Trying to run scala (lexer/parser) project from terminal "command not found" - macos

I'm trying to run my scala lexer/parser program from the terminal but haven't been successful. Please help. I'm very new to commands from the terminal.
I have scala installed. I don't know if I have to set the path for it to work or if I simply wrote the command to run it wrong. I have searched many possibilities but no success. I also checked if there is a problem with sbt, which I think I have also installed.
Gladicitas-MacBook:~ david$ cd Desktop
Gladicitas-MacBook:Desktop david$ cd TestIt
Gladicitas-MacBook:TestIt david$ ls
Files project src
build.sbt scala target
Gladicitas-MacBook:TestIt david$ cd src
Gladicitas-MacBook:src david$ >scala
-bash: command not found


bash 3rdparty/osx/

I am trying to follow these installation instructions:
for installing OpenPose on Mac.
I have a Mac M1, running Big Sir. When I try to do step 3, and run this in terminal: (I'm in the openpose folder that was created when I installed CMake, where there is a 3rdparty folder)
bash 3rdparty/osx/
I get:
No such file or directory
also step 4 doesn't work, i run this in the command line in terminal:
~~protoc src/caffe/proto/caffe.proto --cpp_out=. mkdir include/caffe/proto mv src/caffe/proto/caffe.pb.h include/caffe/proto~~
I get
zsh: command not found: ~~protoc
Does anyone know why I am getting these errors? I "Cloned the repository in the target folder". I "Install CMake GUI" the old fashioned way. I ran and it installed.
brew install caffe
Replace with: bash scripts/osx/
The file to be executed is When I perform $ find . -name osx it is found in openpose/scripts/. So just run bash scripts/osx/

Error during installation of omnetpp on MAC(5.6.1)

I found couple of answers but none of them was helpful, I downloaded omnetpp for MAC (omnetpp-5.6.1-src-macosx.tar) if i open the IDE directly I get "“Omnetpp” is damaged and can’t be opened." I tried installing it like 5 times. I found that I should execute setenv, I got this error "Error: not a login shell -- run this script as 'source setenv' or '. setenv'"
Can someone please help me with the steps to install/use omnetpp? Thank you so much in advance.
As the error message suggests:
first open a terminal window
change to the omnetpp installation directory i.e. cd ~/omnetpp-5.6.1 or similar.
source setenv
make -j4
You have to put the "omnetpp-5.6.1" directory right in the home path: i.e. ~/Users/yourname
Open the "doc" directory in "omnetpp-5.6.1" directory and there you can see an installation guide which helps you what to do step by step.
Do the instruction. be careful writing the command ./configure it may not work. If it doesn't you should use ./configure WITH_TKENV=no WITH_QTENV=no instead of that.
Also before you run $ make command in terminal you have to run $ . setenv .
I did the instruction but I couldn't run the software yet, then I noticed that the problem is my java version!
$java -version
in your terminal it will show you the actual version your system is using, It must be java8 for running this software if it's not, try to downgrade or upgrade it to java8
I hope it helps you! GL!

Sencha CMD Linux command not found

I'm trying to install Sencha-Cmd- in xUbuntu.
I downloaded and unzipped it to my desktop.
I installed Java by executing sudo apt-get install default-jdk -y.
Then I executed ./ The installation window appeared and I successfully went through the process.
Upon completion, I typed in sencha at the command prompt but I got a command not found error.
Sencha is probably not in your $PATH, I'm not sure where it installs but probably somewhere in your home directory. Make sure the Sencha install directory is not in your $PATH by issueing the following command in your terminal
echo $PATH
Assuming you use bash and sencha is now your $PATH, add, for example, this to your ~/.bashrc
export PATH=$PATH:~/sencha/cmd/
You need to find the correct path yourlself. That should do the trick.

Installing Symfony 2 on Mac

I am new with Symfony and I cannot manage to install it on my MAC book pro (version 10.9.5).
I go the the Terminal and execute this code (as explained but in a folder "symphony" I created in MyDocuments):
MacBook-Pro-de-Sophie:~ sophiejarlier$ cd Documents
MacBook-Pro-de-Sophie:Documents sophiejarlier$ sudo curl -LsS -o /symfony
MacBook-Pro-de-Sophie:Documents sophiejarlier$
But nothing has been installed, the folder symphony is empty... Should I install something else before? I am lost...
Thanks for your help.
You are new in terminal also. What you done is just you downloaded symfony installer in your main root directory / where is main stuff like /var, /usr etc.
You forgotten the installation part.
Move your symfony installer (just downloaded) using :
$ sudo mv /symfony /usr/local/bin/symfony
Give execution permissions :
$ sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/symfony
Then, go (open a terminal) in your webserver directory (default /Library/WebServer/Documents).
And do your install by executing the following command :
$ symfony new name_of_your_project
Your project is created in the folder name_of_your_project of your current directory.
All the instructions are coming from the documentation

Cmake -version always picking up older version of the software

I am trying to install Gflags which inturn requires Cmake 2.8.12 or above. I currently have Cmake 2.8.11 and i tried to install the latest version. Installation went thru without any problem, but when I run cmake -version, i still see the older version. I have tried rebooting my machine.
Hardware : MAC 10.9
looks like a newer version of binary cmake placed in the $PATH after the old one or not in the $PATH at all. To check what verstion takes precedence try in bash command prompt:
$ which cmake
to see other versions:
$ whereis cmake
fix your PATH accordingly (in system-wide profile or your personal ~/.bashrc) and reload bash by exec bash or close and reopen terminal window.
Anyway, you always may execute cmake by full (absolute) path:
$ cd your-project-src
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ /full/path/to/cmake ..
