How can i return rejected from async-await? - async-await

I would like to return rejected, when fetch request is fail. How can i reject async await?
class FetchUrl {
static async getJson(api) {
try {
const response = await fetch(api);
if (response.ok) {
const questions = await response.json();
return questions;
} catch (error) {
throw new Error("Request Failed!");
FetchUrl.getJson(this.api).then((resolved) => {
// this sampe of code is executing even fetch is rejected.. what can i do
to avoid it?
}, rejected => {


Graphql - universal permission guards

I am trying to implement permission guards in a graphql backend using apollo server. The following code works:
const Notification = require('../../database/models/notifications');
const Task = require('../../database/models/tasks');
notification: combineResolvers(isNotificationOwner, async (_, { id }) => {
try {
const notification = await Notification.findById(id);
return notification;
} catch (error) {
throw error;
task: combineResolvers(isTaskOwner, async (_, { id }) => {
try {
const task = await Task.findById(id);
return task;
} catch (error) {
throw error;
Resolver Middleware (permission guards)
const Notification = require('../../database/models/notifications');
const Task = require('../../database/models/tasks');
// userId is the id of the logged in user retrieved from the context
module.exports.isNotificationOwner = async (_, { id }, { userId }) => {
try {
const notification = await Notification.findById(id);
if (notification.user.toString() !== userId) {
throw new ForbiddenError('You are not the owner');
return skip;
} catch (error) {
throw error;
module.exports.isTaskOwner = async (_, { id }, { userId }) => {
try {
const task = await Task.findById(id);
if (task.user.toString() !== userId) {
throw new ForbiddenError('You are not the owner');
return skip;
} catch (error) {
throw error;
Going on like this will create a lot of duplicate code and does not feel very DRY. Therefore, I am trying to create a more universal solution, to no evail so far.
What I tried:
const Notification = require('../../database/models/notifications');
const Task = require('../../database/models/tasks');
notification: combineResolvers(isOwner, async (_, { id }) => {
try {
const notification = await Notification.findById(id);
return notification;
} catch (error) {
throw error;
task: combineResolvers(isOwner, async (_, { id }) => {
try {
const task = await Task.findById(id);
return task;
} catch (error) {
throw error;
Resolver Middleware
const Notification = require('../../database/models/notifications');
const Task = require('../../database/models/tasks');
module.exports.isOwner = async (_, { id, collection }, { userId }) => {
try {
const document = await collection.findById(id);
if (document.user.toString() !== userId) {
throw new ForbiddenError('You are not the owner');
return skip;
} catch (error) {
throw error;
I am unable to pass a collection name as an argument to the middleware resolver.
I would be tremendously thankful for any kind of help!
Based off your code, it seems like you're looking for making isOwner a higher-order function, so that you can pass in the collection, and it returns the curried method.
module.exports.isOwner = (collection) => {
return async (_, { id }, { userId }) => {
try {
const document = await collection.findById(id);
if (document.user.toString() !== userId) {
throw new ForbiddenError('You are not the owner');
return skip;
} catch (error) {
throw error;
const resolvers = {
Query: {
task: combineResolvers(isOwner(Task), async (_, { id }) => {
try {
const task = await Task.findById(id);
return task;
} catch (error) {
throw error;

Data does not save on database after implementing validation

I have problem with my validation where after I implement it saveProduct() function, the data that I want to store does not add or update to the database. Also, I shared the product service file, because someone said also have to pass the 'this.productForm.value' inside service file. but I'm not quite sure how.
Below is the code:
ngOnInit() {
this.productForm ={
productName: new FormControl('', Validators.compose([
productDecs: new FormControl('', Validators.compose([
async saveProduct() {
await this.presentLoading();
this.product.userId = this.authService.getAuth().currentUser.uid;
if (this.productId) {
try {
console.log('product update');
await this.productService.updateProduct(this.productId, this.productForm.value);
await this.loading.dismiss();
} catch (error) {
console.log('product dont update');
this.presentToast('Error trying to save');
} else {
this.product.createdAt = new Date().getTime();
try {
console.log('product add');
await this.productService.addProduct(this.productForm.value);
await this.loading.dismiss();
} catch (error) {
console.log('product dont add');
this.presentToast('Error trying to save');
Below is the code for product.service.ts
addProduct(product: Product) {
return this.productsCollection.add(product);
getProduct(id: string) {
return this.productsCollection.doc<Product>(id).valueChanges();
updateProduct(id: string, product: Product) {
return this.productsCollection.doc<Product>(id).update(product);
deleteProduct(id: string) {
return this.productsCollection.doc(id).delete();

Set the sequence of execution of asynchronous dispatch (redux\redux-saga)

