conflict while installing mayavi into anaconda - anaconda

Good day,
My colleague asked my to install Anaconda and mayavi and I am novice with this topic and I decided to do the tasks on a new ubuntu installation
Here are my tasks before my issue
I fresh installed a Ubuntu 16.04
I ran all update apt-get update/upgrade
I created an user account (anna) and add it in sudo group
I loged into anna account
I downloaded for python 2.7
I installed with the command sudo bash
I installed anaconda in /opt/anaconda2 instead to the /home/anna/anaconda2 (for all user usage) and I say YES to have the line export PATH="/opt/anaconda2/bin:$PATH" in .bashrc file of anna
I run source /home/anna/.bashrc
After the anaconda installation, I could see a successful message regarding the installation
Now my colleague asked me to install mayavi and she provided me the following link mayavi
Then I simply enter the following command
conda install -c anaconda mayavi=4.5.0
And here start my problem. I can not well understand the conflict but apparently there is a conflict and I have no idea how to solve it. Here is the command and the message
anna#pc17:~$ conda install -c anaconda mayavi=4.5.0
Fetching package metadata ...........
Solving package specifications: .
UnsatisfiableError: The following specifications were found to be in conflict:
- mayavi 4.5.0* -> pyqt 4.* -> qt >=4.8.6,<5.0
- mayavi 4.5.0* -> pyqt 4.* -> sip >=4.16.4,<4.18
- navigator-updater -> pyqt >=5.6 -> qt 5.6.*
Use "conda info <package>" to see the dependencies for each package.
I have no idea what does mean the above message and how to solve me problem.
Is there depencies that I have to additionally install?
For information the above command return me this:
anna#cryospc17:~$ python --version
Python 2.7.13 :: Anaconda 4.4.0 (64-bit)
anna#cryospc17:~$ python3 --version
Python 3.5.2
Did I correctly try t install mayavi?
Thank a lot for any help you can provide me

To complete the install of mayavi, you have to first install the following depence
conda install -c anaconda vtk=6.3.0
conda install -c anaconda pyside=1.2.1
Then install mayavi
conda install -c anaconda mayavi=4.5.0
It may possible, you have to remove pyqt
conda uninstall pyqt
We finally could install anaconda and mayavi sucessfully.
I hope it help

This might be helpfull to others. It must be anaconda for python 2.7 currently and the follows worked.
Install anaconda for python 2.7, then try the follows:
conda uninstall pyqt
conda uninstall navigator-updater
conda install pyqt=4
conda install vtk
conda install envisage
conda install pyside
conda install apptools=4.4.0
conda install mayavi


How to install opencv on windows

I want to install face_recognition package on windows using anaconda prompt, however the official documentation says, "Windows not officially supported, but might work".
I'm getting error of OpenCV(dlib) while trying to install face_recognition.
Any help will be appreciated!
I solved my problem by the following commands:
Downgrade python for compatibility.
conda install python=3.6.0
Install dlib from conda-forge
conda install -c conda-forge dlib
Install face_recognition pkg with --no-dependencies flag to avoid installation of dlib as dependency
pip install --no-dependencies face_recognition

getting unsatisfiable error while installing mxnet on windows. I am using ANACONDA 5.1.0 VERSION AND PYTHON 3.5.3 VERSION

I wanted to install MXNET using commands conda install -c anaconda mxnet and conda install mxnet, but I am getting unsatisfiable error as show in images.
'conda install -c anaconda mxnet':
'conda install mxnet':
You can find the install instruction on the website:
Select your preferred configuration, for example on windows, install mxnet using
pip install mxnet

Installing tensorflow on anaconda/mac?

I can not find a solution to install tensorflow on anaconda/mac.
When i try: conda install tensorflow,
I get:
UnsatisfiableError: The following specifications were found to be in conflict:
- blaze -> numba -> numpy=1.13
- tensorflow
Use "conda info " to see the dependencies for each package.
I tried reinstalling numpy, and could not find any relevant documentation.
On mac use following command:
conda install -c conda-forge tensorflow
This will install the latest Tensorflow on your system. if you wish to upgrade it to newer version then you can use the following command
conda update -f -c conda-forge tensorflow
I have had success installing tensorflow through pip...
pip install tensorflow
or, if you have all of the proper libraries...
pip install tensorflow-gpu
But if you have already removed numpy form the anaconda install, you might be in for a long day because almost all of the numeric packages require it. If the above pip install doesn't work, you might want to start from a clean anaconda install.
I have installed tensorflow using -
pip install tensorflow
Or, you can use Anaconda in following way -
Open Anaconda Navigator
On Left side go to Environments
Create a new environment (eg :- tensorflow_tf), select python 3.7
then select Not installed and Search "tensorflow"
click on tensorflow and apply

Tensorflow installation on Windows 10, error 'Not a supported wheel on this platform'

This question is for a Windows 10 laptop. I'm currently trying to install tensorflow, however, when I run:
pip install --ignore-installed --upgrade
I get the following error:
tensorflow-1.0.0-cp35-cp35m-win_x86_64.whl is not a supported wheel on this platform.
I am trying to install the cpu-version only of tensorflow in an Anaconda 4.3.0 version. I had python 3.6.0 and then I downgraded to 3.5.0, none of them worked.
I also had same problem when I installed anaconda 4.3 version
Here is my solution.
Instead of using Anaconda3 4.3, install Anaconda3 4.2(Anaconda3-4.2.0-Windows-x86_64.exe)
Type on command line(If you are using GPU version)
pip install -U --ignore-installed --upgrade
Typeon command line(If you are using CPU only)
pip install -U --ignore-installed --upgrade
I'm working on win10 with python version=3.5.2, 64 bit
You can use same version of anaconda and execute this command
conda create -n tensorflow python=3.5
activate tensorflow
pip install tensorflow-gpu
It worked for conda 4.0.8
So are you sure you correctly downgraded your python? Run this command on command line pip -V. This should print the pip version and the python version.
Inside your Anaconda environment, try running this:
pip install --upgrade tensorflow
This will do the job. The issue was discussed here also.
Here is the screenshot of how this helped me:
If you have python3 on Windows insatalled, you can use the following command(non GPU):
pip install --upgrade
Worked for me.

Installing Kivy in Anaconda

I am trying to install Kivy in Anaconda 3 4.1.1 in Windows 7. But I couldn't find a proper user guide to instruct me how to do so. But so far I was able to find instructions to install it on OS X on the link But I couldn't find a one for Windows operating systems.
Can anyone provide me with instructions on how to install Kivy in Anaconda?
Use anaconda search for search the package names and conda install to install:
anaconda search -t conda kivy
For Windows:
conda install -c krisvanneste kivy=1.8.0
For Linux:
conda install -c moritzimend kivy=1.9.0
For Mac:
conda install -c akode kivy=1.9.1
Kivy now has official Anaconda releases on all platforms. You can install it with:
conda install kivy -c conda-forge
conda install --channel kivy
this will work fine.
