be enough in most cases, but any statistical package has curve fitting).
Note that some algorithms exhibit one shape with small data sets, but another with large... and the definition of large remains a bit nebulous. This means that an algorithm with a good performance curve could have so much real world overhead that (for small data sets) it doesn't work as well as the theoretically better algorithm.
As far as code inspection techniques, none exist. But instrumenting your code to run at various lengths and outputting a simple file (RunSize RunLength would be enough) should be easy. Generating proper test data could be more complex (some algorithms work better/worse with partially ordered data, so you would want to generate data that represented your normal use-case).
Because of the problems with the definition of "what is large" and the fact that performance is data dependent, I find that static analysis often is misleading. When optimizing performance and selecting between two algorithms, the real world "rubber hits the road" test is the only final arbitrator I trust.
A short answer is that it's impossible because constants matter.
For instance, I might write a function that runs in O((n^3/k) + n^2). This simplifies to O(n^3) because as n approaches infinity, the n^3 term will dominate the function, irrespective of the constant k.
However, if k is very large in the above example function, the function will appear to run in almost exactly n^2 until some crossover point, at which the n^3 term will begin to dominate. Because the constant k will be unknown to any profiling tool, it will be impossible to know just how large a dataset to test the target function with. If k can be arbitrarily large, you cannot craft test data to determine the big-oh running time.
I am surprised to see so many attempts to claim that one can "measure" complexity by a stopwatch. Several people have given the right answer, but I think that there is still room to drive the essential point home.
Algorithm complexity is not a "programming" question; it is a "computer science" question. Answering the question requires analyzing the code from the perspective of a mathematician, such that computing the Big-O complexity is practically a form of mathematical proof. It requires a very strong understanding of the fundamental computer operations, algebra, perhaps calculus (limits), and logic. No amount of "testing" can be substituted for that process.
The Halting Problem applies, so the complexity of an algorithm is fundamentally undecidable by a machine.
The limits of automated tools applies, so it might be possible to write a program to help, but it would only be able to help about as much as a calculator helps with one's physics homework, or as much as a refactoring browser helps with reorganizing a code base.
For anyone seriously considering writing such a tool, I suggest the following exercise. Pick a reasonably simple algorithm, such as your favorite sort, as your subject algorithm. Get a solid reference (book, web-based tutorial) to lead you through the process of calculating the algorithm complexity and ultimately the "Big-O". Document your steps and results as you go through the process with your subject algorithm. Perform the steps and document your progress for several scenarios, such as best-case, worst-case, and average-case. Once you are done, review your documentation and ask yourself what it would take to write a program (tool) to do it for you. Can it be done? How much would actually be automated, and how much would still be manual?
Best wishes.
I am curious as to why it is that you want to be able to do this. In my experience when someone says: "I want to ascertain the runtime complexity of this algorithm" they are not asking what they think they are asking. What you are most likely asking is what is the realistic performance of such an algorithm for likely data. Calculating the Big-O of a function is of reasonable utility, but there are so many aspects that can change the "real runtime performance" of an algorithm in real use that nothing beats instrumentation and testing.
For example, the following algorithms have the same exact Big-O (wacky pseudocode):
example a:
huge_two_dimensional_array foo
for i = 0, i < foo[i].length, i++
for j = 0; j < foo[j].length, j++
do_something_with foo[i][j]
example b:
huge_two_dimensional_array foo
for j = 0, j < foo[j].length, j++
for i = 0; i < foo[i].length, i++
do_something_with foo[i][j]
Again, exactly the same big-O... but one of them uses row ordinality and one of them uses column ordinality. It turns out that due to locality of reference and cache coherency you might have two completely different actual runtimes, especially depending on the actual size of the array foo. This doesn't even begin to touch the actual performance characteristics of how the algorithm behaves if it's part of a piece of software that has some concurrency built in.
Not to be a negative nelly but big-O is a tool with a narrow scope. It is of great use if you are deep inside algorithmic analysis or if you are trying to prove something about an algorithm, but if you are doing commercial software development the proof is in the pudding, and you are going to want to have actual performance numbers to make intelligent decisions.
This could work for simple algorithms, but what about O(n^2 lg n), or O(n lg^2 n)?
You could get fooled visually very easily.
And if its a really bad algorithm, maybe it wouldn't return even on n=10.
Proof that this is undecidable:
Suppose that we had some algorithm HALTS_IN_FN(Program, function) which determined whether a program halted in O(f(n)) for all n, for some function f.
Let P be the following program:
Since the function and the program are fixed, HALTS_IN_FN on this input is constant time. If HALTS_IN_FN returns true, the program runs forever and of course does not halt in O(f(n)) for any f(n). If HALTS_IN_FN returns false, the program halts in O(1) time.
Thus, we have a paradox, a contradiction, and so the program is undecidable.
A lot of people have commented that this is an inherently unsolvable problem in theory. Fair enough, but beyond that, even solving it for any but the most trivial cases would seem to be incredibly difficult.
