Stripping a string with a another string shell - bash

I am running a shell script and I have the following string:
keystore_location="/mnt/blumeta0/db2/keystore/keystore.p12" How do I fetch string before keystore: i.e /mnt/blumeta0/db2. I know how to strip on a single character delimiter and the path before keystore can change. I tried:
arrIN=(${keystore_location//\"keystore\"/ })

You want
echo $arrIn
The %% operator removes the longest match, reading from the right side of the string
Note that there are also operators
% --- remove first match from the right side of the string
# --- remove first match starting from the left side of the string
## --- remove longest match starting for the left side of the string.

$ keystore_location="/mnt/blumeta0/db2/keystore/keystore.p12"
$ echo "${keystore_location%%/keystore*}"
%%/keystore* removes the longest suffix matching /keystore* -which is a glob pattern- from $keystore_location.


extract substring between charachters in specific posittion

I got string as followed:
How can I extract the text between last two " - so I will get only lmno ?
I tried to use & but without success
echo ${sub_text&\"*}
This is easily done with parameter expansion.
First, delete that final quote with ${var%pattern}, which removes the shortest match for pattern from the end of $var:
result=${text%'"'} # result=\"abcdef\"gfijk\"lmno
Then, delete everything from the beginning up to the last remaining quote with ${var##pattern}, which removes the longest match for pattern from the beginning of $var:
result=${result##*'"'} # result=lmno
...and then you're there:
echo "$result"

Given String: approximateLastUseTime: '2019-10-15T16:56:07.082500Z', I need to extract everything after the T and before the Z (after the colon)

Given String:->
approximateLastUseTime: '2019-10-15T16:56:07.082500Z'
I need to extract everything after the T and before the Z (after the colon)
With bash, you can use substring operator, or prefix/suffix
# Using substring
echo ${T:11:15}
# Using prefix/suffix
echo "$T1"

adding a colon after every two letters in an alphanumeric string in shell

So i have an alphanumeric string 10006cc2190ab011 i am trying to add a colon after every two letters in this alphanumeric string.
this is the string : 10006cc2190ab011
i want it be - 10:00:6c:c2:19:0a:b0:11
Thanks in advance.
A sed solution:
$ echo 10006cc2190ab011 | sed 's/../&:/g; s/:$//'
Replaces each non-overlapping pair of characters with the same pair plus :. In the end removes the trailing : (if input text had even length).
str=10006cc2190ab011; str="${str//??/${.sh.match}:}"; echo ${str%:}
is doing the same replacement without the use of an external command, just using ksh-internals.
Doing the same as in sed (the other answer). Replace in $str every // two charactes ?? with / the matched string and a : (every match is kept in the ksh-variable ${.sh.match}). Then print $str without the last % ':'.

BASH - Capture string between a FIXED and 2 possible variables

To get what is between "aa=" and either % or empty
string = "aa=value%bb"
string2 = "bb=%aa=value"
The rule must work on both strings to get the value of "aa="
I would like a BASH LANGUAGE solution if possible.
Use this:
result=$(echo "$string" | grep -o 'aa=[^%]*')
result=${result:3} # remove aa=
[^%]* matches any sequence of characters that doesn't contain %, so it will stop when it gets to % or the end of the string. $(result:3} expands to the substring starting from character 3, which removes aa= from the beginning.

How do prevent whitespace from appearing in these bash variables?

I'm reading in values from an .ini file, and sometimes may get trailing or leading whitespace.
How do I amend this first line to prevent that?
db=$(sed -n 's/.*DB_USERNAME *= *\([^ ]*.*\)/\1/p' < config.ini);
echo -"$db"-
-myinivar -
I need;
Use parameter expansion.
echo "=${db% }="
You don't need the .* inside the capturing group (or the semicolon at the end of line):
db="$(sed -n 's/.*DB_USERNAME *= *\([^ ]*\).*/\1/p' < config.ini)"
To elaborate:
.* matches anything at all
DB_USERNAME matches that literal string
* (a single space followed by an asterisk) matches any number of spaces
= matches that literal string
* (a single space followed by an asterisk) matches any number of spaces
\( starts the capturing group that is used for \1 later
[^ ] matches anything which is not a space character
* repeats that zero or more times
\) ends the capturing group
.* matches anything at all
Therefore, the result will be all the characters after DB_USERNAME = and any number of spaces, up to the next space or end of line, whichever comes first.
You can use echo to trim whitespace:
db='myinivar '
echo -"$(echo $db)"-
Use crudini which handles these ini file edge cases transparently
db=$(crudini --get config.ini '' DB_USERNAME)
To get rid of more than one trailing space, use %% which removes the longest matching pattern from the end of the string
echo "=${db%% *}="
