Pointers to static variables must respect canonical form? - c++11

Assuming I have the following example:
struct Dummy {
uint64_t m{0llu};
template < class T > static uint64_t UniqueID() noexcept {
static const uint64_t uid = 0xBEA57;
return reinterpret_cast< uint64_t >(&uid);
template < class T > static uint64_t BuildID() noexcept {
static const uint64_t id = UniqueID< T >()
// dummy bits for the sake of example (whole last byte is used)
| (1llu << 60llu) | (1llu << 61llu) | (1llu << 63llu);
return id;
// Copy bits 48 through 55 over to bits 56 through 63 to keep canonical form.
uint64_t GetUID() const noexcept {
return ((m & ~(0xFFllu << 56llu)) | ((m & (0xFFllu << 48llu)) << 8llu));
uint64_t GetPayload() const noexcept {
return *reinterpret_cast< uint64_t * >(GetUID());
template < class T > inline Dummy DummyID() noexcept {
return Dummy{Dummy::BuildID< T >()};
Knowing very well that the resulting pointer is an address to a static variable in the program.
When I call GetUID() do I need to make sure that bit 47 is repeated till bit 63?
Or I can just AND with a mask of the lower 48 bits and ignore this rule.
I was unable to find any information about this. And I assume that those 16 bits are likely to always be 0.
This example is strictly limited to x86_64 architecture (x32).

In user-space code for mainstream x86-64 OSes, you can normally assume that the upper bits of any valid address are zero.
AFAIK, all the mainstream x86-64 OSes use a high-half kernel design where user-space addresses are always in the lower canonical range.
If you wanted this code to work in kernel code, too, you would want to sign-extend with x <<= 16; x >>= 16; using signed int64_t x.
If the compiler can't keep 0x0000FFFFFFFFFFFF = (1ULL<<48)-1 around in a register across multiple uses, 2 shifts might be more efficient anyway. (mov r64, imm64 to create that wide constant is a 10-byte instruction that can sometimes be slow to decode or fetch from the uop cache.) But if you're compiling with -march=haswell or newer, then BMI1 is available so the compiler can do mov eax, 48 / bzhi rsi, rdi, rax. Either way, though, one AND or BZHI is only 1 cycle of critical path latency for the pointer vs. 2 for 2 shifts. Unfortunately BZHI isn't available with an immediate operand. (x86 bitfield instructions mostly suck compared to ARM or PowerPC.)
Your current method of extracting bits [55:48] and using them to replace the current bits [63:56] is probably slower because the compiler has to mask out the old high byte and then OR in the new high byte. That's already at least 2 cycle latency so you might as well just shift, or mask which can be faster.
x86 has crap bitfield instructions so that was never a good plan. Unfortunately ISO C++ doesn't provide any guaranteed arithmetic right shift, but on all actual x86-64 compilers, >> on a signed integer is a 2's complement arithmetic shift. If you want to be really careful about avoiding UB, do the left shift on an unsigned type to avoid signed integer overflow.
int64_t is guaranteed to be a 2's complement type with no padding if it exists.
I think int64_t is actually a better choice than intptr_t, because if you have 32-bit pointers, e.g. the Linux x32 ABI (32-bit pointers in x86-64 long mode), your code might still Just Work, and casting a uint64_t to a pointer type will simply discard the upper bits. So it doesn't matter what you did to them, and zero-extension first will hopefully optimize away.
So your uint64_t member would just end up storing a pointer in the low 32 and your tag bits in the high 32, somewhat inefficiently but still working. Maybe check sizeof(void*) in a template to select an implementation?
Future proofing
x86-64 CPUs with 5-level page tables for 57-bit canonical addresses are probably coming at some point soonish, to allow use of large memory mapped non-volatile storage like Optane / 3DXPoint NVDIMMs.
Intel has already published a proposal for a PML5 extension https://software.intel.com/sites/default/files/managed/2b/80/5-level_paging_white_paper.pdf (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intel_5-level_paging for a summary). There's already support for it in the Linux kernel so it's ready for the appearance of actual HW.
(I can't find out if it's expected in Ice Lake or not.)
See also Why in 64bit the virtual address are 4 bits short (48bit long) compared with the physical address (52 bit long)? for more about where the 48-bit virtual address limit comes from.
So you can still use the high 7 bits for tagged pointers and maintain compat with PML5.
If you assume user-space, then you can use the top 8 bits and zero-extend, because you're assuming the 57th bit (bit 56) = 0.
Redoing sign- (or zero-) extension of the low bits was already optimal, we're just changing it to a different width that only re-extends the bits we disturb. And we're disturbing few enough high bits that it should be future proof even on systems that enable PML5 mode and use wide virtual addresses.
On a system with 48-bit virtual addresses, broadcasting bit 57 to the upper 7 still works, because bit 57 = bit 48. And if you don't disturb those lower bits, they don't need to be re-written.
And BTW, your GetUID() returns an integer. It's not clear why you need that to return the static address.
And BTW, it may be cheaper for it to return &uid (just a RIP-relative LEA) than to load + re-canonicalize your m member value. Move static const uint64_t uid = 0xBEA57; to a static member variable instead of being within one member function.