Say you have a program that has a set of nested loops, each based on the number of items in an array. O(n^2). But what if the inner loop is only run in a very specific set of circumstances? Say, on average, it's run in aprox log(n) cases. Suddenly our "obviously" O(n^2) algorithm is really O(n log n). Writing a program that could determine if the inner loop would be run, and how often, is potentially more difficult than the original problem.
Remember O(N) isn't god; high constants can and will change the playing field. Quicksort algorithms are O(n log n) of course, but when the recursion gets small enough, say down to 20 items or so, many implementations of quicksort will change tactics to a separate algorithm as it's actually quicker to do a different type of sort, say insertion sort with worse O(N), but much smaller constant.
So, understand your data, make educated guesses, and test.
I think it's pretty much impossible to do this automatically. Remember that O(g(n)) is the worst-case upper bound and many functions perform better than that for a lot of data sets. You'd have to find the worst-case data set for each one in order to compare them. That's a difficult task on its own for many algorithms.
You must also take care when running such benchmarks. Some algorithms will have a behavior heavily dependent on the input type.
Take Quicksort for example. It is a worst-case O(n²), but usually O(nlogn). For two inputs of the same size.
The traveling salesman is (I think, not sure) O(n²) (EDIT: the correct value is 0(n!) for the brute force algotithm) , but most algorithms get rather good approximated solutions much faster.
This means that the the benchmarking structure has to most of the time be adapted on an ad hoc basis. Imagine writing something generic for the two examples mentioned. It would be very complex, probably unusable, and likely will be giving incorrect results anyway.
Jeffrey L Whitledge is correct. A simple reduction from the halting problem proves that this is undecidable...
ALSO, if I could write this program, I'd use it to solve P vs NP, and have $1million... B-)
I'm using a big_O library (link here) that fits the change in execution time against independent variable n to infer the order of growth class O().
The package automatically suggests the best fitting class by measuring the residual from collected data against each class growth behavior.
Check the code in this answer.
Example of output,
Measuring .columns[::-1] complexity against rapid increase in # rows
Big O() fits: Cubic: time = -0.017 + 0.00067*n^3
Constant: time = 0.032 (res: 0.021)
Linear: time = -0.051 + 0.024*n (res: 0.011)
Quadratic: time = -0.026 + 0.0038*n^2 (res: 0.0077)
Cubic: time = -0.017 + 0.00067*n^3 (res: 0.0052)
Polynomial: time = -6.3 * x^1.5 (res: 6)
Logarithmic: time = -0.026 + 0.053*log(n) (res: 0.015)
Linearithmic: time = -0.024 + 0.012*n*log(n) (res: 0.0094)
Exponential: time = -7 * 0.66^n (res: 3.6)
I guess this isn't possible in a fully automatic way since the type and structure of the input differs a lot between functions.
Well, since you can't prove whether or not a function even halts, I think you're asking a little much.
Otherwise #Godeke has it.
I don't know what's your objective in doing this, but we had a similar problem in a course I was teaching. The students were required to implement something that works at a certain complexity.
In order not to go over their solution manually, and read their code, we used the method #Godeke suggested. The objective was to find students who used linked list instead of a balansed search tree, or students who implemented bubble sort instead of heap sort (i.e. implementations that do not work in the required complexity - but without actually reading their code).
Surprisingly, the results did not reveal students who cheated. That might be because our students are honest and want to learn (or just knew that we'll check this ;-) ). It is possible to miss cheating students if the inputs are small, or if the input itself is ordered or such. It is also possible to be wrong about students who did not cheat, but have large constant values.
But in spite of the possible errors, it is well worth it, since it saves a lot of checking time.
As others have said, this is theoretically impossible. But in practice, you can make an educated guess as to whether a function is O(n) or O(n^2), as long as you don't mind being wrong sometimes.
First time the algorithm, running it on input of various n. Plot the points on a log-log graph. Draw the best-fit line through the points. If the line fits all the points well, then the data suggests that the algorithm is O(n^k), where k is the slope of the line.
I am not a statistician. You should take all this with a grain of salt. But I have actually done this in the context of automated testing for performance regressions. The patch here contains some JS code for it.
If you have lots of homogenious computational resources, I'd time them against several samples and do linear regression, then simply take the highest term.
It's easy to get an indication (e.g. "is the function linear? sub-linear? polynomial? exponential")
It's hard to find the exact complexity.
