Await and Async callbacks hell - promise

I want to make the UserDataGenerator class works like a traditional SYNC class.
My expectation is that userData.outputStructure can give me the data prepared.
let userData = new UserDataGenerator(dslContent)
getFieldDescribe(this.inputStructure.tableName, field) is a ASYNC call which invokes Axios.get
Below is my current progress but it's still not waiting for the data ready when I print out the userData.outputStructure
export default class UserDataGenerator {
inputStructure = null;
outputStructure = null;
fieldDescribeRecords = [];
constructor(dslContent) {
this.outputStructure = Object.assign({}, dslContent, initSections)
async process() {
await this.processSectionList()
return this.outputStructure
async processSectionList() {
await => {
async processSection(section) {
let outputSection = {
name: null,
fields: []
let outputFields = await => {
return await this._processField(inputField).catch(e => {
throw new SchemaError(e, this.inputStructure.tableName, inputField)
return outputSection
async _processField(field) {
let resp = await ai
switch (typeof field) {
case 'string':
let normalizedDescribe = getNormalizedFieldDescribe(
return new FieldGenerator(normalizedDescribe, field).outputFieldStructure

You're trying to await arrays, which doesn't work as you expect. When dealing with arrays of promises, you still need to use Promise.all before you can await it - just like you cannot chain .then on the array.
So your methods should look like this:
async processSectionList() {
const sections = await Promise.all( =>
async processSection(section) {
return {
name: null,
fields: [await Promise.all( =>
this._processField(inputField).catch(e => {
throw new SchemaError(e, this.inputStructure.tableName, inputField)


Providing two combined Reducers for my redux saga store prevents my websocket channel message from triggering, but only one does not?

Configured my store this way with redux toolkit for sure
const rootReducer = combineReducers({
const store = return configureStore({
devTools: true,
reducer: rootReducer ,
// middleware: [middleware, logger],
middleware: (getDefaultMiddleware) => getDefaultMiddleware({ thunk: false }).concat(middleware),
And thats my channel i am connecting to it
export function createSocketChannel(
productId: ProductId,
pair: string,
createSocket = () => new WebSocket('wss://somewebsocket')
) {
return eventChannel<SocketEvent>((emitter) => {
const socket_OrderBook = createSocket();
socket_OrderBook.addEventListener('open', () => {
type: 'connection-established',
payload: true,
socket_OrderBook.addEventListener('message', (event) => {
if ('bids')) {
type: 'message',
payload: JSON.parse(,
socket_OrderBook.addEventListener('close', (event: any) => {
emitter(new SocketClosedByServer());
return () => {
if (socket_OrderBook.readyState === WebSocket.OPEN) {
if (socket_OrderBook.readyState === WebSocket.OPEN || socket_OrderBook.readyState === WebSocket.CONNECTING) {
}, buffers.expanding<SocketEvent>());
And here's how my saga connecting handlers looks like
export function* handleConnectingSocket(ctx: SagaContext) {
try {
const productId = yield select((state: State) => state.productId);
const requested_pair = yield select((state: State) => state.requested_pair);
if (ctx.socketChannel === null) {
ctx.socketChannel = yield call(createSocketChannel, productId, requested_pair);
const message: SocketEvent = yield take(ctx.socketChannel!);
if (message.type !== 'connection-established') {
throw new SocketUnexpectedResponseError();
yield put(connectedSocket());
} catch (error: any) {
yield put(
reason: SocketStateReasons.BAD_CONNECTION,
export function* handleConnectedSocket(ctx: SagaContext) {
try {
while (true) {
if (ctx.socketChannel === null) {
const events = yield flush(ctx.socketChannel);
const startedExecutingAt =;
if (Array.isArray(events)) {
const deltas = events.reduce(
(patch, event) => {
if (event.type === 'message') {
return patch;
{ bids: [], asks: [] } as SocketMessage
if (deltas.bids.length || deltas.asks.length) {
yield putResolve(receivedDeltas(deltas));
yield call(delayNextDispatch, startedExecutingAt);
} catch (error: any) {
yield put(
reason: SocketStateReasons.UNKNOWN,
After Debugging I got the following:
The Thing is that when I Provide one Reducer to my store the channel works well and data is fetched where as when providing combinedReducers I am getting
an established connection from my handleConnectingSocket generator function
and an empty event array [] from
const events = yield flush(ctx.socketChannel) written in handleConnectedSocket
Tried to clarify as much as possible
ok so I start refactoring my typescript by changing the types, then saw all the places that break, there was a problem in my sagas.tsx.
Ping me if someone faced such an issue in the future

