BASH - Capture string between a FIXED and 2 possible variables - bash

To get what is between "aa=" and either % or empty
string = "aa=value%bb"
string2 = "bb=%aa=value"
The rule must work on both strings to get the value of "aa="
I would like a BASH LANGUAGE solution if possible.

Use this:
result=$(echo "$string" | grep -o 'aa=[^%]*')
result=${result:3} # remove aa=
[^%]* matches any sequence of characters that doesn't contain %, so it will stop when it gets to % or the end of the string. $(result:3} expands to the substring starting from character 3, which removes aa= from the beginning.


How to convert a semantic version shell variable to a shifted integer?

Given a shell variable whose value is a semantic version, how can I create another shell variable whose value is (tuple 1 × 1000000) + (tuple 2 × 1000) + (tuple 3) ?
$ FOO=1.2.3
$ BAR=#shell magic that, given ${FOO} returns `1002003`
# Shell-native string-manipulation? sed? ...?
I'm unclear about how POSIX-compliance vs. shell-specific syntax comes into play here, but I think a solution not bash-specific is preferred.
Update: To clarify: this isn't as straightforward as replacing "." with zero(es), which was my initial thought.
E.g. The desired output for 1.12.30 is 1012030, not 100120030, which is what a .-replacement approach might provide.
Bonus if the answer can be a one-liner variable-assignment.
A perl one-liner:
echo $FOO | perl -pne 's/\.(\d+)/sprintf "%03d", $1/eg'
How it works:
perl -pne does a REPL with the supplied program
The program contains a replacement function s///
The search string is the regex \.(\d+) which matches a string beginning with dot and ends with digits and capture those digits
The e modifier of the s/// function evaluates the right-hand side of the s/// replacement as an expression. Since we captured the digits, they'll be converted into int and formatted into leading zeros with sprintf
The g modifier replaces all instances of the regex in the input string
Split on dots, then loop and multiply/add:
# Split on dots instead of spaces from now on
# Loop over each number and accumulate
for n in $version
int=$((int*1000 + n))
echo "$version is $int"
Be aware that this treats 1.2 and 0.1.2 the same. If you want to always treat the first number as major/million, consider padding/truncating beforehand.
This should do it
echo $foo | sed 's/\./00/g'
How about this?
$ ver=1.12.30
$ foo=$(bar=($(echo $ver|sed 's/\./ /g')); expr ${bar[0]} \* 1000000 + ${bar[1]} \* 1000 + ${bar[2]})
$ echo $foo

Ruby: How to insert three backslashes into a string?

I want to use backticks in ruby for a programm call.
The parameter is a String variable containing one or more backticks, i.e.
"&E?##A`?". The following command yields a new label as its return value:
echo "&E?##A\`?" | nauty-labelg 2>/dev/null
From a ruby program I can call it as follows and get the correct result:
new_label = `echo "&E?##A\\\`?" | nauty-labelg 2>/dev/null`
I want to achieve the same using a variable for the label.
So I have to insert three slashes into my variable label = "&E?##A`?" in order to escape the backtick. The following seems to work, though it is not very elegant:
escaped_label = label.gsub(/`/, '\\\`').gsub(/`/, '\\\`').gsub(/`/, '\\\`')
But the new variable cannot be used in the program call:
new_label = `echo "#{escaped_label}" | nauty-labelg 2>/dev/null`
In this case I do not get an answer from nauty-labelg.
So I have to insert three slashes into my variable label = "&E?##A`?" in order to escape the backtick.
No, you only need to add one backslash for the output. To escape the ` special bash character. The other other two are only for representation proposes, otherwise it isn't valid Ruby code.
new_label = `echo "&E?##A\\\`?" | nauty-labelg 2>/dev/null`
The first backslash will escape the second one (outputting one single backslash). The third backslash escapes the ` character (outputting one single `).
You should only add backslashes before characters that have a special meaning within double quoted bash context. These special characters are: $, `, \ and \n. Those can be escaped with the following code:
def escape_bash_string(string)
string.gsub(/([$`"\\\n])/, '\\\\\1')
For label = "&E?##A`?" only the ` should be escaped.
escaped_string = escape_bash_string("&E?##A\`?")
puts escaped_string
# &E?##A\`?

