Manipulating Masks for doubles on Xeon Phi - intrinsics

I am doing conditional computations on a Xeon Phi using intrinsic functions.
I have to use double values so i need a __mmask8.
As long as I use some of the compare functions there is no problem for me, but if I want to modify those masks I run into some type conflicts.
Where the documentation gives me plenty of functions to modify __mmask16 used for single precision there is not a single one usable for double precision.
I want to do someting like the following:
int tmp = 0;
for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
tmp = index[i];
tmp = tmp << 1;
__mmask8 something = _mm512_int2mask(tmp);
The documentation provides the given function only for a __mmask16.
The same comes with all manipulating functions in the Vector Mask Intrinsic chapter of the Documentation.
Can i use those functions as well?
Is there a convention like "use every second bit of a __mmask16" ?
Thanks in advance

According to
Each VPU has 128 entry 512-bit vector registers divided up among the
threads, thus getting 32 entries per thread. These are
hard-partitioned. There are eight 16-bit mask registers per thread
which are part of the vector register file. The mask registers act as
a filter per element for the 16 elements and thus allows one to
control which of the 16 32-bit elements are active during a
computation. For double precision the mask bits are the bottom 8 bits.
Intel doesn't provide any intrinsics for operating on __mmask8 types; all of the intrinsics are for __mmask16. Therefore I assume that we're expected to just use the __mmask16 intrinsics for manipulating __mask8 types. This seems to work, but I've had very little experience with these so far.


Addition efficiency proportional to size of operands?

Question that just popped into my head, and I don't think I've seen an answer on here. Is the time taken by a binary addition algorithm, proportional to the size of the operands?
Obviously, adding 1101011010101010101101010 and 10110100101010010101 is going to take longer than 1 + 1, but my question refers more to the smaller values. Is there a negligible difference, no difference, a theoretical difference?
At what point, with these sorts of rudimentary calculations should we start looking into more efficient methods of calculation? ie: Exponentiation by squaring with large exponents for calculating huge powers.
How we see the binary patterns...
1101011010101010101101010 (big)
10110100101010010101 (medium)
1 (small)
How a 32bit computer sees the binary patterns...
00000001101011010101010101101010 32bit,
00000000000010110100101010010101 32bit,
00000000000000000000000000000001 i'm lovin it
On a 32bit system, all the above numbers will take the same time (no. of CPU instructions) to be added. As all of them fit within the basic computational block i.e. the 32bit CPU register.
How a 16bit computer sees the binary patterns...
+1 = ?
0000000000000001 i'm lovin it
0000000000000001 i'm lovin it
+00000000000010110100101010010101 = ?
00000001101011010101010101101010 too BIG for me!
00000000000010110100101010010101 too BIG for me!
On a 16bit system, as the larger numbers will NOT fit in a 16bit register, it will need an additional pass(to add the significant bits that remain after the first 16LSBs are added).
Step1: ADD Least significant bits
Step2: ADD the rest (remember carry bit from previous operation)
We can start thinking of optimising the mathematical operations on
numbers once the numbers no longer fit in the basic computation unit
of the system i.e. the CPU-register.
Modern hardware architectures are developed keeping this in mind and support SIMD instructions. Compilers will often employ them (SSE on x86, NEON on ARM) when they see such a case being made i.e. 128bit decryption logic being run on a 32bit system.