I need to perform an asynchronous request. To do this, I'm debating a preloader, then I make a request, then I want to stop the preloader. The console should have: "show loader, load-app, hide loader", and output "show loader, hide loader, loading-app". How to save a sequence of calls?
How set the sequence of execution of asynchronous dispatch (redux\redux-saga)?
import { showLoader, hideLoader } from '../../reducer1'
import { authorizeToken } from '../reducer2'
async componentDidMount() {
const { dispatch } = this.props
const tokenLS = localStorage.getItem('token')
await dispatch(showLoader()); //show loader
await dispatch(authorizeToken(tokenLS)); // async request
await dispatch(hideLoader()); //hide loader
This code for Loader
import * as act from './actions'
const initialState = {
loadingPage: false
export const showLoader = () => {
console.log('show loader')
return { type: act.startLoading }
export const hideLoader = () => {
console.log('hide loader')
return { type: act.finishLoading }
export default function loading(state = initialState, action) {
switch (action.type) {
case act.startLoading:
return { ...state, loadingPage: true }
case act.finishLoading:
return { ...state, loadingPage: false }
return state
This code for async request:
function* authorizeWithToken({ payload: { token } }) {
try {
const { token:userToken } = yield call(authApi.authUserFromToken, token)
yield put({ type: AUTH_SUCCESS, payload: { token: userToken } })
yield console.log('end request')
} catch (error) {
throw new Error(`error request with token ${token}`)
export function* authorizeSaga() {
yield takeLatest(AUTH_REQUEST, authorize)
export function* authorizeWithTokenSaga() {
yield takeLatest(AUTH_REQUEST_TOKEN, authorizeWithToken)
This is reducer:
export const authorizeToken = (token) => ({
payload: {token}
I think there's some misunderstanding here. Your componentDidMount function does not need to by async. redux-saga enables you to move all async actions into sagas and out of the components. That way your components are easier to manage. I would change your componentDidMount to dispatch a single action and let your saga handle all the logic. Try changing it to this:
import { authorizeToken } from '../reducer2'
componentDidMount() {
const { dispatch } = this.props
const tokenLS = localStorage.getItem('token')
dispatch(authorizeToken(tokenLS)); // async request
Now in your saga, try this:
import { showLoader, hideLoader } from '../../reducer1'
function* authorizeWithToken({ payload: { token } }) {
try {
yield put(showLoader());
const { token:userToken } = yield call(authApi.authUserFromToken, token)
yield put({ type: AUTH_SUCCESS, payload: { token: userToken } })
yield put(hideLoader())
} catch (error) {
throw new Error(`error request with token ${token}`)
Now your saga will be in charge of displaying the loader, fetching the data, and hiding the loader. In that order.

Call multiple ajax and wait for result Angular2

I have problem with my Angular. I have this functions:
private callUserInfo(): any {
this.isLoading = true;
return this._ajaxService.getService('/system/ping')
result => {
this.userId =
this.isLoading = false;
.catch(error => {
return Observable.throw(error);
public loadUserData(userName: string): any {
this.isLoading = true;
return this._ajaxService.getService('/User/' + userName)
result => {
const data = result[0];
this.user = new User(,
this.isLoading = false;
.catch(error => {
return Observable.throw(error);
public getUser(): any {
if (this.user == null) {
this.callUserInfo().subscribe(() => {
this.loadUserData(this.userId).subscribe(() => {
return this.user;
} else {
return this.user;
In my component I call this service functions like this (auth service is service with functions defined up):
constructor(private _auth: AuthService) {
this.user = _auth.getUser();
But it stills return null (because Ajax calls are not finished?) Can someone explain me, how to call this two calls (first is system/ping service and based on return (userId) I need to call second ajax call (/user/id). After this two calls I have defined user in my service and I can return it to other components. Can someone expllain me, what am i doing wrong, or how I can do it better? I´m using newest version of angular.
P.S. Get service is from my wrapper service:
getService(url: string): Observable<any> {
return this.http
.get(this.base + url, this.options)
You are not returning anything in case this.user==null
Change your function as following:
userObservabel=new BehaviourSubject(null);
public getUser(): any {
if (this.user == null) {
this.callUserInfo().subscribe(() => {
this.loadUserData(this.userId).subscribe(() => {;
return this.userObservabel.asObservable();
} else {
return this.userObservabel.asObservable();
and then you need to subscribe it
constructor(private _auth: AuthService) {
_auth.getUser().subscribe(user => this.user = user);
You need to call the second service in the subscribe or in the map method i.e. the Observable has returned a promise and that is resolved. Once that is resolved u should call your chained service.
A sample snipped from my POC might help you
response => {
this.response = response;
response => {
this.acctSort = response;
if (response.prodCode) {
response => {
this.acctOrder = response;
this.response = this.setAccountOrder(this.response);
this.acctFlag = true;
if (this.prodDesc) {
this.loader = false;
this.accountDetl = this.response[0];
this.accountDetl.entCdeDesc = this.prodDesc[this.accountDetl.entProdCatCde];
err => console.log(err)
err => console.log(err)
err => console.log(err)

Await and Async callbacks hell

I want to make the UserDataGenerator class works like a traditional SYNC class.
My expectation is that userData.outputStructure can give me the data prepared.
let userData = new UserDataGenerator(dslContent)
getFieldDescribe(this.inputStructure.tableName, field) is a ASYNC call which invokes Axios.get
Below is my current progress but it's still not waiting for the data ready when I print out the userData.outputStructure
export default class UserDataGenerator {
inputStructure = null;
outputStructure = null;
fieldDescribeRecords = [];
constructor(dslContent) {
this.outputStructure = Object.assign({}, dslContent, initSections)
async process() {
await this.processSectionList()
return this.outputStructure
async processSectionList() {
await => {
async processSection(section) {
let outputSection = {
name: null,
fields: []
let outputFields = await => {
return await this._processField(inputField).catch(e => {
throw new SchemaError(e, this.inputStructure.tableName, inputField)
return outputSection
async _processField(field) {
let resp = await ai
switch (typeof field) {
case 'string':
let normalizedDescribe = getNormalizedFieldDescribe(
return new FieldGenerator(normalizedDescribe, field).outputFieldStructure
You're trying to await arrays, which doesn't work as you expect. When dealing with arrays of promises, you still need to use Promise.all before you can await it - just like you cannot chain .then on the array.
So your methods should look like this:
async processSectionList() {
const sections = await Promise.all( =>
async processSection(section) {
return {
name: null,
fields: [await Promise.all( =>
this._processField(inputField).catch(e => {
throw new SchemaError(e, this.inputStructure.tableName, inputField)