For example, here's a Python solution: you supply the function, and a function that creates parameters of size N for it. You get back a list of (n,time) values to plot, or to perform regression analysis. It times it once for speed, to get a really good indication it would have to time it many times to minimize interference from environmental factors (e.g. with the timeit module).
import time
def measure_run_time(func, args):
start = time.time()
return time.time() - start
def plot_times(func, generate_args, plot_sequence):
return [
(n, measure_run_time(func, generate_args(n+1)))
for n in plot_sequence
And to use it to time bubble sort:
def bubble_sort(l):
for i in xrange(len(l)-1):
for j in xrange(len(l)-1-i):
if l[i+1] < l[i]:
l[i],l[i+1] = l[i+1],l[i]
import random
def gen_args_for_sort(list_length):
result = range(list_length) # list of 0..N-1
random.shuffle(result) # randomize order
# should return a tuple of arguments
return (result,)
# timing for N = 1000, 2000, ..., 5000
times = plot_times(bubble_sort, gen_args_for_sort, xrange(1000,6000,1000))
import pprint
This printed on my machine:
[(1000, 0.078000068664550781),
(2000, 0.34400010108947754),
(3000, 0.7649998664855957),
(4000, 1.3440001010894775),
(5000, 2.1410000324249268)]

Sorting in Computer Science vs. sorting in the 'real' world

I was thinking about sorting algorithms in software, and possible ways one could surmount the O(nlogn) roadblock. I don't think it IS possible to sort faster in a practical sense, so please don't think that I do.
With that said, it seems with almost all sorting algorithms, the software must know the position of each element. Which makes sense, otherwise, how would it know where to place each element according to some sorting criteria?
But when I crossed this thinking with the real world, a centrifuge has no idea what position each molecule is in when it 'sorts' the molecules by density. In fact, it doesn't care about the position of each molecule. However it can sort trillions upon trillions of items in a relatively short period of time, due to the fact that each molecule follows density and gravitational laws - which got me thinking.
Would it be possible with some overhead on each node (some value or method tacked on to each of the nodes) to 'force' the order of the list? Something like a centrifuge, where only each element cares about its relative position in space (in relation to other nodes). Or, does this violate some rule in computation?
I think one of the big points brought up here is the quantum mechanical effects of nature and how they apply in parallel to all particles simultaneously.
Perhaps classical computers inherently restrict sorting to the domain of O(nlogn), where as quantum computers may be able to cross that threshold into O(logn) algorithms that act in parallel.
The point that a centrifuge being basically a parallel bubble sort seems to be correct, which has a time complexity of O(n).
I guess the next thought is that if nature can sort in O(n), why can't computers?
EDIT: I had misunderstood the mechanism of a centrifuge and it appears that it does a comparison, a massively-parallel one at that. However there are physical processes that operate on a property of the entity being sorted rather than comparing two properties. This answer covers algorithms that are of that nature.
A centrifuge applies a sorting mechanism that doesn't really work by means of comparisons between elements, but actually by a property ('centrifugal force') on each individual element in isolation.Some sorting algorithms fall into this theme, especially Radix Sort. When this sorting algorithm is parallelized it should approach the example of a centrifuge.
Some other non-comparative sorting algorithms are Bucket sort and Counting Sort. You may find that Bucket sort also fits into the general idea of a centrifuge (the radius could correspond to a bin).
Another so-called 'sorting algorithm' where each element is considered in isolation is the Sleep Sort. Here time rather than the centrifugal force acts as the magnitude used for sorting.
Computational complexity is always defined with respect to some computational model. For example, an algorithm that's O(n) on a typical computer might be O(2n) if implemented in Brainfuck.
The centrifuge computational model has some interesting properties; for example:
it supports arbitrary parallelism; no matter how many particles are in the solution, they can all be sorted simultaneously.
it doesn't give a strict linear sort of particles by mass, but rather a very close (low-energy) approximation.
it's not feasible to examine the individual particles in the result.
it's not possible to sort particles by different properties; only mass is supported.
Given that we don't have the ability to implement something like this in general-purpose computing hardware, the model may not have practical relevance; but it can still be worth examining, to see if there's anything to be learned from it. Nondeterministic algorithms and quantum algorithms have both been active areas of research, for example, even though neither is actually implementable today.
The trick is there, that you only have a probability of sorting your list using a centrifuge. As with other real-world sorts [citation needed], you can change the probability that your have sorted your list, but never be certain without checking all the values (atoms).
Consider the question: "How long should you run your centrifuge for?"
If you only ran it for a picosecond, your sample may be less sorted than the initial state.. or if you ran it for a few days, it may be completely sorted. However, you wouldn't know without actually checking the contents.
A real world example of a computer based "ordering" would be autonomous drones that cooperatively work with each other, known as "drone swarms". The drones act and communicate both as individuals and as a group, and can track multiple targets. The drones collectively decide which drones will follow which targets and the obvious need to avoid collisions between drones. The early versions of this were drones that moved through way points while staying in formation, but the formation could change.
For a "sort", the drones could be programmed to form a line or pattern in a specific order, initially released in any permutation or shape, and collectively and in parallel they would quickly form the ordered line or pattern.
Getting back to a computer based sort, one issue is that there's one main memory bus, and there's no way for a large number of objects to move about in memory in parallel.
know the position of each element
In the case of a tape sort, the position of each element (record) is only "known" to the "tape", not to the computer. A tape based sort only needs to work with two elements at a time, and a way to denote run boundaries on a tape (file mark, or a record of different size).
IMHO, people overthink log(n). O(nlog(n)) IS practically O(n). And you need O(n) just to read the data.