Also instead of checking ONLY the size of the operands, the size of the result also determines whether the system can accomplish the mathematical operation within one step. Not only the operands involved, but the operation being performed needs to be taken into consideration as well.
For example, on a 32bit system, adding two 30bit numbers can be definitely carried out using the regular operations as the result is guaranteed to NOT exceed a 32bit register. But multiplying the same two 30bit numbers may result in a number that does NOT fit within 32bits.
In the absence of such a guarantee of being able to store the result in a single computational unit, to ensure validity of the result for all possible values, the architecture(and the compiler) must :
go the long way i.e. multi-step mathematical operations
employ SIMD optimisations
define and implement custom mechanisms
(like register-pairs EDX:EAX to hold the result on x86)
In practice, there's no (or completely negligible) difference between adding different integers that fit in the processor words as that should always be a fixed-time operation.
In theory, the complexity for adding two unsigned integers should be O(log(n)) where n is the bigger of the two. As such, you need to go pretty high before mere additions become a problem.
As for where exactly to draw the line between simple and complex algorithms for computing numbers, I don't have an exact answer. However, the GMP library comes to mind. From what I understand, they've carefully chosen their algorithms and under what circumstances to use each in terms of performance. You may want to look into what they did.
I somewhat disagree with the above answers. It very much depends on the context.
For simple integer arithmetic (for loop counters etc), then on 64bit machines that computation will be done using 64bit general purpose registers (RSI/RCX/etc). In those cases, there is no difference in speed between an 8bit or 64bit addition.
If however you are processing arrays of integers, and assuming the compiler has been able to optimise the code nicely, then yes, smaller is faster (but not for the reason you think).
In the AVX2 instruction set, you have access to 4 integer addition instructions:
__m256i _mm256_add_epi8 (__m256i a, __m256i b); // 32 x 8bit
__m256i _mm256_add_epi16(__m256i a, __m256i b); // 16 x 16bit
__m256i _mm256_add_epi32(__m256i a, __m256i b); // 8 x 32bit
__m256i _mm256_add_epi64(__m256i a, __m256i b); // 4 x 64bit
You'll notice that all of them operate on 256bits at a time, which means you can process 4 integer additions if you're using 64bit, compared to 32 additions if you are using 8bit integers. (As mentioned above, you'd need to make sure you have enough precision). They all take the same number of clock cycles to compute - 1clk.
There are also other effects of using smaller data types, which are mainly better CPU cache usage, and a reduced number of memory reads/writes.
However, back to your original question on bit-by-bit computation. Prior to the new AVX-512 instruction set, it might not have seemed a little silly. However, the new instruction set contains a ternary logic instruction. With this instruction, it is possible to compute 512 additions on numbers of any bit length fairly easily.
inline __m512i add(__m512i x, __m512i x, __m512i carry_in)
return _mm512_ternarylogic_epi32(carry_in, y, x, 0x96);
inline __m512i adc(__m512i x, __m512i x, __m512i carry_in)
return _mm512_ternarylogic_epi32(carry_in, y, x, 0xE8);
__m512i A[NUM_BITS];
__m512i B[NUM_BITS];
__m512i CARRY = _mm512_setzero_ps();
for(int i = 0; i < NUM_BITS; ++i)
RESULT[i] = add(A[i], B[i], CARRY);
CARRY = adc(A[i], B[i], CARRY);
In this particular example (which to be honest, probably has very limited real world usage!), The time it takes to perform the 512 additions, is indeed directly proportional to NUM_BITS.