_mm512_mask_i32logather_pd not available for GNU compiler

I have a codebase which contains AVX512 intrinsic instructions and was build using intel compiler. I am trying to run the same thing using GNU compiler. While compiling the code with -mavx512f flag using gcc, I am getting declaration error only for some AVX512 instructions like _mm512_mask_i32logather_pd.
Standalone Implementation
#include <iostream>
#include <immintrin.h>
int main() {
__m512d set = _mm512_undefined_pd();
__mmask16 msk = 42440;
__m512i v_index = _mm512_set_epi32(64,66,70,96,98,100,102,104,106,112,114,116,118,120,124,256);
int scale = 8;
int count_size = 495*4;
float *src_ptr = (float*)malloc(count_size*sizeof(float));
__m512 out_512 = (__m512)_mm512_mask_i32logather_pd(set, msk, v_index, (float*)src_ptr, _MM_SCALE_8);
return 0;
After running this standalone implementation for the function through gcc I am getting the error as
error: ‘_mm512_mask_i32logather_pd’ was not declared in this scope; did you mean ‘_mm512_mask_i32gather_pd’?
Running the same code using icc with -xCORE-AVX512 flag runs perfectly fine.
Is this because the GNU compiler doesn't support all the AVX512 instructions even though most of the instructions works perfectly fine by using -mavx512f flag?
Relevant information
gcc version - 11.2.0
ubuntu version - 22.04
icc version 2021.6.0
GCC has intrinsics for all AVX-512 instructions. It doesn't always have every alternate version of every intrinsic that differ only in their C semantics, not the underlying instruction they expose.
I think the only difference between the regular _mm512_mask_i32gather_pd intrinsic (which GCC supports) is that logather takes a __m512i vindex instead of __m256i. But uses only the low half, hence the lo in the name. (I looked at them in the intrinsics guide - same pseudocode, just a difference in C/C++ function signature. And they're listed as intrinsics for the same single instruction). There doesn't seem to be a higather intrinsic that includes a shuffle; you need to do the extracting yourself.
vgatherdpd gathers 8 double elements to fill a __m512d, using 32-bit indices. The corresponding 8 indices are only a total of 32 bytes wide. That's why the regular more widely-supported intrinsic only takes a __m256i vindex arg.
Your code strangely bothers to initialize 64 bytes (16 indices), not shuffling the high half down. Also you're merge-masking into _mm512_undefined_pd(), which seems a weird example. But pretty obviously this isn't intended to be useful, since you're also loading from uninitialized malloc. You're casting the result to a __m512, I guess using this instruction to gather pairs of float instead of individual doubles? If so, yeah it's more efficient to gather fewer elements, but it's a weird way to make a minimal simple example for an intrinsic you're looking for. I wonder if perhaps you were looking for _mm512_mask_i32gather_ps to gather 16x float elements, merging into a __m512 vector. (The non-_mask_ version gathers all 16 elements, and you don't have to supply a merge target; that's often what you want.)
If you do have your 8 indices in a wider vector for some reason (e.g. as a result of computation and you're going to do 2 gathers after shuffling), you can just cast the vector type:
__m512i vindex = ...; // the part we want is only the low half
__m512d result = something to merge into;
result = _mm512_mask_i32gather_pd(result, mask, _mm512_castsi512_si256(vindex),
src_ptr, _MM_SCALE_8);
Your cast to (float*) in the arg list to the intrinsic makes no sense: it actually takes a void* so you can gather 64-bit chunks from anything (and yes it's strict-aliasing and alignment safe, not following C rules). But the normal type would be double*, since this is a _pd gather.
In your example, it would be simpler to just __m256 vindex = _mm256_setr_epi32(...); (Or set, if you like the highest-element-first order for the argument list.)