Many algorithms such as quicksort do provide a very fast way to sort elements. You could implement variations of quicksort that would be very fast in practice.
Inherently all physical systems are infinitely parallel. You might have a buttload of atoms in a grain of sand, nature has enough computational power to figure out where each electron in each atom should be. So if you had enough computational resources (O(n) processors) you could sort n numbers in log(n) time.
From comments:
Given a physical processor that has k number of elements, it can achieve a parallelness of at most O(k). If you process n numbers arbitrarily, it would still process it at a rate related to k. Also, you could formulate this problem physically. You could create n steel balls with weights proportional to the number you want to encode, which could be solved by a centrifuge in a theory. But here the amount of atoms you are using is proportional to n. Whereas in a standard case you have a limited number of atoms in a processor.
Another way to think about this is, say you have a small processor attached to each number and each processor can communicate with its neighbors, you could sort all those numbers in O(log(n)) time.
I worked in an office summers after high school when I started college. I had studied in AP Computer Science, among other things, sorting and searching.
I applied this knowledge in several physical systems that I can recall:
Natural merge sort to start…
A system printed multipart forms including a file-card-sized tear off, which needed to be filed in a bank of drawers.
I started with a pile of them and sorted the pile to begin with. The first step is picking up 5 or so, few enough to be easily placed in order in your hand. Place the sorted packet down, criss-crossing each stack to keep them separate.
Then, merge each pair of stacks, producing a larger stack. Repeat until there is only one stack.
…Insertion sort to complete
It is easier to file the sorted cards, as each next one is a little farther down the same open drawer.
Radix sort
This one nobody else understood how I did it so fast, despite repeated tries to teach it.
A large box of check stubs (the size of punch cards) needs to be sorted. It looks like playing solitaire on a large table—deal out, stack up, repeat.
In general
30 years ago, I did notice what you’re asking about: the ideas transfer to physical systems quite directly because there are relative costs of comparisons and handling records, and levels of caching.
Going beyond well-understood equivalents
I recall an essay about your topic, and it brought up the spaghetti sort. You trim a length of dried noodle to indicate the key value, and label it with the record ID. This is O(n), simply processing each item once.
Then you grab the bundle and tap one end on the table. They align on the bottom edges, and they are now sorted. You can trivially take off the longest one, and repeat. The read-out is also O(n).
There are two things going on here in the “real world” that don’t correspond to algorithms. First, aligning the edges is a parallel operation. Every data item is also a processor (the laws of physics apply to it). So, in general, you scale the available processing with n, essentially dividing your classic complexity by a factor on n.
Second, how does aligning the edges accomplish a sort? The real sorting is in the read-out which lets you find the longest in one step, even though you did compare all of them to find the longest. Again, divide by a factor of n, so finding the largest is now O(1).
Another example is using analog computing: a physical model solves the problem “instantly” and the prep work is O(n). In principle the computation is scaling with the number of interacting components, not the number of prepped items. So the computation scales with n². The example I'm thinking of is a weighted multi-factor computation, which was done by drilling holes in a map, hanging weights from strings passing through the holes, and gathering all the strings on a ring.
Sorting is still O(n) total time. That it is faster than that is because of Parallelization.
You could view a centrifuge as a Bucketsort of n atoms, parallelized over n cores(each atom acts as a processor).
You can make sorting faster by parallelization but only by a constant factor because the number of processors is limited, O(n/C) is still O(n) (CPUs have usually < 10 cores and GPUs < 6000)
The centrifuge is not sorting the nodes, it applies applies a force to them then they react in parallel to it.
So if you were to implement a bubble sort where each node is moving itself in parallel up or down based on it's "density", you'd have a centrifuge implementation.
Keep in mind that in the real world you can run a very large amount of parallel tasks where in a computer you can have a maximum of real parallel tasks equals to the number of physical processing units.
In the end, you would also be limited with the access to the list of elements because it cannot be modified simultaneously by two nodes...
Would it be possible with some overhead on each node (some value or
method tacked on to each of the nodes) to 'force' the order of the
When we sort using computer programs we select a property of the values being sorted. That's commonly magnitude of the number or the alphabetical order.
Something like a centrifuge, where only each element cares about its
relative position in space (in relation to other nodes)
This analogy aptly reminds me of simple bubble sort. How smaller numbers bubble up in each iteration. Like your centrifuge logic.
So to answer this, don't we actually do something of that sort in software based sorting?
First of all, you are comparing two different contexts, one is logic(computer) and the other is physics which (so far) is proven that we can model some parts of it using mathematical formulas and we as programmers can use this formulas to simulate (some parts of) physics in the logic work (e.g physics engine in game engine).
Second We have some possibilities in the computer (logic) world that is nearly impossible in physics for example we can access memory and find the exact location of each entity at each time but in physics that is a huge problem Heisenberg's uncertainty principle.
Third If you want to map centrifuges and its operation in real world, to computer world, it is like someone (The God) has given you a super-computer with all the rules of physics applied and you are doing your small sorting in it (using centrifuge) and by saying that your sorting problem was solved in o(n) you are ignoring the huge physics simulation going on in background...