Tips for improving performance of a 2d image 'tracing' CUDA kernel?

Can you give me some tips to optimize this CUDA code?
I'm running this on a device with compute capability 1.3 (I need it for a Tesla C1060 although I'm testing it now on a GTX 260 which has the same compute capability) and I have several kernels like the one below. The number of threads I need to execute this kernel is given by long SUM and depends on size_t M and size_t N which are the dimensions of a rectangular image received as parameter it can vary greatly from 50x50 to 10000x10000 in pixels or more. Although I'm mostly interested in working the bigger images with Cuda.
Now each image has to be traced in all directions and angles and some computations must be done over the values extracted from the tracing. So, for example, for a 500x500 image I need 229080 threads computing that kernel below which is the value of SUM (that's why I check that the thread id idHilo doesn't go over it). I copied several arrays into the global memory of the device one after another since I need to access them for the calculations all of length SUM. Like this
So each value of every array can be accessed by one thread. All are done before the kernel calls. According to the Cuda Profiler on Nsight the highest memcopy duration is 246.016 us for a 500x500 image so that is not taking so long.
But the kernels like the one I copied below are taking too long for any practical use (3.25 seconds according to the Cuda profiler for the kernel below for a 500x500 image and 5.052 seconds for the kernel with the highest duration) so I need to see if I can optimize them.
I arrange the data this way
First the block dimension
dim3 dimBlock(256,1,1);
then the number of blocks per Grid
dim3 dimGrid((SUM+255)/256);
For a number of 895 blocks for a 500x500 image.
I'm not sure how to use coalescing and shared memory in my case or even if it's a good idea to call the kernel several times with different portions of the data. The data is independent one from the other so I could in theory call that kernel several times and not with the 229080 threads all at once if needs be.
Now take into account that the outer for loop
depends on
the value of which depends on each thread but most threads have similar values for it.
According to the Cuda Profiler the Global Store Efficiency is of 0.619 and the Global Load Efficiency is 0.951 for this kernel. Other kernels have similar values .
Is that good? bad? how can I interpret those values? Sadly the devices of compute capability 1.3 don't provide other useful info for assessing the code like the Multiprocessor and Kernel Memory or Instruction analysis. The only results I get after the analysis is "Low Global Memory Store Efficiency" and "Low Global Memory Load Efficiency" but I'm not sure how I can optimize those.
void __global__ t21_trazo(long SUM,int cT, double Bn, size_t M, size_t N, float* imagen_cuda, double* vector_trazo_cuda, long* xb_cuda, long* yb_cuda, long* xinc_cuda, long* yinc_cuda, long* tbegin_cuda, long* tendbegin_cuda){
long xi;
long yi;
int t;
int k;
int a;
int ji;
long idHilo=blockIdx.x*blockDim.x+threadIdx.x;
int neighborhood[31];
int v=0;
xi = xb_cuda[idHilo] + floor((double)t*xinc_cuda[idHilo]);
yi = yb_cuda[idHilo] + floor((double)t*yinc_cuda[idHilo]);
if(fabs((double)neighborhood[v]) < M && fabs((double)ji)<N)
if(tendbegin_cuda[idHilo]>30 && v==30){
Changing the DP flops for SP flops only slightly improved the duration. Loop unrolling the inner loops practically didn't help.
Sorry for the unstructured answer, I'm just going to throw out some generally useful comments with references to your code to make this more useful to others.
Algorithm changes are always number one for optimizing. Is there another way to solve the problem that requires less math/iterations/memory etc.
If precision is not a big concern, use floating point (or half precision floating point with newer architectures). Part of the reason it didn't affect your performance much when you briefly tried is because you're still using double precision calculations on your floating point data (fabs takes double, so if you use with float, it converts your float to a double, does double math, returns a double and converts to float, use fabsf).
If you don't need to use the absolute full precision of float use fast math (compiler option).
Multiply is much faster than divide (especially for full precision/non-fast math). Calculate 1/var outside the kernel and then multiply instead of dividing inside kernel.
Don't know if it gets optimized out, but you should use increment and decrement operators. v=v-1; could be v--; etc.
Casting to an int will truncate toward zero. floor() will truncate toward negative infinite. you probably don't need explicit floor(), also, floorf() for float as above. when you use it for the intermediate computations on integer types, they're already truncated. So you're converting to double and back for no reason. Use the appropriately typed function (abs, fabs, fabsf, etc.)
if(fabs((double)neighborhood[v]) < M && fabs((double)ji)<N)
change to
if(abs(neighborhood[v]) < M && abs(ji)<N)
change to
vector_trazo_cuda[20+idHilo*31] +=
xi = xb_cuda[idHilo] + floor((double)t*xinc_cuda[idHilo]);
change to
xi = xb_cuda[idHilo] + t*xinc_cuda[idHilo];
The above line is needlessly complicated. In essence you are doing this,
convert t to double,
convert xinc_cuda to double and multiply,
floor it (returns double),
convert xb_cuda to double and add,
convert to long.
The new line will store the same result in much, much less time (also better because if you exceed the precision of double in the previous case, you would be rounding to a nearest power of 2). Also, those four lines should be outside the for don't need to recompute them if they don't depend on t. Together, i wouldn't be surprised if this cuts your run time by a factor of 10-30.
Your structure results in a lot of global memory reads, try to read once from global, handle calculations on local memory, and write once to global (if at all possible).
Compile with -lineinfo always. Makes profiling easier, and i haven't been able to assess any overhead whatsoever (using kernels in the 0.1 to 10ms execution time range).
Figure out with the profiler if you're compute or memory bound and devote time accordingly.
Try to allow the compiler use registers when possible, this is a big topic.
As always, don't change everything at once. I typed all this out with compiling/testing so i may have an error.
You may be running too many threads simultaneously. The optimum performance seems to come when you run the right number of threads: enough threads to keep busy, but not so many as to over-fragment the local memory available to each simultaneous thread.
Last fall I built a tutorial to investigate optimization of the Travelling Salesman problem (TSP) using CUDA with CUDAFY. The steps I went through in achieving a several-times speed-up from a published algorithm may be useful in guiding your endeavours, even though the problem domain is different. The tutorial and code is available at CUDA Tuning with CUDAFY.