Build a variable made with 2 sub-stings of another variable in bash

Here is a script I use:
for dir in $(find . -type d -name "single_copy_busco_sequences"); do
sppname=$(dirname $(dirname $(dirname $dir))| sed 's#./##g');
for file in ${dir}/*.faa; do name=$(basename $file); cp $file /Users/admin/Documents/busco_aa/${sppname}_${name}; sed -i '' 's#>#>'${sppname}'|#g' /Users/admin/Documents/busco_aa/${sppname}_${name}; cut -f 1 -d ":" /Users/admin/Documents/busco_aa/${sppname}_${name} > /Users/admin/Documents/busco_aa/${sppname}_${name}.1;
The sppname variable is something like Gender_species
do you know how could I add a line in my script to creat a new variable called abbrev which transformes Gender_species into Genspe, the 3 first letters cat with the 3 first letters after _
Homo_sapiens gives Homsap
Canis_lupus gives Canlup
Thank for your help :)
You can achieve this using a regular expression with sed:
echo "Homo_sapiens" | sed -e s'/^\(...\).*_\(...\).*/\1\2/'
start, get 3 chars (to keep in \1), anything, _, anything, get 3 chars (to keep in \2), anything
Replace echo "Homo_sapiens" by your $dir thing
PS: will fail if you have less than 3 chars in one word
You can do it all with bash built-in parameter expansions. Specifically, string indexes and substring removal.
$ a=Homo_sapiens; prefix=${a:0:3}; a=${a#*_}; postfix=${a:0:3}; echo $prefix$postfix
$ a=Canis_lupus; prefix=${a:0:3}; a=${a#*_}; postfix=${a:0:3}; echo $prefix$postfix
Using bash built-ins is always more efficient than spawning separate subshell(s) to invoke utilities to accomplish the same thing.
Your string index form (bash only) allows you to index characters from within a string, e.g.
* ${parameter:offset:length} ## indexes are zero based, ${a:0:2} is 1st 2 chars
Where parameter is simply the variable name holding the string.
(you can index from the end of a string by using a negative offset preceded by a space or enclosed in parenthesis, e.g. a=12345; echo ${a: -3:2} outputs "34")
prefix=${a:0:3} ## save the first 3 characters in prefix
a=${a#*_} ## remove the front of the string through '_' (see below)
postfix=${a:0:3} ## save the first 3 characters after '_'
Your substring removal forms (POSIX) are:
${parameter#word} trim to 1st occurrence of word from parameter from left
${parameter##word} trim to last occurrence of word from parameter from left
${parameter%word} trim to 1st occurrence of word from parameter from right
${parameter%%word} trim to last occurrence of word from parameter from right
(word can contain globbing to expand to a pattern as well)
a=${a#*_} ## trim from left up to (and including) the first '_'
See bash(1) - Linux manual page for full details.

adding a colon after every two letters in an alphanumeric string in shell

So i have an alphanumeric string 10006cc2190ab011 i am trying to add a colon after every two letters in this alphanumeric string.
this is the string : 10006cc2190ab011
i want it be - 10:00:6c:c2:19:0a:b0:11
Thanks in advance.
A sed solution:
$ echo 10006cc2190ab011 | sed 's/../&:/g; s/:$//'
Replaces each non-overlapping pair of characters with the same pair plus :. In the end removes the trailing : (if input text had even length).
str=10006cc2190ab011; str="${str//??/${.sh.match}:}"; echo ${str%:}
is doing the same replacement without the use of an external command, just using ksh-internals.
Doing the same as in sed (the other answer). Replace in $str every // two charactes ?? with / the matched string and a : (every match is kept in the ksh-variable ${.sh.match}). Then print $str without the last % ':'.

How do prevent whitespace from appearing in these bash variables?

I'm reading in values from an .ini file, and sometimes may get trailing or leading whitespace.
How do I amend this first line to prevent that?
db=$(sed -n 's/.*DB_USERNAME *= *\([^ ]*.*\)/\1/p' < config.ini);
echo -"$db"-
-myinivar -
I need;
Use parameter expansion.
echo "=${db% }="
You don't need the .* inside the capturing group (or the semicolon at the end of line):
db="$(sed -n 's/.*DB_USERNAME *= *\([^ ]*\).*/\1/p' < config.ini)"
To elaborate:
.* matches anything at all
DB_USERNAME matches that literal string
* (a single space followed by an asterisk) matches any number of spaces
= matches that literal string
* (a single space followed by an asterisk) matches any number of spaces
\( starts the capturing group that is used for \1 later
[^ ] matches anything which is not a space character
* repeats that zero or more times
\) ends the capturing group
.* matches anything at all
Therefore, the result will be all the characters after DB_USERNAME = and any number of spaces, up to the next space or end of line, whichever comes first.
You can use echo to trim whitespace:
db='myinivar '
echo -"$(echo $db)"-
Use crudini which handles these ini file edge cases transparently
db=$(crudini --get config.ini '' DB_USERNAME)
To get rid of more than one trailing space, use %% which removes the longest matching pattern from the end of the string
echo "=${db%% *}="