Consider: is "centrifuge sort" really scaling better? Think about what happens as you scale up.
The test tubes have to get longer and longer.
The heavy stuff has to travel further and further to get to the bottom.
The moment of inertia increases, requiring more power and longer times to accelerate up to sorting speed.
It's also worth considering other problems with centrifuge sort. For example, you can only operate on a narrow size scale. A computer sorting algorithm can handle integers from 1 to 2^1024 and beyond, no sweat. Put something that weighs 2^1024 times as much as a hydrogen atom into a centrifuge and, well, that's a black hole and the galaxy has been destroyed. The algorithm failed.
Of course the real answer here is that computational complexity is relative to some computational model, as mentioned in other answer. And "centrifuge sort" doesn't make sense in the context of common computational models, such as the RAM model or the IO model or multitape Turing machines.
Another perspective is that what you're describing with the centrifuge is analogous to what's been called the "spaghetti sort" ( Say you have a box of uncooked spaghetti rods of varying lengths. Hold them in your fist, and loosen your hand to lower them vertically so the ends are all resting on a horizontal table. Boom! They're sorted by height. O(constant) time. (Or O(n) if you include picking the rods out by height and putting them in a . . . spaghetti rack, I guess?)
You can note there that it's O(constant) in the number of pieces of spaghetti, but, due to the finite speed of sound in spaghetti, it's O(n) in the length of the longest strand. So nothing comes for free.

parallelize bisection

Consider the bisection algorithm to find square root. Every step depends on the previous, so in my opinion it's not possibile to parallelize it. Am I wrong?
Consider also similar algorithm like binary search.
My problem is not the bisection, but it is very similar. I have a monotonic function f(mu) and I need to find the mu where f(mu)<alpha. One core need 2 minutes to compute f(mu) and I need a very big precision. We have a farm of ~100 cores. My first attemp was to use only 1 core and then scan all value of f with a dynamic step, depending on how close I am to alpha. Now I want to use the whole farm, but my only idea is to compute 100 value of f at equal spaced points.
It depends on what you mean by parallelize, and at what granularity. For example you could use instruction level parallelism (e.g. SIMD) to find square roots for a set of input values.
Binary search is trickier, because the control flow is data-dependent, as is the number of iterations, but you could still conceivably perform a number of binary searches in parallel so long as you allow for the maximum number of iterations (log2 N).
Even if these algorithms could be parallelized (and I'm not sure they can), there is very little point in doing so.
Generally speaking, there is very little point in attempting to parallelize algorithms that already have sub-linear time bounds (that is, T < O(n)). These algorithms are already so fast that extra hardware will have very little impact.
Furthermore, it is not true (in general) that all algorithms with data dependencies cannot be parallelized. In some cases, for example, it is possible to set up a pipeline where different functional units operate in parallel and feed data sequentially between them. Image processing algorithms, in particular, are frequently amenable to such arrangements.
Problems with no such data dependencies (and thus no need to communicate between processors) are referred to as "embarrassingly parallel". Those problems represent a small subset of the space of all problems that can be parallelized.
Many algorithms have several steps that each step depend on previous step,Some those algorithm can changed steps to doing parallel and some impossible to parallel, I think BinarySearch is of second type, You not wrong, But you can paralleled binary search with multiple Search.

How do you evaluate the efficiency of an algorithm, if the problem space is underspecified?

There was a post on here recently which posed the following question:
You have a two-dimensional plane of (X, Y) coordinates. A bunch of random points are chosen. You need to select the largest possible set of chosen points, such that no two points share an X coordinate and no two points share a Y coordinate.
This is all the information that was provided.
There were two possible solutions presented.
One suggested using a maximum flow algorithm, such that each selected point maps to a path linking (source → X → Y → sink). This runs in O(V3) time, where V is the number of vertices selected.
Another (mine) suggested using the Hungarian algorithm. Create an n×n matrix of 1s, then set every chosen (x, y) coordinate to 0. The Hungarian algorithm will give you the lowest cost for this matrix, and the answer is the number of coordinates selected which equal 0. This runs in O(n3) time, where n is the greater of the number of rows or the number of columns.
My reasoning is that, for the vast majority of cases, the Hungarian algorithm is going to be faster; V is equal to n in the case where there's one chosen point for each row or column, and substantially greater for any case where there's more than that: given a 50×50 matrix with half the coordinates chosen, V is 1,250 and n is 50.
The counterargument is that there are some cases, like a 109×109 matrix with only two points selected, where V is 2 and n is 1,000,000,000. For this case, it takes the Hungarian algorithm a ridiculously long time to run, while the maximum flow algorithm is blinding fast.
Here is the question: Given that the problem doesn't provide any information regarding the size of the matrix or the probability that a given point is chosen (so you can't know for sure) how do you decide which algorithm, in general, is a better choice for the problem?
You can't, it's an imponderable.