Uncaught SyntaxError: await is only valid in async functions and the top level bodies of modules

const accounts = await web3.eth.getAccounts();
App = {
load: async () => {
await App.loadWeb3(
await App.loadAccount()
loadWeb3: async () => {
if (typeof web3 !== 'undefined') {
App.web3Provider = web3.currentProvider
web3 = new Web3(web3.currentProvider)
} else {
window.alert("Please connect to Metamask.")
// Modern dapp browsers...
if (window.ethereum) {
window.web3 = new Web3(ethereum)
try {
// Request account access if needed
await ethereum.enable()
// Acccounts now exposed
web3.eth.sendTransaction({/* ... */})
} catch (error) {
// User denied account access...
// Legacy dapp browsers...
else if (window.web3) {
App.web3Provider = web3.currentProvider
window.web3 = new Web3(web3.currentProvider)
// Acccounts always exposed
web3.eth.sendTransaction({/* ... */})
// Non-dapp browsers...
else {
console.log('Non-Ethereum browser detected. You should consider trying MetaMask!')
loadAccount: async () => {
App.account = web3.eth.accounts[0]
$(() => {
$(window).load(() => {
The error is in LINE 1 where I get the accounts from Ganache but await is valid only for async.
What changes should I make in this code to remove the error? Please help me.
If I remove this line the error says that it cannot access accounts and after this await does not work.
Is there any way to make this piece of code in the form of an ASYNC function?
await calls can only be made in functions marked as async. As you have used await in line 1 it is not wrapped in an async function. You can wrap your code in a async function and then call that function. e.g something like:
const main = async () => { // <- the async wrapper function
const accounts = await web3.eth.getAccounts();
// .... rest of your code
$(() => {
$(window).load(() => {
Or if you want to be more advanced and not save the function at all
(async ()=>{
const accounts = await web3.eth.getAccounts();
// .... rest of your code
})() // <- call the function right after declaring it

Graphql - universal permission guards

I am trying to implement permission guards in a graphql backend using apollo server. The following code works:
const Notification = require('../../database/models/notifications');
const Task = require('../../database/models/tasks');
notification: combineResolvers(isNotificationOwner, async (_, { id }) => {
try {
const notification = await Notification.findById(id);
return notification;
} catch (error) {
throw error;
task: combineResolvers(isTaskOwner, async (_, { id }) => {
try {
const task = await Task.findById(id);
return task;
} catch (error) {
throw error;
Resolver Middleware (permission guards)
const Notification = require('../../database/models/notifications');
const Task = require('../../database/models/tasks');
// userId is the id of the logged in user retrieved from the context
module.exports.isNotificationOwner = async (_, { id }, { userId }) => {
try {
const notification = await Notification.findById(id);
if (notification.user.toString() !== userId) {
throw new ForbiddenError('You are not the owner');
return skip;
} catch (error) {
throw error;
module.exports.isTaskOwner = async (_, { id }, { userId }) => {
try {
const task = await Task.findById(id);
if (task.user.toString() !== userId) {
throw new ForbiddenError('You are not the owner');
return skip;
} catch (error) {
throw error;
Going on like this will create a lot of duplicate code and does not feel very DRY. Therefore, I am trying to create a more universal solution, to no evail so far.
What I tried:
const Notification = require('../../database/models/notifications');
const Task = require('../../database/models/tasks');
notification: combineResolvers(isOwner, async (_, { id }) => {
try {
const notification = await Notification.findById(id);
return notification;
} catch (error) {
throw error;
task: combineResolvers(isOwner, async (_, { id }) => {
try {
const task = await Task.findById(id);
return task;
} catch (error) {
throw error;
Resolver Middleware
const Notification = require('../../database/models/notifications');
const Task = require('../../database/models/tasks');
module.exports.isOwner = async (_, { id, collection }, { userId }) => {
try {
const document = await collection.findById(id);
if (document.user.toString() !== userId) {
throw new ForbiddenError('You are not the owner');
return skip;
} catch (error) {
throw error;
I am unable to pass a collection name as an argument to the middleware resolver.
I would be tremendously thankful for any kind of help!
Based off your code, it seems like you're looking for making isOwner a higher-order function, so that you can pass in the collection, and it returns the curried method.
module.exports.isOwner = (collection) => {
return async (_, { id }, { userId }) => {
try {
const document = await collection.findById(id);
if (document.user.toString() !== userId) {
throw new ForbiddenError('You are not the owner');
return skip;
} catch (error) {
throw error;
const resolvers = {
Query: {
task: combineResolvers(isOwner(Task), async (_, { id }) => {
try {
const task = await Task.findById(id);
return task;
} catch (error) {
throw error;

How do I add recursive logic in resolvers using GraphQL mutations?