Manipulating Masks for doubles on Xeon Phi

I am doing conditional computations on a Xeon Phi using intrinsic functions.
I have to use double values so i need a __mmask8.
As long as I use some of the compare functions there is no problem for me, but if I want to modify those masks I run into some type conflicts.
Where the documentation gives me plenty of functions to modify __mmask16 used for single precision there is not a single one usable for double precision.
I want to do someting like the following:
int tmp = 0;
for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
tmp = index[i];
tmp = tmp << 1;
__mmask8 something = _mm512_int2mask(tmp);
The documentation provides the given function only for a __mmask16.
The same comes with all manipulating functions in the Vector Mask Intrinsic chapter of the Documentation.
Can i use those functions as well?
Is there a convention like "use every second bit of a __mmask16" ?
Thanks in advance
According to http://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/intel-xeon-phi-coprocessor-vector-microarchitecture
Each VPU has 128 entry 512-bit vector registers divided up among the
threads, thus getting 32 entries per thread. These are
hard-partitioned. There are eight 16-bit mask registers per thread
which are part of the vector register file. The mask registers act as
a filter per element for the 16 elements and thus allows one to
control which of the 16 32-bit elements are active during a
computation. For double precision the mask bits are the bottom 8 bits.
Intel doesn't provide any intrinsics for operating on __mmask8 types; all of the intrinsics are for __mmask16. Therefore I assume that we're expected to just use the __mmask16 intrinsics for manipulating __mask8 types. This seems to work, but I've had very little experience with these so far.

Addition efficiency proportional to size of operands?

Question that just popped into my head, and I don't think I've seen an answer on here. Is the time taken by a binary addition algorithm, proportional to the size of the operands?
Obviously, adding 1101011010101010101101010 and 10110100101010010101 is going to take longer than 1 + 1, but my question refers more to the smaller values. Is there a negligible difference, no difference, a theoretical difference?
At what point, with these sorts of rudimentary calculations should we start looking into more efficient methods of calculation? ie: Exponentiation by squaring with large exponents for calculating huge powers.
How we see the binary patterns...
1101011010101010101101010 (big)
10110100101010010101 (medium)
1 (small)
How a 32bit computer sees the binary patterns...
00000001101011010101010101101010 32bit,
00000000000010110100101010010101 32bit,
00000000000000000000000000000001 i'm lovin it
On a 32bit system, all the above numbers will take the same time (no. of CPU instructions) to be added. As all of them fit within the basic computational block i.e. the 32bit CPU register.
How a 16bit computer sees the binary patterns...
+1 = ?
0000000000000001 i'm lovin it
0000000000000001 i'm lovin it
+00000000000010110100101010010101 = ?
00000001101011010101010101101010 too BIG for me!
00000000000010110100101010010101 too BIG for me!
On a 16bit system, as the larger numbers will NOT fit in a 16bit register, it will need an additional pass(to add the significant bits that remain after the first 16LSBs are added).
Step1: ADD Least significant bits
Step2: ADD the rest (remember carry bit from previous operation)
We can start thinking of optimising the mathematical operations on
numbers once the numbers no longer fit in the basic computation unit
of the system i.e. the CPU-register.
Modern hardware architectures are developed keeping this in mind and support SIMD instructions. Compilers will often employ them (SSE on x86, NEON on ARM) when they see such a case being made i.e. 128bit decryption logic being run on a 32bit system.
Also instead of checking ONLY the size of the operands, the size of the result also determines whether the system can accomplish the mathematical operation within one step. Not only the operands involved, but the operation being performed needs to be taken into consideration as well.
For example, on a 32bit system, adding two 30bit numbers can be definitely carried out using the regular operations as the result is guaranteed to NOT exceed a 32bit register. But multiplying the same two 30bit numbers may result in a number that does NOT fit within 32bits.
In the absence of such a guarantee of being able to store the result in a single computational unit, to ensure validity of the result for all possible values, the architecture(and the compiler) must :
go the long way i.e. multi-step mathematical operations
employ SIMD optimisations
define and implement custom mechanisms
(like register-pairs EDX:EAX to hold the result on x86)
In practice, there's no (or completely negligible) difference between adding different integers that fit in the processor words as that should always be a fixed-time operation.
In theory, the complexity for adding two unsigned integers should be O(log(n)) where n is the bigger of the two. As such, you need to go pretty high before mere additions become a problem.
As for where exactly to draw the line between simple and complex algorithms for computing numbers, I don't have an exact answer. However, the GMP library comes to mind. From what I understand, they've carefully chosen their algorithms and under what circumstances to use each in terms of performance. You may want to look into what they did.
I somewhat disagree with the above answers. It very much depends on the context.
For simple integer arithmetic (for loop counters etc), then on 64bit machines that computation will be done using 64bit general purpose registers (RSI/RCX/etc). In those cases, there is no difference in speed between an 8bit or 64bit addition.
If however you are processing arrays of integers, and assuming the compiler has been able to optimise the code nicely, then yes, smaller is faster (but not for the reason you think).
In the AVX2 instruction set, you have access to 4 integer addition instructions:
__m256i _mm256_add_epi8 (__m256i a, __m256i b); // 32 x 8bit
__m256i _mm256_add_epi16(__m256i a, __m256i b); // 16 x 16bit
__m256i _mm256_add_epi32(__m256i a, __m256i b); // 8 x 32bit
__m256i _mm256_add_epi64(__m256i a, __m256i b); // 4 x 64bit
You'll notice that all of them operate on 256bits at a time, which means you can process 4 integer additions if you're using 64bit, compared to 32 additions if you are using 8bit integers. (As mentioned above, you'd need to make sure you have enough precision). They all take the same number of clock cycles to compute - 1clk.
There are also other effects of using smaller data types, which are mainly better CPU cache usage, and a reduced number of memory reads/writes.
However, back to your original question on bit-by-bit computation. Prior to the new AVX-512 instruction set, it might not have seemed a little silly. However, the new instruction set contains a ternary logic instruction. With this instruction, it is possible to compute 512 additions on numbers of any bit length fairly easily.
inline __m512i add(__m512i x, __m512i x, __m512i carry_in)
return _mm512_ternarylogic_epi32(carry_in, y, x, 0x96);
inline __m512i adc(__m512i x, __m512i x, __m512i carry_in)
return _mm512_ternarylogic_epi32(carry_in, y, x, 0xE8);
__m512i A[NUM_BITS];
__m512i B[NUM_BITS];
__m512i CARRY = _mm512_setzero_ps();
for(int i = 0; i < NUM_BITS; ++i)
RESULT[i] = add(A[i], B[i], CARRY);
CARRY = adc(A[i], B[i], CARRY);
In this particular example (which to be honest, probably has very limited real world usage!), The time it takes to perform the 512 additions, is indeed directly proportional to NUM_BITS.