You can only define which is better "in general" by defining what inputs you will see "in general". So for example you could whip up a probability model of the inputs, so that the expected value of V is a function of n, and choose the one with the best expected runtime under that model. But there may be arbitrary choices made in the construction of your model, so that different models give different answers. One model might choose co-ordinates at random, another model might look at the actual use-case for some program you're thinking of writing, and look at the distribution of inputs it will encounter.
You can alternatively talk about which has the best worst case (across all possible inputs with given constraints), which has the virtue of being easy to define, and the flaw that it's not guaranteed to tell you anything about the performance of your actual program. So for instance HeapSort is faster than QuickSort in the worst case, but slower in the average case. Which is faster? Depends whether you care about average case or worst case. If you don't care which case, you're not allowed to care which "is faster".
This is analogous to trying to answer the question "what is the probability that the next person you see will have an above (mean) average number of legs?".
We might implicitly assume that the next person you meet will be selected at random with uniform distribution from the human population (and hence the answer is "slightly less than one", since the mean is less than the mode average, and the vast majority of people are at the mode).
Or we might assume that your next meeting with another person is randomly selected with uniform distribution from the set of all meetings between two people, in which case the answer is still "slightly less than one", but I reckon not the exact same value as the first - one-and-zero-legged people quite possibly congregate with "their own kind" very slightly more than their frequency within the population would suggest. Or possibly they congregate less, I really don't know, I just don't see why it should be exactly the same once you take into account Veterans' Associations and so on.
Or we might use knowledge about you - if you live with a one-legged person then the answer might be "very slightly above 0".
Which of the three answers is "correct" depends precisely on the context which you are forbidding us from talking about. So we can't talk about which is correct.
Given that you don't know what each pill does, do you take the red pill or the blue pill?
If there really is not enough information to decide, there is not enough information to decide. Any guess is as good as any other.
Maybe, in some cases, it is possible to divine extra information to base the decision on. I haven't studied your example in detail, but it seems like the Hungarian algorithm might have higher memory requirements. This might be a reason to go with the maximum flow algorithm.
You don't. I think you illustrated that clearly enough. I think the proper practical solution is to spawn off both implementations in different threads, and then take the response that comes back first. If you're more clever, you can heuristically route requests to implementations.
Many algorithms require huge amounts of memory beyond the physical maximum of a machine, and in these cases, the algorithmically more ineffecient in time but efficient in space algorithm is chosen.
Given that we have distributed parallel computing, I say you just let both horses run and let the results speak for themselves.
This is a valid question, but there's no "right" answer — they are incomparable, so there's no notion of "better".
If your interest is practical, then you need to analyze the kinds of inputs that are likely to arise in practice, as well as the practical running times (constants included) of the two algorithms.
If your interest is theoretical, where worst-case analysis is often the norm, then, in terms of the input size, the O(V3) algorithm is better: you know that V ≤ n2, but you cannot polynomially bound n in terms of V, as you showed yourself. Of course the theoretical best algorithm is a hybrid algorithm that runs both and stops when whichever one of them finishes first, thus its running time would be O(min(V3,n3)).
Theoretically, they are both the same, because you actually compare how the number of operations grows when the size of the problem is increased to infinity.
The way your problem is defined, it has 2 sizes - n and number of points, so this question has no answer.

Programmatically obtaining Big-O efficiency of code

I wonder whether there is any automatic way of determining (at least roughly) the Big-O time complexity of a given function?
If I graphed an O(n) function vs. an O(n lg n) function I think I would be able to visually ascertain which is which; I'm thinking there must be some heuristic solution which enables this to be done automatically.
Any ideas?
Edit: I am happy to find a semi-automated solution, just wondering whether there is some way of avoiding doing a fully manual analysis.
It sounds like what you are asking for is an extention of the Halting Problem. I do not believe that such a thing is possible, even in theory.
Just answering the question "Will this line of code ever run?" would be very difficult if not impossible to do in the general case.
Edited to add:
Although the general case is intractable, see here for a partial solution:
Also, some have stated that doing the analysis by hand is the only option, but I don't believe that is really the correct way of looking at it. An intractable problem is still intractable even when a human being is added to the system/machine. Upon further reflection, I suppose that a 99% solution may be doable, and might even work as well as or better than a human.
You can run the algorithm over various size data sets, and you could then use curve fitting to come up with an approximation. (Just looking at the curve you create probably will be enough in most cases, but any statistical package has curve fitting).
Note that some algorithms exhibit one shape with small data sets, but another with large... and the definition of large remains a bit nebulous. This means that an algorithm with a good performance curve could have so much real world overhead that (for small data sets) it doesn't work as well as the theoretically better algorithm.
As far as code inspection techniques, none exist. But instrumenting your code to run at various lengths and outputting a simple file (RunSize RunLength would be enough) should be easy. Generating proper test data could be more complex (some algorithms work better/worse with partially ordered data, so you would want to generate data that represented your normal use-case).
