How to access a view in a laravel module with routes? - laravel

I'm currently working on my homework for school which i've read about Laravel modules and i'm currently working with this package.
I've managed to create modules, migrations and models. now i want to access a module via a simple link from route. like this:
I've created 3 modules with core,crm and sell names. which base on information from internet, I've understand that i can access them with localhost/crm or sell or core. now how i can fix my problem?
I've also tried {{ route('core::index') }}. Thanks
Update 1: Views in every module are like this: Resources\views\index.blade.php if u look at above link u will see a example of what i've said.
Update 2: routes: Every module have 1 route when i create module with package.
Laravel root module routes\web :
Route::get('/', function () {
return view('welcome');
and CRM route module Modules\CRM\routes\web\ and rest are just like below with different names :
Route::prefix('core')->group(function() {
Route::get('/', 'CoreController#index');

route() helper is for named routes. You can use url() helper to match a uri, or you have to add a name to your route, like:
Route::prefix('core')->group(function() {
Route::get('/', 'CoreController#index')->name('core.index');
and then you can

try to set name for your route
Route::prefix('core')->group(function() {
Route::get('/', 'CoreController#index')->name('crm.index');
and then this should work

In the latest version 6 i change the view resource config and read from modules folder like this :
'paths' => [

I use like this to address view page in module controller:
return view("module::pages.main");
module is your module name.


Laravel VueJS Router in backend

I'm working on a Laravel project where all frontend is managed by vuejs.
So, I have all backend routes defined on:
And the file: routes/web.php it has this only route:
Route::view('{all}', 'app')
->where('all', '^((?!api).)*')
Giving all the responsability to vue.js.
So inside resources/js (vue side) I have the frontend routes defined, for example:
path: '/',
name: 'home',
component: home,
meta: {
auth: true,
path: '/invoices/show/:id',
name: '',
component: InvoicesShow,
meta: {
auth: true,
Now the problem:
I started trying to create some notifications.
So on the notification I have to put the link where the customer has to go, but this link is to the frontend... So in Laravel I cannot write the vue.js route. Well, that's the question, is it possible to write the named route of vue.js?
I'd like to define this link on a notification for example:
->action('View Invoice', route('', $invoiceId));
But the named route "" it doesn't exist on Laravel routes. It's defined on vuejs router, in: resources/js/router/routes.js
So it won't work.
Is possible to get the vuejs router by name?
For now, I find impossible to do this.
So I simply write the full url "hardcoded".
->action('View Invoice', route('vue', ['all' => "invoices/show/{$invoiceId}"]));
This resolves my problem, but I cannot use the vue.js named routes.
One of the dirty workarounds would be to leave the VueJs route as it is and to create a new identical "helper" route for Laravel in your routes/web.php file.
So your web.php would look like this:
Route::view('/invoices/show/{id}', 'app')->name('');
//Here you can add additional "helpers" routes as needed
Route::view('{all}', 'app')
->where('all', '^((?!api).)*')
In this case, VueJs would still work fine and you would be able to use route() helper function in your project but a disadvantage is that you would need to maintain two routes if there is any changes.

Laravel route works with subdomain in 2 environments

I'm coding a platform to generate sub-websites.
I have a route like this who works very well in local :
Route::domain('{slug}.domain.test')->group(function () {
I want to be able to make it works as well in production (other domain), so i did :
Route::domain('{slug}.{domain}')->group(function () {
And in my template :
The generated URL looks amazing, but the routing doesn't work and bring me to the parent page of the main domain.
What i am doing wrong ?
Working with domain routes like this is a little bit of a pain in Laravel.
In an application recently, I parsed the domain part from the application URL and then set it as a configuration value like this:
class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
public function boot()
'app.domain' => parse_url(config('app.url'), PHP_URL_HOST),
You can then use that in your domain routes:
Route::domain('{slug}.'.config('app.domain'), function () {
// Subdomain routes that work in all environments
If you are using laravel homestead, you'll need to register every subdomain on the etc/hosts file and on Homestead.yaml, as you probably did with the main domain. Now, I'll recommend the structure:
I wouldn't recommend to use something like:
I mean, you could, but it doesn't make much sense, and you would also have to register all of this on your Homestead/Local and Production environments.
For the approach that I suggest, you could set up this on an environment variable.
You can add any env variable you want/need to the .env file, there's an APP_URL variable, but this includes the http protocol, you could add something like:
And for production
Then on the routes file access it with the helper method env, you can omit the second parameter, or use it to setup a default value, in case you forget to put it on the .env file.
Route::domain('{slug}.' . env('APP_DOMAIN', ''))->group(function () {
BTW, this might be of help for setting up your slug value with named routes:
Setting up named routes within a subdomain group in Laravel 5.7

How to route to a controller method in Laravel Moduler development?

I am using "artem-schander/l5-modular": "dev-master" for laravel moduler development.
For example i create an Admin module.
Folder structure is App/Modules/Admin.
So controller related to Admin modules placed under App/Modules/Admin/Controllers/ directory.
All routes related to Admin module are placed in App/Modules/Admin/routes.php file.
Here how it looks
Route::group(array('module' => 'Admin', 'middleware' => ['web'],'namespace' => 'App\Modules\Admin\Controllers'), function() {
Route::resource('admin', 'AdminController');
All view files related to admin module placed in App/Modules/Admin/Views folder.
I am trying to access Admin's index view using this route
Route::get('/', 'AdminController#index');
This route is place in laravel default routes.php file.
and when i browse ,I am getting this error
Class App\Http\Controllers\AdminController does not exist
From this i understood , laravel looking AdminController in its default path.
How can i overcome this challenge ?
You can access a controller by full qualified namespace if it is not in default path.
Route::resource('admin', '\App\Modules\Admin\Controllers\AdminController');
I have found two way to do it.
First Option
Changing the $namespace in RouteServiceProvider.php .
For me
private $namespace='\App\Modules';
So for Admin module i can use route as
Route::get('/', 'Admin\Controllers\AdminController#index');
I think this is bad idea to change Laravel's default value.
Second Option
Providing full path of the Controller.
So route would be like this

Custom Route for Laravel Nested Resource

I am making a Laravel app with url structure as follows
I want to make a custom route for
But I can't figure out how to do it. I currently have:
Route::resource('users', 'UsersController');
Route::resource('users.pets', "PetsController");
But it can't figure out how to make the cutom route. I tried
Route::get('users.pets/seefavoritepets', function() {
return "getting favorite pets!";
to no avail. All help appreciated

How to associate a route to a package?

Can i do something like Symfony to associate a route to a package?
So every route on my routes.php admin package are prefixed with '/admin/'?
Because actually i can put a route on my main routes.php like '/admin' and i can put the same on my package routes without knowing that on my main routes this route is already in use.
My current package routes.php is something like this:
Route::get('/admin', 'MyVendor\administration\AdminController#test');
But what happens if i put the same '/admin' on the main routes? i dont like this approach.
Sorry for my English, i hope you understand me.
Thank you
Yes you can (from laravel site)
Route::group(array('prefix' => 'admin'), function()
Route::get('user', function()
Read the documentation about Route Prefixing and this answer too.