Difference in integer size for 64-bit system(confuse with my old 32-bit pc system)

Few months ago i get myself a laptop with cpu intel i7-2630qm with a 64-bit windows. While practising my programming skils under this system , I encountered some difference in terms of integer size which makes me think that it's probably due to my new 64-bit system.
Let's take a look at a code.
The C Code :
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
int num = 20;
printf("%d %lld\n" , num , num);
return 0;
The Question :
1.) I remember before getting this new laptop , which mean that time i'm still using my old 32-bit system , when i run this code , the program will print the integer 20 while some random number next to it due to the %lld specifier.
2.)But this phenomena no longer happen when i'm using my new laptop , it will instead print both integer correctly , even if i change the variable num to type short.
3.)Is it on a 64-bit system , there's new integer promotion which will promote int to long long when it's use as an argument??Or is it short integer can be promoted to long long which is 64-bit too when pass as an argument??
4.)Besides that I'm quite confuse with one thing , on 16-bit system , int would be 16-bit and it would be 32-bit when it's on a 32-bit system.But why isn't it become 64-bit when it's on a 64-bit??
Addon :
1.)I choose "console program(64-bit)" as my project on the IDE while using my new laptop but "console program" on my 32-bit old PC system.
2.)I've check the size of int under "console program(64-bit)" project using sizeof operator and it returns 32-bit while short still remain 16-bit.The only change is long type , it's 64-bit and long long still remain its usual 64-bit size.
You are seeing this side-effect because the calling convention is different for x64 code. The function arguments in 32-bit x86 code are passed on the stack. The printf() function will read a word from the stack that isn't part of the activation frame. The odds that it contains a value of 0 are extremely low.
In x64 code, the first 4 arguments for a function are passed through cpu registers, not the stack. The odds that the high word of the 64-bit register is zero by chance are quite good. Left there by a previous 64-bit operation that worked with small numbers. But certainly not guaranteed.
Trying to reason out the defined behavior of undefined behavior is otherwise not useful. Other than trying to guess how the language is implemented for the core that's in your machine. There are better resources for that. Learning the machine code that's applicable to your compiler is an excellent shortcut. Together with the decent debugger that shows you how your C code got translated into machine code. Machine code has no undefined behavior.
I do not have access to an windows 64-bit compiler right now, but my guess is the following.
Your question is not about integer promotion, but regarding how parameters are passed from the function caller to the called function. This is beyond the C specification, but it is interesting to know.
In 32-bit, all parameters are divided into 32-bit blocks as all registers can hold 32 bits. So in this case we have the following stack layout:
[ 32-bit format string pointer ][ num as 32-bit ][ num as 32-bit ] junk...
In 64-bit, all parameters are divided into 64-bit blocks as all registers can hold 64 bits. So the stack will contain the following:
[ 64-bit format string pointer ][ num as 64-bit ][ num as 64-bit ] junk...
The upper 32 bits of the 64-bit registers holding 32-bit values are conveniently set to zero.
So when printf is reading a 64-bit number, it will load the equivalent of two 32-bit registers on a 32-bit platform but only one 64-bit register, with high bits cleared, on a 64-bit platform.
(1 and 2) As already stated, the behaviour in this situation is undefined, so the compiler is allowed to behave differently for any reason or indeed no reason at all.
(3) The compiler is allowed to define int as 64-bit, in which case no promotion would be necessary because all the variables in question would be the same size. But it almost certainly doesn't.
(4) On most or all 64-bit compilers, int is 32-bits. This is because int has been 32 bits for so long that programmers have come to expect it and changing it would break existing code. As far as I know this isn't officially part of the standard, but it's one of those de-facto standards that are even harder to change. :-)
Everything you are describing is specific to whatever spec your compiler is using and the platform you are on (with the exception that long is guaranteed to be at least the same size as int):
Wikipedia entries:
long long
The c99 standard seeks to end this ambiguity by adding specific types; int32_t, uint64_t, etc. There's also a POSIX spec that defines u_int32_t, etc.
Edit: I missed the question about printf(), sorry. As #nos points out in the comments on your question, passing something other than a long long to %lld results in undefined behavior. This means there is no rhyme or reason as to what it will do; unicorns spontaneously appearing would not be out of the question.
Oh - and on every compiler and OS I know, int is 32 bit. Changing that has the potential to break things that depend on it being 32 bit.