Because of the problems with the definition of "what is large" and the fact that performance is data dependent, I find that static analysis often is misleading. When optimizing performance and selecting between two algorithms, the real world "rubber hits the road" test is the only final arbitrator I trust.
A short answer is that it's impossible because constants matter.
For instance, I might write a function that runs in O((n^3/k) + n^2). This simplifies to O(n^3) because as n approaches infinity, the n^3 term will dominate the function, irrespective of the constant k.
However, if k is very large in the above example function, the function will appear to run in almost exactly n^2 until some crossover point, at which the n^3 term will begin to dominate. Because the constant k will be unknown to any profiling tool, it will be impossible to know just how large a dataset to test the target function with. If k can be arbitrarily large, you cannot craft test data to determine the big-oh running time.
I am surprised to see so many attempts to claim that one can "measure" complexity by a stopwatch. Several people have given the right answer, but I think that there is still room to drive the essential point home.
Algorithm complexity is not a "programming" question; it is a "computer science" question. Answering the question requires analyzing the code from the perspective of a mathematician, such that computing the Big-O complexity is practically a form of mathematical proof. It requires a very strong understanding of the fundamental computer operations, algebra, perhaps calculus (limits), and logic. No amount of "testing" can be substituted for that process.
The Halting Problem applies, so the complexity of an algorithm is fundamentally undecidable by a machine.
The limits of automated tools applies, so it might be possible to write a program to help, but it would only be able to help about as much as a calculator helps with one's physics homework, or as much as a refactoring browser helps with reorganizing a code base.
For anyone seriously considering writing such a tool, I suggest the following exercise. Pick a reasonably simple algorithm, such as your favorite sort, as your subject algorithm. Get a solid reference (book, web-based tutorial) to lead you through the process of calculating the algorithm complexity and ultimately the "Big-O". Document your steps and results as you go through the process with your subject algorithm. Perform the steps and document your progress for several scenarios, such as best-case, worst-case, and average-case. Once you are done, review your documentation and ask yourself what it would take to write a program (tool) to do it for you. Can it be done? How much would actually be automated, and how much would still be manual?
Best wishes.
I am curious as to why it is that you want to be able to do this. In my experience when someone says: "I want to ascertain the runtime complexity of this algorithm" they are not asking what they think they are asking. What you are most likely asking is what is the realistic performance of such an algorithm for likely data. Calculating the Big-O of a function is of reasonable utility, but there are so many aspects that can change the "real runtime performance" of an algorithm in real use that nothing beats instrumentation and testing.
For example, the following algorithms have the same exact Big-O (wacky pseudocode):
example a:
huge_two_dimensional_array foo
for i = 0, i < foo[i].length, i++
for j = 0; j < foo[j].length, j++
do_something_with foo[i][j]
example b:
huge_two_dimensional_array foo
for j = 0, j < foo[j].length, j++
for i = 0; i < foo[i].length, i++
do_something_with foo[i][j]
Again, exactly the same big-O... but one of them uses row ordinality and one of them uses column ordinality. It turns out that due to locality of reference and cache coherency you might have two completely different actual runtimes, especially depending on the actual size of the array foo. This doesn't even begin to touch the actual performance characteristics of how the algorithm behaves if it's part of a piece of software that has some concurrency built in.
Not to be a negative nelly but big-O is a tool with a narrow scope. It is of great use if you are deep inside algorithmic analysis or if you are trying to prove something about an algorithm, but if you are doing commercial software development the proof is in the pudding, and you are going to want to have actual performance numbers to make intelligent decisions.
This could work for simple algorithms, but what about O(n^2 lg n), or O(n lg^2 n)?
You could get fooled visually very easily.
And if its a really bad algorithm, maybe it wouldn't return even on n=10.
Proof that this is undecidable:
Suppose that we had some algorithm HALTS_IN_FN(Program, function) which determined whether a program halted in O(f(n)) for all n, for some function f.
Let P be the following program:
Since the function and the program are fixed, HALTS_IN_FN on this input is constant time. If HALTS_IN_FN returns true, the program runs forever and of course does not halt in O(f(n)) for any f(n). If HALTS_IN_FN returns false, the program halts in O(1) time.
Thus, we have a paradox, a contradiction, and so the program is undecidable.
A lot of people have commented that this is an inherently unsolvable problem in theory. Fair enough, but beyond that, even solving it for any but the most trivial cases would seem to be incredibly difficult.
Say you have a program that has a set of nested loops, each based on the number of items in an array. O(n^2). But what if the inner loop is only run in a very specific set of circumstances? Say, on average, it's run in aprox log(n) cases. Suddenly our "obviously" O(n^2) algorithm is really O(n log n). Writing a program that could determine if the inner loop would be run, and how often, is potentially more difficult than the original problem.
Remember O(N) isn't god; high constants can and will change the playing field. Quicksort algorithms are O(n log n) of course, but when the recursion gets small enough, say down to 20 items or so, many implementations of quicksort will change tactics to a separate algorithm as it's actually quicker to do a different type of sort, say insertion sort with worse O(N), but much smaller constant.