How do I translate this range coding C++ snippet to performant Haskell?

I know enough Haskell to translate the code below, but I don't know much about making it perform well:
typedef unsigned long precision;
typedef unsigned char uc;
const int kSpaceForByte = sizeof(precision) * 8 - 8;
const int kHalfPrec = sizeof(precision) * 8 / 2;
const precision kTop = ((precision)1) << kSpaceForByte;
const precision kBot = ((precision)1) << kHalfPrec;
//This must be called before encoding starts
void RangeCoder::StartEncode(){
_low = 0;
_range = (precision) -1;
RangeCoder does not concern itself with models of the data.
To encode each symbol, you pass the parameters *cumFreq*, which gives
the cumulative frequency of the possible symbols ordered before this symbol,
*freq*, which gives the frequency of this symbol. And *totFreq*, which gives
the total frequency of all symbols.
This means that you can have different frequency distributions / models for
each encoded symbol, as long as you can restore the same distribution at
this point, when restoring.
void RangeCoder::Encode(precision cumFreq, precision freq, precision totFreq){
assert(cumFreq + freq <= totFreq && freq && totFreq <= kBot);
_low += cumFreq * (_range /= totFreq);
_range *= freq;
while ((_low ^ _low + _range) < kTop or
_range < kBot and ((_range= -_low & kBot - 1), 1)){
//the "a or b and (r=..,1)" idiom is a way to assign r only if a is false.
OutByte(_low >> kSpaceForByte); //output one byte.
_range <<= sizeof(uc) * 8;
_low <<= sizeof(uc) * 8;
I know, I know "Write several versions and use criterion to see what works". I don't know enough to know what my options are though, or to avoid silly mistakes.
Here are my thoughts so far. One way would be to use the State monad and/or lenses. Another would be to translate the loop and state to explicit recursion. I read somewhere that explicit recursion tends to performs badly on ghc though. I think using ByteString Builder would be a good way to output each byte. Assuming I run on a 64 bit platform, should I use unboxed Word64 arguments? The compression quality will not decrease significantly if I decrease the precision to 32 bits. Will GHC optimize better for this?
Since this is not a 1-1 mapping, pipes with StateP would lead to very neat code, where I would request arguments one at a time and then let the while-loop respond byte for byte. Unfortunately, when i benchmarked it, it seems the pipe overhead (unsurprisingly) is quite large. Since each symbol can lead to many byte outputs, it feels a bit like a concatMap with State. Perhaps this would be the idiomatic solution? Concatenating lists of bytes does not sound very fast to me, though. ByteString has a concatMap. Perhaps this is the correct way? EDIT: no it is not. It takes a ByteString as input.
I intend to release the package on Hackage when I'm done, so any advice (or actual code!) you can give will benefit the community :). I plan to use this compression as a base for writing a very memory efficient compressed map.
I read somewhere that explicit recursion tends to performs badly on ghc though.
No. GHC produce slow machine code for recursion, which couldn't be reduced (or GHC "don't want" to reduce). If recursion could be unrolled (I don't see any fundamential problems with it in your snippet), it is translated to almost the same machine code as while-loop in C or C++.
Assuming I run on a 64 bit platform, should I use unboxed Word64 arguments? The compression quality will not decrease significantly if I decrease the precision to 32 bits. Will GHC optimize better for this?
Do you mean Word#? Let GHC to deal with it, use boxed types. I've never met a situation when some profit could be achived only by using unboxed types. Using 32bit types wouldn't help on 64bit platform.
One general rule of optimizing performance for GHC is avoiding data structures where possible. If you can pass pieces of data through function arguments or closures, use the chance.

Why is comparing double faster than uint64?