Is it possible to add logic in resolvers using GraphQL mutations?
I am trying to create a four-digit string as an alias for a post if the user does not provide it. Then, I would like to check the database to see if the four-digit string exists. If the string exists, I would like to create another four-digit string recursively.
At the moment, I'm exploring adding logic to mutations within resolvers, but I'm not sure if this is doable. I'm using these documents for my foundation:
This is my current code block:
Working as of 12/4/2020
const MakeSlug = require("./services/MakeSlug");
const resolvers = {
Query: {
async allLinks(root, args, { models }) {
return models.Link.findAll();
async link(root, { id }, { models }) {
return models.Link.findByPk(id);
Mutation: {
async createLink(root, { slug, description, link }, { models }) {
if (slug !== undefined) {
const foundSlug = await models.Link.findOne({
where: { slug: slug }
if (foundSlug === undefined) {
return await models.Link.create({
shortLink: `${slug}`
} else {
throw new Error(slug + " exists. Try a new short description.");
if (slug === undefined) {
const MAX_ATTEMPTS = 10;
let attempts = 0;
while (attempts < MAX_ATTEMPTS) {
let madeSlug = MakeSlug(4);
const foundSlug = await models.Link.findOne({
where: { slug: madeSlug }
if (foundSlug !== undefined) {
return await models.Link.create({
slug: madeSlug,
shortLink: `${madeSlug}`
throw new Error("Unable to generate unique alias.");
module.exports = resolvers;
This is my full codebase.
Thank you!
A while loop solved the challenge. Thanks xadm.
const MakeSlug = require("./services/MakeSlug");
const resolvers = {
Query: {
async allLinks(root, args, { models }) {
return models.Link.findAll();
async link(root, { id }, { models }) {
return models.Link.findByPk(id);
Mutation: {
async createLink(root, { slug, description, link }, { models }) {
if (slug !== undefined) {
const foundSlug = await models.Link.findOne({
where: { slug: slug }
if (foundSlug === undefined) {
return await models.Link.create({
shortLink: `${slug}`
} else {
throw new Error(slug + " exists. Try a new short description.");
if (slug === undefined) {
const MAX_ATTEMPTS = 10;
let attempts = 0;
while (attempts < MAX_ATTEMPTS) {
let madeSlug = MakeSlug(4);
const foundSlug = await models.Link.findOne({
where: { slug: madeSlug }
if (foundSlug !== undefined) {
return await models.Link.create({
slug: madeSlug,
shortLink: `${madeSlug}`
throw new Error("Unable to generate unique alias.");
module.exports = resolvers;

Uninfinite async function execution in next js

I'm new to next js. And I have one user.js file inside of my pages directory in next.js. This is the source code:
// pages/user.js
function user(props) {
const [userList, setUserList] = useState([])
const [roleList, setRoleList] = useState([])
async function initialFetch() {
const userList = await fetch('GET', GET_ALL_USERS)
const roleList = await fetch('GET', GET_ALL_ROLES)
console.log('userList in async')
if (!props.userList.status) {
} else {
console.log('userList outside')
return (
<TableUserManagement users={userList} roles={roleList}/>
user.getInitialProps = async (ctx) => {
const userList = await fetch('GET', GET_ALL_USERS)
const roleList = await fetch('GET', GET_ALL_ROLES)
return {userList, roleList}
The problem is that above async initialFetch() function is always called uninfinitively :
So what am I doing wrong here? Thank you
Note: I have tried to use useEffect() but the looping still happening. This the code :
() => {
if (!props.userList.status) {
} else {
console.log('user list diliuar')
This issue is not related to Next.js but React itself. This is the code that cause unfinite calls:
if (!props.userList.status) {
} else {
Since after setting any state, your component re-renders and that part of code keeps running again, and the fetch cause setting state again,... that loops forever.
You should move you data-fetching logic in side componentDidMount or useEffect. Remember to provide the dependency array of useEffect. In this case, you may only need to fetch data only once so you should provide the empty dependency array.
useEffect(() => {
async function initialFetch() {
const userList = await fetch('GET', GET_ALL_USERS)
const roleList = await fetch('GET', GET_ALL_ROLES)
if (!props.userList.status) {
} else {
}, []);
P/s: you should name you React component in PascalCase (ex: User)
