Current version of Anaconda is not able to install the Spyder in a virtual Environment. I have tried it using Anaconda Prompt as well Anaconda Navigator
Is this some kind of bug. I updated the python 3.6 to 3.7 and the mentioned problem is prevailing since then
I have tried using Anaconda Navigator > Environment > Create > used App install to install Spyder version of 3.3.3
conda install -c conda-forge spyder
conda install -c conda-forge/label/cf201901 spyder
conda install -c conda-forge/label/beta spyder
I just installed basemap using
conda install -c conda-forge basemap=1.0.8.dev0
conda install -c conda-forge basemap
in the Anaconda prompt but after that I was not able to launch neither Spyder nor Anaconda Navigator. I tried all trick provided here in Stackoverflow but none of them working. Any advice?
Shall I re-install the entire Anaconda without loss my libraries and packages?
(Spyder maintainer here) Mixing conda-forge and default packages is a really bad idea because they are compiled differently. That's the root cause of the problem you're experiencing here.
Shall I re-install the entire Anaconda without loss my libraries and packages?
Yes, I'm afraid you have to do that because you have corrupted your installation.
Any advice?
The solution is to create a separate conda environment to install conda-forge packages, like this
conda create -n basemap-env
source activate basemap-env
conda install -c conda-forge basemap=1.0.8.dev0 spyder
and start Spyder from that environment.
Anaconda Navigator is crashing after lauching Jupyter Notebook from the Anaconda Navigator and installing pandas-datareader “conda install -c conda-forge pandas-datareader”.
What is causing this?
you might using an old version of navigator. Please update to the latest version.
$ conda update anaconda-navigator
$ conda install navigator-updater
Good day,
My colleague asked my to install Anaconda and mayavi and I am novice with this topic and I decided to do the tasks on a new ubuntu installation
Here are my tasks before my issue
I fresh installed a Ubuntu 16.04
I ran all update apt-get update/upgrade
I created an user account (anna) and add it in sudo group
I loged into anna account
I downloaded for python 2.7
I installed with the command sudo bash
I installed anaconda in /opt/anaconda2 instead to the /home/anna/anaconda2 (for all user usage) and I say YES to have the line export PATH="/opt/anaconda2/bin:$PATH" in .bashrc file of anna
I run source /home/anna/.bashrc
After the anaconda installation, I could see a successful message regarding the installation
Now my colleague asked me to install mayavi and she provided me the following link mayavi
Then I simply enter the following command
conda install -c anaconda mayavi=4.5.0
And here start my problem. I can not well understand the conflict but apparently there is a conflict and I have no idea how to solve it. Here is the command and the message
anna#pc17:~$ conda install -c anaconda mayavi=4.5.0
Fetching package metadata ...........
Solving package specifications: .
UnsatisfiableError: The following specifications were found to be in conflict:
- mayavi 4.5.0* -> pyqt 4.* -> qt >=4.8.6,<5.0
- mayavi 4.5.0* -> pyqt 4.* -> sip >=4.16.4,<4.18
- navigator-updater -> pyqt >=5.6 -> qt 5.6.*
Use "conda info <package>" to see the dependencies for each package.
I have no idea what does mean the above message and how to solve me problem.
Is there depencies that I have to additionally install?
For information the above command return me this:
anna#cryospc17:~$ python --version
Python 2.7.13 :: Anaconda 4.4.0 (64-bit)
anna#cryospc17:~$ python3 --version
Python 3.5.2
Did I correctly try t install mayavi?
Thank a lot for any help you can provide me
To complete the install of mayavi, you have to first install the following depence
conda install -c anaconda vtk=6.3.0
conda install -c anaconda pyside=1.2.1
Then install mayavi
conda install -c anaconda mayavi=4.5.0
It may possible, you have to remove pyqt
conda uninstall pyqt
We finally could install anaconda and mayavi sucessfully.
I hope it help
This might be helpfull to others. It must be anaconda for python 2.7 currently and the follows worked.
Install anaconda for python 2.7, then try the follows:
conda uninstall pyqt
conda uninstall navigator-updater
conda install pyqt=4
conda install vtk
conda install envisage
conda install pyside
conda install apptools=4.4.0
conda install mayavi
Finally has been released Tensorflow for Windows. I have installed latest version of tensorflow on windows from official repo with
pip install --upgrade
But is unclear how to configure it to work with Anaconda environment, since part of the official online documentation is outdated and doesn't show the right syntax to link my Tensorflow installation to Anaconda environment on Windows so that I can use Tensorflow with Spyder in this OS without any Virtual Machine.
Tensorflow is available for Windows but at this time hasn't been uploaded to conda package manager, however you can install it using pip. If you have a default Python installation and Anaconda use its own Python distribution you have to use integrated Python distribution in Anaconda launching Anaconda Prompt
If installer haven't created the Anaconda Prompt link, the command is
%windir%\system32\cmd.exe "/K" "C:\Program Files\Anaconda3\Scripts\activate.bat" "C:\Program Files\Anaconda3"
(obviously adjust path if you have installed Anaconda in a different directory).
In the Anaconda Prompt launch:
-> For CPU version
pip install --upgrade
-> For GPU version
pip install --upgrade
Done this you should be able to use Tensorflow in Anaconda environment, otherwise Tensorflow will be installed in your default Python environment and is not visible in Anaconda that by default uses a separated Python setup.
Try this:
pip install tensorflow
then, if you want the GPU version,
pip install --upgrade
I am trying to install Kivy in Anaconda 3 4.1.1 in Windows 7. But I couldn't find a proper user guide to instruct me how to do so. But so far I was able to find instructions to install it on OS X on the link But I couldn't find a one for Windows operating systems.
Can anyone provide me with instructions on how to install Kivy in Anaconda?
Use anaconda search for search the package names and conda install to install:
anaconda search -t conda kivy
For Windows:
conda install -c krisvanneste kivy=1.8.0
For Linux:
conda install -c moritzimend kivy=1.9.0
For Mac:
conda install -c akode kivy=1.9.1
Kivy now has official Anaconda releases on all platforms. You can install it with:
conda install kivy -c conda-forge
conda install --channel kivy
this will work fine.