I analysed the following program using Matlab's profile. Both double and uint64 are 64-bit variables. Why is comparing two double much faster than comparing two uint64? Aren't they both compared bitwise?
big = 1000000;
a = uint64(randi(100,big,1));
b = uint64(randi(100,big,1));
c = uint64(zeros(big,1));
for i=1:big
if a(i) == b(i)
c(i) = c(i) + 1;
a = randi(100,big,1);
b = randi(100,big,1);
c = zeros(big,1);
for i=1:big
if a(i) == b(i)
c(i) = c(i) + 1;
This is the measurement of profile:
This is what tictoc measures:
Elapsed time is 6.259040 seconds.
Elapsed time is 0.015387 seconds.
The effect disappears when uint8..uint32 or int8..int32 are used instead of 64-bit data types.
It's probably a combination of the Matlab interpreter and the underlying CPU not supporting 64-bit int types as well as the others.
Matlab favors double over int operations. Most values are stored in double types, even if they represent integer values. The double and int == operations will take different code paths, and MathWorks will have spent a lot more attention on tuning and optimizing the code for double than for ints, especially int64. In fact, older versions of Matlab did not support arithmetic operations on int64 at all. (And IIRC, it still doesn't support mixed-integer math.) When you do int64 math, you're using less mature, less tuned code, and the same may apply to ==. Int types are not a priority in Matlab. The presence of the int64 may even interfere with the JIT optimizing that code, but that's just a guess.
But there might be an underlying hardware reason for this too. Here's a hypothesis: if you're on 32-bit x86, you're working with 32-bit general purpose (integer) registers. That means the smaller int types can fit in a register and be compared using fast instructions, but the 64-bit int values won't fit in a register, and may take more expensive instruction sequences to compare. The doubles, even though they are 64 bits wide, will fit in the wide floating-point registers of the x87 floating point unit, and can be compared in hardware using fast floating-point comparison instructions. This means the [u]int64s are the only ones that can't be compared using fast single-register, single-instruction operations.
If that's the case, if you run this same code on 64-bit x86-64 (in 64-bit Matlab), the difference may disappear because you then have 64-bit wide general purpose registers. But then again, it may not, if the Matlab interpreter's code isn't compiled to take advantage of it.

Represent 10000 booleans using only 10000 bits

I want to represent 10000 bits of information.(Each can be either one or zero). Is there any way I can do this?
Wikipedia explains a bit hack to achieve this. But then it asks me to have a number that's as large as 2^10000 for storing 10000 bits.
Is there some way that's tractable even for storing large number of bits?
As wikipedia explains, a bit field is an appropriate choice here. a bit field that can hold 10,000 bits has 2^10000 states.
A good choice for doing this (given that integers are 32/64 bits) is a bit vector, which is asked about and explained in excruciating detail here:
bit vector implementation of set in Programming Pearls, 2nd Edition
The general idea is that you use an array of integers which are used as bit fields.
You can make bool take 1 bit for example if you have a bunch of them eg. in a struct, like this:
struct A
bool a:1, b:1, c:1, d:1, e:1;
Above method won't be useful if the number of variables are large. So instead create an array of integers of size 10000/4*8. It will create exactly 10000 bits. Now you can access each bit by using offset and << or >>(like for accessing 55th bit, use floor(55/4*8) and >>55%32. you can reach that bit).
In C++ you can do this very simply, using one of two standard library containers:
This specialization of a standard vector acts (almost) like any other vector, but compresses its contents to one bit per element. Aside from enjoying that fact, you can just treat it like a vector:
// Create a vector of 10000 booleans
std::vector<bool> lots_of_bits(10000);
// Set all the odd ones to true
for (int i = 1; i < lots_of_bits.size(); i += 2) {
lots_of_bits[i] = true;
// Add another 100 trues at the end
for (int j = 0; j < 100; ++j) {
// etc.
The "new, improved" bit vector which does not pretend to be a standard container. In particular, it's of fixed size and you need to know the size at compile time. That can be a bit restrictive, but it's otherwise a pretty useful class. Like std::vector<bool>, it implements the [] operator for getting and setting individual bits. It also supports the bitwise logical operators &, |, '^' and ~ (and, or, xor and not), as well as left and right bitshifts, and some other utilities.
Is your concern that accessing bit number n requires shifting n times? If so, you can make the problem tractable by dividing your 10,000 bits into 10,000 / 8 buckets using an array of characters (assuming C or C++ here). Now you can access bit number n by figuring out what bucket that bit is in (n / 8) and then what position within the bucket (n % 8). Then you just do the masking. No extra storage required (except the padding at the end, so a few extra bits if you don't have a perfect multiple of 32 bits).