So, understand your data, make educated guesses, and test.
I think it's pretty much impossible to do this automatically. Remember that O(g(n)) is the worst-case upper bound and many functions perform better than that for a lot of data sets. You'd have to find the worst-case data set for each one in order to compare them. That's a difficult task on its own for many algorithms.
You must also take care when running such benchmarks. Some algorithms will have a behavior heavily dependent on the input type.
Take Quicksort for example. It is a worst-case O(n²), but usually O(nlogn). For two inputs of the same size.
The traveling salesman is (I think, not sure) O(n²) (EDIT: the correct value is 0(n!) for the brute force algotithm) , but most algorithms get rather good approximated solutions much faster.
This means that the the benchmarking structure has to most of the time be adapted on an ad hoc basis. Imagine writing something generic for the two examples mentioned. It would be very complex, probably unusable, and likely will be giving incorrect results anyway.
Jeffrey L Whitledge is correct. A simple reduction from the halting problem proves that this is undecidable...
ALSO, if I could write this program, I'd use it to solve P vs NP, and have $1million... B-)
I'm using a big_O library (link here) that fits the change in execution time against independent variable n to infer the order of growth class O().
The package automatically suggests the best fitting class by measuring the residual from collected data against each class growth behavior.
Check the code in this answer.
Example of output,
Measuring .columns[::-1] complexity against rapid increase in # rows
Big O() fits: Cubic: time = -0.017 + 0.00067*n^3
Constant: time = 0.032 (res: 0.021)
Linear: time = -0.051 + 0.024*n (res: 0.011)
Quadratic: time = -0.026 + 0.0038*n^2 (res: 0.0077)
Cubic: time = -0.017 + 0.00067*n^3 (res: 0.0052)
Polynomial: time = -6.3 * x^1.5 (res: 6)
Logarithmic: time = -0.026 + 0.053*log(n) (res: 0.015)
Linearithmic: time = -0.024 + 0.012*n*log(n) (res: 0.0094)
Exponential: time = -7 * 0.66^n (res: 3.6)
I guess this isn't possible in a fully automatic way since the type and structure of the input differs a lot between functions.
Well, since you can't prove whether or not a function even halts, I think you're asking a little much.
Otherwise #Godeke has it.
I don't know what's your objective in doing this, but we had a similar problem in a course I was teaching. The students were required to implement something that works at a certain complexity.
In order not to go over their solution manually, and read their code, we used the method #Godeke suggested. The objective was to find students who used linked list instead of a balansed search tree, or students who implemented bubble sort instead of heap sort (i.e. implementations that do not work in the required complexity - but without actually reading their code).
Surprisingly, the results did not reveal students who cheated. That might be because our students are honest and want to learn (or just knew that we'll check this ;-) ). It is possible to miss cheating students if the inputs are small, or if the input itself is ordered or such. It is also possible to be wrong about students who did not cheat, but have large constant values.
But in spite of the possible errors, it is well worth it, since it saves a lot of checking time.
As others have said, this is theoretically impossible. But in practice, you can make an educated guess as to whether a function is O(n) or O(n^2), as long as you don't mind being wrong sometimes.
First time the algorithm, running it on input of various n. Plot the points on a log-log graph. Draw the best-fit line through the points. If the line fits all the points well, then the data suggests that the algorithm is O(n^k), where k is the slope of the line.
I am not a statistician. You should take all this with a grain of salt. But I have actually done this in the context of automated testing for performance regressions. The patch here contains some JS code for it.
If you have lots of homogenious computational resources, I'd time them against several samples and do linear regression, then simply take the highest term.
It's easy to get an indication (e.g. "is the function linear? sub-linear? polynomial? exponential")
It's hard to find the exact complexity.
For example, here's a Python solution: you supply the function, and a function that creates parameters of size N for it. You get back a list of (n,time) values to plot, or to perform regression analysis. It times it once for speed, to get a really good indication it would have to time it many times to minimize interference from environmental factors (e.g. with the timeit module).
import time
def measure_run_time(func, args):
start = time.time()
return time.time() - start
def plot_times(func, generate_args, plot_sequence):
return [
(n, measure_run_time(func, generate_args(n+1)))
for n in plot_sequence
And to use it to time bubble sort:
def bubble_sort(l):
for i in xrange(len(l)-1):
for j in xrange(len(l)-1-i):
if l[i+1] < l[i]:
l[i],l[i+1] = l[i+1],l[i]
import random
def gen_args_for_sort(list_length):
result = range(list_length) # list of 0..N-1
random.shuffle(result) # randomize order
# should return a tuple of arguments
return (result,)
# timing for N = 1000, 2000, ..., 5000
times = plot_times(bubble_sort, gen_args_for_sort, xrange(1000,6000,1000))
import pprint
This printed on my machine:
[(1000, 0.078000068664550781),
(2000, 0.34400010108947754),
(3000, 0.7649998664855957),
(4000, 1.3440001010894775),
(5000, 2.1410000324249268)]