Pointer increment difference b/w 32-bit and 64-bit

I was trying to run some drivers coded for 32-bit vista (x86) on 64-bit win7 (amd64) and it was not running. After a lot of debugging, and hit-and-trial, I made it to work on the latter, but I don't know the reason why it's working. This is what I did:
At many places, buffer pointers pointed to an array of structures(different at different places), and to increment them, at some places this type of statement was used:
ptr = (PVOID)((PCHAR)ptr + offset);
And at some places:
ptr = (PVOID)((ULONG)ptr + offset);
The 2nd one was returning garbage, so I changed them all to 1st one. But I found many sample drivers on the net following the second one. My questions:
Where are these macros
defined(google didn't help much)?
I understand all the P_ macros are
pointers, why was a pointer casted
to ULONG? How does this work on
PCHAR obviously changes the
width according to the environment. Do you know any place to find documentation for this?
they should be defined in WinNT.h (they are in the SDK; don't have the DDK at hand)
ULONG is unsigned long; on a 32-bit system, this is the size of a pointer. So a pointer
can be converted back and forth to ULONG without loss - but not so on a 64-bit system
(where casting the value will truncate it). People cast to ULONG to get byte-base pointer
arithmetic (even though this has undefined behavior, as you found out)
Pointer arithmetic always works in units of the underlying type, i.e. in CHARs for PCHAR; this equates to bytes arithmetic
Any C book should elaborate on the precise semantics of pointer arithmetic.
The reason this code fails on 64-bit is that it is casting pointers to ULONG. ULONG is a 32-bit value while pointers on 64-bit are 64-bit values. So you will be truncating the pointer whenever you use the ULONG cast.
The PCHAR cast, assuming PCHAR is defined as char * is fine, provided the intention is to increment the pointer by an explicit number of bytes.
Both macros have the same intention but only one of them is valid where pointers are larger than 32-bits.
Pointer arithmetic works like this. If you have:
T *p;
and you do:
p + n;
(where n is a number), then the value of p will change by n * sizeof(T).
To give a concrete example, if you have a pointer to a DWORD:
DWORD *pdw = &some_dword_in_memory;
and you add one to it:
pdw = pdw + 1;
then you will be pointing to the next DWORD. The address pdw points to will have increased by sizeof(DWORD), i.e. 4 bytes.
The macros you mention are using casts to cause the address offsets they apply to be multiplied by different amounts. This is normally only done in low-level code which has been passed a BYTE (or char or void) buffer but knows the data inside it is really some other type.
ULONG is defined in WinDef.h in Windows SDK and is always 32-bit, so when you cast a 64-bit pointer into ULONG you truncate the pointer to 32 bits.
